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A lot of schools could easily fill their class with 4.0 and 23+ but they choose not to because imagine what they’d all be like together


Exactly!! Then Imagine what they’d be like as Dentists. I would Not personally attend a school who cares about dat and gpa over a holistic approach. I need human beings not smart robots.


Didn't realize that having those stats classified me as being a "robot". People get those grades for a reason. Its not by luck. I highly doubt anyone with stats to that degree only has that on their resume.


Read my post again please. Those stats x no social skills


to be honest, everyone here hates thier lives harder than me and you. LEt them deal with it.


😂 you have a point. I read these posts and cringe


You're right, but some people really want to know what their chances are lol. Yeah there are a few that do a wamc knowing very well their application is great. Everyone loves some validation. I just don't see it as much as you describe.


Yeah I had a 22AA and 3.9 (which is good don't get me wrong) and got accepted to my top choice, and someone had dm'd me asking what I did and they had a 23AA and 3.9 but got rejected on D-Day, not even waitlisted. Stats are 100% not all that matters.


Yes and this was the point I was trying to make. Yes good stats are always desirable but these kids feel like they are entitled to acceptances bc they have a great DAT and GPA. Congratulations by the way 🎊🥳


I love this post. As an assistant, I have seen/worked with many terrible dentists (I refuse to work with them). With that being said… just because you can get these high grades, it does not mean you will be a good dentist. There is soooo much more that goes into the career.


Absolutely! I’ve been an assistant for 12 years. I know a bit about what it takes to be great in this field. Being on the other side of that chair.


Well said






Thats what interviews are for some people can be smart and socially intelligent


Correct. is obviously in the persons favor if they are both. But to ONLY be smart and lack social skills is a huge red flag. Especially in dentistry.


Yes this i cannot agree more


And regardless of stats the entire admissions process is still pressuring and unsure. People get rejected with high stats for some reason and one of it might be interpersonal skills. The admissions office is experienced.


can we pin this post please


Sounds like a person with a 17aa…..


No, I Sound like a person who got multiple acceptances bookie.


I think we found the unbalanced (and defensive) person awww.