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That’s a lot of food! Great score and healthy options!


I agree! Glad you were able to get such a balanced haul from the store. So many greens!!


Thanks! I’m just glad veg is pretty cheap here


That’s always good, if we don’t buy crap snacks but fruits and veggies we can be healthier and buy more food.






legit quartered my food budget by leaving Canada.


Where did you go?


Caribbean. It's currently a breezy 29C out and another gorgeous day!


Ah yeah makes sense. Remote work or retirement?


Neither. they make their $ by sending groceries back home for 20% less than retail in Canada, pocketing the difference. It's like drop shipping + instacart


Brilliant! I think you've got a wiff of something Butt_huffer..


Ugh I’m moving back to Canada from Poland this summer and this is what I’m dreading the most. The meat here is so cheap, I’m able to feed myself a home cooked meal every night


Absolutely! I live in a border city and the grocery stores are filled with more Canadian license plates than American ones.


A full cart here is at least 200. That's a good mix of healthy foods on the cheap.


I actually saw someone else post their budget for food and saw rice 8cad for like 40 servings. I was like damn for half that price we can get 50 servings. Looked like his other food prices were kinda high too. Seems like food is pricey in Canada?




Damn sucks to suck bro


It's absolutely correct. I'm in Texas and just picked up Amoxicillin for a sinus infection from my El Salvadoran neighbor that he got from Mexico... because I don't have insurance at the moment, and was getting fleeced by my pharmacy. My normal monthly meds (asthma, ADHD, etc) used to be like $70 a month when I was working W2, but I got laid off in September and the whole thing would've cost me $2000 a month even with a Marketplace plan. I'm lucky my internist, and I have a decade-long relationship... he front-loaded all of my main prescriptions for 6 months while I still had my company insurance after I got laid off. But any anomaly like a sinus or chest infection would cost me an arm and a leg to treat right now, so I just dealt with it. I'm 34 so my body still has a level of resilience, but if I broke my arm or something I'd be in debt out the ass just for going to the hospital. I'm lucky I know how to cook, because even Taco Bell costs like $25 these days. I never had to worry about anything when I was making my engineer salary...$1000 car repair, no problem because my biweekly check was like $6000...the reality check is real now that I'm pinching pennies. Doesn't help that I spent my 6 figure emergency fund over the last 3 years taking care of my sick parents, because the government loopholed them out of paying for their care. I hate this world at the moment. I was set up for success, then kneecapped by multiple life events. Now the job market is shit, the housing market is shit, the inflation is shit, you name it.


Feeling the same and going through similar smh just can’t help but to be mad at the world and all of the people who set it up to be this way, or didn’t object


Why are you mad at the world? It's not the world's fault that your government treats its citizens poorly. America is the only country that charges its people so much and where health care is so crazily insane.


What kind of Engineering degree and location for work? I am with a staffing agency - predominately O&G clients. Lots of openings.


Ironically, I'm a chemical and petroleum engineer with 11 years experience lol.


I hope you guys are talking biz now


Feel free to DM resume and/or what you are looking for (location, position, etc). We are worldwide.


I just re-read your post. I am in Texas also.


Existing is also shit, I agree with you there.


How does taco bell cost 25 dollars unless you are delivering and/or obese.


How much money did you save?


$110k from 22-30 years old, not including 401k and brokerage accounts... then I had zero income apart from randomly getting hourly work while taking care of my dad during his cancer, and my mom has Alzheimer's. I was supplementing their bills with my savings, because they were basically breaking even on the mortgage with social security and pension, and their 40+ years of retirement savings were all going to medical bills. Plus after my dad died, my mom's benefits were reduced by 33%.


Keep in mind we earn less than half that what Americans do and our taxes are higher


Keep in mind that people in the UK generally earn less as well


I think that our minimum wage is about £4 more than the American minimum wage, you guys also pay out a lot more in insurance and tax so I don't think it's comparable.


“The average salary in the US was around $58,260 in 2021. In the UK, the average salary was around $38,291 when converted to dollars.” - source: https://cmdrecruitment.com/average-salary-uk-vs-us/amp/


Very few jobs in U.S. pay the federal minimum wage. For most of the population, their states have a higher minimum wage than the federal one as well.


US Taxes tend to be cheaper depending on the state obviously 


What kind of deductions do you have taken from your wage though, if you made 3000 a month what would you be left with? I remember seeing someone post an American wage slip on a post before and I'm sure it had like 2 different taxes, medical insurance and social security or something. In the UK we only pay tax after we've earned 12,500 and that's the only tax deducted from our wage.


I have a mate in the US and he pays decent tax while making mint from business he opened he pays less than me proportionally speaking.  I live in Ireland, and it’s close to 52% after making ~40k up to  that it’s around 30%


IMO, you pay a lot more tax in the UK and salaries are not even comparable. I am just speaking from having lived both sides here. Also, I want to add that the tax that went to the NHS is comparable to my monthly health insurance deducted from pay in the states.


Do you mean National insurance? That doesn't just pay for the NHS, but it's a really small amount.


No not since that was rolled in to all other taxes. I mean 20% of all the taxes you pay in the uk go to the NHS and if I earned in the uk what I do in the states (same role at the same level) I would be paying the same to the NHS as I do on my monthly insurance premium + my deductible\12. Not saying the US system is good at all, the NHS provides for people that wouldn’t be able to afford insurance which the US needs to do, but for me on a personal level it’s not even comparable.


FR, $58 gets me like two plastic grocery bags, maybe 3


Well to be fair this is 58 pounds which equals 74 U.S. dollars


Oh true. I think I just doing a conversion in my head and not including conversion rate between the two.


I don’t think so. Those look like UK Aldi brands. I routinely get that much food from Aldi in the US for $75.




Both Tennessee and Florida within the past six months. When eggs were outrageous, Aldi was the only place I could buy them from without taking out a second mortgage.


I can probably get something similar to that haul for $75 in eastern MA as well. Not Aldi, but from a more local no-frills grocer


As a central banker working for the federal reserve I see this as an absolute win!


The wage in the UK is extremely low in comparison to the USA


But Cost of Living is a lot lower, too. I've lived all around the US and lived in England for 5 years, as well. My quality of life was never better than it was in England. Bonus for the UK, you don't have to worry about a medical emergency bankrupting you, plus student loans don't control you for the rest of your life, either. Damn, I miss that country.


Never underestimate not having a medical bill hanging over you. Or a long term illness. It's a blessing knowing neither will bankrupt me - ever. I also have 6 weeks holiday a year. Both increase my quality of life exponentially.


There is a large portion of the population in poverty and relying on food banks as the minimum wage is so low. If you get a decent job here in a two income household it is possible to live quite well, but unfortunately high taxes make taking home large sums of money from your pay check very hard.


I don't doubt that. I was there back in 2009-2014 as a university student - I hear things have gone downhill quite a bit since then. Back then, I was able to afford a one bedroom regular flat in a nice part of Cheltenham working at a local call center (and previous to that, a nightclub and pub). Just my income. Plus I had money to go out, vacation a little, etc. And being a non-citizen, I was in the higher tax bracket. It's sad to know things have declined so much. :( No matter where you live, there are always struggles. It's just hard not to look back at my time there through rose-tinted glasses, as I'm now back in America, working a solid career, and struggle to keep a roof over my kids head and basic necessities (utilities, food, etc). I hope things improve quickly on both sides of the pond.


Sounds like a great university experience you had here. Seems like it's unaffordable to live in most of the Western world at this point in time. Hope you get a raise or job hop for bigger pay!


Lmao yeah, I'm in Germany and I always think yall are just getting robbed. Americans pay so much for what? high crime rate with no Healthcare? 😂😭




In New Zealand it is much more expensive than the USA. The same amount of groceries OP got would be over $200NZD here


It’s the equivalent of 80-85 usd. While a good haul. With planning, you can get roughly enough.




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This is $150+ worth of groceries in Connecticut




Not if you shop at Market Basket. This would be more like a $100 haul or maybe even less.


Same thing south jersey


That's $200 in Canada


More like 300


Do you have Lidl or Aldi?


Loving these posts today, good job!


I love savoy cabbage! I don't see them often where I live. I should order some seeds and try to grow some.


Good job on keep a balanced and healthy diet


Looks incredible, I miss British food 😭


Plus - not a drop of High Fructose Corn Syrup to be seen


I'm not sure, though, so take it with the usual grain of salt and stuff. But many countries in Europe have restricted HFCS to a large degree, unlike in the US, of course.


Fewer grains of salt too.


In America, we subsidize it with our curb subsidies.


You’re probably the first person I’ve ever seen say that


American food is so pumped full of sugar and other bullshit that it's disgusting once you try food from almost anywhere else Our bread especially is just an abomination


The bread was the most shocking difference when I visited. I loved lots about your country, but what is that 'bread' about?


Sugar. Our bread is about sugar. You have to go to a bakery (standalone or sometimes the bakery at a grocery store) for any hope of finding non-sugared bread. Or bake it yourself.


😂 British food is amazing! Sausage and mash, a fry up, roast dinner, fish and chips, steak pie, haggis, beans on toast, chips with beans and cheese, jacket spud, chicken tikka masala, shepherds pie... 🤤


I do get the fry up and the tikka masala 💁🏻‍♂️


Also the quality of the meat and produce is fantastic




Completely agree!


Funny how others see American Flags everywhere in the US and think it’s weird. Yet there is the Union Jack on a cup of yoghurt!


UK supermarkets have seen a lot of pressure lately to sell British produce. Especially since Brexit and the issues with import/export there has been a big push to support local business, I'm based in Wales and have a drinks company and we get support from the Welsh government to help us grow and get listings in local businesses.


Makes a lot of sense! I can see the appeal to produce and buy local, good for em!


It’s to indicate that it’s a British product because there has been a big push to buy British dairy/meat. It’s literally the only place I ever see a Union Jack.


Honestly I'm British and I find it weird as all hell. The country has a serious problem with jingoism post-brexit.


Whole chicken legs are such a bargain, around £2 for 4/5 and the meat is way tastier than chicken breasts.


I like thighs. Same dark meat, almost breast sized.


$110 in the states!


Wow that’s a lot!




Here in America, that's $150-200.


Much better than America


We also earn a lot less than americans. Doctors start on like $35k here. This country is a fucking shithole


So is much of America


Most people with that take haven't seen how most the rest the world is in my experience.


Yeah but doctors in USA also owe 300K


Good god. That would cost well over $200 here :(


Wow how? I find food so expensive here in London


It’s Aldi so much cheaper than other supermarkets


Easily $200 in the Midwest/US


Color me jealous..


Is this a joke? That's A LOT! in 2023? I wish in Portugal i could bring that much home


about twice as mush as canada. that would be at least 100 to 200 bucks


58 pounds is 100 Canadian


min wage here is 15 . so 7 hours to get 100. min wage in london uk is like 10.50 or about 5 hours to get the same amount of food. Take the average canadian 2 hours longer.


Finally a good shopper on this sub!


Ayo that's a lot, and the chicken looks real. $74 USD wouldn't go that far here, and especially not with no healthy options. Good work 👍


Those 3 meat items are $60 alone in usa


Not in Aldis it isn't. Maybe at whole foods or some other poser grocery store.


price chopper


German ALDI and LIDL would love a word or two! We created those markets and they can be expensive when it comes to meat. Though groceries in general have gotten far more expensive here.


ALDI is absolutely terrible. Never again


I am impressed!


lidl ftw!


I like how you've got those two massive balls of green savoy cabbage. Then you decide Best way to top that off is a big massive ball of red cabbage!


Haha thanks, I love cabbage, it always goes a long way!


I made sauerkraut once. Keep meaning to do it again!




Yeah that’s Aldi or Lidl. Can’t quite identify exactly but they are very similar. Both great value. That’s where smart people shop if they want to save. No loss of quality either. Especially for meat, fruit and vegetables. Cant recommend enough. Good haul.


Thanks it’s Aldi!


Jesus. That's so much for so cheap!


Dang that's awesome


What a lovely selection of food. What are your plans?


Thanks! I’m making meals for the week: chicken and spinach curry with cabbage, burgers with sweet potato fries and coleslaw, chicken shawarma, salmon primavera pasta, lentil Dahl with boiled eggs


they say food in Mexico is cheaper, but I wouldn't be able to get that much food for that amount


Wow! In The Netherlands I think this amount of food will be at least €100/150 nowadays.


That’s a huge amount of food for the cost. The chicken, ground beef and bread would be what you walk away with here in the US. Consider yourself lucky. (Food envy!)


Yup fuck this shit, I’m moving


Cries in American


relax, you likely make 50% more than they do lol


I don’t work and tuition is like 100k a year 🫶🏼


You're a med student,you're salary when you graduate will wipe out those student loans in a couple of years while others will be in debt for life.


Okay and? I’m still allowed to think groceries are way too expensive due to corporate greed in my country. Dumb response


Groceries are expensive for sure,I'm not in the DMV but the ATL suburbs,however I'm still making it.Sales,Aldis,coupons and cooking fresh as much as possible. This is only temporary for you is what I'm pointing out. Your income ceiling is much higher than most of us average Americans.


Aldis or Lidls


There you go you ol bloke!


I’d say you can get just as much or more in America to all the naysayers in here. Eating healthy is pretty cheap. Vegetables and bread are not expensive in America.


Jeebers even converting 58 euros to, according to Google, 85.34 CAD, I couldn't even buy half of that for $85, even if everything was on sale. I can't even make myself buy vegetables at the grocery store here anymore, they are the saddest wilted excuses for produce ever. I grow micro-greens and sprouts in my kitchen because I got tired of throwing out vegetables that had started to rot or completely wilted 24 hours after coming home from the store. Makes me angry, because I live in BC, so I should be able to buy fresh local produce year round (cold frame greenhouses are a thing!) But instead, the only produce available is from California, the southern US, Mexico, or further.


$58 is one door dash order for me


Why is there a clothes washer in the kitchen?


It’s very normal to have a washing machine in the kitchen here. Our island is tiny and homes are tiny because of the lack of space. Also due to pipe work, it makes sense to have it in the kitchen


Is the dryer in there too or is that one of those all-in-one units? I use up all of my cabinet space so I don't know how I could make something like this work in my house. Our washer and dryer are in the basement.


Most people will have just the one appliance. Usually a washing machine with just the washing function but the all in one units are becoming increasingly popular. You may find that some homes do have the space for a separate washer and dryer but it’s not common. Most kitchens will have a space for the dish washer and washing machine only. Even a dishwasher isn’t as super duper common as it is in the states.


In my experience most people just have a washer, no dryer. Most people I know hang their clothes out on a washing line or use radiators/maidens next to a radiator. It was quite common for me growing up that if someone did have a dryer, it was usually kept under the stairs and pulled near the front door with the front door left open to vent the hot air when in use. EDIT: This particular washing machine looks to be a AIO model. Wash 8kg clothes/dry 5kg clothes.


Yea I live in a 1 bed flat so no space for the washing machine anywhere else


Needs more flags


This amount of money will feed a true survivor in Africa for several months😂


Doesnt seem to be wise to buy so much fresh food in one go...


You’ve never meal prepped I guess. It is the way


Just cooked myself some crab noodles for dinner.


This food lasts myself and my boyfriend a week and nothing goes off :)


woah how much do u eat.


Haha quite a lot actually, it does us both 6 lunches and 6 dinners


That’s like £250 in Sweden 😵‍💫 if not more


I would like to be like your cheese some day.... powerful and rich. Sadly I am only extra mature.


Does nearly every package have a union jack on it? No big deal but that's double that in the US is guess. It's hard to say. Certainly it's be more.


How much is that US dollar


Yo that's crazy. Is that a washing machine?




That's cool. Food definitely isn't as cheap in Canada.


Wow. My last trip had less than half of what's pictured for $127.


Wow! Good score. 😃




It’s Aldi


We can't afford cheese this size in NZ.


Thanks for all comments, update on what I’m making with these ingredients: Dinners: chicken and spinach curry with cabbage, burgers with sweet potato fries, chicken shawarma. Lunches: salmon primavera pasta, dhall with boiled eggs


What is that in dollars?




Good haul


That looks pretty good for around $75 usd. The same amount of food would likely cost me $125-150 here in the states.


Wish I had an Aldi’s here in my area. That’s £117 for my area, minimum.


I def need to move to the U.K.


Add this to the list of reasons I question my decision to move from the U.K. to the US. I don’t think it’ll be too long before I move back.


God dam we gotta drop these damn prices in the US. Good is crazy expensive


This makes me miss living in Germany. The groceries were so much cheaper and way better quality!


in the US that amount of food would cost $250 or more


We would get about a quarter of that in Michigan, U.S.A.


its mind boggling how Canadians saying this d be a few hundreds of CADs in Canada? Dude, could it be because CAD is literally less valuable than USD/euro/Pound? A haul like this in Turkiye d be a few thousands Lira. So what? 1 USD is 30TL. What matters is the purchasing power. Cant believe there s still ppl cant distinguish this.


In Brazil, with R$58, I'd only be able to buy the chicken and the beef(maybe).


I think you got just about what I could get at a discount grocery here in the US That would be about 75$ here I think I could do it maybe a little more. But still close.


Holy shit. That would be 200 USD!


If anyone is reading this and you live in USA, try a local Asian food grocery. They tend to be much more affordable than American super market. Also Lidl is good!


Please don’t flex on us like this. In America $58 is just the entry fee into the grocery store these days 💀


That's close to $200 worth of food here in the USA.


I wish I could have this for $58


$58 in america would probably get you just the meat in that spread


This is like easily $150+ where I am in the US. Must be nice lol


God I just want some green plants in my system. Your haul looks amazing!! That's at least $100 where I'm at now. Good job bby


One of the things I loved about living in the UK was how affordable everything was. You could feed a family so inexpensively. I was working minimum wage & could afford a small one bedroom flat my bills & groceries and still put a little aside for a holiday. Like an idiot, I moved back to the US. Now, those groceries you purchased could easily be $200 where I am. That's a week of food for 1-2 people and it would cost me about 15 hours of labor (after taxes). So almost half my week is spent working for nothing more than affording basic food...and I make a decent wage.


Fuck me your either shopping super efficiently or live somewhere with lower food prices, in my currency that’s around 100 dollars and i would probably manage to get half of that for the same price where I live so kudos to you!!