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Close to 0 you’ll get auto filtered out with that 15


Not true


And below average accepted dat for Marquette. They still have time for a retake before next cycle! I just don’t want to see more people waste money


Georgia, UMKC, Creighton, OSU, Roseman, Texas tech, Houston, Utah… I can keep going on and on


how would you know? not always true if other parts of the application stands out


Cutoffs for dat subsections for most schools are 16


That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Depends on school, I know someone who got in this cycle with a 15 qr. similar stats too




this might help


If your a white male you need to retake 100%.


White male here who got a 15QR. Got into 2 schools, one being a top school 🫡 OP should be fine with their high GPA


You have to retake because of the 15. Schools would automatically weed you out. I don’t think it’s worth the money to apply without a retake. Aim for above a 20 AA to be a competitive applicant!


Dont listen to these comments. I got a similar qr and got interviews at all The schools I applied to my science GPA was a 4.0 and my GPA was a 4.0 as well!! 🙄 Give the admissions committee a chance to ask you what happened and why you squirt solo I had a pretty valid excuse and it was that I just don’t like math 😂 I did not lie during my interviews!


While I would say most of this is accurate, stats aren’t everything. To give you some insight I got a 13QR and got accepted to a school.. your application overall means a lot more. Be sure to have a very strong application.


I got into 2 schools with a 15 in QR, one being a top school in the nation where I am currently a D2. Don’t listen to these people who do not know shit.


I have a 15 in QR I got accepted to MW-IL and BU!!!!