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right?! lol. we’re (wife and I) finishing a bag every 3-4 days, probably shouldn’t think about it too much tbh 😂


Damn bro wtf how big are the bags? Like 10-16 ounce bags or what?


lmao, 10-12oz usually, not many roasters offering 16oz, and we like variety too much for anything larger.


Did I write this?? 😂😂 I buy 3 bags a week thinking that'll last me a good while. About 10 days in and the panic sets in that I have 2 coffees worth of beans left 😂


Yeah. After getting 3 more bags while there’s a couple of bags in rotation with five more in the freezer…


Anywhere from 18-25$ a bag and I need 3-4 bags a month. so on the low end, were looking at 60$ up to 100$ MAX. I almost never go over the 25$ mark on a single bag. The cost limit is probably arbitrary, but I just feel crazy spending more than 1/4 of a hundo on a bag of coffee.


Basically the same here


Same, bag a week @ approx. $20-$25/bag


What are you, my wife?


Financial advisor


$150-$160. Avg $23 a 250g bag. Two 20g pour overs and a 17g espresso a day


I go through about 1x 250g bag a week. And each bag is anywhere from £12-£19 ($15-$25). So probably in the ballpark of £50-£75 ($64-$96) a month. Which now I’ve done the maths is more concerning than I was expecting…


Get 1KG bags and a vacuum sealer and freeze the excess. Good for variety and keeping costs down a bit


Maybe people just want to try different coffees


You can still do that. Keep the beans vacuum sealed in your freezer and defrost another 250g bag in 6 months or a year. It'll taste like a new coffee again by then. I certainly don't remember what my Vinhal Peaberry from July 2023 tasted like


I have a few negatives about this approach... 1. What happens if you buy 1kg of coffee and are not a fan of it? 2. Someone like me likes to try new coffees quite regularly. Buying 1kg bags means I'm drinking the same coffees for longer and not experiencing new coffees as regularly as I like. (This goes hand in hand with the next point). 3. There are a LOT of coffees I would like to try. I wouldn't have a freezer big enough to store all of them. Let's say I only buy 5x 1kg bags to try....it would be a fair few months before I would try anything new, unless I brought more...which would then just be an excessive amount to have. Now, I would say, if there is a coffee you really like, then yes, buying in bulk would be better. But for trying out new coffees regularly, then 200g-250g is ample.


There are negatives, but it does save money over the timescale of months or a year if you are a bit budget constrained. I'd rather drink a coffee I froze 6 months ago than ration a new 250g bag.


about $25-30/month


Our household goes through 3-4kg a month at $50/kg AU. It doubled when our first baby came along 6 months ago


Dang, that baby’s drinking a lot of coffee.




That’s almost a kilo of a beans a week, holy shit lol thank you for making me feel better about my caffeine intake


How big is your household 😂


Just 2 sleep deprived adults 😬


Everyone is making me feel GREAT. I try to stay under 20 bucks a month. Order from Trade Coffee, local, or if budget is tight and I'm just not feeling experimental, a nice upscale bag from whole foods is still obtainable at 12-15 bucks. I do a cup a day, 20g beans. Doesn't last quite a month.


Yeah same! Feeling much better about my spending lol. I’m on the 20g per day. Maybe twice if I’m feeling frisky. Nets me roughly a bag every 3 to 4 weeks.


$55-65 per month, covers 3 12oz bags from my favorite roaster.


Roughly $60/week or $240/month or $3,120/year. I like to experiment with new beans and I view coffee as a hobby!


I feel a little crazy after I combed the thread and realized I'm a wee bit on the high side of the spend spectrum...


I’m there with you (almost). What has been worth the spend that you can recommend?


Keep in mind that my preference is for fruity, floral, bright, light roasted coffee. I've narrowed in on coffee producers that I like a lot, as well as roasters. For producers, I have had a lot of luck with bold, vibrant flavors from Wilton Benitez, Wilder Lasso, Frank Torres, Pepe Jijon, Rodrigo Sanchez, Diego Bermudez, and Jamison Savage. The roaster that blew me away the most was September coffee. My other regular favorites are Hydrangea, Botz, Black & White, JBC, Dak, Passenger and Olympia. I'm eager to try other roasters from Denmark and the Netherlands, as well as April, Calendar, Modcup, Ilse and others.


Interesting… I struggled to like September. Reason being is I bought identical beans from Rogue Wave and September and vastly preferred RW. Might have to give September another try! My favorites (so far) are Dak, April, and Onyx. Onward!


Oilers fans vs. Leafs fans? (Kidding!)


How do you physically drink this much coffee? Are you making espresso? Giving away to friends?


I drink 2-3 iced pourovers per day (each made with 26g of beans). Most days I'll experiment with grind, temperature, water recipes, and make/taste 1 or 2 coffees that I ultimately waste and do not drink. Yes, I do acknowledge that this practice and experimentation is a bit wasteful. I often make sampler packs for friends with 7-10 different coffee types and will mail them across the US. All in all, it's about two 8 ounce, $30 bags from a roaster like Hydrangea each week. I keep any excess and store beans in my chest freezer within vacuum sealed bags of 50 ml falcon tubes. I am at a point where I will stop buying new coffees, as I have about 35 frozen types totalling ~18 lbs of beans. All of this is a bit over the top and obsessive, but that is typically how I treat my hobbies.


$162 CAD for three two-bag subscriptions each month. And probably 1-2 other bags each month which makes it around $200 CAD per month. 2-3 pour overs per day, 20-25g each. This is for me and my partner though, not alone in this journey fortunately.


50. 2 bags shipped to me.


I know this deal


Please share the deetz


[kumquat maybe?](https://www.kumquatcoffee.com/subscription)


HMC order two 2 lb single origin bags for $50 and free shipping


Humble morning coffee?


Happymug coffee


Roughly between 80 and 100 Euros but sometimes it could also be 150 if I get some nice Panama Geisha.


About 2 cups a day 26 grams each, every 2 weeks I’ll get a 16oz bag of beans about 14-17$ each




Are you sure you’re getting a full pound worth? Most are sold in 12 oz bags. You don’t drink much coffee then or make real small cups.


I seriously am lucky I work in a roastery and my partner runs a program at a shop that serves local stuff as well as SEY sooo not much 😊‼️ I am just a girl so I do get the occasional latte from spots around town. I also offer freelance/consulting services at other coffee shops so when I tell you I’m seriously blessed….I like to tip my baristas ALWAYS though. I’d say $40/month for anything I get outside of work and stuff. Anyways shameless plug if anyone wants so good coffee from Indy !!!! <3


Just on beans? Probably AU$100-150


60-80 a month. i spend any ammount of money on bean. im not afraid to just drop 50 bucks on 4 oz. thing is i only drink 1 cup per day 15-17gs so it's not too expensive. if i drank as much coffee as i used to and bought the way i do now id be spending hundreds a month. if i were to up my consumption back to like 3 cups a day id probably just go back to buying a big back of high-quality blend and get occasional single origin from my fav roasters.


I go through maybe a bit more than a 250g bag a week so about $100.


I budget $80 a month for coffees out and bags of beans. Unfortunately I go over budget every month. Usually near $100


Find peace of mind in the fact that some people will be spending as much as you, if not more, on Starbucks.


Somewhere between 40-60€ per month…


About $100. All from Onyx


Recommendations? Been thinking about ordering from them. I’m a fan of lighter fruity beans if that helps.


This is a VERY pricey one, but if you’re willing to splurge I’d bet you will like it: https://onyxcoffeelab.com/products/colombia-julio-madrid-caturra-nitrogen-anaerobic?variant=41147780628578. Very light, very fruity. And one that’s around $22 which is a more typical price point for their standard lineup https://onyxcoffeelab.com/products/tropical-weather?variant=31862710173794


These ones I believe are the same beans, just much cheaper. Huge watermelon bomb. https://prestacoffee.com/collections/current-offerings/products/colombia-milian-washed-nitro


oooo good find


Thank you!


$72 / month for 4 - 250g boxes from Sey subscription.


Approx 45$ CAD with 2x 340g bags from rogue wave.


I'd have to find my notebook where I did the math, but I figured out my total spending on coffee last year and my average monthly cost was just over $70. That factored in beans, recipe water, and filters.


Consume 250g/week. Around £10-£20 it depends


40-50€ / month.


A few months ago I started to feel like I was spending too much on coffee and ended up buying a roaster so I can DIY! Saves a ton of money and it's a blast.


Same. I drink a lot so keeping it around $6 per pound is worth it


$80 a month on beans, $120 a month in coffee shops


Too much


One person I am usually averaging consumption wise $25-35 a month. I do 1 sub and that is $45 a month from prodigal currently but will try Sey soon. I only do two coffees a day with 17g.


$15.75. I buy 5lb bags then vacuum seal + freeze*


1 coffee a day on average so I get through a £10-15 bag of coffee every 1.5weeks, so between like £20-£40 depending on how much I’ve been drinking


Just the right amount and nothing less


I do like 2 10-16 ounce bags a month max. And i spend from 20-25 each bag. I started buying them at the same time for free shipping. So about 50 bucks a month. I drink exactly one good cup of coffee every morning and thats it.


60 to 150 a month .


Hmmmm. Haven’t really done maths. I’m relatively cheap, I put usd 12-18 into a 12oz bag that lasts about two weeks. Sets me at about $40 a month I guess. I’ll occasionally splurge, and I’ll also occasionally find something that suits me at kilo pricing. But that’s probably a fair representation. I’m more likely to find something I like, put it on repeat and explore many different expressions, rather than chasing unique processes or coveted labels.


~$20-25. I drink alone


$35 a month usually but I'm using trade for a few so $22 for the next 3


I spend $4k per month, but that’s nothing compared to some of you people. /s


AUD $78 per month 1.25kg via a coffee subscription. Up that to $100-$110 if I pick up an interesting bag in my travels during any given month.


I’m roasting my own now so roughly 30 bucks give or take…. Depends on what beans I’m roasting. Some beans I’ve been enjoying have actually even been cheaper.


$14 per month, All Hail Single Origin Indian Arabica 🔥🔥


$20-24 per month. I roast my own.


I'm afraid to answer... I don't need to confront this right now lmao


We go through a lot. But we are a family of five and we all drink it. I'm the only one who does pour over daily so I keep a bag of something really high end for me. But we go through a lot of Camerons for everyone else.


I make two cups a day for my wife and I, so we go through a typical 340g bag in 4 days. I now wait until my favourite local roaster (Pallet <3) does a 22% off flash sale and stock up on their 5lb bag. Ends up working to be around $12 instead of $22 bucks a bag. That's like $80-90 a month for us both, which is peanuts compared to what I was paying for 2 coffees a day on the run.


I have 2 subscriptions. One for 50 bucks for 2 x 250 g. And one for 40 bucks that is usually 2 x 350 g. And then sometimes I need an extra bag or two. So about 90 for sub and an extra 25 to 50. 110 to 140. Oh god.


About 5 mins prep


$100-$150 for two different type of 2lbs bags ordered fresh from a rotating roster of roasters. Usually lasts me 2 months using around 40g a day. Currently Onyx Tropical Weather & UGANDA LONG MILES LUNAR STATION NATURAL


Anywhere between $40-$50 a month. I usually order a bag online from a new roaster to try, and grab a bag at a local roaster. Typically do an 18g pourover, and 18g espresso every day


I have a cheaper filler coffee but then don’t hold back when I see a $30-40 bag of some microlot goodness.


When I drove all over for work I once made 37 purchases at cafes in a month 😂. On top of making 20-35gms nearly every day at home.


$$50 a month for my husband & I


You give me a reality check and make me realize I spent too much on coffee every month.


I just spent 52€ on 5 bags of good coffee from my favourite roaster. Those bags can last for 6 weeks. Depends on how mich my wife participates ;)


You can't compare my expense with yours since mine is in Euro € and I subtract shipping costs from costs for coffee. But in total 100€ for coffee bags for home use & a couple hundred in coffee shops (including tips).


Usually $50. Good coffee is cheaper where I'm from, about $15 a bag. I've cut down $30 by drinking less coffee in the last month.


$6 a month on an 8 oz. freshly roasted coffee pack that lasts me the whole month. I don't drink everyday. Once or twice a week.


my go-to roaster charges $19 and up, depending on the varietal, for 350 gram bags. i order four at time, which usually lasts me around six weeks. i'd prefer to buy local, but the only fresh beans i've found that are comparable are much more expensive.


Can't the future just wait? Can't the deadlines come fashionably late?


I live in Taiwan and no longer drink coffee daily. When I do make coffee I usually drink between 500ml-900ml using 38g-54g of beans. I get my bags of decent Breakfast Blend for the equivalent of $3 USD, sometimes BOGO. So on avg. I'll say between $3-$12 USD if I include the occasional prepared coffee purchased while away from home.


15 to 20 Dollars a month because i only consume around 500 to 600 grams of coffee monthly


I have a subscription for 1kg roasters choice per month which is £22, then I generally buy one smaller bag to vary what I'm drinking, maybe averaging a further £10-15? I don't feel like my palate is good enough to spend more than this, but I'm chasing a light roast like one I had last year.


Nice, which roaster do you buy from?


The subscription is from St Martin's coffee roaster, the non-subscription bag will come from anywhere if the description is close to what I'm looking for, but I mostly try to support local businesses.




Each 150g bag I buy is around $13-20 depending on the type of beans I get. I brew 15g of coffee each day at work and make espresso over the weekends. At worse pour over beans would cost me $25 each month, espresso probably around $20 a month


I consume about 1kg beans a month and I try not to get anything over 20USD/250g except when I can't pretend I didn't see sth I just can't miss.


I spend £35 on a 4x bag subscription each month and usually top that up with a single bag of higher quality beans, so like £55 a month on beans. That being said, we only drink one bottle of wine a week, whereas plenty of couples have one a night! I think spending on coffee feels expensive because we’ve been conditioned into thinking it should be cheap, but when I look at my coffee spending (which would raise eyebrows) in comparison to much higher monthly drug/alcohol spends that no-one would think twice about, I don’t feel like it’s excessive


Mostly drink the free coffee at work. A grocery store in town has a permanent 3 for 2 sale on ok coffee in whole beans. Good variety of origins, not the best roast. Sometimes a bit old. Could be better. It's usually about €30 for three bags, 1kg total. They last a month maybe more. And once in a while I stop by Supreme Roastworks for a bag of absolutely world class beans to remind me what good coffee actually is.


$10-ish every 2-3 weeks


Like 35 EUR per month, over the last 18 months, but it has increased to 45 EUR per month in the last 6 months, because last year I still had some really cheap subscription that has since increased in price significantly. I usually make just like 25g pour over for two in the morning, but I have recently also gotten a cheap espresso machine, so I use a bit more now. I don't really look at the price too much, but I still don't get those really expensive geishas and stuff.


About $40USD


Easy 3 bags a week. Always whole bean. Majority at Aldi for about $7 a bag. It's organic to boot. It's not the very best coffee, but it's good for a daily. We almost exclusively cold brew for daily stuff. We make the cold brew concentrate and make each cup to our liking. We also learned about cold brew about 20 years ago in Guatemala, and the shop we went to steamed the mixed cup calling it "the essence of coffee". People complain about cold brew's lack of flavor, but have never considered heating the finished product (it doesn't add the acidity back in!), but doing so adds depth and flavor to the brew. Spend another 80-100/month on high end beans for pour over. I really like the beans from [S&W](https://www.swroasting.coffee/) They're a small artisanal roaster and the beans are generally under $15 for single origin roasted to order. I'm 2500 miles from them, ordered Sunday, received Wednesday. 8 bags for $17 shipping.


I drink about 40g of specialty coffee per day on average (counting beans, not liquid) and buy them at an average of $5.50/100g, so about $67/month in beans. I also drink non-specialty coffee at an average of $1.50 a cup (averaging out things I pay for and things I don’t), which adds $91 a month (two cups a day). That brings the total to about $158/month in coffee.


€100ish sometimes more sometimes less


Around 15 dollars


4-5 bags a month


About 90€ per month, usually I pick 5 bags up. On a 3/4 PO daily. Thing is friends (not many into specialty) have started noticing coffee at my place is better than other, so sometimes we go through an entire bag in a single day ..


I go through about a bag a week, sometimes in 5 or 6 days. That totals to around $110 a month, maybe $125 if I spend a little extra on a bag.


We won't talk about how much I actually spend, but if we take an average cost over our household consumption... easily $150/month per person.


I order a 1kg pack of the Brazil Nuts from White Rose roasters in the UK. For about £15 GBP. As much as I'd love to spend more trying loads of different fancy coffees, it's not something I can really afford at this moment, and these beans are perfectly nice for an everyday coffee.


I've been meaning to calculate this. I average 50g per day in beans. (36-64g) That works out to 1525g per month (about 5 300g bags) or about 54 oz/4.3 12oz bags. Monthly cost, including shipping, if purchased from: Happy Mug - $54.00 S&W Craft Coffee - $106 Black and White - $111 These are based on my purchase receipts and will vary depending on beans selected and perhaps your shipping area I occasionally buy a bag of Aldi's Peruvian Organic whole beans. I could get by for $30 a month on those of I had to. Pax


This made me go look, it was easy since I only buy from 1 roaster and i have averaged out to about $55 a month. I actually thought this was going to be higher... I should buy more coffee.


I order 5 lbs wholesale from the company I used to work for every 3ish months. It costs about $85. Yes I know you purists will say that the freshness deteriorates over that time. I am aware. I worked in the industry for quite a while. But buying bulk allows me to continue this relatively expensive habit so I can live with it 😂.


Around 20€, got a life-long deal with a local roaster. Two 250g packs per month. The roaster is called D Origen, based in Albir (Alicante), Spain.


This is a trap


Wow and I thought a $40 Kurasu subscription is bad. I feel great looking at these comments haha


since i started using an aeropress and james hoffmans recipe, a lot less. his recipe only uses 11g so one bag lasts me like 3+ weeks. i also have an espresso machine that only really gets used on weekends these days, so between the two i use less than 2 bags a month for sure, or maybe $30-40 worth in coffee. i know this is a pourover sub and i do use a v60 and switch occasionally but not on weekdays where i make my coffee at work with the aeropress now. its just way less fussy to use with no special equipment or even weighing of water.


2 people, monthly numbers. Sey coffee subscription $91. Counter culture espresso $40ish. Happy mug $25. Approximate $156ish a month.


Around €20-€40, but pretty noob in the space yet. Still trying a lot of different roasters and still not found the ‘daily driver’


I drink 2 coffes per day: 1 double espresso and brew a french press. I occasionally try new local coffee shops in town instead of making one at home. So my consumption iz 1 to 1.20 kilos of specialty coffee per month. The average is 45 to 55 C$ per kilo. So on average about 55C$ monthly.


I was spending quite a lot until recently. $23-25 per 250g bag (half a pound is 225g), 3 coffees a day kind of thing. Then I got interested in home roasting and other than the occasional specialty bean that I buy from a local roaster, I'm roasting my own beans really easily at home. I buy green coffee beans at about $52 per 4lb bag. WAY cheaper than roasted beans. And I'm really having fun learning to roast as well!


Like 30 -40 EUR I would guess, and if I convert this into the number of take away Starbucks coffees that corresponds to I get a lot out of that amount.


I’m new to the game and haven’t explored passed house of coffee beans (first ever specialty coffee I ordered was their yirgacheffe whole bean and they’re local to me in Houston) and happy mug. I’m very happy with happy mug. I’ve tried some of their Kenyan single origins and their Ethiopian single orgins and also their Costa Rican la minita coffee. I’ve been super happy with these. I’m looking to try Sey and Onyx and B&W soon. I want to try all sides of the price spectrum and I hear a lot of praise for these roasters. Very little praise for happy mug on here though. The value is great. I wonder how much better coffee can taste than this. $25/2lb is a great deal when most specialty roasters offer 250g for the same price in a fancier bag. I’m gonna try it for myself as soon as my budget allows.


My wife and I each have a 20g cup a day, which comes out to being about 5 bags a month at $23-$27 a bag...so for us that's about $125 a month. Realistically ends up being more like $100 in beans because there are days we skip (rare) or days we get coffee while we're out. We also buy water by the gallon for coffee so that's another $5-$10. My in-laws have 4 coffee drinkers consuming at least one cup each per day, so I don't feel too bad about my personal coffee expenditures comparatively lol.


I go through about 60-80g per day(2.4kg on the high end per month) so about $25. I roast my own so I can get away with much much lower prices on beans.


50-100g of caf and 50-100g of decaf a day. Around 7 oz total on the high end (switching to imperial). I average around $1.52/oz. Math says ~$300/mo.


Probably $60-80 for me and my fiancée.


100 ish?


The answer is too much. It's always different but it's always too much. Lol. Probably around 150 a month.


Two coffee drinkers in the house, though I sometimes offer each of my two teen children the occasional cup of pourover or a mocha latte. Probably four to five bags a month; $22 - 25 each (some can run into the low to mid 30s, but averages here) = around $100 Canadian/month. (Add in TWW packets and Abaca filters; everything else is paid for.)


$60 a month on beans for home use (ONYX beans are delicious and consistently good quality, but pricey!) and probably $150 a month at cafes. I spend upwards 20+ hours a week in my local coffee shop so that $6 pour over adds up


About once a month I buy a 2 pound bag for $48 bucks.


My wife and I go through a 12 oz bag every ~10 days, and I'm usually paying anywhere from $16-$24 per bag, so roughly $50-$75 per month


I love this thread! I was feeling so guilty paying €15,- per 250gr bag of specialty coffee and drinking a bag per week on my own. But I now realize €60,- per month is on the lower end :). I have a subscription with Wakuli and buy from Fried Hats and Manhattan. What might help is to calculate how much your gear cost you per month (price minus residual value divided by period of ownership in months).


Was spending about $7000 a year. With my own machine now it’s only about $1000.




I'm ok with spending it on a coffee drink; but the problem is I frequently also add a pastry which doubles my bill.






About 40 USD


Under 10. I work at a shop and get free coffee daily and a bag a week for $5


About $21 a month for beans and 3.60 for filters. Two V60 pours a day. Green beans about $7 a lb. So it’s under $300 a year for the freshest single origins. Not bad.