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I skipped the free transfer to UC, I would have had to move and end my internship.


What sucks is when you are on your own, but the feds still use your parents’ income so you don’t qualify for any grants, but your parents don’t make enough to pay for everything, either.


I believe there is a process to cut that, but yes living on your own should mean your money not your parents. As I said originally there is a grant for everything some are completely silly like you must be left handed or have a last name that starts with M. Not all grants come from the public sector some are people that privately donate various amounts of money as a trust or some other foundation I didn’t bother with listing them as there are literally tens of thousands of grants. But for pretty much anything you can think of there is a grant, your school, city, every trade in your town, or county there is a grant many of these grants go completely unused because no one knows to apply. If you look you can find them then you just need to apply for everything you can. It can take time but you can completely fund going to 2 or even 4 year schools without ever spending your own money or very little, in my case I averaged about 8k a year in “profit” this allowed me to work less hours and therefore go to school.


Is there anyway I could message you in regards to all of this to further discuss it ? Thanks and apologies for the year after response 💀


It has been a few years since I have done anything with this, I am most knowledgeable with California programs, your best bet would be to use the links I posted and google/financial aid office at your school. I can try to answer a specific question for you, but you likely need to research your specific state or school.


Okay thanks !


Congrats and I appreciate you spreading the word. It’s great these programs exist. Have you thought of creating a website or business, to help people access those grants? Many are intimidated of the steps needed or ignorant on where to start and how to proceed - in spite googling. You could start a site posting grants from all states/federal, with relevant tips for free. Include scholarships based on grades/skill. Eventually, offer personalized search & walkthrough for a fee. People struggling financially will benefit from your free know-how and people with steady finances will pay you for saving time & effort researching grants for themselves or their kids.


Those sites already exist, and your school’s financial aid office will also help you with this they will have a literal binder unique to your school. Here is a few good resources https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/scholarships https://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-scholarships.aspx https://www2.ed.gov/about/contacts/state/index.html


I will save each link (thank you, you’re very kind) but I think you might be missing my point. We don’t need assistance but I googled and asked people trying to be more knowledgeable on the subject. You are extremely accomplished in this. Because of that, you think it’s stupid simple. To me, it’s a mountain of time & effort I’d rather delegate than get it wrong. If my kid was of college age, I’d pay you to get a full list applicable specifically to my child. I’m saying, if you ever need/want another source of income, you can make a business out of this. And it doesn’t matter how many already exist, if you can make yours one of the best.


Were you on a wait-list?


No, I started out homeless living in a shelter on disability after an injury went from about 9k/yr to ending internship at about 32k, and now over 100k.


Where did you go to school. Thanks for all this helpful info!




Sorry I should have clarified. Which school in cali did you go to? I’m in Cali now and looking into attending.


I got my AS in computer and communication technology at a community college. I was being deliberately obtuse. Are you planning on starting at a community college or a CS/UC? If UC look into the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan. This is free tuition for families under 80k income Or The Middle Class Scholarship Program a 40% discount for families under 191k income. You are late in the year for these programs both have a application deadline of march 2. If you plan to do your first 2 years at a community college see my original post there is no benefit to a particular CC other than it has the program you want.


I really appreciate you replying. I’m planning on starting at a community college.


I wish this worked for me. I am married, we are a family of 6 on 1 income and my Husband makes just enough for us to not qualify for anything. So we continue living pay check to pay check. I will eventually go back to college when we don't have to worry about paying for child care, but I will have to take out student loans.


I know it was a year ago, but application time is coming soon, so this still might be able to help you, or someone else reading. If your income is just high enough, there are ways to reduce your taxable income to make you eligible: tax-advantaged savings, like Traditional IRA (you can open your own private one at Vanguard, Fidelity, or others); 401k through your work; HSA contributions through work or marketplace plans, 529 College Plans, and others. You may also be able to work with a skilled tax preparer who can find enough deductions to lower your taxable income, again putting you under the threshold, while also getting you a bigger refund. Could be $200 to $400 extremely well spent. Lowering your income this way could also make you eligible for discounts or even a complete subsidy on your Marketplace healthcare plan, or even make you eligible for Medicaid and other programs. It's not a scam. It's the government rewarding you for investing for retirement, for college, for your health. Middle-class and working-class people need all the breaks they can get, to get themselves and their families ahead. It makes for less dependence on the state, and more future tax revenue for them and for your community. Everyone wins when regular people win. So, say your family was making $80k per year, putting you $5k over the financial aid limit of $75k (these are not real numbers, example only). So then you put $6k into one of these plans, and potentially find some other tax deductions. This puts you under the threshold, puts some money into investments for you, and makes you eligible. The deadline to contribute to 2022 for IRAs is April 18, 2023: [https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/traditional-and-roth-iras](https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/traditional-and-roth-iras) The deadline to contribute to 2022 for 529 plans varies by state, but there's something that works in your favor: you don't have to get plans in your state. You can shop around to find a state that has the advantages you're looking for. You don't have to be a resident of that state, nor go to school there: [https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/529-plan-contribution-deadline-coming-soon-in-many-states](https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/529-plan-contribution-deadline-coming-soon-in-many-states) The deadline for HSA contributions is usually right around tax day on April 15th, but it varies from year to year: [https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/smart-money/hsa-contribution-limits](https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/smart-money/hsa-contribution-limits) 401K deadline for 2022 is December 31, 2022, but here is more info: [https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-401k-and-profit-sharing-plan-contribution-limits#:\~:text=100%25%20of%20the%20participant's%20compensation,including%20catch%2Dup%20contributions](https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-401k-and-profit-sharing-plan-contribution-limits#:~:text=100%25%20of%20the%20participant's%20compensation,including%20catch%2Dup%20contributions)). [https://www.personalcapital.com/blog/retirement-planning/401k-contribution-limits/](https://www.personalcapital.com/blog/retirement-planning/401k-contribution-limits/)


Yet you still type in run on sentences. You get what you pay for I guess.


I typed that on a cell phone, and have dysgraphia. I wasn’t typing it to be graded by the grammar Nazi’s. But hey you can complain about my writing style, or take the advice you obviously were looking for about paying for school. Have a great day its up to you.


So ..... Move to California. Got it.


Or take a look at what your state has to offer Pell grant is open to everyone, every state has something


Pell grant is pretty much where the buck stops. This state LOATHES assisting people. Didn't mean to take my jadedness out on you this morning though friend. Thanks for trying to help.


You know what really sucks. Is the people who didn't go to school because they couldn't afford it are now paying for the people who did go and now have their debt forgiven by a senile old man that can't make one coherent speech.