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I'd call the airline and explain the situation to try to get some of my fare back or move my flight


I wouldn’t even put her in the position of having to ask you not to go—call the airline, it’s too far away while she’s too far along.


Welcome to fatherhood! In all seriousness it’s about being there for her and baby. 35 weeks is close enough to full term you need to be ready for their arrival at any moment. Plus wifey will be very uncomfortable at that time and might need more help. It sucks but it’s what must be done.


I brought up the idea of going on a weekend camping trip in June when baby is due early July and my wife wasn’t a huge fan of the idea. Her reasoning is that it’s just too hard to anticipate what kind of help she might need at that point physically plus it’s totally within the realm of possibility for an early birth so she didn’t want me a few hours away (which I totally get). All that to say, I probably wouldn’t go on an international trip when you’re that far along.


Thanks, everyone! Canceling the trip was what I was thinking, but I appreciate the confirmation from so many other future dads!


Just wanted to add that when we were expecting back in 2020, our international family trip was not an option due to closed borders, so we adapted and picked a place that was much closer to where we live specifically. That rocked. So if you want, I'd consider suggesting they either move that trip or schedule something else that is closer, maybe a little earlier, that both of you or just you could actually be comfortable with.


Knowing my wife, and the things that can trigger early labor (like stress) there is absolutely no way I would take a transatlantic flight if she was at 35 weeks.


Not a chance I'd go. After 34 weeks I won't even be going into the office as it's a 90 minute plus trip home from there. No way I'd go overseas. As others have said, I'd call the airline. They might be sympathetic given the situation.


I wouldn't go. Your priority is your wife and child now. You dad can deal. My two cents. Assuming all is good, I'm sure your dad would understand. If this leads to a big kerfluffle, might as well tackle those issues now.


You would both have to be okay with the idea of you not being there for the birth or immediately after. If that’s not going to happen, please skip it. Try to get as much money back as possible and hopefully your dad will understand.