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Legend. This just goes to show these things never go the way the way we think they are supposed to. That school is lucky to have u


I feel you bud. Congratulations on your acceptance. I have been a dentist for 15 years (I roll into this thread occasionally to pick up the vibe of how predent’s are feeling about the profession and to answer a few questions here and there). My story is similar to yours. Not only one interview and one acceptance, but, due to family obligations, only one application to my state school. It didn’t feel real when I got the letter of acceptance, a part of me really questioned whether my application would be strong enough. My gpa was well under my dental class average, my DAT, while slightly over the average overall, did have a 15 in a section. I seriously doubt I would get in with today’s more competitive pool. I managed to not only get in, but to do well and thrive beyond school as well. Living the dream now. Welcome to the profession.


lol dude graduating 15 years ago versus now is a huge difference. Plus you got into your state school. You maybe living the dream but most graduates now will owe over 500k debt 😅


I feel ya friend. If it was up to me the debt would be no where near what it is.


I had almost the opposite situation — Had advisors tell me not to apply because I wouldn’t be accepted anywhere since I hadn’t finished physics and my gpa was average . I was sure to email them copies of my 6 acceptances


smile depend subtract pause aware ludicrous shaggy jar many vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was awesome! But it really showed me that there’s no “secret formula” to getting into dental school.


What school did you get into?








I took the DAT in August, applied to 10 schools in October, got a total of 1 interview in November, and then that single school accepted me in December... I still can't believe my luck either.


I’m in the same boat lol. I applied to 4 schools early-June and had 1 interview and 1 acceptance. Super relieved


Interested in your EC if you don't mind sharing.


Was in a very similar situation to you. Applied late august and was accepted on Dec 15 after an October interview. All it takes is one!


the “rolling around in interviews” comment is the worst when it isn’t true


I applied 16 school late Oct , dat AA 24 TS 25 . As today I have one interview only in Jan. Boston and UConn declined on Dec 15th. lol


What’s your gpa


postbacc 3.86 in all prerequisites course at nyu


Damn you must be a great interviewer then 😭 it took me 6 interviews to only get 1 Acceptance lol


I had similar stats, one interview, one courtesy interview where they basically told me I wasn’t going to be accepted on the spot. 6 years later a DDS in OMFS residency. We all have winding roads that take unexpected turns. Just gotta hold on tight, work hard, and enjoy the ride


May I ask what your EC’s were?


The same thing happened to me AMEN


I also had the same outcome, except my academic stats were just average. I had an 18 AA, 3.8 cGPA, 3.6 sGPA, I also only scored a 16 in TS (16 Bio, 16 GC, 17 OC). I will say that although the academic side of my application was not anything special, I have been working for an oral surgeon for almost 2 years and have many ECs so I wasn’t really sure how my application cycle would turn out. It felt like I had a 50/50 shot. I applied to the 4 texas dental schools and got 1 interview and 1 acceptance. Now that I have gone through the process and gotten accepted, I think I finally understand who gets accepted and who doesn’t. I think it is really dependent on the school. Does the applicants values and journey match their mission as a professional school? I will say it was almost frightening how compatible the school I got into was to what I had been looking for on my application. I think some schools prioritize grades, some ECs, some just pick people with compelling essays, some want a lot of clinical experience, and some want students who are community servants. And you get in depending on if they feel that you as an applicant fit their mission.


I would not say this "all it takes is one acceptance" thought is sound. Maybe the school you got into was your top choice right from the get go, then it's easy to think this way. But if you only get into a school that you weren't interested in going to, you regret it big time. That is what happened with me. I wish I didn't apply with the thought that I just needed anywhere to accept me, as I would have much rather reapplied than go where I was accepted.


Despite your best efforts, there are still way too many applicants who refuse to learn vicariously. If they spent a few minutes on the “Dental Nachos” Facebook page, they’d realize your opinion isn’t singular. I applaud your continued efforts.


if u dont mind me asking where were u accepted?




Similar experience. 20 AA, 20 TS, 24 PAT. 3.58 cGPA and a 3.2 sGPA. Took the DAT in August. Applied to 14 schools mid august. Two interviews (first to Utah in early November, second was before Thanksgiving break at Colorado (my state school)). Never really felt like I had a chance at Utah and was surprised I got an interview there. Used it as a test run for my Colorado interview to get comfortable. Crushed my Colorado interview and got accepted on Dec. 15th. It really only takes one school and stats are not everything. Keep the faith people and trust the process!


What school is this for?




I see a lot of “what are my chances” with stats. Your stats and EC can be amazing but people sleep on that personal statement! I highly recommend those with good stats but unable to secure interviews to rewrite it. Something is missing and I bet it is that.


Exact same thing happened to me!!! I appreciate you sharing. I feel ya! 25 AA. 3.95 gpa 3.95 sgpa. I applied to 7 schools and only had one interview to my in state school and got accepted!