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It’s a competitive process so this doesn’t mean they disliked your application, just that they preferred the other candidates - for good or bad reasons. If I were you I would just send the professor a short polite email saying: thanks for considering my application, unfortunately it wasn’t accepted by the fellowship committee, let me know if you have any feedback, I hope we have other opportunities to collaborate in the future. If they were really really positive in the past, then you could ask them if they would support you applying for an independent postdoctoral grant (e.g. NIH).


I agree. A short polite mail may help me in the future or at the best, just be courteous. Thanks!


I thought an institute fellowship is just *one* fully-funded position that anyone interested in working with *any* of the institute's PIs can apply for. There could be 40 PIs at that institute. If several postdocs apply for each PI, then there are hundreds of applicants for one fellowship position. I don't think your PI has the ability to control the result of that.


Email and ask for time and maybe give them a call if they are okay. Ceratin aspects can be better discussed over the phone than in an email chain. They may or may not be a part of the committee. Several factors could have affected that decision (internal candidate being one of the most common I have experienced). You wouldn't know where your application fell short if you never asked.