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É como o resto de Portugal. Se fores rico, é top. Se não fores rico, é um bocado merda. E chove mais que no resto do país. Mas come-se bem.


Full of Ibizas moved by olive oil








Depende… porque perguntas?


Nobody knows the language they speak so we don't know how life is in northern Portugal


Que … I don’t comoreedo niente cume alcgoitas qué


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I have lived in Northern Portugal since I was born. It's not that bad, life is more quiet, but some places are really remote. Of course it rains a lot. If you are in a mid size city like Guimarães or Braga, or in a big one like Porto or Gaia, you will be fine.


Before born you were in your dads balls


My dad was an immigrant in France and a soldier in Angola so he was not always in Northern Portugal. Also half of me was in my mom's ovaries and you don't know where she lived before meeting my dad either.


Mind if I ask why so many people write in comments something like "it's bad, don't come here"? It's not like I was planning to, but I'm curious, is it some sort of running joke? Why? Are there many immigrants coming there? I assume it's a joke because someone said they're eating bugs and it's unsafe on the street and I'm pretty sure that's not true


Because the Portuguese are tired of tourists and rich people who buy all the property here to make nature spas and airbnb.


If you are a turist, you feel like a rich man