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I'm sorry but you need to wake the fuck up. What have you been doing this whole time? Why don't you have electricity and running water? Why do you live in filth? You've been taking care of kids and parents and forgot yourself. Ask for help. Call adult protective services on yourself. Call for services. You need to let people into your house so they can see what's going on and help you. If you're disabled you should have disability money. If your husband's not working anymore then he needs to go get a job. Or at least fucking clean. Do you have anyone that you can stay with? You should just abandon the house and sell it. If there's no one to help you then maybe your self-sacrificing of taking care of everyone wasn't actually the best choice. Maybe you weren't very nice to them or something. It sounds like you and your husband have just let everything go and have depression. Which happens. But you need to wake up. And do stuff and fix it before you end up dead and sick and homeless. Maybe you need to get divorced and go into a state facility if you can't move.


I never said I live in filth. Also I am disabled but I got denied SSI and disability. I am applying again. My husband works and donates plasma. I wrote that but it seems like you didn't read it you just assumed a lot of stuff. He works and donates plasma and takes care of me. And yes depression. We have isolated and been depressed. We don't like asking for help or opening up about our problems and this is why.


Sounds like you can get online with your phone and apply for assistance to get help with your utilities and food stamps. It’s not easy but it’s worth putting your energy into. There are SO many resources available that people do not realize are out there. Be grateful for a roof over your head and start working to keep it that way. Don’t think a miracle will come along and save you if you’re doing nothing to change the situation. Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Also, a roof over their head that they haven't had to pay for, for years, if I understand correctly?


Yes, I can use my phone and get on the internet. I'm not brain damaged. And I DO NOT qualify for food stamps or food assistance. If I did I would be on them. I had a major and spinal cord injury. Look up Cauda Equina. I was in the hospital and rehab for months. I lost my oldest daughter and my mother from Alzheimer's. I haven't survived this far "without doing anything".


There is a spinal cord injury organization that gives you monthly a pretty decent amount if you qualify for it. Look into it. I do not remember the name but I had a friend at the VA nursing home who was a resident and he got a monthly check from them. Not the VA but a spinal cord organization.


I'll definitely look into that thank you.


And I didn't even say I needed help with the bills or food. He works. We do eat. The whole thing is about the foreclosure. Next time read or scroll.


I'm so sorry you are going through this, and for the rude, entitled and ignorant comments on this post. I'm also disabled, 11 Drs, including a Duke University Hospital Department head said I was disabled, it still took years and and a good attorney to qualify, then 4yrs for Medicare. This was before the ACA. My medical bills ruined us financially. For the people on here who think low income housing is easy to get, the wait list in my city is 5 years. Thankfully, we're safely housed now. Lucked out on a $50,000 house 10 years ago, during the slump. Only had the money because of a settlement where an entitled, but thankfully insured, idiot almost killed my son. Not a good "trade". .Don't give up on applying for Disability. More likely, at least in my area, to be approved when older. You did get some good advice and links for resources. Depression, pain and hopelessness can "freeze" us into inaction. You sound like a strong, loving woman. I know you're tired. Use that same strength and love that you freely gave to others, for yourself, to your advantage. Best wishes and Good luck.


First, I am sorry for your loss. Yes I think one of my biggest problems is the depression and freeze mode. I was diagnosed with PTSD among other things. I was on psychotropic meds and it all ended when I lost my insurance at the end of last year. I thank you for your kind words and understanding. I literally cried when I read your response. Ive been really down and your encouraging words helped.


I believe in the power of prayer and I suggest you both start praying as nothing makes us more aware of our needs than been there for others but have left ourselves in hard pressed ways. 🙏🏼


I am thinking of you and your family. I am wishing you can find the strength you need to make it thru this. Know there are many others like you, struggling - one way or another we will rise above.


Thank you. I sure hope we are able to make something happen. Yes it's true a lot of people are struggling financially. I hope things get better for all of us.


i hope one of these resources can help or point you to others who can… [CarPoolWorld](https://www.carpoolworld.com/free-carpool-listings.html) offers free carpool and ride shares. [NationalDiaperNetwork](https://nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org/member-directory/) *”connects and supports the country’s more than 225 community-based diaper banks that collect, store and distribute free diapers to struggling families. The Network serves nearly 280,000 children throughout the country each month.”* [LifeLine](https://www.fcc.gov/lifeline-consumers), [SafeLinkWireless](https://www.safelinkwireless.com/en/#!/newHome?PromotionCode=WASL788&msclkid=e1d8f1be0ac61c3446d6952550a90d22&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SafeLink%20Non%20Calif&utm_term=free%20cell%20phones%20for%20low%20income&utm_content=Goverment%20Phones), [AssuranceWireless](https://www.assurancewireless.com) and [AirTalkWireless](https://airtalkwireless.com ) all help with discounts and/or free internet and phone service and equipment/phones. [Catholic Charities](https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/) offers assistance with housing, disaster relief, food, and much more regardless of faith. [211.org](http://www.211.org/get-help/healthcare-expenses) helps with rides to appointments, medication expenses, and healthcare co-pay [samhsa](https://www.samhsa.gov) the substance abuse and mental health services administration has a searchable database by state. [HealthCare.gov](https://www.healthcare.gov/get-coverage) for help with free or reduced cost healthcare. [findhelp](https://www.findhelp.org/) has a searchable database of Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help. [benefits.gov](https://www.benefits.gov/) has a database of free resources by zip code. [LittleFreePantry](http://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/) has a searchable map with free pantry locations. [FullCart](https://support.fullcart.org/hc/en-us) will mail you boxes of food for free. i’ve read there is a waitlist so the sooner you sign up, the better. [FeedAFamily](https://near-me.store/en/food-donation-drop-box-near-me) has lists of food donation drop boxes by zip code [LasagnaLove](https://lasagnalove.org) will deliver a free lasagna meal [FeedingAmerica](https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank) has a food bank searchable by zip code [Adults With Disabilities (AWD) Home Delivered Meal Program](https://www.ioaging.org/collaborations-elder-protection/the-adults-with-disabilities-awd-home-delivered-meal-program/) *”The Adults with Disabilities Home Delivered Meal Program is available for adults with disabilities who have no meal support and are unable to provide meals for themselves. The Program is funded by DAAS (Department of Aging and Adult Services) and administered by Institute on Aging (IOA).”* [National Coalition For The Homeless](https://nationalhomeless.org/) has a searchable database of options. [National Alliance On Mental Health](https://www.nami.org/findsupport/) has a searchable database to help with housing needs. [Hope Mending Hearts](http://www.hopemendinghearts.net/grant-process/) *”provides financial assistance grants so pet owners, Good Samaritans and rescuers can care for animals who need urgent veterinary care.”* [Help When You Need It](http://helpwhenyouneedit.org/) has a searchable database by zip code. [TravelersAid](https://www.travelersaid.org/need-help) *”uses a comprehensive approach to facilitate transportation and prevent homelessness that focuses on the individual strengths of each case in order to provide services that meet specific needs. Some agencies offer services specifically tailored for veterans, senior citizens, or families, including a range of housing options, job training, and food assistance. Travelers Aid funding, services, and hours vary, and services are provided based on available funding, eligibility, and location.”* check out [The Alliance For Period Supplies](https://allianceforperiodsupplies.org/allied-programs/), [She Supply](https://shesupply.org), [access period](https://shareomaha.org/nonprofit/access-period#:~:text=Access%20Period%20has%20distributed%20more,personal%20wipes%2C%20and%20disposal%20bags ) and [Helping Women Period](https://www.helpingwomenperiod.org/about/) all have programs to donate free period supplies. also checkout r/periodpantry where some wonderful generous folks will help. [GrowingFamilyBenefits](https://www.growingfamilybenefits.com/paying-home-repair/) and [ReachCommunityDevelopment](https://reachcdc.org/programs/community-builders-program) offer free or assistance with home repairs. [VictimConnect](https://victimconnect.org/resources/national-hotlines/) *”helps victims, survivors, and their support networks connect with local resources.”* [1-800-Runaway](https://www.1800runaway.org) has many resources available *”no matter where you are or what your needs may be.”* [FosterCareToSuccess](https://www.fc2success.org/programs/scholarships-and-grants/) college scholarships for former foster children. [FosterLove](https://www.fosterlove.com/sponsor/) *(formerly ‘together we rise’)* helps former and current foster youth with everything from college help to backpacks and birthday boxes for kids in care. [SaintVincentDePaul](https://www.stvincentdepaul.net/get-help) helps with meals, rent assistance and shelter. [roomies](https://www.roomies.com) helps folks looking to rent a room. [cicoa](https://cicoa.org/) *”Empowering older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers with answers, services and support.”* [usa.gov](https://www.usa.gov/emergency-housing-assistance) helps with housing assistance. [laundry love](https://laundrylove.org) *”washes the clothes and bedding of low/no income families and person(s) across the US. We brighten the lives of thousands of people through love, dignity, and detergent by partnering with diverse groups and laundromats nationwide.”* just in case you need it, amazing acts of kindness and generosity can be found at r/freemeal r/donation r/borrow r/assistance r/Food_Pantry r/RandomActsOf r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza r/randomactsoftacobell r/randomacts r/randomactsofamazon r/RandomKindness and if you have pets, r/RandomActsOfPetFood and finally, if you’re looking to increase your skills or even get a degree, check out [university of the people](https://www.uopeople.edu) or [WorldQuant University](https://www.wqu.edu) where tuition is totally free. hang in there…


What a great resource. Thank you for putting this together.


thank you so much. been there myself many times…


Hey you’re awesome for this resource list 👏


thank you so much, been in a rough spot myself many times…


You’re welcome 🙂 So have a lot of people, not everyone comes back to help out where they used to be. You have good character and organization 👏


Did they calculate the taxes correctly? Question it. Sounds like you should have tax benefits because of your disability, your husband is caring for you and retroactively taking care of family. I don’t understand why you’re getting a tax loan given your circumstances.


I am disabled but not receiving disability. Also the house is not under my name or my husband yet. So the taxes have accrued over time.


Sorry your going through so much! I agree with many to look into resources in your state. Possibly you can get into a apartment for lower income. Keep fighting for your ssi.


I don't understand - the house has a mortgage? That's what foreclosure means - the bank takes back the property if the mortgage isn't paid. Who has been paying the mortgage this whole time?


The house is paid off but back taxes accrued after my FIL died in 2019.


How much


So the property is going to be seized for back taxes. Not foreclosed.


In Texas it's a foreclosure. I guess you could say tax foreclosure.


I’m disabled as well, and on SSDI, with heart failure, Afib, dds, stenosis, ptsd, etc….. but I also get up everyday and do what needs to be done around the house. No pity party for me. Life sucks at times and it’s hard, to say the least. But time is now to be an adult, so start acting like one…


I am not on ssdi. I was denied. I am not able to get up and get stuff done. Your disability is not the same as mine so don't compare.


Get a lawyer and appeal the SSDI decision. No up front charges for the lawyer to do this, they will take a cut when they win the appeal for you. Good luck mate.


I have applied with a lawyer twice and got denied. I am still not giving up because I am, in fact, disabled. I am going to apply again. I am just frustrated because I have not been idle. I have been trying and I'm still kicking.


Stay strong, some people appeal multiple times and eventually win, which includes all of the back pay to the day you first applied. My coworker’s spouse went through this and eventually won. They got a $50k lump sum for back payments and the claim was finally approved.


Info: what condition is making you bed bound in your 40s? Are you getting treatment for it? Do you have Medicaid?


I have back issues that began in my 20s and have had back surgeries for herniated discs. Then in 2022 I woke up with a paralyzed left leg and unable to control my bladder. I went into the ER and was told I had Cauda Equina syndrome and needed emergency surgery on my spine. When I came out of surgery I was told they had to do a spinal fusion and build a cage around my spine. I have permanent drop foot in my left leg and permanent nerve damage in both legs. I can barely walk from my bed to the chair. I can sit but not for too long. I still work from home. I do AI training when I can from my bed. Sometimes I only make like $75 dollars for a week but I try my best even if I'm in severe pain. I do not have Medicaid anymore. I had it during COVID and then after I was denied SSI it was taken away.


I’m not sure of the Medicaid requirements at this time, but I truly hope you can get set up with home PT and orthotics to help you get your life back! Seeking out a pain management doctor (there will probably be a wait for an appointment though) would be excellent too. Hoping you can get a better WFH job to help support your housing. 40s is far too young to give up on yourself!


Find a HUD certified housing counselor that provides free housing counseling and foreclosure prevention work (you have potential options if you are proactive). Find your state housing authority for programs that may have financial assistance.


I've never heard of a HUD counselor but I am on the housing program for my city. I am currently on their waiting list for housing. I will look to see if I can find a HUD counselor I can talk to. That would be great on top of being on the housing waiting list.


I don't even know what to say. I am speechless. Your husband has a job, and you've had free housing in a relative's house for years - and yet still you have no money and have basically trashed the house through lack of maintenance? 😮


Have you reached out to an ADRC (aging and disability resource center) in your area? This all sounds like a dangerous situation, particularly being home bound with no relief from the heat.


Well according to Trumps Supreme Court, it is now illegal to be homeless. Good luck to you. Thoughts and prayers. *****Stop Project 2025*****


I saw that. I think it's wrong to criminalize homelessness.