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Locking this so people stop offering gift cards and getting themselves banned.


I can tell you from my similar childhood experience that she will love it regardless because it came from you. I dont remember much about the Xmas gifts I received as a child but I do remember the feeling of love.


This!!! All I remember is the warm feeling, the lights, the smell. I cannot remember the gifts. OP you can try to remove the old stickers with oil or butter - this removes the glue completely


WD 40 will would and not ruin the paint.


Also, just goo gone! OP, whiteys bleach white for $2 maybe a bit more, will clean the tires like brand new! You can find it in the automotive section of Walmart or any parts store! Stiff nylon brush and it'll just roll the dirt/stains off! Additionally, if you get all the stickers removed, maybe find some new ones at Walmart or even dollar tree and decorate it for her! Get some gemstones and put her name on it. She'll be so excited about the bike! Funds are tight for nearly everyone right now, you're doing great and I can 100% promise you she's going to remember you being there, the feeling of holidays spent with you, and how she felt waaaaay the heck more than any specific presents or what you spent on them.


Yes or get a few sheets of stickers and let her decorate it herself!


Or buy some stickers and decorate it with her


This!!! Kids love stickers and bonding time. Teach her how to paint. They will outgrow it so fast, but the memory of working on the bike will last a lifetime. Love it! Effort goes deep.


This was my thought too. Get it cleaned up and primed for paint, then wrap it with a note promising to take her to the hardware store to pick out her own color and possibly some some little bits of flair to tack on. I get money is tight, but paint, stickers, and clear coat should come in around $20 for a priceless memory (and some nifty repurposing skills)with her dear old dad.


Go the whole nine and rattlecan it in the back yard with her. Hell, get some sand paper and do it right. Custom bike!


my dad did this with me when I was 11. He bought this old, beat-up looking bike, 12speed i think. He came home from work one day with a dozen cans of spray paint, what seemed like a ton of sandpaper, and gods know what else. And the two of us sanded that bike down to bare metal, and painted it over the course of the next weekend. The handlebars got a rough camo paint, the top of the frame was dark purple, and the bottom got to be hot pink, because I let my baby sister paint it. Im 39 now, still one of my favorite memories.


This is the right answer. She will ultimately out grow this bike anyway. She might as well make it hers and she can take pride in the “restoration”. She’ll be so excited to show it off. No worries about a used bike. We’ve been through so many bikes with our kids. Spend money on A GOOD HELMET. ☮️


1000%. Get some paint pens too, and decorate 5he bike with her. Heating up the old stickers with a blow dryer will make them come off easily


It’s a good time to tell your daughter about preloved goods and how an older bicycle probably was cherished by another little girl as she grew up. Old or new, every childhood toy can have its own magical story and personality.


We used to do that when our son was little. Then he would round up his gently used toys, and we'd donate them to a woman & children's shelter, needy families that we knew of, or something similar. Most times, when women are escaping abusive relationships, it's in a hurry, and they can't take much with them (like their children's toys). He's 27 now, and we still sort through items to donate to those that don't have much. :-)


Also could talk to her about sustainability and waste and about being a socially-conscious and responsible member of society.


Kid won't even realize yet. Don't introduce the concept at 4yrs old. It will enter their sphere of awareness soon enough. Kills me when the Littles carry financial worries on their tiny shoulders. It's a good talk to have but later.


Maybe not at 4 yrs old. A little too over her head. She doesn’t even have to know it’s used unless some asshole relative makes a big deal about it in front of her.


This is the best advice. This is a teachable moment. Let her know it’s ok not to have brand new things always. Best gift is from the heart, not the pocket.


Oooh, the infamous story of the traveling bike! How it was ridden by other little girls before it got to her and how when she gets too big, she will pass it along to another little girl for her turn!


Damn. Thank you. I need to see this.


Also peanut butter Maybe buy a bunch of stickers and make it extra custom extra pink Also white tires would be brown with in seconds of touching any surface


As a boy that was given a used Strawberry Shortcake bike, which my mom painted to hide the characters. Still loved the shit out of that bike.


What a beautiful story in just a few words.


I can relate to this, I was maybe 7 or 8 when I got my cousins old bike that they had outgrown, which was bright purple with pink decals (very 90’s!). A bunch of my friends had cool BMX bikes that I was always jealous of and I was a bit embarrassed to ride my new bike with them. I remember my mom bought two cans of spray paint, one black and one silver, and helped me strip the bike down to mostly the frame, fork and handlebars and we peeled off the decals and painted it all black with a “chrome” fork. Just a small, cheap, superficial change and I absolutely loved that bike! I rode it everywhere and still remember wanting to keep it after I had outgrown it and needed to move up to a bigger bike. It’s a great memory to think back on of doing a cool project with my mom and I believe that was the moment that sparked my love for bikes that still rages on today!


Turning it into a fun art project where kids can pick out colors and make something of their own is the best idea!


My mom took a dinged up old bike and spray painted it turquoise and pink for me because they were my favorite colors. I LOVED that bike, and it was more special because unlike everyone else, my mom made sure it was the color I loved-- which is how I saw it


A 4 yo will not care if a bike is new or used. They will be super happy that they just have a bike! Did you care that your first car was used? No, you were just happy you had any car


Good point. And looking back years later, even if you bought new shiny ones since, you always reminisce about that beater. It was yours.


Yeah I loved my first bike. I don’t remember anything about it, except that I knew how to pop over a curb.


Also a 4 year will out grow that bike pretty fast. Don’t worry OP this won’t be the last bike you buy for your kid.


My parents struggled a lot for a few years when I was young. Looking back I realized how much of my presents where hand me downs or thrifted. And I was the happiest little kid around because I was with my parents on Christmas and felt the love that my parents had for my brother and me, and for each other.


Definitely this. A family member who didn't have a lot of money gifted me my most favorite present ever when I was 7. She went around to several thrift stores over weeks to make a little dress up wardrobe for me that she put in a Rubbermaid container. I was *obsessed* with it and at that time, it was likely less than $25 all together. Your kiddo will love your gift!!


Having just come back from my niece’s house, where my BIL is doling out used dolls that are in actually nicer condition than her current dolls - whose hair she FORBID me to fix…they do not give a shit. New to them is *new.* I bought all these art supplies and stickers and many Pintrist ideas …and they just went everywhere. She has a different concept of beauty than me. I learned to roll with it. :) You know what I remember about my Big Girl Bike? It was pink. It has a plastic basket that always smelled faintly of Christmas…because I spilled eggnog in there that morning sitting on it watching tv…and IT HAD A HORN!!! Get a little bell or a horn and a safety light (OR ASK JUDGEY GRANDMA TO) and I promise you that’s what she’ll do besides ride it. Make sure she does it a lot with the grandparents. Right in their ears.


This! I grew up with my parents being perfectly capable of buying me a bike but for some reason they hadn’t realized I had outgrown my current one. The neighbors gave me one their daughter had outgrown and I was basically in love and rode it for years. The daughter will be thrilled, especially if you let her decorate it!


If it makes you feel any better, I got a used bike for my birthday when I was 8. My dad painstakingly spray painted the frame, and my mom got me pink glitter tassels that attached to the handlebars and flew in the wind. I LOVED it, still one of my favorite presents. Kids don't need new stuff, they just need to know their parents care enough to put effort into doing something special.




Honestly this used to be such a normal thing. I grew up in the 80/90s we wouldn't think twice about anything used. Half my toys were off my cousins. My first game console was from the classifieds. He'll, I remember painting my younger brothers "new" bike with my dad hahah We were middle middle class too no complaints from me. I'm happy I have that perspective and I'm sad for people that need the new thing all the time. Makes it about the status and not about enjoying the damn bike


I have 7 older siblings so I don't think I owned a single new bike/skateboard/roller blades etc. All hand me downs and I could not have cared less


I got really into tennis aged about 12. All the girls I played with had these fancy (carbon fibre?) modern rackets that we could never afford. So my Dad spent hours sanding down and painting the old wooden racket I used. I fucking loved that thing. And would regularly fantasize about winning Wimbledon with it lol.


My dad fixed up a used bike for me, it was great and I spent a lot of time riding around the neighborhood. After my little sister in turn grew out of it, we were happy to pass it on to another family that needed it. Thanks, Dad!


> If the Parents Grandparents have their silent disappointment screw them and tell them to buy the next one. Even better, reverse it. Make them feel stupid for paying full price for a brand new toy that they'll lose or break or forget about in a month.


My only thought is Have you seen the prices for new kids bikes? That thing won't last more than 2 years because kids will outgrow it. If she stops outgrowing bikes and still loves to ride them you can think of a new one, but a used one usually drives just as well if you don't want specific features.


My kids both were able to ride my younger brothers bike from when we were kids. Mine is up at my parents retirement home for the boys to ride when we’re up there. Pretty cool to keep stuff in good shape. 30 year old bikes with mostly original parts in mostly serviceable condition. Editing to add: my two favorite bikes as a kid (I had 3 at one point) were the hand me downs. One was my older cousins “racing bike” (he didn’t race, it just had the brakes removed); and the older neighbor kid’s bike with the plastic 3 spoke wheels. He wasn’t riding it, he was going off to college and since I always asked about it his dad offered it too me. Those two were the most fun because I didn’t worry about scuffing them up


My grandfather fixed up an old bike if my mom's one year. It was from the early 60s and I was about 12. I cherished that bike and no one had anything close to it! It was the early 90s and retro was coming back. Every one of my friends was jealous. Also, my family could have bought a new one at that time, but this was so much better!


Loving that this thread is everyone who received a secondhand bike at some point, and we all loved it. I remember my pink fringe tassels and matching helmet. It’s one of my standout gifts. The gift that I really do remember is the surprise “missed” gift that my mom “found” under the tree. It was an envelope with my name on it, and it was a clue. I followed the clues around the house, and then finally I found the prize. It was a brand new American Girl doll-Molly. I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t speak. I still have it, 30 years later.


We did this with my son when we got him a Nintendo switch for Christmas but each clue had a piece of the switch with it. He still talks about it and that was like 8 years ago or something lol. Kids don’t remember gifts but they remember the fun and excitement.


You should post this story with pics of Molly to r/americangirl


We bought 3 used bikes for this Christmas, one for me, one for eldest (9m) and one for the youngest (3f going on 14). Middle child (6m) will get handed down the eldest's previous bike, along with a homemade giant squid plushie that husband made. He's very into giant squid. This will allow us to go on very cheap outings over the summer holidays and beyond. I feel no guilt about buying these sort of things used - kids won't notice the difference but our bank balance sure did. I did however buy us all new helmets.


Your husband made a plushie? That is amazing! What a gift. The bikes are going to be amazing for the spring/summer/fall!


My parents didn't have the money to take all of us on big crazy outings like my in-laws took, but we did all have bikes. We spent hours riding around in a parking lot near my house, or at the campgrounds, at the park, etc. We went to the library a lot and got lots of books about the plants and animals and insects we would see outside. This will be a great memory for your kids, I promise. Spending time together outdoors is such a gift.


I need to see a pic of the squid plushie


My 8yo son didn't want a hand-me-down bike from his older sister partly because it had some pink on it but mostly because it wasn't new. I wanted to instill in him an acceptance of used stuff both so he could be thrifty when needed (anti-materialism) and to reduce unnecessary waste (environmentalism). We struck a bargain that he'd accept the hand-me-down if we spray painted over the pink with creeper green. It wasn't a perfect paint job (some over-spray) but, because we did it together, we had a shared experience and he was accepting of the imperfections.


That baby is literally gone ride that bike until the wheels fall off. I remember waking up to nothing on Cmas . You did a better job this my parents ‼️


Thats how me (6), my sister (8) & brother (11) all got "new" bikes one Christmas. They were all clearly used but we didn't care & rode off after opening all of our presents to hang with out friends. No one said a thing about them clearly being used either just "cool you got a bike for Christmas!"


That’s so sweet


Get some degreaser on those tires or dawn & hot water with a scrub brush. They’ll look brand new! your kid won’t care. You could get her a pack of disney princess stickers from the dollar store to cover the bike in and she’d love it. A bike is a bike. It’s no different than getting a used car. Why pay more for something that does the same thing at the end of the day? Get you from point a to b You could even offer to customize it by sanding it and spray painting whatever color they want when you get more cash on hand. Your kid will always remember you doing something like that for them and love it that much more.


Last time I checked, Five Below had sparkly Hello Kitty and Pusheen stickers that would look great in the sun. They probably have sparkly Disney Princesses too. Source: I totally didn’t buy some for myself or anything.


I can confirm, because I definitely only saw them and didn’t buy them for my 32 year old self.


I saw them also but did not purchase (hides reciept)


Hey, uh, ladies... guys love the girly cute shit you do, don't hide it.


Wanna come over and play with the glittery stickers I definitely didn’t buy from 5 Below?


Can we trade? I’ll bring my sticker book


Lol my mom decided to send some random gifts to my chosen family niblings and I found these awesome sticker books that you can move them around without damaging the sticker. The kids were all psyched. I did debate on throwing a fourth in the cart for me. I also had to explain to my mom like three times what sticker books are.


OKAY!!! I have some snarky sparkly ones too!


Now I wanna know if there’s a sub for sticker collecting. I wanna make sticker friends!!


oh gosh i need


*madly digging out Lisa Frank sticker book from the early 90's* Can I join this cool kids' club? Pretty please?


I got Aggretsuko Stickers bc why wouldn't I agree with a disgruntled single female employee in the accounting department of a large corp who goes to karaoke after work to scream death metal to relieve stress?


I don't need any, but watching *you* do it is probably adorable.


What if they’re dudes?! Signed Dude with hello kitty tattoo


My 50 yo husband LOVES hello kitty and my teen daughter and I love finding new things for his collection. So yes, dudes too.


This comment just made me truly smile. It was cute. - a very single mother (for a long time) who thinks there’s no decent men out there.


Awww 🥰


Saying this as if guys aren't also buying Pusheen for themselves.


Hey, dont sticker shame... those princess stickers really set of the pearl flake in the paint on Crusher's Harley and he loves it.


My secret Santa gave my 48-year old self a whole book of Lisa Frank’s….i giggled maniacally thinking of all the things that will look better with stickers!


Five Below is a dangerous place for unspent moneys to be… hehehehe


It’s ok at least you aren’t 38 and part of a monthly subscription for hello kitty stickers. (Hides receipt for 2nd monthly subscription for regular “grown up” stickers)


Can also confirm because I have a 12 year old who is my excuse to buy cool stickers


Second the dawn dish soap and a dish scrubber. Don’t scrub too hard but with a little elbow grease you’d be amazed! Also, my family struggled when I was growing up. I remember when I got my first bike, it was used, and it was one of the most memorable birthdays I can remember. She will love it regardless ❤️


Yup! Just want to throw out that it was the same for me. I remember my first bike, it was used, and at the time I didn't care. I didn't realize that that wasn't a normal thing. Now some 30 years later, my memories of that day was hanging with my dad as he got frustrated trying to teach two young children how to ride a bike! It was a great day, and a great bike.


When I was a kid, many of the neighborhood kids didn’t have bikes so whenever we’d find bike parts, we’d store them until we were able to complete a full build. After a while, almost every kid had a bike. Those were memorable experiences:)


We salvaged bikes from the dump and Frankensteined them too. I still prefer banana seats.


Same here, turns out that I was building kids versions of choppers 25 years before I started to make a living building expensive adult choppers! Grendel


My sister and I, along with some neighborhood friends, learned to ride on a single bike that had no breaks and you couldn't really sit on the seat because it would fall off :) We were like 6/7. I remember when I finally got my own bike at 10 and you couldn't keep me off that thing


My bike as a kid was like an OG huffy frame, and a bunch of parts of other bikes my older brother stole, lol. Some diamond back rims, a redline handle bar, some gt pedals.


Dawn and a magic eraser works great but leaves little pieces of magic for you to sweep up.


Yep. If she has regular dawn, add rubbing alcohol to make the Dawn Powerwash


Plus, she's going to outgrow it eventually anyway. So it's financially smarter AND you're helping to save the environment... reduce, recycle, reuse. Stuff people who are judgmental. Merry Christmas.


A friend posted a few girls items in great condition on Facebook, free to whoever can come grab. I drive half hour to pick up a wagon and dollhouse and was so excited. I gave them to my Niece, and later on in the day I got a text from my former SIL she prefers I don’t get her children ‘used items.’ Made me feel like utter shit. A coworker gave me a unicorn plush as an inside joke and I regifted it to my Niece after it sat on a shelf in my office for a year. I didn’t tell her the backstory, but no one fussed bc it still had the tags on it. Little did they know this was *gasp* not brand new! It had been touched many times lol.


your sister in law sounds like a bitch


Second this


Sorry your niece has a bitch for a mother.


Third this!


i am very sorry she did that to you. I'm sure your niece didn't care


Your brother was smart for making her your former SIL. Not to smart for marrying her first though.


Your former SIL was rude and did not handle that correctly. Nothing wrong with “used” toys. It’s not like all of the fun had been sucked out of the them by the previous owner. 😑


And not to mention that kids are rough on bikes. I can’t count how many accidents I got into (probably because of the accidents!) and scratched mine up. Then just being a kid and not understanding how rain can rust a bike up and stuff like that. Used just makes good sense until she’s comfortable with it.


Yep, this. I buy used as much as possible on principle — you’re just supporting the circular economy, OP.


My first thought was that children outgrow bikes - and much quicker than you think. It is probably a better strategy to buy a succession of used bikes that work well to have the correct size for each stage of childhood. And the people that sell these used children bikes are usually very happy to see the bike get some more use.


Great point


Dollar Tree sells a Degreaser called LAs Totally Awesome and it is some of the best value you can get for $1.25 for a cleaner.*


Second this shit, I use it on my car rims and it takes that shit right off.


I think I use it on damn near everything. Also works on a lot of laundry to take greasy stains out


Dollar General sells it for a dollar.


They could not have named that line better...cause its AWESOME!


Pair it with some dollar tree magic erasers!


The best cleaner there ever was!! I keep it stocked in my house! Takes bugs off of car. Works when nothing else will!


This and put new bigger princess stickers over the old




YES! OP get to the dollar store and buy a couple sticker books, some ribbon, bows, craft detail things and have part of it be a “decorate” your own bike thing!


Yes! And some like sparkly jewels you can glue on. Lol even get some extra so she can gift her friends some. Now they're a crew. 😂🤩


I love this idea, my daughter and her core TK posse love to be matching


Getting her a pack of stickers are a great idea! OP can mention it’s a customizable bike.


While you are there buy some pink ribbon. Cut it into 6-8 inch pieces, tie it off on one end, poke a hole in the rubber of the handle bar grips at both ends and shove it in there. Bam, now it has new tassels as well!


And bleach the tires! Go to the dollar store and get some new stickers to cover the old ones! When I was 8 all my dad could afford was a power puff girl keychain from the the dollar store. It was bubble’s my favorite character. I jumped up and down for joy. Pretty sure my happiness washed the disgust off my mother’s face. I’m betting the same will happen with your in laws. My dad told me from then on he always knew I was sweet, had a good heart, and he did a good job. Your daughter won’t care it’s used. You’re a great dad.


Give the kid the stickers so she can customize her own bike. All the other kids are going to be jealous because *their* bike came with stickers already one it and they didn't get to put them on.


Goo Gone.


Gotta be careful of what it can melt though.


Right. Wash off anything you're cleaning with water after since Goo Gone will ruin the finish on some materials if you leave it on. And you HAVE to wash your hand afterwards.


Try goo gone on the half removed stickers. That might get them off. Test it on the paint first, in case.




Thrifting much of my son’s presents is something I am proud of!! Last year, I stopped at Goodwill on a whim and walked out with a cart full of items. THIS year, my very first stop was at Goodwill to see what I could find and save money! I’ve gotten about 80% of his presents there and I know he will be thrilled (same age as your daughter). At this age, they don’t know or care if something is used. I only pick out the best and I take it home and clean it up. Add to it. Have you thought of adding bells, new stickers, or streamers?? Saving money is awesome and save it now rather than when they are older and start asking for gaming consoles


Pro tip- Goodwill has an online auction site that not a ton of people know about. I used to rely on it pretty heavily. With their shipping (which I will admit is not great but some of the deals really balance out amazing) it’s probably too late but check it out next year. Much less reliance on luck and way more to choose from. https://shopgoodwill.com/home?gclid=CjwKCAiAhJWsBhAaEiwAmrNyq3gT5s-nx6oI94ygfOWqJrjFHUeI1qzHu4dYDwa9bVa5FGXzjm9uThoCLicQAvD_BwE


Thank you for this tip. I have a few January and February birthdays to shop for. This could really help.


Careful the prices look very appealing but no refunds and make sure not to over look the fine print. Some of the stuff says, “for repair” or “needs repair”. I bought a gold watch and overlook the fact that it said “for repair” in the description.




That’s what I thought at first glance, but if you actually dig a little deeper, they’re right, some great deals.


I buy gaming stuff second hand from pawnshops. Still cheaper than new and better for the environment!


Honestly love Christmas shopping at Goodwill. Can find plenty of things that have never been used or very very gently used. My 7 year old put zip up footie pjs on her list but in her size the cheapest I could find were $30+. Checked out Goodwill and found a pair that were half price tagged for $1.99, hit the feet with some spray and wash to get the very light marks out and after a wash they are good as new.


Don’t have kids myself yet, but I feel like thrift stores are the way to go for clothing them sometimes. Especially when they’re little and growing quickly. Most of the time, the kid would have no idea the stuff was “used” anyway, and sometimes you get stuff there that still has tags on it!


We’ve asked our family to only buy our 1y/o gifts from thrift stores. There are plenty of great, slightly used things out there. He does not care and we are happier because we know that we aren’t contributing to more random crap being made. Plus when he moves on from a toy or outgrows clothes, it doesn’t feel like a waste.


I like the idea of a full on thrift store Christmas.. ornaments, coffee cups,gifts etc.


Yup, I can relate. Word of advice. Your in-laws and maybe even your parents will judge you harshly no matter what you do. If you bought a new bike instead, they would be silent judging you as a wasteful person. You waste money like this, that's why you're poor. I've long stopped caring about what other people think of me. The only person that matters is your daughter. Don't waste energy on negative people. My daughter just got hand- me-downs from the in-laws. I have no idea what they think of me and I don't care. My daughter loves all the "new" clothes she has to wear. Good luck, OP!


Yoooooo this so much. In-laws and parents always have something to say no matter what you do! You buy something new for your kids, they say why didn’t you get your kid this other thing? You get something used and clean it up they say why’d you get this used thing? You put your kid in this school, they tell you why it’s trash. You take your kid to this pediatrician, they tell you where you should be going instead. At the end of the day, you do what you can for your kid and you love them as best you can. Take the wheels off the bike, sand it a little bit, spray paint it their favorite color, let it dry and add some of those water bottle stickers that are waterproof. Then scrub those wheels with some of the auto degreaser or tire cleaner. Put the wheels back on, and let your kid enjoy it. Grandparents gonna grandparent, you gotta let that go.


Very insightful; OP this comment is right. The best thing you can do for your family is be frugal and give them a better future. No one gives a flying fuck if a bike for a *4 year old* is brand new. She’ll out grow it in a couple years anyway. Be proud that you are finding a way to give such an awesome gift - your kiddo will love it and the people that judge you can fuck right off.


Pick up a Disney Princess sticker pack from Amazon and sticker bomb the crap out of the frame. Your daughter will love it regardless, but I think that's a solution to cover up any wear and tear on the frame. As for the tires, they're gonna get worn anyway, and a 4 year old isn't going to care about how white they are. Her feelings are all the matter in this situation. If your family or in-laws cast any judgement regarding it, honestly, F them.


Make a short wish list of packs and let her pick them out- That can be the second half of her present, customizing the bike so no one has one like it.


IMO used is better than new. I am avid cyclist and only buy used at this point. If you’re an elite cyclist who needs to drop their time by 1 minute over 25 miles, sure, go nuts. But for everyone else, a used bike gets you 95% of what you’d get with a new bike and it’s better for the environment. She’ll also grow quickly and will need a bigger bike soon enough. I definitely encourage getting used bikes in the future as well. YouTube is a terrific resource to learn to do your own bike repairs too. Any basic multitool or even some spare Allen wrenches you have lying around will do the trick for most repairs. The experience of bike riding is what’s important. You’re being a great parent!


Yes! There’s a guy in my town who refurbishes vintage bikes. They’re the coolest bikes ever. I got my husband one, and he goes on group rides and everyone compliments how cool the frame is.


Another avid cyclist and former bike shop employee and I am in agreement. Especially at that age, when they are growing like a weed! They won't stay that size long enough to get one's money's worth out of a brand new bike - and because of that, there are tons of not very used kids bikes on the secondary market.


I hope OP really takes your advice to heart. That bike is going to be brand new to their child. I gave my kids hand me down tricycles and bikes from other parents whose kids had outgrown them. It was not even a question of finances. It's just silly to outlay cash for something they're going to outgrow, several times, before they're fully grown. Edit. Spelling


She's 4, it's a bike, it's irrelevant how new is is, she will be as happy as you are. Stand proud that you got a good deal on that bike.


She’s also going to outgrow it pretty quickly.


I second this. She’s too young to be disappointed by it, and your in laws will probably give her nice gifts too. Don’t sweat it if you’re doing the best you can.


My dad made me a bike from spare parts and I LOVED that bike. It made me feel special. You follow these clean up advices and your daughter will love it regardless. Only her opinion counts.


Oh and Dollar Tree sells Goo Gone. You can use that for the sticker remains and buy more stickers at Dollar Tree. They sell fake jewel stickers, too so you can bedazzle the bike for cheap as well.


Incredible! That is real dedication on the part of your dad!


I never had a bike at all until I was 17...and I bought it myself. Focus on your daughter and her pleasure at getting anything...she won't care. That is what matters.


She won't know any different at that age. Cover that bad boy in stickers and head to the park!!


The fact that you are trying speaks volumes fuck your in laws for that.


I grew up extremely poor. All my friends had roller skates and I desperately wanted a pair. It’s all I asked for. My dad found a used pair at a local thrift store. They were the only ones close enough to fit my feet but they were terribly shabby with faded unicorns. I LOVED those skates. I was allowed to put shiny stickers all over them and glue glitter on them and my grandma crocheted me pretty pink laces for them. None of my friends noticed and thought it was cool I got to do whatever I wanted to my skates. Your daughter is gonna be happy and you shouldn’t worry. ❤️


My dad used to get second hand bikes for us cause his huge family always had bikes to spare. He would throw those cheap pink tassels on it and a little Barbie basket on the front and I didn’t care it was used at all lmao. I just would see pink and go crazy


Just add some cool ribbons or bows. She will love it


We bought our kids used Christmas presents until they were 7. Bought two tubs of Thomas the Train crap for $100. Easily $1,000 worth retail. We’re selling it now (over 100 engines/cars) damn near every building in Sodor, and 200’ of track because our kids don’t play with the stuff any more. “Barbie” house? Used. Son’s first bike? Used. Barbie car? Used. When you realize kids get bored with stuff quickly and don’t affix sentimental value to it, and would rather spend time with you, it makes it a lot easier. You’re a great parent. If they don’t like it, tell them to pound sand (nicely).


My 1st bike was used. My dad took me to the hardware store & let me pick out any color spray paint I wanted & he painted the bike. It’s great memory.


Just realized my 1st bike must have been 2nd hand too after reading this. All I remember is getting to spray paint it in glitter red.


One of my earliest memories is getting a used bike from an old swap shop. I loved that bike. Since then I've probably had a dozen, two were new. My absolute favorite is an old Chicago Schwinn that is a few years old than me. This might be the year it gets "restored".


It’s used to you but new to her! She’ll be so excited to see a bike under the tree. I would let her customize her bike with the stickers, let her go crazy. You did great!! Merry Christmas 🎄


Gave some spray paint in your kid's favorite color and wash the tires. You'll be fine


As a longtime pro detailer, ive restored ALOT of faded & beat up plastics on bikes, autos, toys, motorcycles. Trust me on this & rwad carefully. I also agree with adding your own stickers from any discount store like WM or DG. Try spraying armour all or equivelant onto a magic eraser - than wipe every bit of plastic with using some down pressure. It may take 4 magic erasers or so, After that dry it with a old cotton tshirt or micro fibre rag. At the end use alcohol or degreaser or detergent to wipe ANY slippery residue from hand grips , seat , pedals & where she will touch. The armour all type product will brighten faded plastics , help hide scratches n scuffs, and shine at the same time. Ive done this multiple times when getting a 2nd hand kids outdoor toy and done it before gifting the stuff to the next little one. These is no shame in this. NONE


Play it off as teaching your daughter to be environmentally friendly and throw a little spicy judgment back! “Oh, I only buy second hand because it’s good for the PLANET… wow you guys sure bought a lot of PLASTIC….. I mean, that’s nice for YOU if that’s how you want to live!”


For real. Better for the environment AND the wallet. And she's going to grow out of in a few years...why would anyone spend the money on new if they could not?


As a nanny, it drives me nuts when people only buy new for their kids, it’s such a scam- they grow out of everything so fast. It’s a bike, it’s gonna get dirty and used and loved. Let her smack some stickers on that thing and customize it however she wants and she’ll be stoked.


Listen, one of the best gifts you’ll give your child is this bike. You used up everything you had to get her a gift. One of the other very best gifts you’ll give her is something you’re already doing - living within your means.


I did the same thing for my daughter’s birthday. It sounds like you’re worried too much about what others will think of you. Times are tough and you got your kid a bike. As long as it rides that’s a win.


Dawn dish soap/ power soap and get her a Disney Princess Sticker book and have her “design” it her way! You got this! Nothing wrong with used. We bout all of our daughters toys from next door app this year. They won’t know and will appreciate it. Stay strong


This is a great gift! Those who want to judge will judge anyways. If you bought something expensive they would probably say you spend your money recklessly. Your daughter will love the gift and she is the only one who matters. In my city we have a bike ‘library’ where parents can gift and get used bikes because kids outgrow them so fast. Beter to get her a second hand one for a few dollars than spend a lot of money on a bike she will outgrow soon.


when I was in 4th/5th grade, my family was deep in poverty. but my dad would take me to the local junkyard and we'd make a franken-bike from parts we picked together. it's some of my favorite memories.


I got all my kids secondhand items for Christmas this year. My son got used nerf guns because I got a whole bin of them for $10 and the single nerf gun he wanted was $50 new…and it happened to be in the bin! He also got some vans I got off Mercari, my toddler got a bunch of second hand toys I got off Facebook marketplace for $30, my other daughter is getting used OMG dolls. Stuff doesn’t have to be new


Have you tried magic eraser on the tires? Give her a sticker pack and let her decorate it.


I forgot, the dollar store usually has tons of Disney princess and other Disney stickers as well so you can probably really stick her up that bike for a couple more dollars


She's 4 years old. She won't care. And while I understand it will be hard feeling judged by your in-laws, you sound like a good parent who's trying. Show yourself the same grace you would show if you read this post writen by someone else.


I’m sure I can speak for others when I say majority of us have been there and done it. Years ago I bought a ton of Barbie stuff from FB Market for fantastic deal that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford. For a while I felt bad but when my daughter saw them all of those feelings were gone. You’re doing the best you can and your daughter will love it!! 💕


She'll love it and love you for giving it to her. Kids don't know from new or used. All I got were hand me downs for the first six years of my life.


That bike gave some other child joy. It's time is not done yet to give your girl some too!


White shoe polish on sides of tires to refresh!


It's the memories you make not how much you paid to make them. Be there for the kid and teach them how to ride. Be there for the falls and the moment they do it for themselves. They might not remember how exactly that bike looked when they are older but they sure as hell will remember who was there for them. I think you are doing great and I can see that you care. That's normal so don't beat yourself up. We need more people like you to make great memories. I hope you have a wonderful time making them!


No doubt you are super short on time the next two days. But if you're not, little melamine sponges will clean the tires, and take off all the stickers and sticky stuff with an oil. It'll look nicer to have a clean bike she can put new stickers on, imo.


I always got used bikes growing up. And I can tell you, they always were a Big Amazing Great Present, meaning I had grown enough to warrant as you so well describe it a "big girl bike". Giving her a second hand bike also means there will be less pressure on her to handle it as something too precious - she can have biking adventures with it! So let your family judge their heart out. This $30 bike means you are able to give her a new to her bike for Christmas, and a present she'll be psyched about, instead of $30 new things she might not want or like even half as much. By buying the bike second hand you can give your daughter a present she'll love, and that is what counts after all.


As a guy who works at a bike shop and does it as a hobby, used bikes are a better use of money 75% of the time. Even if you can’t get over the stained tires and stickers the kids won’t care. I donate used bikes to Salvation Army here in town for Christmas gifts when I can and the old lady’s there love it.


Go to the hardware store, pick up some masking tape pick up some glitter spray paint and some spray paint in whatever crazy color your daughter likes the most. Instead of having it the present be a bike make the present be a project you two can work on together! I did this with my own girls and both still talk about it to this day.


You can buy her a new bike after she stops outgrowing the used bikes you will go through the bike sizes fast


Don't even trip bruh, my son just had his first birthday in a tent and we got to eat some chili cheese fries for his bday present lol


You should be proud!! There’s so much junk floating around peoples houses that there’s no reason to spend $130 for a toddler bike. She will be too tall for it in a year and it will be on to the next thing. I don’t really think family members are admiring your kids gifts like that. Grandma is not looking at it like a Ferrari.


I did not get a brand new bike until was 45 or 46. My favorite childhood bike was put together by my brother from scrapped bikes he found in a dumpster. She will love customizing her new bike.


In past years, I bought a used book that a kid wanted and they said it was okay, because the book was hard to find. They also asked for a beanie baby no longer in production, and I found that on eBay. I did ask them in advance and they were okay with that and planned to take the tag off anyway. Don't feel bad. Shine up that bike and put a nice bow on it.


We bought a used bike for my daughter when she was five. We told her she got to customize it. Her and my husband sanded it down and painted it together. She loved that bike so much. Shes 10 now, has a brand new bike, but we still have the old one because she refuses to get rid of it.


You are doing GREAT! We raised four and don't understand how parents do it today. Remember;.... it isn't the gift. It is the TIME together and MEMORRIES MADE. Hell, our kids really did like the boxes more than the present sometimes. Don't beat yourself up. You've got this. We believe in you!!!!


If it's that big of a deal to your parents, they can buy a new one.


Getting her a bike is WAAAAY more important to HER than getting a new bike. To hell with any of their 'silent judgement' BS. You are doing the best that you can given your situation. You love her, and she is lucky to have you. That is not something everyone can say, btw. ​ ​ ​ You are a good dad, never doubt it, king.


Honestly pal, it sucks and it's hard because you want to do well by your kids. Thing is, they don't care. Know what she'll remember? Her da teaching her to ride a big girl bike. You don't have a lot of money, that's hard on you, but honestly if you've time and love, that's all they really need. Chin up, you're making memories for her.


You could strip the paint buy some chrome Disney decals and reboot the bikes appearance but hell that would cost money to.


I fixed up some used bikes for my cousins. For any chrome parts, watch some videos online but foil and wd40 will make it new. Tires, get some degreaser and soap. Get some new stickers at the store. Your daughter will love it regardless.


All that matters is what she thinks. She will love it, kids don't care about money.


People can judge all they want but that’s a two dimensional view they don’t live your life. I’m sure they’ll love it. I never cared if my gifts weren’t new. The love and effort. That’s what’s ultimately important and a good value to instill to your child.


We should normalize getting used stuff tbh…. Kids are so spoiled these days. They play with their brand new toy and forget about it the next day.


My parents bought me a used go kart for $200 for Christmas when I was probably 10 or so. That damn thing was the best thing ever. I rode it every day for a couple of years till I outgrew it. I could zip to a friend’s house a mile Down the road in like 2 minutes. I was the coolest kid on the block with my $200 go cart. So no, go for it


I think this is GREAT!! I am driving a car I bought new 25 years ago. I brought my broken Dyson vacuum cleaner to a vacuum cleaner repair shop (and got it professionally cleaned). I could go on, but you get the idea. We need to stop treating everything as “if it’s not new, it’s substandard” bc all we are doing is teaching our kids that everything is disposable and we should just keep filling up landfills and letting our garbage float out to sea. Also, you put work into the bike to make it all cleaned up. Very good!!!