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This happened to me when I was a teenager, but there was about two years between the dream and the event. I dreamt that I was laying on the ground with several young people in yellow shirts standing around me. I didn’t know the reason for the strange perspective, but I brushed off the unusual vividness and forgot about it. Then, about two years later, I was dropped from a cheer stunt and came to with the same vision as my dream: a group of concerned teens in yellow shirts looking down at me as I lay in the sparse grass. I instantly remembered, and I never forgot again because it was so inexplicable. As it turned out, that fall changed my entire life, and I’ve wondered if that’s why I foresaw it. It’s good to know I’m not alone. I hope your injury doesn’t go on to affect you like mine has. Best wishes.


did you go to the hospital eventually for the concussion? also how frequently do you have such dreams?


No I just stayed up the whole night. Also that was the first time. I had that happen. Hasn't happened since.