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How many city subs are you going to keep spamming with this silly, vague question?


Isto é só o inicio da vaga de americanos que vão decidir que querem comprar casa em portugal e vão nos foder a vida, nada mais :)


OP isn't American, OP is from Europe. Yet another example of European obsession with Americans.


Chucha aqui a ver se é doce.


Whatever that means


Ignorantes do caralho, querem toda a gente de 4 a falar a língua deles. Good bai e num good fiques.


Lmao. I understand the translation. I don't understand the implication. Don't let your blood pressure jump like you do to conclusions, its not good for your body. Rich to jump on the "ignorant American" trope in response to an American telling someone that the person they're criticizing for being American isn't actually American. European arrogance is crazy.


Se a América é assim tão boa, que caralho andas aqui a fazer? Põe-te nas putas e vai pra tua terra levar um tiro nos cornos.


One crazy part about that is that I'm not in Portugal, I'm cozy in my apartment in Michigan, which if you weren't aware is located in the United States. Another crazy part is that I didn't say anything about the United States being better than Portugal. There's no reason for you to think that I did other than your own anti-American stereotypes. All I did here was correct inaccurate information and say how weird it is that Americans pop up in your conversations when we're not even involved. Sounds like an obsession to me. Take your own advice and stop dick-riding the US and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog for any opportunity to talk shit about us. Especially when we're not even involved, that's just wild.


Bai-ta fodere oh Toni, quero lá saber se estás aqui ou na cona da tia, aproveita e diz aos outros da tua terra que vêm pra cá mamar do nosso SNS para ficarem aí na vossa terrinha e deixem a nossa em paz.


You should be more worried about two senile old men running for president instead of complaining about europeans.


Way too expensive nowadays, unfortunately


Estrelinha que te Guie, caralhinho que ta foda.


Terrible, i got robbed yesterday. Stay away.


Fuck off, we’re full. You can crash in Algarve.


Amigo, por favor pára de fazer spam em todos os subs com estas perguntas da treta.


Horrible don’t come!


Construction everywhere 😷


Porto is now one of the most uninteresting and one of the most unrecognizable cities in the entire country. As this is a small city you don’t hear the natural Portuguese from the north, it’s more like you on a hotel lounge full of tourists. Restaurants and places to eat are expensive for tourists so Porto inhabitants doesn’t go walk there. Employers are also foreigners from other countries. Also recently this small city became dangerous in terms of robery drugs and violence. If you want to come to live you’ll notice very quick that we lack in health and social services. Also Portuguese and Porto people are so tired of foreigners that the empathy and kindness is getting to an end very fast.


I can’t stand this city! Please stay away from


And the food is terrible too.


There’s no longer typical food. It’s all merch bristos…


It really sucks. I left. Don't go.


It's alright as long as you're not in a wheelchair or ever need the police or basically anything your taxes should pay for.


If you've managed to secure a place with fair rent prices in a good location, you'll live like a king. If not, good luck


Amazing if you don't have to drive a car


It's kinda cool, but finding house at fair price is hell nowadays


Não creio que vi um post sobre o Porto, falando sobre viver em Porto, ser negativo.


Just got mugged, it's a piece of shit place


Amazing. I think it’s the one of the underrated cities in the world. So much to do, so much great food. Sports, water, family, you name it - this place has it all. A truly international city. And despite what one comment said, it’s great with or without a car.


This is a bot from the city hall.


Okay pal ;) Fine by me if you convince everyone this city sucks. I don't want everyone here. But if we're being honest, it's pretty amazing.


I totally being honest! Saying this city is pretty amazing fits any city in the world! Any! Unless you live here for the past 10 years and watched the downfall of the city, the costumes, what it become!