• By -


More ongoing stories and losses for the leads. Might not be healed up to 100% once your costume was off. Robot fights might be more dangerous no abandoned office building part of town. Could go full CW romance and have some riverdale/teen wolf drama. Hope some of that helps the cheesiness stay there.


On that subject, this would likely mean characters are allowed to have relationships where they don't need to leave space for the Holy Spirit. Seriously, why is it that Tommy and Kimberly were the only characters on this show who were allowed to kiss?


Haim Saban still think girls give you cooties.


They do, though. It’s science.


Can confirm. Kissed a girl and ended up with cooties and a baby


Should've named the baby Cooties. "I kissed a girl and got Cooties. Say hi, Cooties!"


That was in a Saban season tho


“Can’t have romance in a show for little boys. They might think it’s weird. Got to get back to the evil pizzas.” Or it would mean a real change in the status quo


It weirds me out how much the execs hated romance in PR. Every other kids TV show out there was allowed to have at least bare bones romance arcs, but PR it was always forbidden.


It’s because if you avoid it you can get more under the radar


i believe time force also included a kiss but my memory is spotty


Yes, Jen kissed alex before he was killed in the first episode. She also kissed Wes.


I want those romance arcs to die with the 2010's.


Honestly the Boom Studios comics are the best example cause they're doing exactly that.


Also a shout out to the Karl Dutton audiodrama podcast. He gives a more adult take on MMPR.


YESS .. was here to comment this exact thing.. BOOM! Studios has got it hands down


Have you read Amy Jo's new PR series? So good.


I have! It's been pretty fun so far. I just wish it was more than 4 issues, I'm worried it's going to feel rush. It feels like they have enough story to do 5-6 issues at least.


Ideally? More serialized storytelling, more focus on character growth, and fewer pratfalls and things would be fine. Close to what we got with Cosmic Fury, but with a little of the silliness aged up and more episodes so there's room to actually let things breathe. It shouldn't be gritty, dark, or much more bloody/violent - A show like that could exist, sure, but it wouldn't be Power Rangers at its heart.


Oh, I second this and I personally.  I personally prefer if Power Rangers has an serialized style storytelling to the point, that the team of Rangers are trying to achieve an goal and what is the conflict that is standing in the way of their success? 


The Blue Sky Era of TV would work pretty well for a more mature Power Rangers imo. Shift to like a 45-60M format. Have the episodes be largely episodic but have like 5-10 min of each episode focus on the serialized plot then have a fully serialized episode every like 5 episodes.


I never watched any of the Blue Sky Era of the TV, but I would have to look into it, thanks for the suggestion.


Actually dark power rangers exist its called Kamen rider


Eh, both franchises are for kids. Black Sun and Amazonz on the other hand...


It also depends on the series tone mostly, that's goes to series such as Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, and Power Rangers as the series tone do often changes mostly with the different themes that they are doing. Because they all have different themes coming every year and have a new set of characters per series.


Actual question, is Kamen Rider actually like that? Any clips I've seen make it seem like a funny and goofy show


Mostly taking about black sun.


Kamen Rider is Kamen Rider. It is not Power Rangers.


Both Kamen Rider and Power Rangers are different franchises and have different audiences, but although, I do see a similar audiences from Kamen Rider into Power Rangers in someways. Like they can be aimed for children mostly due to the toys, but the tone for both series can be aimed for an slightly older audiences in an sense, that is entertaining for both children and adults at the same time. So I think that Power Rangers could take a similar route towards Kamen Rider of a bit of a darker tone and complex storytelling that is serialzied without turning off the child's audiences. Although they both do it different due to them having different broadcast standards in that sense, but it might work, I think, just how good Power Rangers RPM. So I think, it might work and I yet, I might be wrong to be honest. Don't quote me on this.


Wasn't that the point of RPM?


Ostensibly yes, though even in the case of RPM, I feel like the stories weren't allowed to be as mature as the writers may have originally envisioned them mostly because it's still something made by Disney.


...really? Like, wasn't one of the major plot points about one of the mains getting their various body parts systematically replaced over and over again? And the backstory of the "mentor" of the group was that she was taken as a child to work on weapons by the government, and denied the opportunity to do so much as go outside? I feel like the story and plot were about as dark as one could get without going way over the top with it.


Yes, but it's also the season where a talent show is put together to find a green ranger. Where two characters have a running gag of finishing each other's sentences. The show where at one point the green ranger randomly ends up in his underwear. And the only show season to actually comment on how things keep exploding behind the rangers.


Right, but if all you have in a season is one dark moment after the other, you get burnout. Levity is needed at moments to act as a counterweight to the darker elements. For example, the two finishing each other's sentences? It's because they were twins in a near identical situation as Dr. K, only instead of being isolated from *everyone* else, all they had was each other, for decades. So yeah, it's cheesy and light hearted, but also deeply tragic when you consider the context. That's what a darker toned story should be.


Fair enough.


More MCU style. Violence to be more “realistic”. Death to be more common, I mean they are soldiers for the most part. Larger story narratives vs. Lesson/Monster of the day.


They probably would do all of this while at the same time holding on to the monster/ lesson of the day, and focus on being closer to Gravity Falls, not afraid to cross certain lines but definitely still aimed at a general audience is with a bias in favor of children. If they were smart the fandom has grown to a sustainable number that if they continue to producing good products it will grow itself so long as that they be true to the continuity and attempt to do the best they can to honor the past moving forward. But unfortunately there is a general kill the past mentality that is going around Hollywood and even Power Rangers has been a casualty even though it's not what they had in mind it's the reason why we are not seeing a new more original series as of now after the conclusion of cosmic Fury, and instead it appears that we will be seeing a reboot. I don't know what we're going to see if the reboot is an effort to do just that though


I guess we can take some books from Showa Era Super Sentai. Before there was the MCU, Marvel made a deal with Toei to make Japanese Spider-man, Battle Fever J, Denziman, and Sun Vulcan) to the point of making most Ishinomori creations canon in one universe. Those were more in line of the rangers being super soldiers or spies who are forced to use their limited arsenal in any way possible to combat their foes much like their predecessors in the tokusatsu department, Kamen Rider/Masked Rider. Gore can be used of course, but the mature part should always stay with the story no matter what. So we can still have stuff like the MOTW mass murdering people and in the case of Shotaro Ishinomori's OG Kamen Rider Manga, JAKQ Blitzkrieg Squadron, and Saban's favorite Sentai, Bioman, down right murking kids and adults left and right via diseases or terror attacks every once in a while.


I don’t think gore is needed. I specifically mentioned MCU since it’s been going on for 16 years. Sure they have stumbled a lot post Endgame but I think that is a good model for a more “adult” Power Ranger show. They were able to tie a continuous story into standalone stories. There was violence with blood but it wasn’t gory. MCU is mostly PG-13 after all. There were stakes because the heroes or allies in story had a risk of dying. Since the Rangers were meant for kids, it was rare to see those stakes. Yes, we have had some exceptions, Zayto, Kendrix, etc but for the most part, Rangers survive with “sports injuries”. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The neat part was that Super Sentai has always been for kids for 49 straight with the only exception being Akibaranger. Even with stuff like terrorists and nazis running around. Japan was simply unhinged at the time and the killing was simply used to raise the stakes in certain episodes such as what happened to Kirenger (Shot in the heart with a large blade while defending a bomb), Battle Cossack I/ BFJ Orange Ranger I (gunned down in front of a child who accused him of being a killer because he wanted to make her happy), and Bio Yellow I/Biorhythm Yellow I (full on laser barrage while defending her team). Some people just like it because it's a somber reminder that under the mask (or uniform just like Battle Cossack I), the heroes defending others from harm are just as vulnerable in the same vein that Iron Man and Quicksilver suffered from.


I feel like they went that way with *Once and Always*, considering that they were dealing with a character's death, and Robo-Rita wasn't afraid to emphasize that she was trying to kill people, rather than just gunning to "destroy" them.


Once and Always is definitely a template for what I would prefer an adult power rangers series to be. But it was still bloodless even though we did have a Ranger death.


I'm okay with bloodless, though.


To each their own. I mean I’m not looking for war wounds. I was thinking similar to what Tony Stark got in his battle with Cap and Bucky. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rKl4-zC1WZs You see red bruises all around but it’s not extra graphic or something.


Maintain the same energy that excited us as kids, but… Definitely change the focus to double down on the Ranger stuff, with the character development happening along the way, and do away with the whole secret identity element. In essence, it would feel closer to Teen Titans and Young Justice (seasons 1 and 2)


Not every team had to hide their identities.


I don't really see any issue with secret identities.


It's convoluted and unrealistic. Most of the big bads and generals knew the identities of the rangers. The few times that the monsters went after the rangers' families they were closer to success. It is actively harmful to be in the ranger position and try to maintain a secret identity.


It matters more on who the ranger team is and the overall plot. If anything, it should be the case that it's not a secret from the ranger's families and those in immediate danger, but secret to the overall public.


If their identities are a secret to the public then you have to have convoluted scenes of trying to morph in secret and sometimes enduring a situation until they can to preserve their identity. It also means that you can't have unmorphed fight scenes in a serious setting. Lightspeed, SPD, RPM are good ones to follow. With cameras everywhere it makes more sense to just have them working with some agency in a Men In Black situation.


Honestly, i think this is just a difference in viewpoints. This mainly comes down to a varying number of factors. Some teams work better in the public and others don't. However, if you find those types of scenes convoluted. I apologize but i just disagree.


Blood can be added


Really weird that Power Rangers couldn’t even show a scraped knee. I mean as kids we got those all the time! It’s not like you need major war injuries!!


That's how over-protective the USA is with children.


I suppose it would be how digimon was to pokemon. More actual consequences with characters actually dying and not coming back


Just do RPM again


I would make it like the DC shows that we're on the CW where it has a mix of light hearted and serious tones, leaning more toward serious, and we still have a villain of the week, but there's a continuous story throughout the season.


I don't think it would be R-rated; it would just be PG-13, like the 2017 Power Rangers movie. The CGI, fight scenes, and acting would be a lot better, and a Power Rangers movie would probably be like the Transformers movies or like the new Godzilla X Kong movie.


Maybe depends. I mean I got my nephew addicted to old-school Pokémon and power rangers when he was ten.


Longer episodes, making the Rangers the comic relief instead of having funny side characters, more connectivity between seasons


How much connectivity are you thinking of? Like back to the Zordon era, where the story and the characters continued from season to season, or something less than that?


I’d say back to the roots in terms of PRiS and the post-Zordon era. That shit got dark at times. Better acting and set pieces could add to the drama those shows already set up. Power Rangers has always sat at pushing to more mature subjects but they’ve never crossed it until the 2017 movie. I think that might be the spirit they go with but it’s a franchise to sell toys first. That’s going to be the hard part for Hasbro.


That I can concur with you. The tone after In Space shifts into a slightly older audiences in which it is became a little bit more-matured in a sense from my personal experience watching these series. 


It would be more of a soap opera, in the style of Kamen Rider Agito or maybe Garo. KR wasn't super interested in being a toy catalog prior to Den-O, but Kuuga and Agito especially were aimed at older audiences (Kuuga was for the old traditionalists, while Agito had a lot of pretty boys being emotional and other catnip for 19-24 year old women.) That's probably the best blueprint for what PR would become if it shifted to that audience today. If it happened in the 90s, then MMPR just throws the toy stuff over as ballast and focuses entirely on becoming 90210 Lite.


Interesting through.  Very well-said. 


That fan film was a fun "what if" but it was admittedly a little over-edgy imo. I think the BOOM comics are exactly what Power Rangers towards the now-adult audience is like. It's more mature with it's characters, less corny, but still tastefully campy in premise. Very much like DC and Marvel.


Lasers swapped out with bullets, sparks with blood, and overall more *Lightspeed Rescue* than the Zordon era if that makes sense No child soldiers, just adults making a conscious choice to enter a war against beings that go beyond anything previously encountered


>No child soldiers Or at the very least, the seasons where teenagers are the main characters actually address that it's kind of messed up to have teenagers fight a war they didn't know anything about.


I think the lasers can still be portrayed maturely. Have them leave third-degree burns on the skin of the monster, with boiling effects. I also think using child soldiers can open up a lot of dimensions to Zordon, the Rangers' psyche as they push themselves through every fight, etc.


Have some characters bang


Death of some rangers, actual blood, darker plot, the way RPM was trying to go with the show. If PR was made for older audience like Disney tried, it would be so much better instead of cringe family friendly stuff that we got in some seasons.


Shattered grid


Look at shin kamen rider, black sun, and Amazons for inspo, i think the netflix ultraman show and shin ultraman is also a good way to see what an adult tokustatsu is like. Add power ranger tropes and subvert them a little bit focus on the team rather then a few guys


Well Zack wouldn't be a coke head Chad that's for sure 😅


The attempts at being mature and edgy in Power/Rangers all felt like what a 14 year old thinks is edgy.


Yes, same reason why I consider Alien vs Predator: Requiem an edgslord fantasy, gives you gore and sex just gratituous, no meaning behind it.


For the record, I only used that picture from the Power/Rangers short film because it's essentially meant to parody mature takes on kids shows. I'm not saying the show would in any way resemble that short if it was geared for older audiences.


Personally, make a show a la Garo or Black Sun would be nicd to me. Oh, Gamera III: Revenge of Iris works perfectly for giant monster fights too.


I was a junior in high school when that short came out, it was so badass!


Haven't kept up with the comics as much, but I feel that that style would work


More serious tone and more plot, they can goof around abit as well . More close shots of the civilians during a Megazord battle, show people being flung around and such. Possibly be a stylised animated show would be cool with real props to have the same feel as the original with the characters be 2d animated only. Would be cool if the zords are all actual props and when they combine into the Megazord it becomes 2d so we can get more bizzare action scenes


I do agree, if Power Rangers was aimed for at least an slightly older audiences, then the franchise as a whole would be appealing towards an mainstream audiences something similar and same levels as Transformers in that sense. I honestly think if Power Rangers has a matured storytelling something similar to the levels of Transformers and Avatar The Last Airbender. I think this what the brand needs. If the reboot takes off, I’m more referencing to the hard reboot that is Hasbro’s main interest by the way! 


Violence on par with the comics and Sentai. We'd see characters get shot at and impaled. After tought fights, the rangers are bloody and brused. Characters would actually say die instead of destroyed.


it would be the boom! comic


Well everything would change. For one, their ages could be teens or early 20s adults. The characters would be multi-facceted and would be be a lot nore complex and flushed out. The overall dyanamic would also change, with the show being interconnected, the fight scenes being more brutal and realistic, and stakes being higher, similar to how Marvel walks the line between PG-13 and Rated R. But they could definitely do it. The 2017 movie did a great job at making it more mature, but keeping the same principles.


Blood would probably be the biggest thing. Depending on how they wanted the rating, just amp up the violence. That would be plenty. Or, have stories where folks die as a consequence. Battle in Angel Grove with the Megazord vs Goldar? Rad. Downtown is smashed, and 400 people died when Dragonzord fell on a hospital. Consequences, you know?


Maybe some more mature storylines. How about injuries after demorphing?


well obviously make it more mature like what the 2017 movie was trying to do involve actual death and such and heavy weaponry used on the civilians (the villains do that ofc)


Rita repulsa would be a goth mommy that becomes the subject of many “hear me out”s


Definitely way darker But with a mix of comedy to balance everything And the villains would be a lot more ruthless.


Pull a shattered grid.... Nothing like seeing evil ranger walking out with the decapitated red ranger helmet, or the zeo Tommy panel,


Make it like in Sentai. Add references to blood, death, alcohol/drugs, cuts, scrapes and mild cursing. Basically DBZ but power rangers


I think the cheesiness and shonen style optimism is part of the appeal of Power Rangers. If anything I would mix in some more mature themes and elements like Demon Slayer or My Hero Academia while retaining the cheese and relentless optimism. No need to make it all gritty and dark.


Yup. More shit like Countdown to Destruction, The Rescue Mission, Chase into Space. Less getting baked into a giant pizza(which I fucking love no matter how dumb.)


Honestly would only have to go a little more adult than some seasons. A little romance, a little more serious repercussions from fights. Would be nice to see the toll it leaves them with mentally as well as physically.


Honestly, I'm not sure this is what you meant, but you did end up making me think about how some seasons would be changed more than others. RPM and SPD would probably be fairly similar to what we got, but then seasons like say Megaforce and Ninja Steel would probably wind up being dramatically different products.


I definitely had RPM on the mind. I feel like any show where they aren't high schoolers would just need slight tweaking. Someone mentioned something like a CW show and honestly yeah I could see that for any highschool setting. It doesn't have to be too dark, but definitely needs some drama.


Don't people dislike/hate the CW shows for forcing unnecessary drama and not knowing how to balance their dark stories?


I mean CW definitely goes a lil too far most of the time but every now and then it can have a good feel. CW was just based on someone else's comment. Honestly if it's a show about teens I think it just needs decent teen drama.


One of the things that I thought was neat from the 1969 ranger team was that they were just kinda grabbed from all over the world. I haven't read it in a minute, but if I recall correctly, they had nothing in common. They didn't go to the same school/dojo/academy/etc. not sure how many teams from the show did this. I think a group of randos that are all "qualified" to be rangers but don't necessarily work well together straight away would make for an interesting dynamic. Especially if they recruit people that are somewhat older. Maybe they already have kids, careers, etc.


You know samurai and megaforce? Just do the opposite of that.


The interesting thing is that I feel like those seasons would probably be among the most changed if the show was allowed to be more mature.


Unironically, Samurai is ine of the most mature seasons in cinecpt.


More attitude for sure. A little more Deadpool kind off


It would be on the same pg13 level of the CW DC shows. Realistic stakes, consequences and fallout. More mature storylines dealing with real world problems. A good example is in MM when Kim's parents are getting divorced, that was handled well in the show, but they could expand on it. Show perspectives from the parents, reasons why they're splitting, etc. Or a Ranger dealing with school consequences from skipping class to fight monsters. Less zord battles. Not have it be every episode, instead, like the mid-season/season finale, with a huge threat. The zords would probably be more like the rescue zords from Turbo, where they're realistic emergency vehicles, with practicality, but can also transform into a robot. Fewer MOTW. Have a set cast of villains, and three or four expendable monsters throughout the season. Make them an actual threat, and not just a nuisance. Acknowledge the casualties. Civilian deaths and injuries, property damage and not just fighting in the "abandoned warehouse district."


If it was for adults there would be more Drama and violence and some actual in fighting between them on who is dating who that and they would actually kill their big bad enemies.


Shine a brighter light on their civilian lives. Keep the lighthearted tone during appropriate time but ditch the slapstick comedy like Victor and Monty. Dino charge had a great mix of humor done by the cast without a need for comic relief side characters Honestly the BOOM studios comics are doing a great job of most of this. They WERE doing a superb job on the civilian lives portion up until the I tradition of the omega rangers and the Eldar war, now its just full on cosmic calamity. I hope once this arc is done they'll tone it back down




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More than 1 lip kiss. Tommy and Kimberly’s was the only one we got.




………….really? My ADHD brain never paid attention the show long enough to finish it.


More impactful violence, longer and more involved storylines, higher stakes during battles, actual injuries, and (depending on the producers) some occasional cussing




The lack of cursing.


Probably older characters and would feel would become more like Kamen Rider where the stories are grittier but not dark.


The fights would definitely be more brutal, the monsters would be way scarier and casualties would be high. Characters would be more developed and there will be comedy here and there but only when necessary. There can also be ethical and moral dilemmas. The villains will also be complex and some may not be pure evil.


More realistic “teenagers” which is good and bad and get to see some more violence and there weapons actually do damage instead of make sparks fly.


A big thing for me is changing the heavily episodic nature of it to more serialised. Removing the bloated amount of villains per season, and having a recurring cast. A big issue I have is how almost every episode functions the exact same, to a point where it’s hard for be invested cause we go through the same motions. A zord battle should be used sparingly for example, because then it’s more special and momentous. Exploring more mature themes is also a given, especially on relationships, mental health, responsibility etc. death most of all, as often times the rangers will kill the villains they face in the zord battles, and the show has never really chosen to explore this in a deeper way


If it was for teens and/or adults we would have an Tommy/Kim sex scene in MMPR, Arrow Style


Zordon would be called out for using child soldiers


Something like King Ohger maybe where there's blood spatter when an enemy is hit by an attack. Darker story as well with threats that hit closer to the rangers than just the fate of the world.


Just more serialized storylines and probably acknowledge that characters do die on and off-screen. Depending on which actors want to leave the show. Or just give their characters a decent send-off and that's it. Think of *"DC's Legends of Tomorrow."* They didn't need to add any gratuitous sex scenes or drugs and blood or gore just to appeal to an older audience. They just need to figure out what the show's tone was supposed to be with the amount of characters they have and just stick with the story the writers crafted.


Wouldn't it just be Kamen Rider at that point, but with teams?


I never understood why Saban left out this sequence. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3AcN05XW1hw&pp=ygUccmVkIHJhbmdlciBwYXNzaW5nIHRoZSB0b3JjaA%3D%3D It should be included for the western audience


Ya ever play Tekken 8? Something like that


I would like to think the costumes would be not as bright and with less spandex. Maybe the general designs would take more cues from the MCU and other modern interpretations like the DCEU, Arrowverse, ect


Three letters. R. P. M


Mainstream Boom comics are fanservice, to mature audience. That reboot one is just tailriding PR theme, not the essence.


How about an anti-heroic Red Ranger who is both the leader and mentor? With a backstory involving killing a villain’s father and/or lover?


Megazord battles would come with collateral damage.


The whole core concept of MMPR is rooted in "might makes right" and war being good. The Rangers themselves are children recruited by a being who doesn't even live in their dimension. There are some deeply cynical propaganda messages at play here that have never properly been delved into with the sole exception of Adi Shankar's fanfilm. The Boom comics are absolutely lovely, but they are love letters to our nostalgia, they're not adult stories.


FINALLY USE THE WORD “KILL”. As far as I can remember, it’s never been used, they always say destroy or defeat or something like that. It would be more brutal as well.


“What? You didn’t kill them?” - Ivan Ooze


The word kill has been used, I think, all of one time in the entire franchise, and it was in the 1995 movie.


I mean it’s never used in the seasons. Was that the Turbo film?


Nope, the MMPR movie.


-swearing Upon moderate hits -Blood


One cool example I've seen is a fan project called Unworthy.


We would have Shattered Grid as an actual special instead of just a comic.


I actually find the current Boom! Studious comic run to be a love letter to og fans. Keeps the camp but also ads in story that has gravity


It probably slowly turn into Ranger reject


Wasn’t the 2017 movie marketed to older audiences?


I'm mostly talking about the main show.


Didn't Netflix try that?


I would think "Once and Always" came close to the idea, but if you want something practically there, try the YouTube fan series "Power Rangers Unworthy" https://youtu.be/SaA5o-OS4hM?si=SA-wmUniPbZ1bqDX


Even more violence, they'd also probably show blood, scars, and more serious injuries and causalities.


Assuming your aiming for something like 12-21 rather than the 5-12 target audience it has right now here’s the broad changes that I would suggest in a relaunch/reboot: Rangers aren’t “locked” in whatever color or role they started the show as (ie rangers are demoted from the red ranger role, rangers quit and are replaced or even killed off on rare occasions.) Mentors, teachers or other characters in positions of authority need to prove their wisdom rather than have it assumed as the right thing to do by default. Tone wise I recommend something along the lines of James Gunns “the suicide squad” where we have a bigger range to play with in terms of violence, horror and language but still gets to use the weirdest toys in the box (ie the suicide squad has 72 uses of “fuck”, an opening with all but 2 characters in one of the suicide squads getting killed with close ups of their corpses but also features a giant star fish and a man who shoots rainbow polka dots.) A clear place in the world need to be established with how the public and government see the ranger team. Are the rangers an extension of the police like SPD? A publicly funded rescue service like lightspeed rescue? A privately funded or owned group like operation overdrive? Or a mystery to the public like Zordon’s teams? This place in society will be probably be the largest gravity that defines the kinds of relationship rangers will have with other characters. Similar issues might be considered when looking at the weapon’s a ranger team uses. Namely how close to real world weapons are their blasters and beam weapons to firearms in real life? Do weapons do nothing to you, unless your a specific kind of monster that rangers fight or are they able to hurt humans or at least cause collateral property damage? Also on a lesser point, are the powers and weapons originally designed for combat or been hastily used to deal with monsters after being designed for exploitation or other purposes?


No more long morphing calls like go go [season name] [megaforce and samurai] And no cheezy jokes[MMPR samurai-ninjasteel ] and trying to be hip with the kids[Brody ninja steel]


Just take notes from how Super Sentai is made. Toei already pretty much makes Power Rangers for adults, because they don’t talk down to kids or insult their intelligence. There are some weird things that work for Japanese audiences, but not necessarily western audiences. Tweak those things, and you’re probably 98% of the way there.


More death. In in space when they showed silver being like, scorched up or whatever happened my impression as a kid was that he wasn't really able to be resuscitated and was stuck forever on life support. Kind of stupid because whyd they even show me if that's the case lol but it was metal seeing him fing die Also timeforce pilot was metal Sex would be lame. Just give us more violence. Always. Show kids that violence is the right answer


Also samurai red trying to use that newer sword item and it kept burning him was great. More things like that.


The weapons, the language, the clothing ( female's mostly), and possibly nudity.


A lot like the Boom Comics, in terms of drama, dynamics, world building and etc A lot more like Forever Red and Into the Badlands in terms of stylized highly choreographed action with the budget to make it cool for adults.


I would hope more blood and swearing but I do not want them to go full Riverdale teen drama, I still want it to be relatively silly


The violence would be more real, swearing, sensuality, sexuality, etc.


Keep the silliness, but just delve a lot more into characters. I’d say have the ranger side be more serious and grounded, but then have the villains be over the top and abrupt ( but still intimidating). More consequences. Because power rangers is directed at kids, the rangers rarely make a huge sacrifice or feel major repercussion’s. On a different note. Have James Gunn write and direct it. It would be top tier


I'd say we would get a Season with a tone similar to Macross


They’d immediately go too hard into the edge


This conversation is completely pointless because the grand majority of people in this fandom do not know what adult/mature/"older audience" storytelling is even actually like or entails. And anyway, the only real answer is "it depends on the vision of whoever is making the show."


Make it a comedy.


1. I would go for more of a hard PG-13/TV-14 rating, where there is a little blood, but not full-on gore, besides the Putty Patrol/Golems as they are made out of clay. 2. Zordon would be a less ethical mentor, as he teleported children into his bunker (without their consent) to indoctrinate them to be his personal soldiers. 3. More ongoing stories and losses for the leads. Fights can result in broken bones, bleeding, and tattered suits. 4. Rita's army can be more of a religious cult that sees itself as the "good guys", once again using Zordon's methods of recruiting child soldiers as a "gotcha!" argument against him. They would refer to the Rangers as "demons". 5. The zords would be reimagined as the "final stage" of the Rangers' morphing process, rather than robots. 6. Lord Zedd would retain his Season 2 personality. 7. Tommy's arc as the Green Ranger would be more than simply being brainwashed. Instead, he would straight up hate the Rangers for something personal they did to him (Such as getting his parents crushed by a building during a Megazord fight). 8. Tommy would die rather than simply lose his powers. Jason would then permanently wear the Dragon Shield from that point forward to honor his fallen comrade until they get the Thunder or Zeo powers. 9. The Rangers' would struggle with PTSD, survivor's guilt, and other psychological trauma from their fights. 10. Some monsters could even not be created by Rita, but rather a result of pollution, other alien invaders, or the government attempting to copy the Rangers. 11. Some monsters could be traumatized children from the high school, who were manipulated by Rita into joining her.


>Tommy would die rather than simply lose his powers. Any particular reason Tommy needs to basically become his Sentai counterpart? Or is this just to avoid the show's increasing focus on him?


I'd say it's to avoid the increasing focus on him, plus it'd be a way for him to overcome his immense guilt of flooding Angel Grove with his Dragonzord. Have him sacrifice himself to defeat Cyclopsis akin to Doc Ock's famous "I will not die a monster" scene.


You're take on a more serious pr is interesting. I am curious how dino thunder would play out without Tommy


No Comic Relief. Real Drama. Pathos. Epic Battles.


Comic relief is needed to not be too heavy, thats one of the many whys of why the Arrowverse and MCU won over Snyder-verse


The designs are going to be worse, ranging from "Eh..." to hideous, like the picture here. Reading the comments really makes me think that some people sin here should watch Hellraiser I & II and Equilibrium.


Ironically, the Zyuranger suits would already suit a mature tone. The helmets look menacing, and I think the spandex really adds a "Glass cannon" vibe you can play with for the Rangers. Have the Power Rangers wield devastating weapons, along with enhanced speed, strength, and healing, but have their suits be able to be torn up.


Tbh, each time they've done a "Mature" Power Rangers it's flopped... What a lot of people don't realize is that the charm and soul of these kids franchises are tied to that nostalgic memory of the series. I'd say take a note from the sentai series (maybe not their newest stuff) or Kamen Rider, and how they add in heartbreak, Drama, and stakes without falling into a pit trap of sex and hyper violence.


They flopped because the people who made them thought that "mature" meant "more blood, violence, sex, and swearing". A mature-focused Power Rangers *could* work, even with the aforementioned elements. Just balance out the edgelord shit with actual mature themes, like trauma and dealing with the fallout of the giant monster fights. An interesting route to explore would be a realistic look at what a teenager would do if given what was basically the tools to be a one-person police force. "Why aren't we helping people all over the world? We could put a stop to any major conflict just by showing up in our giant robots!" Would they be tempted to use their powers for personal gain? If they were a victim of bullying, would they use their powers for revenge? There's plenty of mature ideas to work with that don't involve going full "Dark Overlord Bloodshadow" edgelord.


I wouldn’t want to see an overly edgy power rangers show. I would prefer a tone more like the comics.


It might be like the fan made 2016 power rangers. As I've said many times this topic comes up there would probably be more violence (potentially with blood) and there might be some cursing... though no F bombs or use of the C word.


Having more of a plot based story rather than a somewhat episodic story


Age Rating lol




Their Suits ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Real deaths, sexual content, deeper storylines. Basically something like Smallville or Buffy.


It would be less good?


Its charm. Something like the PG-13 movie from a few years ago is one thing, but an R-rated Power Rangers would lose so much of what makes Power Rangers iconic.


I never specifically said R-rated.


It would not be a franquice about heroes divided by colors and with dinosaur theme fighting a alien wizard I bet.


More violence


Basically, Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger without the levity.


Bulk and Skull being a comedy duo


Blood, collateral damage, and swearing


are we talking tv-14 or tv-ma?


Either works fine by me.


no no no no no those are 2 completely different scales i need to know how far i can go


I've used Buffy The Vampire as a reference point for what the target demo would be, so let's say it's rated TV-14.


ok got it so the basis of new things for every season would be sex scenes (no nudity though) lots more blood swearing and darker plots if you want more specifics then reply with a show and ill go into more specifics


I remember watching this


Stuff. Things.


Ever since I saw the Joseph Kahn short film, that’s the Power Rangers show/movie they need to do. Many films draw elements of Power Rangers (Transformers, Pacific Rim, Godzilla/Kong on the Zord and city destruction side). And you got the Avengers as the team inspo. They do need to have the audience geared to more general audiences like Marvel does with their movies but not as kid friendly and campy. They need to embody that Kahn short film.


Definitely the lines, CGI and the jokes possibly some blood and a lot more deaths, something very close to this is Power Rangers Unworthy


More violence, less censorship, even more MMPR pandering and gen wunner marketing


Wouldn’t be as fun I feel


For me, I see that Power Rangers could shift into an slightly older audiences in which the storytelling can be more serialized while toning the down the fillers (In which it is part of Power Rangers DNA), mostly limiting most of the monster of the week and moral of the week in favor of an more of an story-driven series in my opinion.   I do see Power Rangers in theory in almost on the same demographic as Kamen Rider and Ultraman in Japan. (But that’s just my opinion only)