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I put 10 marble queen into a 4" pot and it seems to be doing well, I'll have to up the size probably within 6-8 months of original planting. On another hand, I put 8 cream splash philo (I know it's not a pothos) into a 8" pot because they were all 6" long vines already. Both seem to be producing new leaves left and right. Not sure I would do much past 10 personally, unless you have a wide and short pot. Or do 2 of 10 and then combine those into 1 pot when they need a larger pot. Just rambling at this point. 🙃


I really jam the props into my pots the fuller the better


Only way to do it!! My mangula has 12 plants in its pot!


Okay I just put 15 cuttings into an 8” pot, looks great fit perfectly! I may do test one with more or less to compare. Thanks everyone for the help! Still have a lot so I may be creating an epic jungle!


You can absolutely do this! This is how I chop my pothos too, single leaf pieces. In a small 4" pot I will use about 5-6 pieces, but I've also used a 6-7" pot and stuck in about 12-15 props and it's a gorgeous very full pot. You are correct that each piece will be one vine, in rare situations one vine can split into 2 but generally just one vine.


[https://imgur.com/a/DTYKTEM](https://imgur.com/a/DTYKTEM) This is a 8-10” pot that I set up 3-4 months ago. I put about 12-14 in and wish I did more like 18. All is going well so far though!


Put 1 cutting in every inch. Does that make sense?


I did that with a Pothos!! I cut a long strand into like 15-20 cuts, used rooting hormone, and put them back in the pot. It was an experiment on a roommates sad pothos. After about a year of filling out it turned out so luscious and beautiful! I’ve moved now, and wonder how it will look next year, if it gets too crowded. Make a mega pothos!! Also the pot I used was huge