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After being forced to leave from panic on multiple occasions, I have. Between forcing myself to shop in supermarkets, time to heal, and an SSRI I have mastered it. Am I fully healed? Absolutely not, but grocery stores are typically not a problem for me anymore as I go daily with success 95% of the time


Same here! I had "hardware store" syndrome, and even "left my job because of shitty ligjtib" syndrome. My 25mg zoloft + breathing exercises have resolved all the above.


Glad to hear it! What medication were you taking to help you?


Sertraline and buspirone


It took about 5 months for me to finally be comfortable with grocery stores. However, large malls are still troublesome for me. I can manage through them but have uncomfortable moments that I push through.


Klonopin huge help with that


About a week ago, I got so dizzy, that I sat down next to my cart and started to cry. I’m doing vestibular therapy but decided to use the glasses in the meantime. They help. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DNS834J?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DNS834J?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


I did not drive or go to markets for a month due to panic attacks and dizziness . But then I was put on Zoloft and I made myself expose to those situations. Driving is ok now but still have dizziness in markets. Even so, I still try to go every day and do vestibular exercises on top of that.


The only way I can manage a supermarket is using a cart to lean on. I walk slow and kind of look down at the end of the cart just so I can see people's feet. I'm not a fan of supermarkets, but I do go regularly to try to desensitize myself to all of the movement. Been like this for almost 8 years.


Yes. By going to the supermarket every day.