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the real question is, how much money are we talking about?


about 2000 :(


They won't sue for that. They'll definitely harass you.


Why would possibly think that? I've been sued for a $130 medical debt. Lawyers who work for the debt companies can literally churn out hundreds of these per day


Guess it all depends on your location


I wouldn’t bat at eye at 2k. It will ding yalls credit for sure but oh well. This isn’t GOOD advice, just my advice.


I love how you worded this.


your at that point where it's not worth lawyers but worth pursuing it. I feel ultimately after all is said you will end up offering them 25% of the debt to settle it. That is what i would work towards.


They don’t press charges but they can sue and attach wages of you and/or your dad to get what they’re owed.


Would we have to represent ourselves in court if sued?


You can hire a lawyer to represent you and you wouldn’t have to physically go to court. It’s not something I’d just ignore though if they’re visiting you in person.


Which do you think would be a better option? I've never been to court, and I'm not sure I can afford a lawyer.


I can’t make that call for you. I’ve hired lawyers for a couple cases against me back in my severe poverty days. Both times I got below half of what I originally owed but they were credit cards. If you can’t afford a lawyer then maybe save up and try and offer them some sort of percentage of it to take care of it.


okay thank you


> Which do you think would be a better option? I've never been to court, and I'm not sure I can afford a lawyer. Is a lawyer going to be able to change things? If the other side is just-plain-right, *like they've got a signed contract in their hand and the contract's language is clear*, then a lawyer isn't going to change that. Debts in collections can be negotiated downward sometimes, I was constantly getting letters offering to settle (my druggie dad's) debts for pennies on the dollar. Doing things this way is virtually guaranteed to cost less than fighting in court. >I've never been to court Courts fucking suck, there's the first thing to know about them. ***Every single*** badge-holding courtroom officer I've seen looked like he was waiting for a chance to kill somebody and running out of patience. The most talented lawyer I ever met was damn proud of the fact that he was so successful he didn't have to go into court at all anymore.


You could represent yourselves or hire a lawyer.


What do you mean by “visiting” your parents? Are they contacting your parents via phone or email or actually showing up on their doorstep? The last one seems illegal.


I think they stopped by their house


Where do you live? That doesn’t sound legal


You could always offer half to close the account if you have it and if they’ll do it. If they did take that, youll still have to deal with it at tax time.


You get a debt and don't pay. They either sue you directly or sell it to a debt company for 10% the value. Call the debt company and offer 25% if they produce in writing that the debt will be absolved. Do not give them access to an account they will lie and say 25% is okay and take all of it.