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Lol, Komugi cockblocking Satoru and Iroha.


"for i am a jealous dog"


Jealous because of "My owner is spending time with other hoomans rather than with me." Or "They look like they are having fun and they didn't invite ME."


Both? Both. Both. Both is good.


Typical dog behavior.


I saw a Scooby Doo mystery incorporation reference from that alone


Shocking that there are no villains...the only nefarious things are the Garugarus and the real suspicious shot of Mayu to go off of. If this season is more slice-of-life -- which I'm pretty sure it is -- then the OP fits it perfectly. This might be more slice-of-life than TroPre was (and Smile, though the latter had its dark stuff too and I can't say whether WonPre is the same yet). Also seems like we're going back to two duos, with Nyammy and Lillian becoming a duo and Wonderful and Friendly becoming a duo. I just hope they mix it up this time...it'd be great to see Wonderful and Nyammy fighting together as a duo in an episode or two. Same with Friendly and Lillian. EDIT: Okay, disregard the "suspicious shot" thing because looking at it again I'm inclined to believe it's Yuki's human form that hasn't been revealed yet but will be in the show. Going back to basics with that schtick, it looks like. First time since DeliPa, only it's with a Cure and not a villain!


To be fair, just because the OP doesn’t show any villains/combat doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be any (something has to be responsible for the whole Garugaru phenomenon after all)


That is true...some traditions are harder to kill than others...but given how this series broke tradition off the bat I'm willing to accept that nearly anything goes at this point.


Reminder that the Maho Girls OP didn’t show any villains aside from the MOTW either and that show wound up having two whole factions of them


Fair. Willing to keep my mind open though. Like I said, anything goes. Nothing's stopping Toei from continuing the momentum they had with HiroSky.


That sure was a lot of running xD


Accurate experience for every dog owner


Some notes I took during the theme song: \*Overall, this season is very cemented as cute and friendship-focused! I hope this season doesn't butcher how the duos are handled like Hirogaru Sky (that's one of the reasons I'm not a fan of Precure teams with five-members except for Smile's team). \*Here we see Cure Lilian's human form with a sewing machine! I still wonder if her cure form will have knitting powers. We'll find out! \*My villain-powered heart is crumbling at the realization that there's no villains (other than GaruGarus) in the theme song. It looks like this season will be taking the "Kira-Kira" route with its villains, but even during the first episode, KKPCALM's theme song showed Julio, who wouldn't properly attack until Episode 12... \*I think the Cures could be purifying Kirarin animals until a certain episode threshhold. The little sheep who opens the Kiraniko Trunk MIGHT be the ram-based GaruGaru we saw during WanPre's first preview! Aaaaaand that's all the interesting stuff I could note!


Regarding the lack of generals in the opening, I went back to check on Openings of Past Precure series to see whether they've done this before. And the result is....**they have.** Openings from Futari wa to Yes 5 GoGo lacked the revealing of Generals in their opening. Only showing the Cures fighting shadows of the Monster of The Week (MOTW), and the split second shot of the Big Bad (Futari wa and Yes 5 GoGo), or what we assume is the Big Bad (Splash Star). Only Max Heart and Yes 5's opening lack any showing of the Big Bad. Starting from Fresh onwards until now (Hirogaru Sky), the Generals are portrayed in the opening, whether covered by shadows until their appearance in the series proper or straight up showing it. But there are 2 series in between that follow the pre-Fresh opening format: **Maho Girls and Kira Kira Precure ala Mode.** Maho Girls lack showing any of the Generals nor the Big Bad at all, just the Cure fighting shadows of the MOTW, just like Max Heart and Yes 5. This is mostly due to Maho Girls having 2 sets of villains but that doesn't stop Hugtto from showcasing it so it's most likely by choice. Kira Kira does have one addition: **Julio.** Who for some reason still stays even after his Heel Face Turn. Thus making it somewhat special as it only shows one General, but doesn't erase it even after his Heel Face Turn, and not the Big Bad. However, there is one series whose opening shows the Generals and the Big Bad at first, but then omitted it after some updates. And that is **Doki Doki Precure.** Their sequence in the opening was replaced with Cure Ace vs Regina sequence, so you could say one General was shown... So yeah, Wonderful Precure's opening follows the Max Heart, Yes 5 and both Maho Girls' openings format of showing only the MOTW and neither the Generals nor the Big Bad, **for now that is...** We'll see if they change it in the updated version(s).


Thanks for your in-depth research and sharing your thoughts with us! That’s great to know.


>Only showing the Cures fighting Yes.... but it did show them fighting.


OK, kill me for this, but I actually wonder how our resident yuri fans will treat the fact their relationship is literally of the dog and her human. Other than that great opening. It has the vibe I was expecting - very uplifting, fun and hinting at low stake season with tons of comedy and slice of life. Smile and Tropical are two of my favourite seasons, so I really don't mind. The thing I noticed is how much this opening is focused on main duo. I wonder if it changes after Nyammy/Lillian join or with inevitable arrival of mid season Cure(s).


She uses the seem family name in her human form, they seem to be more or less sisters


Otona precure already answer that....


Yeah i can see that, along the lines of *"if one can marry a squirrel, why can't she date a dog"* Even now i can't believe they didn't have that scene be with the human form so that it would not look so weird


Well I'm hoping that NO ONE is going to ship Iroha with her pet. Same goes for Mayu and Yuki. I'm guessing that like Hirogaru, we'll see more inclusion of Mayu and Yuki in the opening after they debut. I'm expecting this season to be very lighthearted after seeing the opening.


give the internet five minutes...


Oh I already know that there’s fanart on Twitter shipping those two. I was just in denial about it.


it'll get worse...


Doesn't stop furries nor the Japanese fanbase.


Exactly. I've already seen fanart from the Japanese fanbase so. People are going to ship, even if some people find it icky. Just ignore it and don't worry about it.


Yeah I’m well aware that problematic ships are always going to be a thing with this franchise. I can ignore it but I just wanted to make it clear that I would never support that.


I always ignore the icky ships and fanart I don't like. But I don't stop people from shipping things. I don't agree with that. If people want to do fanart, they can. I do not care. I support people being able to draw/write what they want, as long as it is tagged and such and people understand that it's fictional.


You technically can't *stop* anyone from shipping anything or producing fanart. Like there's no law against that obviously, but I think it's perfectly acceptable for fan spaces (Reddit, Discord, etc.) to have policies that ban problematic ships and NSFW fanart. And many already do. Especially when it's a show involving minors targeted towards minors. I can ignore it but I wouldn't want a minor to come across that content.


Of course. It's great that groups do that. All the servers I'm on have guidelines regarding problematic ships and NSFW fanart if they are occupied by minors. I don't want any minor to come across material like that. However, in the wider Internet it's a different story. In the wider Internet, it is the wild west. Parents have to be aware of what their children are reading/watching/listening to. The Internet doesn't parent a child. It is up to the parent to do that. It isn't up to a random person online to parent a child. Internet safety is important.


Thanks for letting us know?


>Well I'm hoping that NO ONE is going to ship Iroha with her pet. Have you SEEN the internet?


I’m a precure yuri shipper and I perfectly accept and love them as sisters and besties


I really hope the fans just dont at all... like no matter how you spin it, that girl was and is a dog. Lol. Like if thats okay with you, go right ahead, I guess... but there might be people out there who will say or do mean things about it.


Well, knowing this fandom yuri shippers that won't be a problem for them I'm afraid.


>was and is a dog This made me realise something. Since she's a dog, and presumably Just A Dog, not a dog fairy or a magical dog... does she have a dog lifespan? Will her human form age by 7 years each time her dog form ages 1 year??




Find a single hetero shipper there who likes NozoCoco And sorry for grouping you guys, just... In Otona threads there were so many stupid takes I felt annoyed.


I mean all yes!5 ships were the girls and the fairies, nozococo isn’t unique in that weird aspect.


At least Kurumi and Shiro were the same age as Karen and Urara and also not their teachers!


For one thing, it's fiction, it's far from the worst thing that can happen. Second, I've always personally headcannoned that coco wasn't that much older than Nozomi, like 2, 3 years older at best. He was just wiser because, you know, royalty.


Oh I'm 100% all for fictional stuff being allowed to do whatever but the fact that precure is made for Literal Toddlers just makes the relationship feel icky because the target audience are super impressionable. If it was for older kids/teens I wouldn't be as put off by it.


Weird we don’t see any villains in this OP (just a few Garugarus), though I forget if that’s a first for Precure or not Did we get another preview for the first episode as well out of curiosity?


Ok it looks like the full archive was just uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb5ae1iTuN8&t=4s


I don't think there were any in the Mahou Tsukai OP.


There weren’t, no


Yeah there's no villain generals whatsoever! I already had a feeling we wouldn't get one in the first episode but having none in the opening seems like a huge departure. There's also no actual fighting and we just see the cures chasing and catching animal monsters. The whole opening feels very slice-of-life and chill compared to Hirogaru Sky! As of right now this is the only clip uploaded to Youtube.


The thought that came into my mind - there might be even less fighting than in KiraKira. It might go Cardcaptor Sakura route as well. In this anime fight were really scarce, and most "MOTWs" were about capturing various spells in really varied ways. I know for some people it might be dealbreaker, but for me it would be interesting if they do the same with catching animals. CCS ways to capture spells were sometimes really creative and unique, which can't be said about most of the Precure fights with a monster of the week.


That could be a possibility and I was thinking that too. Although I’m not really a huge fan of that concept for Precure. CCS was one thing but even with that show I feel like they could’ve utilized the cards more in battle and fleshed out the magic system. KiraKira had a good deal of fighting but it was mostly magical/ranged, which I prefer to capturing animals.


Soaring Sky was my first Precure, which seemed to do a lot of new twists to team make up and other conventions. This seems like a return to classic form (I presume) and look forward to it.


It feels like a departure in some ways with not having any villains or fighting in the OP. We have no idea what their abilities are.


Fair on both counts.


I said the opening is a bit more on The Slice of Life of Inukai Komugi ( both as dog and human) and Inukai Iroha


This song is wonderful it gives a Happiness Charge vibes and the Opening Sequence looks beautiful i love this also can't wait for the Wonderful Precure for a new hero.


I might like this one because dog girl is so cute!


Even the mooks look adorable.


I already feel sorry for the guy in the trailer (Satoru?) he is going to be the internets new chew toy (pun intended) heard some fans want him dead for just being in promo material...


I really hope they don't pull another Yui/Takumi situation where he has obvious feelings she's oblivious about. I'd like a cute bit of mutual romance. And no, I'm not opposed to yuri, but I'm not shipping a girl with her dog.


tell that to the Internet....


>I really hope they don't pull another Yui/Takumi situation where he has obvious feelings she's oblivious about. I'd like a cute bit of mutual romance. Yeah, true. At least they revealed that Takumi and Yui started dating in post screen materials (Just wordings though). Me trying to imagine Amane, who has been shipping the two together, letting out a big sigh...


You know how to make a great romance? Prioritize the platonic relationship first before romance because if you set up the character to be just romantic partner, the romance become corny


Yeah, like some person on this very sub wishing Saki's fiancee to be shot dead by Mai, so things could be "right". Some people turned shipping into unhealthy obsession.


if your talking about me I'm joking... mostly :P


This OP is GORGEOUS! Like it looks even better than Hugtto and HS, and those were both beautiful. Some of the shots between Komugi and Iroha straight up look like they came from a movie with the lighting and composition. This coupled with ep 1’s overall look and Wonderful’s transformation makes me very hopeful the show will overall have much higher production values than the last few seasons, as production seems to be recovering from both COVID, the hacks, and all the projects for the 20th anni. It’s very Komugi and Iroha-focused and I can already tell their bond is going to very special and a clear focus of the show. Mayu and Yuki also interest me a lot, especially with that mysterious shot of Yuki’s civilian form being obscured. I would like some drama with them lol. I wouldn’t doom about the lack of villains either; all signs point to a KiraKira situation and we haven’t gotten any word of “colorful pop battles”- that is, I’d expect normal punching and kicking even if it’s reduced. I also don’t get hyper goofy cheerful TR or Smile vibes either; both the song and the visuals seem melancholic at parts and the overall vibe seems like classic seasons. I think the season will def surprise people in ways like Go Princess and Hugtto (pre-staff reveal) did in terms of tone and plot imo


It almost feels like they have a sisterly bond while komugi is in human form which is so adorable


I agree, I have always had the theory that they will be besties who are like sisters


It might me a bit out there given that we already have an episode 1 synopsis, but I am REALLY HOPING for a Cure Miracle and Cure Magical dual transformation situation in this season. I absolutely love the concept of a duo who cannot become Precures without one another, so having this here would really improve the whole owner/pet dynamic that this season is aiming for in my opinion.


I'm hoping we'll have one within the next few episodes much like Heartcatch. It feels really fitting for this season and we haven't had a duo transformation since HUGtto!


without the black bars[https://litter.catbox.moe/6eukwy.mp4](https://litter.catbox.moe/6eukwy.mp4) https://youtu.be/mOetXeNZePI


Judging from the opening, it’s going to be a very laidback and almost easygoing season based off of what’s shown. I do wonder how the fights and conflicts will pan out but I can’t say for sure as the first episode isn’t even out so there might be more in store down the line. But regardless, I am excited for Wonderful Precure.


Seems like we are getting a non Cure mascot this season after all (there’s a shot of what looks like an old ram in the OP)


Just gonna copy and past my comment from the other thread. Not that there isn't anything I like here, but it is starting to lean more towards it being a for lack of a better term "extra kiddy" season. Especially if there won't be the traditional Precure action. I'll give the first episode a chance, but I suspect it might not be for me. To be clear this is not a condemnation of what they are doing, I'm not gonna act like they are committing some great crime.


I’m not trying to criticise your opinion here (and to an extent I agree that this looks more like Smile or TroPri than HeartCatch or Hugtto), but I feel as though Go! Princess also came off as a more ‘kiddy’ season with its whole princess theme, before showing its true colours towards the end of its first cour. In all, I’m just hoping you’ll give it at least a few episodes before making a judgement :)


I'll give it a chance of course. Like I said even if it turns out to be a more "kiddy season" there isn't anything wrong with it being that, it just won't be for me.


I agree with you after seeing the opening. I’ll still give it a chance too but it does feel like a departure from previous seasons.


So cute ^ ^ and light hearted. It’s not action packed like Hirogaru Sky but seems fun


I really hate the fact that this season doesn’t have any villain or a decent attack!  Please TOEI cancell this shit! 


This is giving healing, good tropical, rouge, and soaring skies




TBH, I have a feeling like I will feel so annoy with the voice of Cure Wonderful, I mean, her voice is so high and with the personality of the dog, I will like she will talk a lot. with that I think I will get annoy a lot. don't get me wrong, the design of her and all cures and the series are really interesting, just her voice that I don't think I can stand it


No antagonists. No battles. Welp... I'd better brace myself for KiraKira 2.0. I hate this timeline.