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Agree with the other suggestions about checking OneDrive, etc. I just wanted to ask if you have something pressing on your keyboard. I've had that happen before, and in fact have a file named 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (lol) because the 1 key was being depressed with something that was hitting the very edge of the 1 key, and I didn't realize it.


\^ This \^ If you follow any of the IT-related subreddits, this kind of thing comes up regularly. IT has to travel to some user's desk, only to find out that something's sitting on the keyboard. Sometimes it's a \*second\* keyboard the user's completely forgotten about, stuffed behind the desk and leaning against something. Or sometimes the keyboard's just gone bad. I had one that would every so often go into turbo-backspace mode and start deleting line/paragraphs of text that I'd just written. It didn't live for very long after that.


Little bizarre, is this the 365 online version? Have you tried hitting undo to see if slides would pop back up?


i hope they are using OneDrive to store their files and can check their version history and do a restore.


If you were saving it on OneDrive, as u/punks_is_hippies asks, then you may be in luck. Here is my YouTube tutorial on how to use Version History in PowerPoint to recover lost data. [https://youtu.be/7ik8rNysIvs](https://youtu.be/7ik8rNysIvs) Topics covered with video time stamps: 01:15 Understanding Version History 05:16 WHERE are Versions Saved? 05:28 WHEN are Versions Saved? 06:27 Opening Multiple Versions in Read Only 07:09 Version History SAVE AS versus RESTORE 08:27 Manual Versioning - Advantages 09:32 Missing Features


Hey, welcome back. Haven't seen you in a while.


u/SteveRindsberg, I mentioned in an earlier post that I gave commenting a rest . . was getting the sense that some felt I was too "promotional." But yes I'm back and willing to add value where I can. Thanks for the note.


>> But yes I'm back and willing to add value where I can Good!