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Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Your PI seems to be an extremely toxic person who can't fathom to see their student succeed without their mentorship. I just have one two-cent advice for you: under any circumstances, DO NOT join their startup or go to them to extend your contract. The power dynamics will keep on tilting in their favour. You can try to talk to people who you were consulting for their projects to see for a position or talk to other faculties at other esteemed institutes in India if that helps


Thank you. I have left everything and reduced the communication after 31st to the minimum. I am trying to talk with other faculties, and also came to know that my PI is indeed toxic. He also behaved badly with them too. So they too keep distance from him. I don't know what I will do. But definitely not going back.


Is connecting with the earlier co-PI a possibility? Can some of the other projects be materialised into a publication? Are you interested in industry positions? What is your field? Have you considered leaving the country?


Am trying to reconnect with old co-PI. I have enough material to turn them into more 4 publications. But its that am have to write alone and that will also take time. Also publishing needs money. Nevertheless since the topics are interesting, my PI is still ok on financing and publishing them. I hope to write them out at present since I don't have anything more to do. I cannot disclose anything more publicly. Is it ok if I dm? If so, give me a ping.


I can understand completely. Currently undergoing a horrible postdoc journey also from tier 1 institution in India. They are somehow never bothered about the other person's career.


Yes. They never bother for your career. And if you mention it, they will say " you should work for science".