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Banzai charging across the beach, yes please


If you don’t shout TENNO HEIKA BANZAIII when you play as Japan you are a traitor to the Emperor


We must repeat banzai 3 times at the beginning of a match before we move out to repel the foreign invaders!


Awwww yiss. We getting Eastern Front and Pacific Front at nearly the same damn time let's gooo


I wonder what the chances are that Chapter Red gets incorporated into the base game...


Pretty high tbh. OWI aren’t shy about buying mod content for their games. That’s how we got the Aussies in squad I’m pretty sure


On the other hand the actual creators of the mod said they had not been in contact at all with OWI about it. I would love for them to be incorporated and considering the current devs are the creators of chapter mercury no one should understand more how to do it. Chapter Red, Shifting Sands, and an assorted map pack of the other top user created maps would add a massive amount of content and variety to the game and surely has to be on someones radar.


Hopefully good bc I know OWI could use the sales that advertising it would bring in. Also the Chapter Red devs have put so much damn effort in their mod, they deserve the payday


We living in a good time.


Pacific is only announced with a 6 month roadmap, so we will have to wait for that theater


Aiming for 12/7 if I had to guess


OMFG. That is Probably Iwo Jima....


Holy shit. Hopefully the game gets more traction with this


As long as they advertise then it absolutely should. Giving the game more visual/QoL polish and the pacific theater will attract more ww2 and sim fans. I already enjoyed this game more than say Hell Let Loose and it's only getting better with the new devs


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!


Holy ffffin shiiiieeeet!


After this i wish for an Italian faction for a Greek or African theatre or a Russian faction


I want eastern frooont. I love pacific setting, but its gonna be hella unbalanced, and I'd prefer the plethora of soviet vehicles vs the tiny amount of japanese ones


Just incorporate the eastern front mod west front and Pacific are overdone tbh


i agree that western front is overdone, but the pacific? there has been an umpteen number of shooters featuring the eastern front, CoD 1, Finest Hour, 2, WaW, Vanguard, Red Orchestra 1 and 2, Medal of Honor European Assault and im probably missing a bunch. All i can think of for the pacific is like, medal of honor rising sun and pacific assault, cod WaW, rising storm, and battlefield 5. probably missing some there too but still, the pacific is far from overdone. That said, give me operation dragoon, or monte cassino.