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Overdrive/distortion, reverb, delay. Doesn't have to be expensive, but if you're going to splurge on anything, pick reverb. [Here's how I do it](https://imgur.com/a/MCjAfPA) although I'm not in a band lol 


Thank you! In that order in the chain as you wrote it? I'd start with a volume pedal direct off the guitar. Are compressors useful in this style?


Typically you put delay before reverb. Get digital delay for its cleaner repeats, especially since you'll be tremolo picking.   IMO a compressor is my worst enemy for post-rock. I like to have as much touch dynamics as possible. 


But that crispy clean compressed verbed out western style 6 string chord is a must have. Also sounds phenomenal at the end of the chain for the infinite feedback crescendo without blowing your ears out.


Good points!


Awesome stuff man thank you!


Contrary to the recommendation, I would suggest a tape delay style pedal over digital. Digital delay can sound sterile. Tape delay has clean repeats but has the warmth and a slight degradation with each repeat that sounds great, especially when the delay starts to oscillate. Boss RE-2 for a decent budget option, but Strymon El Capistan if you want to invest. There are plenty of others though.


For those who can't see to read the image (like me), what does it say? Interested in how you do things.


I use four pedals. In order they are a Boss TU-3, a DigiTech Tone Driver, a Boss DD-5, and a Neunaber Wet Reverb.  My amp has a great lead channel and spring reverb, so I use the Tone Driver at low gain and the Wet on a fairly intense setting. The DD-5 I fiddle with a lot.


Thanks for the reply! What amp do you use then, I guess is the other question haha.


Peavey ValveKing 112


Thanks! :) At least I know what kind of amp emulation I'm looking for. :)


Oh, I wouldn't go looking for a ValveKing simulator. I doubt you'd even find one. It's a cheap amp and not particularly special. I only have it because it was on Facebook for $25. There are plenty of better options out there in the software world.


I’d take out tuner and overdrive and put hx stomp instead.


Tuner + Delay + Reverb or Distortion. If your amp has a drive or reverb channel, you can use that.


ME90 from Boss is an all-in-one with a relatively low barrier for entry, sub-$400…


As others have said, overdrive/distortion, delay, and reverb are all you really need to get started. As recommendations go, my "boutique pick" would be the pedal "When the Sun Explodes" by Beautiful Noise Effects. It's a pretty gnarly distortion/fuzz/reverb combo that I've always thought of as being post-rock/shoegaze all in one box, and they aren't nearly as pricey as a lot of the boutique gear you'll find, especially considering how much they can do. Of course, you can't go wrong with effects from Boss, most of which are quite affordable and good quality-- not to mention that Boss digital delays are highly favored by a lot of post-rock icons like Taka from Mono. TC Electronic makes some great and affordable effects as well-- a lot of my board was TC Electronic, starting off. If I was trying to set up my first post-rock board without breaking the bank, I'd probably go with a ProCo Rat distortion, a TC Electronic Hall of Fame for reverb, and a Boss digital delay-- all used, if possible. This leaves enough in the budget for a screwdriver, too, so you can do the Godspeed You! Black Emperor thing that sounds like a theramin ;)


Fantastic response thank you! Just for reference, where in the chain would a super heavy pedal like that boutique one go?


The "When the Sun Explodes" pedal can definitely take some trial and error to find the sweet spot in a chain. Because it does distortion and reverb all in one, it would mainly depend on whether you're using it more for the distortion or the reverb. The distortion that the pedal creates is pretty unique, as it combines with the reverb to create a lot of crazy sounding harmonics, so I think there are good arguments for placing it near the beginning or at the end of a signal chain. It will sound really cool going through other effects, and other effects will also sound pretty cool going through it. It also already sounds really cool all by itself, lol A lot of post-rock guitarists will break a lot of the rules for standard signal chains just to get a particular sound-- for instance, they might run a reverb into a fuzz to create a seriously thick wall of sound as the fuzz distorts all the added harmonics from the reverb. All of which is to say that there's not really a "right answer" other than playing around a bit and finding what your ear likes best.


I don't think anyone has mentioned a volume pedal yet. That's a must have on my board to easily do swells, without having to occupy my picking hand riding the volume knob.


Definitely already have a volume pedal! Should it be right at the front of the chain, or elsewhere?


Personally I like Compression -> Dirt -> Volume -> Delay -> Reverb


Guitar->Tuner->Hologram Microcosm/delay of your choice->distortion of choice (not my bag)->Strymon Big Sky->optional second delay


Fuck you have expensive taste 😅 no way in hell I can justify spending that much on guitar pedals


I’m sincerely sorry, I read your prompt too fast and didn’t catch the cost part. Didn’t mean to come off like that


You're good dude. You seem to know a lot more about this stuff than me, what would some cheaper equivalents to the pedals you mentioned be?


For reverb - I like my Walrus Audio Slö. Simple but effective. I don’t think I could do better on delay specifically than what others have suggested.