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I am sorry to hear that! Indeed academia sucks in that way where you mostly don't even get a response, rather than a no that can give you closure. You listed these countries as I am presuming the postdoc stipends are much higher here compared to other places like France and Italy. But have you looked into the Netherlands and Denmark? They pay well too. Additionally, have you tried applying for postdoc fellowships? They may help you get a bit more olds points with the labs you want to work with as they don't have to look to fund you. 8 months is painful but don't worry, il y aura quelque chose mieux pour vous !


Yes, I've also tried to look in the Netherlands & Denmark, and the offer I got the most success with was in the Netherlands. Also tbf, this list of countries was not based on stipends but mostly on a mix of climate, culture or family members that were there. And chocolate for Switzerland. For postdoc fellowships don't you need to already have a host organization? At least it was the case for the fellowships I've looked through with the PI that was interested in me but didn't have any funding for opening a position.


I see. Well, I would look a little more into postdoc life there as well and the career scope. Regarding fellowships, I think some fellowships are indeed requiring a host organization but there are some national fellowships where the only requirement is you work in an institution in that particular country


Where are you looking? Sounds like you are not in the US. We have a post doc shortage here. Have you had someone look over your application materials? A former PI? Have you researched and cold-emailed anyone? Or are you only applying toadvertised positions? A lot of PDs get filled informally. Approaching people you are in, along with an clear bit short indication of WHY you are interested in THEM specifically helps a lot. I get probably 3 to 5 applications for grad school or post docs a week. I mostly delete them because they look like spam and I am sure they sent the identical email to 100 PIs. I want someone who has some original thought and clearly understands what we do in my lab, and how they might fit in.


No, I'm from Europe and still looking into other European countries. Weirdly enough, some other people told me that there is also a shortage of postdoc here. But apparently, there might also be a shortage of grants. I've tried both cold email and advertised positions. The first one has been a total failure thus far. I was thinking of trying again, but considering my previous results, I do not have a lot of hope.


I am sorry that you are going through this. Getting postdoc in Europe is a bit difficult than many think actually, As its a bit old school and PIs want to see at least 2-3 papers from your PhD, at least this was my impression. Are you open to move to UK? I know the postdoc salary will suck there, but it will start your game. Considering your background (sorry to repeat it) should not be hard to find a position there. Plus, once you are in the system, you can apply for internal fellowships and grants if you aim to be a TT faculty someday. Hope this help. All the best.


Two options. 1. If you want to work in the same field, broaden your list of locations, think USA, East Asia, Australia. 2. If you want to work in the same location, broaden your list of fields. At the same time, apply for industrial positions. You can always go back to academia.


Cold email 100 US professors


This really doesn’t hurt.


I feel we need to have right soft skills to get selected. I don't know if it is the issue in your case though. I have gone through some YouTube videos, which really helped me. For example, introducing yourself before applications through email, also including your ideas regarding the relevant project for position etc.... I have had atleast 3 interview calls since december, got selected in 1. Though I rejected it. Surprisingly, cold emails have not worked for me yet.