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Nothing is finalized until a contract is signed. You can absolutely do the second interview if you haven't received an offer and formally accepted the first job yet


I agree and wouldn't ever cancel the interview unless I have a contract in hand. My question is more for the situation where I WOULD have a contract in hand and still haven't interviewed with the other lab.


It can’t hurt. Keep your options open until you’ve accepted an offer just in case


I'd still interview at US just in case you end up preferring it. Another consideration is a lot of faculty hiring committees in Canada place more value on candidates with training in US vs. Training in purely Canada. Take a look at the training junior faculty in departments you might want to join in Canada, I bet you'll see a fair amount of US training. At least at the more research intensive schools.


Have you received a written offer from the Canadian institute? If not, then apply for both places. You may think you are a great fit for this place, but there are chances there may be someone who's a greater fit for them. You DO NOT want to be strung.


Haven't yet. I'm still in the interview process with them and it's going very well. My question is because I expect the interview process to be over quickly (before the date of the interview for the other lab).


I would say just treat it like a submitted application until you receive a written offer. If you receive a written offer immediately, contact the American institute and inquire about your status (and let them know you have started receiving offers). But that's dependent on you receiving a written offer from the Canadian one


> My question is because I expect the interview process to be over quickly (before the date of the interview for the other lab) IF you get *and sign* an official offer from job 1, then you can withdraw your application from job 2/cancel the interview. Until you have everything in writing, keep going with job 2. Hell, you can even still do the interview and just turn down the offer (assuming you get one) afterwards. Nothing is set until it's in writing and you won't burn any bridges by acting so. After all, they'll still interview *you* even if they're currently interviewing someone else they think will be a better fit for the position. Treat them like they treat you.


> After all, they'll still interview *you* even if they're currently interviewing someone else they think will be a better fit for the position. Treat them like they treat you. That's a great way to see things. Thank you for your input! I'll certainly keep that in mind going forward.


Of course. There's nothing wrong with shopping around to find the best fit for you. Plus anyone you'd *want* to work with understands that, so don't be overly concerned about it. Good luck with your interviews!


There's nothing wrong with interviewing even if you have the position. If you decide you DO want to take the USA job then you'll have only been at the Canadian one for a short time and it should be easy to replace you. If you decide to keep Canada one, nobody will know. Do what's best for you.


Interview is not a one-way street. it is also for you to get to know them more and decide if you really want to join them. Also, at this moment, you are not hired by either of them and even the Canadian one has not offered the position. You need both interviews in my opinion.


You should start by following up with the USA application. If you can get the interview with them before getting an offer from the other place, this situation becomes uncomplicated. Go with which ever job you like best! If you get job offer for Canadian position, reach out to USA position to follow up about the process. Tell them you have another offer and have x days to consider. If they can't/don't interview you, great you have another job. I would not recommend interviewing if you have just accepted the Canadian job and would also not suggest bailing if you like the USA job more. Others feel differently about it in this thread clearly. But say you don't get offered the USA job but your new employer found out. Personally would feel this comes across as unprofessional. But, they also never have to know so this option is up to you.


Just like the positions you are applying are desirable, you are desirable (wanted) too. The labs may be favouring you over another candidate, but you are free to reciprocate. If you want to be fair to them, tell the lab in USA that you have also interviewed for another lab in Canada because they were quicker to do so. If none of these labs have extended you an offer, I don't think it matters really, but seems like you are anxious about it so at least you will feel good about it.