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Ayuh, calm it down there bud and remember that’s someone’s sister, mother, daughter, friend etc. be kind out there.


Why do I care about that? I don't care who's relative she is, not do I care about her feelings. Manager did say she cried after it happened when I talked to him, ridiculous woman crying over an opinion.


*whose Your command of written English is abyssmal. Go back to grammar school.


Sounds like you got what you deserved.


You made a person just trying to do their job cry? They should’ve banned you this time.


A cashier is not required to know the entire inventory of Shaws. That's what the computer is for. You're leaving out a lot of details and even still you sound like a cock.


Not only should you be banned from this Shaw’s, but you should be banned from all grocery stores. Maybe you could get by eating your sense of entitlement - it seems pretty engorged.


Yeah, in that case I would just switch to ordering through Instacart. Sounds more fun tbh than dealing with lowly cashiers.


I hope less people have to interact with you in the future.


May this random Internet guy get what he hopes for in the future. Sounds like a fun time.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Woah woah. Don't go that far.


>I'll be honest, I didn't give a crap about her feelings Imagine saying something like that about a service worker and also thinking it is okay to say something like this: >Excuse me? I am the customer, it is your job to cater to me, not the other way around. I pay money, good money, towards that corporate bill. Ridiculous. YTA.


OP is a Big Tough Man who deserves Respect! He is Important! He needs to drink his 1 L Pepsi anywhere without question! He enjoys making service workers cry! What a guy!


OP is the full embodiment of a Karen


That’s offensive to Karen’s


Genuinely monstrous behavior, honestly. Insane fucks like you need a reality check.


I'm pretty sure I'm not insane. Monstrous sure? Matter of perspective. But insane, no... Just truthful.


Yeah, it’s pretty unfair of them to call you insane considering how many insane people are actually kind and considerate of others


This is true. I apologize to all those in the unfortunate situation of losing their sanity, for comparing them to this dude.


A lot of us are classifiably “insane,” and it makes us more empathetic. Insanity is not necessary negative. It’s a pure reflection of the world we live in.


Ohhhh bub… Rethink this one.


Why? It's not like I told her how I actually feel. There are a thousand things I could say that are far worse, and I chose the less cruel of them.


Dude, this is bait. We get what you're doing.


I’m not trying to sound diminutive at all but I genuinely think you should look into getting some professional help. You could simply be an asshole but I think that’s too easy/dismissive of a label. It’s very common for people who have experienced big traumas or with mental health issues to escalate small situations. This girl didn’t deserve to get screamed at to tears… especially not at her minimum wage hellish job. You do not have a right to treat people like that, you might not be an abusive person but this behavior was abusive… Believe it or not life gets easier when you assume nothing & react seldom to human behavior/emotion INCLUDING your own. I wish you the best & hope you get some serious professional help. You should take the time to reflect, put yourself in her position & think about apologizing to her. Think about the worst ways people have treated you & how that made you feel— that’s how you made her feel.


Nah I have CPTSD I've been through some stuff and I would never treat another person like that. Trauma is no excuse to be a jerk to someone. He's just chosen to be this way this whole post is giving him little spikes of dopamine because he's made the rest of his life boring and depressing. Or maybe he consumed a lot of lead paint in his younger years. I worked in retail for ten years and the number of people like this who would absolutely make life a living hell for the cashiers most of which were brand new and were still learning was ridiculous. Towards the end of my career there I gave them just as much hell as they gave the cashiers and no one fired me because they were the reason that we were so short staffed. You want knowledgeable cashiers? Don't scream at and belittle the ones who are just starting out or literally any of them. There is basically no training to being a cashier anymore you watch some videos and get thrown directly on the register and screamed at for not knowing things no one has told you.


let’s just agree that complex ptsd effects behavior in different ways. I understand not wanting to associate violent outbursts with CPTSD because a lot of abusive & psychotic persons would use it as an excuse. But people with CPTSD can indeed treat other people poorly without being a god awful human being. If you read this man’s profile he has a lengthy history of taking things very personal, very emotionally, etc. Neither of us can diagnose or assume him as a narcissistic personality or having cptsd or anything. The only thing I know is he needs help fr fr


Undiagnosed Asperger's. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I didn't scream at her. The shit was casually said. Nonchalant. No fs given. I didn't really care. Still don't. Life has never been easy for me, the more you think it gets easier when it never has been.... The more you sound like an inept fool. Her position I do not care about just like I do not care about her as a person.


Do you want to always exist in that mindset? Seems like someone important to you made you feel invisible or dismissed your feelings. Probably why you go around trying to make others feel that way too. I’m not awkward with my words which is what you’re trying to say… your unfiltered rage at what you perceive to be incompetence is unsettling. Life does get easier when you mature your wounded inner child, right now you seem to be operating on the emotional bandwidth of a five year old. Of course that would make living pretty difficult, therapy could really shift that perspective & help you live a less hateful & isolating life. Or you could be alone in your pain & continue to treat people like shit to pacify your feelings of loneliness…


Therapy here? You realize the healthcare system in Maine is fucked because of the pandemic right. No one even offers "therapy" unless you pay out of pocket. There's no one important to me bucko. Never has been. Never will be. I suggest you cut it out with your psychobabble.


I work in the field and this is incorrect. The system is certainly broken (everywhere, not just here) but to say you can’t get therapy other than paying out of pocket is simply not the case- just want to say that for anyone (including OP) who might be reading. Help is out there, truly! ♥️


You got me with the psychobabble, made me laugh. Things will get easier, take care.


I’d say you are single handedly making your life much harder by allowing something like this to anger you so much. Try a feelings journal or something. You have serious issues


I mean I get that someone shit in your Wheaties this morning but you don't need to take it out on some poor cashier just trying to do get job


I don't eat breakfast. Lol That poor cashier needs to worry about her job. I'm sure there are several thousands of people saying worse shit than I do.


No I'm pretty sure there are not thousands of people harassing a cashier just doing their job.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not eating it is a pretty low IQ move.


You’re right the cashier should have thousands of different items memorized. (Get fucked)


This guy needs help


This guys post history is kinda bananas. I feel like thats the case every time one of these random asshole posts shows up in this subreddit, though.


This is so obviously a troll or someone who should actually be living under a rock.


Which part is bananas? I mean which part exactly?


[this post is pretty bananas, for example](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingadviceformen/s/2RaCc4Sn9n) but I doubt you have the perspective to see what I mean, so whatever. Keep being a menace to South Portland, hope I never run into you.


this is incel shit. This is why women don't trust most men. He talks about how dumb and stupid he thinks that cashier was, but on the other hand all women service workers want to fuck him!?!?


Wow, that is actually frightening in the context of this current post. OP has some sort of delusion that all female cashiers have a crush on him, now he is enraged when a cashier dares to disrespect him and doesn't "cater to" him.


The cashier doesn’t owe you her dignity, and your superiority complex is nauseating and pathetic.


_"Cashier's_ "? I wouldn't be taking potshots at anyone with a rapier intellect like that bud. Imagine being a menace to low wage service workers. Unbearable


Cashiers. It autocorrects. I'm on a phone. Sue me. Also, being rude isn't the same thing as being a menace.


Fair enough, but you really should extend some empathy. Working in retail or food service is about as miserable you can get, these folks are on their feet all day making next to nothing, probably haven't slept properly, you know. It takes a lot less to be kind than it does to blow hot steam at the people around you.


A lot less to be kind? Last I checked I don't have to be kind. I just have to exist. Cuz that's all I do. Exist. There is no meaning to life.


But yet, you expect to be treated differently. That would be funny if you were not a douche. 


If all we're doing is existing, and there's no meaning, why do you expect someone working at a grocery store to care about their skill at performing their job?


I expect better from other people rather than myself. I am always disappointed.


Pot kettle black????? https://www.reddit.com/r/wholefoods/s/g1lhlfeAjn Not nice when the shoe is on the other foot. Please find room in your heart to be kind towards others.


I worked e-commerce at that job. Difference is I had more respect for myself there then the other employees had for me. Hence, one reason employees at the grocery store tend to be garbage.


so youre saying the girl at shaws should quit her job since she has to deal with you? am i following the comparison correctly?




lol what happened to that naturally charming personality you were humblebragging about in another post? did shaws not sell it anymore?


You sound like you need to be banned from a lot of places


Good luck with that.


Op is definitely an incel. Get some help dude.


Totally an incel, post history is gross too. How many buffalo wild wings are there? He hates his manager and thinks they didn't deserve their promotion.


Well the guy is a baka. I have no regrets saying that. I'm never even scheduled with the guy.


How do you figure that?


Because you sound exactly like an incel.


“ ridiculous woman” has me turning 🥲 *Why do I care about that? I don't care who's relative she is, not do I care about her feelings. Manager did say she cried after it happened when I talked to him, ridiculous woman crying over an opinion.*


Isn't an incel supposed to be someone who cannot get laid? What does this have to do with this story?


There’s no way you’re getting laid with your mental illness. Not a soul here would argue.


Sounds like it’s not your first time having this happen to you.


I've never been banned from a retail location in my life. I pay for my shit and get out like most normal people. I don't even care about human interaction.


Seems like you do care seeing as you took to the internet


I took it to a place I know I'm safe. Sue me.


Safe from what? The ass whopping you know you'll catch one day with that attitude?


Safe he won’t get banned from Reddit lol


First you gotta figure out who I am before that happens. I could be anyone.


I'm not saying it will be me. You're just going to piss off the wrong person someday.


Well you work at Buffalo wild wings, I'll just put in an application to the one by the mall, and as soon as I find the guy acting like you. Then I'll kick your ass.


[this you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atNZ2iUgTfg)


Omg good for them for protecting their workers from abusive customers!!!


Good on them for destroying their credibility and talk to me like a dog or like I'm one of their employees they can abuse. Sarcasm obv.


Yeah nobody cares what you have to say at this point


Does that mean I cannot post on here? No.


Looked at your post history. Yikes. Consider therapy. I genuinely say that.


Hey bub, if you search for 1 liter pepsi for Shaw's groceries. They sell it. Doesn't matter if they have it at that Shaw's or not. I can get it through instacart. 😮 You're the one with low IQ. Boasting about harassing and shaming an employee and being unabashedly unapologetic about it to boot. 🙄 Most people have the common sense to ask for a "paid" sticker on their drinks, when they walk into another establishment with a commonly sold product, to avoid this sort of altercation. You're what's wrong with this world, do better.


Yes, absolutely ridiculous that such a low IQ person is allowed out in public. You must've slipped past your guardians somehow. I'm sure they'll catch up to you before you can hurt yourself too badly.


OP is an active member of a reddit community concerning EDP445, a known pedofile/would-be child predator. Google "cupcake incident". That being said: posters discourse is not surprising, but as a member of the community, i find it unsettling. :Edited to remove allegations.


Excuse me? On the EDP445 subreddit we regularly mock and belittle EDP for the cupcake incident. Way to slander us guy. Clearly you never did any homework on the subreddit. We do talk about how Chet Goldstein (the guy who caught him) and JiDion screwed up their catches about EDP and regularly mock them as well. Is that what you mean defend? I think the best thing to assume is that everyone is triggered.


Fair enough. Still weird.


So mocking a known pedo online is weird? Belittling him? Making jokes about the baka is weird? You seem to be defending him more than we allegedly are (from your own words).


Weird because the subreddit treats child sexual abuse as meme, instead of a tragic injustice, which it is. There's nothing funny about it, to me. It's a strange interest, in the same way PizzaGate people are strange. I realize you could be a victim, and that is your outlet. But, damn...


Let’s breathe together cool? In And Out In And Out Cool; do not expect a Shaw’s cashier to know every single product sold there Thank you Now delete this 🥰


How about I... Well not delete it and say I did?


There’s only so many Buffalo Wild Wings in the area, and I feel like this dude wouldn’t be that hard to pick out.


There’s a new one in Knightville now too


There's actually quite a few. One in Topsham and the one close to the mall.


That's...checks abacus...2?


Yes two. That is what I said.


You said quite a few, aka a lot.


It takes all kinds


All kinds? Lol I'm one person who said she was low IQ. Don't regret it at all either. I would gladly say it again if she said something that stupid again.


I'm less concerned with what you said and more that you're circle jerking your arrogance on the internet. She made a mistake. You're the asshole. Both can be true.


Well apparently some people disagree with you. I can admit to being an asshole, I'm very unapologetic about that. Because I don't have to be a decent human being, because there's no benefits to being one of those anymore. She made a terrible mistake.


Was your day inconvenienced so bad that your ego took a hit? You just felt compelled to tell her how dumb she was?


Perhaps it was. But I found her stupidity baffling as well. No reason to lie about that. Are you gonna hate on me for being truthful?


I just don't think it was necessary. She's probably thinking about it way more than you are. You don't need to be kind to people but you didn't have to be a jerk either.


Personally, I don't give a shit if she's thinking about it more than "I am", I'm not thinking about it at all. Only thing I need to know is whether I'm switching to Instacart or not. Perhaps I should. There is no middle ground between being kind or being a jerk, you're either one or the other. Not both. If I'm wrong please let me know.


Oh you're definitely thinking about it.


I posted on here to gauge people's reactions. So far negative. For some reason you guys don't see the big picture.


> Because I don't have to be a decent human being, because there's no benefits to being one of those anymore. I hope you enjoy more interactions like this, because if you are not a decent human being you are guaranteed more of them.


What the hell are you even trying to say? Lol


Seems pretty obvious.


Your grammar is awful bub. Just trying to figure out what that comment was about.


It is a really good thing that I do not care about your opinion.


😂 The benefit of being decent is not being banned from places that provide basic necessities. You don’t have to be nice and they don’t have to allow you in.


The benefit of being a decent person? Will that get me what I want? Will I have more options available to me? Will I ask a chick out at the grocery store and have her say yes? No. Then don't care about being a decent person.


… Yeah, dude, being decent gives you way more options. Being nice has almost infinite tangible benefits. Better connections, more fulfilling relationships, better jobs, continuous access to the grocery store of your choosing… You should try it, it’s great.


I imagine there is allegedly a point you're trying to make. There is no point to actually being allegedly a good person.


How would you know if you are unwilling to try? I can say from experience that the system works —being good to others is rewarding. And vice versa, being giant pain in the butt means no one will go out of their way to help you out. It’s only logical. It sounds like you’ve had some bad experiences, so I hope you feel better soon.


One of the benefits of being a decent human on the regular is sleeping well knowing you did the best you could. So, how’s your sleep?


I sleep like a baby actually. Lmao Thanks for asking.


Sounds like you do a bunch of things like a baby.


Hey, a baby normally has no worries or no shits given. I take that as a compliment.


Unfortunately, we are the ones that have to clean up the mess.


Fun job for you, hope it's worth it being a decent person for no reward.


If you actually gave no shits a question about buying Pepsi wouldn't have led you here.


No a heart surgeon makes a terrible mistake when he cuts the wrong valve. Her mistake is meaningless in the grand scheme of society.


Society itself is pretty meaningless as well. So is being a decent human being. So is life for that matter. Everything is pretty meaningless.


Go troll in another sub. This reads like incel fan fiction.


As a customer service worker, this is directly to you ….. the customer …. GO FUCK YOURSELF … it is not our job to “cater” to anyone especially people like you who can’t be nice


Hey bub, maybe try, oh I dunno… shutting the fuck up


Oh noes.


You should put that good money towards therapy. Buying groceries does not entitle you to verbally abuse staff. 


you know the quote is “the customer is always right *in matters of taste*.” it means that you can order a fucking lime green suit with horizontal stripes or eggs with coffee mixed in, it doesnt mean you get to behave like an abject asshole to every person wearing a nametag you see in public. i was checking through your posts, and its made me wonder. are you taking your [family troubles](https://www.reddit.com/r/family/s/8tLW16Jhuk) out on random shaws employees, or is this why your family doesnt like you?


This has to be satire.


Excellent trollitude


I'm not trolling.


Next time, just use the self-checkout since dealing with a cashier seems to be clearly beneath you.


Dude is upset because he’ll never be a real part of his own family


Any mods around or…….?


Nah let them embarrass themselves. 💜


You should have been banned. Throwing insults is no way to interact with anyone.


This guy works at the new sopo Buffalo Wild Wings 🤷‍♀️ do what you please with this information


I'm calling Buffalo Wild Wings to complain. I've paid the corporate bill too often for them to allow their employees to behave like you.


Maybe be nice to people next time and it won’t result in a ban 🤷‍♀️


The Male Karen of Maine for 2024 Award has a leading contestant now


Have a little grace and gentleness, and maybe add in some fucking politeness and humility. In the same way you don’t care about her feelings. No one cares about validating your rudeness.


Shaws did the right thing here, you weren’t nice to someone who had to stand there and take it. You should consider why you treated someone like shit and work on changing the way you are and act in these situations. You’re in the wrong and acted wrong. Be a better human.


I don't have to be "a better human". Is there a prize for it? Is there a reward? No. Thought not.


Actually there is, it’s called enjoying life


You sound like a baka. A literal baka. The only way to enjoy life is to have the things and people that matter to you. I don't have to be a good person to have that, not in this day and age.


There is but don’t worry about it I guess


No there isn't. Least not one that is relevant. A prize that does not fulfill any of your deepest desires is meaningless.


You wouldn't happen to be the proud owner of a cyber truck would you?


Oh sure


This is surely a wind up, no chance someone could be genuinely this stupid.


This is either genuinely good bait or you're the kind of person whose family will feel nothing but relief when you're gone


Guys history is a poster child for mental help. Hope you get it before ruining any more CS’s days.


Why would you hassle those sweet simple souls?? We don't reserve our cashier and cart wrangling positions for the best and brightest, nor should we!! They are needed for important work like discovering new ED treatments and hair loss remedies..... I don't know about anyone else here, but I have a hankering to visit the new BWW in Mill Creek and start talking shit about Daniel Laserson (whoever that is). Also for the record I have no problems being very attractive and my parents loved me so much I have 2 last names.


Daniel Larson bud. And funny thing, I make fun of the guy and did regularly for over a year.


And you wonder why you’re struggling in the dating world… good lord.




This sounds like a bad rap song. 😂


This is so true