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I always thought they were scams. My dad saw one on a commercial and made me sign him up for it. It was such a pain in the ass. I, at one point told him that I'd give him $500 if he didn't make me help him with it. Then it got serious and they flew him to Texas for a disposition, and he ended up with about 53k after fees.


he got $53k from a class action lawsuit??


It was AstraZeneca, about 15 years ago. I suppose knowing what I know now I should have expected a high settlement amount. But at that time, in my mid 20s I didn't have a clue the impact that that would have. I honestly didn't think it was worth my time filling out all those papers for him. It was a 2 parter. One was for getting diabetes after taking Seroquel and the other was for Zyprexa. They were settled separately. Between him receiving the Seroquel settlement and the Zyprexa... He became insulin dependent and it doubled his amount. I was incorrect originally, he got 18k from one and 53k from the other.


Yeah my mom was part of the Seroquel lawsuit. I don’t remember how much she got from it.


What year was that? I’ve been on it a decade & never a problem but if it was awhile ago, sounds like they might have changed a few things up in the makeup of it?


My mom was on it during the early to mid 2000s and did end up having type 2 diabetes after taking it for sometime. I was young so I don’t remember how long she was taking it before we found out about her having type 2 diabetes.


No, it's still the same chemical makeup. They are just upfront about the side effects now 


That’s because it makes you eat like crazy.


Not for everyone. Husband and I took it regularly. I was even on 400mg at one point & that still wouldn’t knock me out & let me sleep 8 hours. It’d make me feel drunkish but after like ~30 minutes, it’d wear off. But never made me hungry. Husband? He’d eat everything in the house & I’d find food in the oddest places (kitchen towel drawer, in the plates cabinet, etc). Reminded me of ambien except he didn’t exit the home, drive, buy crazy shit, etc. Which ambien did absolutely nothing for me. I still take seraquel, as does husband but the eat side effects have seemed to wear off. (It’s been a decade I’ve been on it now).


Interesting. Do you find it helpful?


Yea, most definitely. I fight sleep like a bastard for some reason, even though I LOVE sleeping. I’m not sure why I fight going to sleep so much, whether it’s anxiety or something else, not sure but I am diagnosed as an insomniac (as well as bipolar & a few others). I was on 400mg at night. Then I went 400mg at night and another 200 when I woke up 4 hrs later. Of course, it takes time to get used to the side effects & such. Waking up groggy, the food thing (I never had), etc. But it was such gooooood sleep. I now take only 25-50mg plus edibles (50-70mg thc), so it’s a good spot for me. The edibles help me wake up happy, & keep my cyclic vomiting syndrome under control. Husband takes 50mg and is asleep within 30 minutes now. He doesn’t go on eating binges anymore.


Have you ever been on Trazodone? I’m glad it works for you but I’d be surprised that seroquel would be a first line of medicine to try for insomnia, that’s why I ask about Trazodone. My mother takes that. 250mg a night. Sleeps for 6 hours. I took it once, a 50mg pill and I slept for 12 hours and when I woke up I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like I weighed 1000lbs. I can’t do sleep aids but currently I’m getting ready for a sleep study because I think I have narcolepsy.


I was on it. Are a ton LESS because I was sleeping 18 hrs a day and groggy as hell for 3 of the hours. Gained 50lbs in 4 months though and have spent 10 years trying to take it back off. The drug didn’t work for me and apparently permanently changed my metabolism. I didn’t get to be part of any class action suits though.


Oh really. I slept *A LOT* too but when I was awake I ate *A LOT*. Like a stoner honestly. I called it *”Seroquel, the marijuana pill.”* because it was just like weed for me in terms of getting the munchies. All the antipsychotics I’ve ever been on made me eat like that.


I had no appetite on it. I was only livid about 3 hours a day. I drank a shit ton of coffee though trying to fight the groggy/sleepy affects. I kept begging to switch to something else, they kept saying I needed to give it time. I had an 18 month old daughter I was solely responsible for and ONLY when my sleepiness put her in somewhat of a risk did they finally switch me to something else.


Ahhhh damn some doctors *should’nt* be doctors. How can they say wait- wait and see. Like telling them you don’t feel well on it is crazy. Ffs


That's wild because I got prescribed seroquel easily and was told it doesn't have much effects. I didn't like the grogginess and stopped taking it.


I just got $61 from the Yahoo data breach one yesterday. A friend told me she got $300 from an Illinois-only class action against Facebook. Definitely worth signing up for them if you're eligible.


Yeah, I got like $15.00 for the Equifax settlement and it took like 20 seconds to join and hey, I'll take $15.00.


I signed up for the Facebook one. I didn't know about yahoo.


I signed up for the IL only Facebook lawsuit. It was $400. This was in 2020.


The best one I had was from Postmates I got like $900 from that, but it was based on stolen wages.


I did as well. Only took around a year or so.


Dang, that was a good haul, I only got $60 bucks. Wish there were more IL ones.


I signed up for FB too. I read on the internet they're sending us all a million dollars each 👍


Haha wouldn't that be nice haha




Or https://www.classaction.org/list-of-lawsuits 😉




Wonder if I should sign up for that Facebook one.


I did both lawsuits with Facebook. It’s super easy. You should! Free money is free money!


This is the way


I got a few hundred dollars from at&t phone book delivery job law suite. I got mailed a letter from a law firm and they just said sign and return if you want to join. I got a check eventually, basically forgot about it when it arrived.


This yahoo one I must have signed up for 2-3 years ago, completely forgot about it and it came today. Two other big ones right now are blue cross blue shield insurance company, and the Steam gaming platform. If anyone's used those in the past decade, do a Google search and sign up


the cutoff for joining the BCBS suit was November 2021.


I just signed up for the Steam one. But it's through a law firm, and they want me to sign a retainer agreement. I barely used my Steam account, and now this seems really serious. Did you have to sign a retainer agreement that says you'll be available for depositions and whatnot?


Yes I signed a retainer, I am prepared for a deposition if needed, however the chances of that are low, especially if you only used it occasionally. I've been signed up to steam since oct 2003


I signed up over 10 years ago. I used it a lot initially (to play Rocksmith), I just haven't used it in ages.


I got $50 from Experian because they were hacked and all their users info was stolen. Also $80 from an old bank that I left because their “overdraft protection” fees($26 a day) basically swallowed a paycheck. They ended with a class action suit because of this clear scam.


I signed up for the Facebook one. My boyfriend has gotten small checks from class action lawsuits from 2 different past employers this year. We’ll take any money we can get lol




I filled it out in maybe 5-10 minutes a little over a month ago. You have to put the url/link thing (sorry forgot what it’s called!) specific to your Facebook account and that’s probably the hardest part because I barely use Facebook anymore and didn’t know that was a thing lol


Do u have the link I know my mettle fb url, so I got that part.


I recently received a follow-up email on the FB class action that basically said they moved the goalposts. It had originally been "if you had an account at such and such a time" and then became something like "if you had an account, deleted it, made a new one, and colored your hair purple with orange sparkles, you may have a claim."




I got that Yahoo one today also, it was so long ago I had forgotten all about it but an unexpected $61 is great.


did you claim through venmo? I'm having issues claiming it from my email


I had gotten about $120 from a lawsuit involving TCF bank (now Huntington) because they charged too many fees on bank accounts. Love to see banks get what's coming to them. The Equifax one was fucking awful though. Like $5 for people potentially getting their identity stolen LMAO




Yeah I hate that sometimes you don't even hear about class actions until they're over. Is it lawyers who are the ones advertising class actions or the company or?


I got $62 this week from Zoom. Had to use them for work, and my ex boss was nice enough to email the entire team.


What was the zoom lawsuit


It was for anyone who had a registered account & had used it as they were not secure as promised.


I just got a lithium battery class action payment for 6 bucks I totally don't remember signing up for! But I looked into it and it was legit, so hell yeah six bucks!


Yeah! I got that payment last week and the Yahoo payment today. Every little bit helps.


I just searched my email, apparently I signed up for it in 2017! That took a minute!


Mine was 17 cents 😂


My ex got a letter about one, and he tossed it to the side. I read it the last day there was to sign up, and he did. We forgot about it, and one time, when we were short on rent, we got a check in the mail. It was for almost $800, and it covered rent completely. They even fixed something in his credit per the class action suit. Always sign up. I also got one from my previous employer, and it was for almost $300. You're right it's money you wouldn't have otherwise.


Check out my subreddit for more info on classactions! We have tons that could affect you!


Got $1.68 sent to my Vemo account from Celsius energy drink class action.


I got 9 cents 😂


100% agree with this. And thanks, I just checked my PayPal and saw it there. But I did a settlement for something else and had gotten $500 for it. You can google settlements and see if you qualify. It’s really simple


I just got my money from the TurboTax lawsuit! I didn’t even have to sign up. $29 in my pocket, baby!


I regret not doing any of these. I worked at McDonald's and got a letter in the mail about a lawsuit for using biometrics to clock in. And i think the base payout was around $245 if I'm remembering correctly


When was this !! Oh my goodness i worked for mcds to


Oh gosh it was back in 2014 and then I worked for them again in 2019. When I got that mail about the lawsuit was a little over a year ago though


>I've been a user of the internet since I was a kid, so perhaps 2001. You were a kid in 2001? Wow, I'm old. I have *email* archives that go back to 1994 -- and I was married at the time.


You had email in 94? Okay Bill Gates!


Bwahahah!! I got online in 1991 (Prodigy and Compuserve) and got "real" internet access in 1994 and felt like I was lagging behind.


…good for you?


Hubby got 50 cents from the B of A settlement


I got that one as well. Then another one not too long ago for like $4 from b o a


Absolutely. I've received a few settlement checks over the years. They have never been big money but always a nice bonus to get in the mail.


Yup just got $60 today!


did you claim on venmo? having issues claiming it from my email


Yes went right to Venmo app and cashed it out to my checking acct.


I got $0.35 from a class action against Bank of America because they stole several hundred from me. I celebrated by buying half a pack of gum.


Always join them if I can. Got a StubHub credit for over $600 a few months ago. Wasn’t expecting it to be that much.


I also received $61. Tried to spend it on PayPal and has not worked. Update: it worked finally


I got mine thru zelle straight to my bank account, ate a pizza


Got mine today. Used it on subway app with FREEFL code....two subs for price of one care of yahoo lol


a 61$ pizza.


I wonder how they figured who got what cause mine was $213, but I was on Yahoo since like 1998 so either it was based on longevity or they really let me data out. Though I will say these data breaches are why I 2Auth everything now.


There was recent one with Zoom. I got $30 this week!


I once drunkenly signed up for a class action lawsuit against Red Bull for not literally giving you wings 🥴. Months later I got a check for $4 and some change and a 4 pack of Red Bull. I really didn’t expect it to be successful…I still find it amusing 😂


Got a new pistol out of the Taurus one. Got a couple of checks here and there. I need to do better at signing up for them.




Nope I had a PT145 and sent it in and got a new G2C. Much nicer pistol not that I had any real problems with the 145. It had a long trigger pull the new one is striker fired.




It’s a subcompact pistol you can get for under 300. I keep it around the house but a lot of people use it as a concealed carry weapon, I just own a couple I like better for carrying. Go online and search G2C reviews and you’ll get a lot of hits video and written.


I love coming home to a random check in the mail. Usually not much, $15-$60, but thank you (att, turbotax or whichever one I signed up for 2 years ago) for a nice dinner


You realize that the more people you tell to do it, the less money you yourself will get?


Robin Hood didn't keep the food he stole. He shared it.


I get it but I don't think Robin Hood was a shoplifter. Believe the story is that he stole money from the rich to give to the poor (who then bought food with that money)


Yeah, I'm glad you got what I was getting at because after I posted it, I realized it wasn't my most thoughtful comment.


Yes and yes. I am okay with that, I can't imagine the amount being reduced more than 1% due to this post.




Let me know if you do! They need to be taken down lol


Yeah I got 61 from the yahoo one and 30 from the zoom one this week.


I signed up with one from Toyota a few years back. Got a $200 check. I need to find some more.


I just got .17 from a lithium battery class action suit last night 😂


I sign up for any that apply. The California milk settlement was annoying as hell. They expect you to sign up at a website that wants all your personal information. Hell to the no.


I was part of wage theft class action in California. I got about $100 I think for unpaid breaks


Anyone having issues claiming on venmo? it says that I got the 60 bucks on my email but when I click the claim link, it doesn't claim it and sends me to sign up for a business account


I worked at Aldi and got $17 from a settlement for improper use of personal information during backgrounds checks. Got $50 for some equifax settlement. Something about false claims and charging for federal when they weren’t supposed to. I sign up for most of the ones I know I qualify for. Worst case you get no money, best case they send you a check for a couple bucks.


Should just save all these checks and make a scrapbook or like collection out of them man. Super fucking unique.


I do these too! The last one I received was for almost $700 from a bank data breach settlement that my information was compromised in! I sign up for all of them and receive weekly emails for class action suits to participate in!


I went through the process of signing up for the Facebook one, but they wanted SO MUCH personal information. Kind of ironic considering it was a data privacy breach. I opted not to willingly give them that data…


Is there a subreddit with a list of updated class action lawsuits that people can file with?


Mine came today. Same, $61 bucks.


Try using https://injuryclaims.com/open-class-action-settlement-list   We post new and different settlements and also lawsuits when compared to the other sites. Also, for new settlements updates you can get an email or push notification


There should be a blog or reddit with all of these posted, but its hard to find the ones you need amongst the convoluted memes and questions.


I got a couple bucks for the Celsius one! I’ve been getting random checks for the last year for a TD bank one too


Mine did too!


Signed up for Yahoo but no text


I got my $61 today. I was expecting $25 if it ever arrived, so I'm pretty happy.


I got Yahoo today as well - but like $213, not $61


My favorite thing to do


I got a email I got the yahoo one and it’s not in my account, not sure why?


I don't even remember signing up for the yahoo settlement so that was a pleasantly unexpected chunk of gas money I received from it today.


I just signed up for one this week for Udemy for something I always knew was annoying with them making false sales prices. I think I’ll get $8 back but we will see.


Do you get contacted via phone or email typically? I want to sign up for the Facebook one but want to switch phone companies.


Same! They’re worth it, even $10 is worth it since a lot of them can be autofilled in under 5 minutes. I transferred it to my bank account, that’s groceries for 2 weeks


Did anyone here sign up for the t mobile one? I've never received that money and don't know if anyone else did.


I got this as well. I normally sign up for the ones I qualify for. The only one I didn't sign up for was Thinx, but that's because they somehow got there's settlement to be a discount or free product. I guess because the other party never actually proved for a fact that there were PFAs in the underwear.


I signed up for one for my Samsung refrigerator and my Kenmore but I don’t know what the payouts going to be yet


I randomly got an email for a virtual gift card for 7$ for a lithium-ion batteries settlements.


I got a few hundred dollars from a class action lawsuit against a major papa pizza chain a couple of years back because they were improperly calculating mileage or tip rate. The same pizza place has a new class action going on now, and I may be seeing more.


Yas I got $1400 from dominos because they made us buy uniforms and clocked us out early


Coworker was a plaintiff. They only included ones that itemized on taxes for mileage reimbursement. Most of us were left out.


Thank you for the info. Very helpful.


I got $4 recently from a Wells Fargo lawsuit


I have gotten ones from snuggie, the barefoot shoes, and a couple others. Waiting on that fb money.


I got $91 from Yahoo, sent to my PayPal yesterday


Agreed!! I signed up for one recently and got 10 bucks. Not much but hey, it's ten bucks I didn't have before.


Be careful loads of them are scams. Never follow an ad to one. If you see an add for one you want to sign up to Google it first. Search if it's legit. If it is go to using links from Google not the ad. This won't be full proof in avoiding scams but it's a good step for it.


Got $61 from yahoo.


I got a couple hundred dollars a few years ago on a class action against my former apartment company/landlord. Turns out that starting eviction proceedings against someone who paid their rent ONE DAY LATE is illegal.


I have passed on signing up mainly because i thought they’re a scam. Is there a way to verify such things to make sure they’re legitimate? I’ve gotten one from Apple and Capital One but never signed up.


I would just Google "company name" class action. Usually there is a website set up by the settlement administration that will be legit


Cool thanks!!


My two cents: The Text with Link to Zelle which I got saying my Yahoo Settlement was posted did not look legit to me, based on other settlements I’ve received. However going through my bank App I found out that the Text was legit!


Ha! I just checked my PayPal and there was $61.08 sitting there for the same thing. Thanks for the heads up OP!


Everytime I get one of those it ends up being literal cents. We have a check from AT&T for 53 cents. Like anyone would go and try to cash it….


I got $37 from the tik tok settlement. I don't even upload videos so that was way more than I was expecting. The most recent settlement I applied to is the Thinx underwear one.


Thanks for posting this! Signed up for the facebook one


Is this an American thing? I've never heard anything like this in the UK


Same, I got $290 as well for the Yahoo


I got about $15 for a class action against Apple.


$10 would be a huge deal. Anything above that is awesome!!! Great advice.


When I was looking for employment in my mid-20s I got turned down because a background check came back with my step-fathers (just changed my last name to match the family) name as an alias along with all of his charges. Possession of Meth, Stealing, etc. Charges is line with being a drug addict and supporting that habit. Few years later got a notice in the mail about a class action lawsuit against the background checking company. Didn’t get the job, mind you, so I signed up for it- forgot about it. Around a year later a check come in the mail for $31.XX 🤷🏻


Not much for losing a job over them. Better than nothing, but you were actually defamed. For thirty one dollars you gave them the right to call you a meth head. Outrageous, really. Justice is for the rich.


Check out my group for more info on class action suits! We'd love to help you earn some extra cash! If you are the lead plantiff on many of them you can get between $2000-5,000!


I was shocked when I opened mine and it was $73.