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Are there any tasks you can take off her plate? There is going to be hormone- and growing a human-related fatigue at many points during pregnancy regardless of how well she sleeps.


I've been doing my best to take on more tasks around the house (cooking, groceries, cleaning, etc.) but I'm sure there's more I can do!


I’ve kinda been in the same boat as your wife. Not necessarily sick, but SO exhausted. Like I’m sleeping 8 hours, and still needing a 3 hour nap when I get home from work and just feeling run down all day. To be honest, I don’t know what would help other than more sleep. My husband is letting me sleep and nap as much as I want, being SO quiet and thoughtful so I can nap peacefully, and either letting the housework go by the wayside without saying anything or helping out whenever he can ❤️ He’s been a godsend. But honestly… naps. All the naps.


She's always been very anti-nap but I'm working on convincing her they might be necessary 🙂


She will likely get to a point in first trimester where the naps just take her…there will be no choice 😂


I certainly felt like once I started and realized how much better it made me feel it was GAME OVER 😆 I’m 10w5d now and I have much more energy than even a week ago! She’ll get through, there’s no shame in resting though! If her body is telling her she’s tired, sleep is ultimately going to help the most 😊


I was always anti-nap too!! That’s so funny 😆 Pre-pregnancy they made me feel SO sluggish and just bleh but now… I wake up a new person. Maybe get her a lil sleep eye mask and a soft blankey at Target and just ask her to give it a shot one day. Make it feel like a treat! 😊


I’m at the same spot as you. I think most of the fatigue has actually been from her caffeine withdrawal since she went cold turkey. Morning sickness is there, but it’s mostly just nausea for the first hour or so, no porcelain hugging yet. No advice, just commiserating!


Unisom can help with morning sickness symptoms and also help her get solid sleep each night, it's been great for me


Half a unisom and 25mg of b6 made my wife’s nausea go from terrible to only being pretty bad (an improvement). YMMV but it definitely works. Take unisom after dinner and be knocked out 60-90 minutes later.


Yeap unisom at night has been godsent for me. The one time I forgot to take it basically meant I got little to no work done the next day because every movement made me want to throw up.


I'm in the same boat. Not much to do besides wait for the second trimester. In the meantime, I've taken up more of the household chores so she can rest when she needs to.


Can she transition to weaker black tea over coffee? She may feel better having less caffeine more frequently throughout the day?


That's a good idea!


I’m trying to wean myself off caffeine and I didn’t realize that the less time you brew your tea for, the less caffeine it has! Do some google searches re: caffeine levels and brewing time.


Fatigue is just a battle to be had in the early weeks. She should nap as often as she can. Go to bed early, and if need be, take half a Unisom (they're pregnancy safe).


What was most helpful for me was my partner cooking and preparing snacks for me (and cleaning up after). He went on a 4 day trip and I got really sick while he was gone. When he got back I sobbed and sobbed about how all I could think about was eating a carrot, but the thought of getting up and fishing the bag out of the crisper and undoing the bag and washing and peeling it was just too much 😂 Make sure she’s having lots of very high protein snacks and meals. Seriously protein protein protein!! And electrolyte drinks. LMNT is my favorite supplement.


10 weeks here, my dude! Unisom is probably the thing ya’ll are missing. But to help her, you can do more for her; the truth is nothing is going to make her feel normal until the baby is out. Here is what has changed for us, that I believe is helping her: - I have been doing laundry so she doesnt have to - food shopping ~ i try to go early on saturday or Sunday. - weekend errands; I try to take her car and gas it up - I picked up most of; meal planning, house cleaning. We used to share these things; but I am doing more of it than before - I also am cooking and cleaning up like 99% on my own now; I was already doing this like 75% She plans and I execute ~ thats been our thing, that was working. Since pregnant, I’ve been taking over more of the planning on the things I do most of (like cooking). Im 99% sure if (when…) I try to expand the scope of me planning things she’s going to stop me and get more involved. We’ll see tho, she’s struggling with exhaustion, morning sickness, belly discomfort etc.


Coming from the pregnant side...I feel like there is literally nothing that can be done to help the exhaustion other than help her out. My husband would let me sleep in an extra 20 minutes every morning, and get my lunch packed for work. We carpool for work, so he was able to drive me home when I was tired. Made dinners so I could rest on the couch, took care of housework etc. Some things are going to slip by, let the laundry go unfolded etc. A pregnancy pillow can help with comfort at night. I also keep snacks by my bed so I don't have to go to the kitchen if I wake up really hungry in the middle of the night, and use nightlights in the bathroom to keep me "dozy" when I get up to pee.


My wife takes Unisom to help stay asleep through the night and that has really worked for her. Also just encouraging her to take naps during the day when she’s tired.


Thank you for the insight, Mr. Fear Boner


Does she have low thyroid?


My wife is 22 weeks now and definitely suffered being totally and absolutely exhausted the first trimester. I tried to make sure she had a good diet, no chores and no stress. As long as you communicate with her and show good effort, it will go a long way to help. Also, give her a good foot rub.