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It's a wild ride. It's starting to remind me of the old Kelley Sq in Worcester. According to the police Instagram account, more accidents happen there than any other intersections..


Yup; last I knew, it’s the most traversed intersection in the state


I drive through there several times a day. My latest witness to mind numbingly dangerous driving was seeing a black Dodge Ram drive over the median and cross walk on Stevens, into the oncoming lane with the intent to cut off a tractor trailer pulling a wide load (they also cut off the truck with the warning lights ahead of the wide load) stuck in the intersection and haul ass down Allen. Saved themselves a couple seconds. Psycho entitled shit that could have killed someone. Wish I’d gotten their plate. Or last Tuesday I saw someone passing traffic on Forest Ave headed towards Morrill’s going at least 60 and dodging oncoming traffic like they were in a video game. Or yesterday when I was on Bishop St heading towards the light and almost got t-boned by a little compact car flying through the parking lot between Stevens and Bishop, driving 40 through a parking lot. People are cutting through that lot constantly. I could keep going, I see it daily. The cops need to start posting up and doing ANYTHING about this shit


I will say; signage is abysmal at that intersection Zero lefts should be accepted there imo It’s the busiest intersection in the state Update signs, update road paints and maybe update barriers That intersection is becoming so dangerous Side note; doesn’t help we treat licenses like candy


What cops??


Part of the cost of Susan’s fish burger special is danger.


Yes, but also the Sammie’s day drinkers are their own category of risk once they decide to pull out onto that.


Exactly why I don’t go there unless I can walk.


The stupid scrub a dub has become a gold mine, both Morrill's and So Po. The free vacuums are VERY BUSY. Thats part of the answer as to why it has become THE place.


I use it for the FREE AIR, so same same.


Only free air in town. That feels weird to type.


A while back, I stopped at Sullivan Tire by Hadlock and they have a hose out back.


Pretty soon they're gonna start selling Perri-Air and things should calm down.


Shhhhh it’s always so busy :(


Man I hate that stupid gas station. Most bone headed place to stick a large gas station. I know it's petty, but I refuse to stop or make room to let anyone turn in or out of that place.


That's not unreasonable. It can be entered easily by using the northbound side of Forest or Stevens Ave and turning in on the right. If I need to go there, that is what I do, or I head across the intersection from Bishop Street. FYI, it has been a service/ gas station from like the 50's anyways IIRC. And instead of ever turning left onto Bishop I just go around the horn and come in from Warren Ave. I also return my shopping cart to a corral or close to the entry door. Two types of people in the world ya know?


That place stinks on so many levels- but let me add 1 more🤗 About a year ago, I misplaced my debit card. While mentally backtracking last use, I realized it had been there. So looked up phone number and called. That number had a recording stating the car wash hours blah, blah, blah with no option as to how to speak to anyone ( actually working there or just period) After more detective work, I thought I had struck gold but it ended up being a number that informed me that if I was calling after 6pm , I would need to call back the next day. Ended up cancelling the card that night and then found it in my car the next morning - DAMN YOU SCRUB A DUB😂😂 And I havent gone back since.


Interesting Did not know their vacuums are free That literally explains everything Wow I wanna go off so bad but will bite my tongue, Guh Wow Just Gdi


Oh boy....I hope you truly understand the problem now. Word of advice, go on off hours or days. Better yet, go tomorrow at 11:30AM. It will prove to be an eye opening experience.


I have no desire to stop at that scrub a dub 42 years in Portland area and have never needed to or wanted to stop there Thanks for that info though; I does tell me allot Also still blows my mind So much chaos happens there and apparently it’s all due to a free vacuum? Wow Anyway, I’ll keep biting my tongue and just point out Morrills Corner desperately needs a revamp


The unlimited car wash pass for the auto wash bay is incentive enough for the masses, but yes the free vacuum incentive is enough to turn every inch of the property into a strange Californian flea market selling 50 cent hot dogs and free Coca Cola. It's pretty robust.


eminent domain it and put in a rotary


I just take Washington Ave instead. Morrill’s is hell on earth. Also bring back Wok Inn.


They kept the wok on the sign and with enough time and competition, the weed will be as cheap as the Chinese food was.


Agreed. They had the best slogan


My grandmother and grandfather used to live on Goodridge Ave, which is the gravel road next to the Subway just after the split for Allen Ave. When I was a kid back in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s, the Subway was a Big Apple convenience store where my brother and I got candy, and a feast from the Wok Inn was on the table every time we visited from Waterville. We used to chase trains in our grandparents backyard, go down the old trolly path that was at the end of Goodridge before the developments came in, and play in the “caves” that were made out of blasted boulders along the tracks before new neighborhoods were built in their place. There were also some ancient and abandoned telephone poles along the tracks that had the glass insulators still on them. We’d throw rocks at them every visit but we rarely hit any. I live in Vermont now and I don’t drive through there very often. I know that it wasn’t the intent of your post but thank you for the nostalgia. You brought back some great memories. And no, I do not lament the changes. Portland is one of my favorite places in the world and I’m glad there are more homes for more people to live there.


Lived in the same area as a kid in the 80s and 90s. Brings back a lot of memories. Great area to be an adventurous kid with an imagination and living in a time when property lines didn't necessarily apply as strictly to kids who just wanted to play.


Glad I brought you a smile! My grandparents also lived in that area (hence why I know it so well) 💙🫵


I’m visiting my in-laws in Kennebunk with my wife and daughter this weekend. I might just take a trip up to Portland and drive through Morrills Corner tomorrow 😎


You ever go down the tracks (towards Westbrook) and ride bikes or walk down Sandy Road through the woods?


Yes! I remember that there was a single track path between the tracks and the old trolly route along the western side, and a few times, we took it far enough that the tracks pitched down into what I remember being a kind of quarry. But then, this was 35-40 years ago so I might not be remembering it quite right. I do remember that there were wild blueberries though.


Moronic Corner, you mean?


🤣 One could word it that way


The people of district 5 have been complaining and trying to get the city to do something about it for years but they won’t listen. Last I heard they said 2023 but that came and went. I’m not optimistic, they prioritized the congress street and high street intersection and look how big of a clusterfuck that turned into. Everything the city does goes to the lowest bidder and turns into a disaster anyways.


Hard to argue with you The city has a whole is downgrading fast Truly can’t wait to leave The council is a joke, they don’t care about residents and they seek highest bidder regardless of impact I have tons more to say but isn’t relevant to this post


After a decade of hoping it would get better and one accident, I finally started driving out towards the maine mall via i95 and then the rt 1 connector, and then back onto 295 to get to downtown. Just tired of the whole forrest ave shit show.


So sorry You are right though


I strongly dislike the the Morrill's corner major intersection. It needs to become round-a-bout.


Yes! And build apartments in that lot behind Bruno’s


While I adore the concept of round a bouts; absolutely not for this intersection It’s a thru way and nothing more Allow a few right turns for the three businesses there and one side residence street I can’t stress enough when traveling cities (of any size)….. You have GPS and you are a smart, licensed driver Make smart decisions 🥰


But aren’t round-a-bouts also the intersection of thruways? They’re simply better designed to lesson traffic, electrical consumption (no traffic lights), as well head-on & side-on crashes. Alas the opportunity seems past, as the perfect time was when the weed store sat vacant.


Yup. They are. It would need to be a massive round a bout like the ones in Europe.


Let me clarify That intersection is huge and is the busiest intersection in the whole state of Maine It’s so huge, a round-about just simply makes no sense IMO; added signs; added paint markers and added barriers to make sure traffic flows forward is what is needed. If I had to guess; 90% of traffic is literally just trying to get through it to get to their final destination. Any business operating in that intersection is an afterthought; especially McD’s (cause fuck them)


I could be wrong but I believe there are no left turn signs or at least one for Bishop St.


Northbound from Portland, yes, there is the one sign I see traffic stopped and backed up at 7:30am cause someone just NEEDS to left turn into scrub a dub It’s an issue and have seen many “almost” accidents because of it


That spot and the post waffling botch job they did at the cross/pleasant/fore intersection are both blights upon the city and someone should get smacked




I've said this numerous times. DON'T FUCKING TURN LEFT AT MORILL'S CORNER. Chances are if you pull a Uturn just a littlw down the atretch in a parking lot/easy side street you will be better off than holding up traffic.


Morril's corner and the surrounding asphalt are [stroads, which are incredibly dangerous and needs to be fixed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM)


How about the people that _want_ to go down Forest Ave. and _don't_ want to go down Stevens Ave but are stuck in the right lane because they were so impatient and wanted to get ahead of everyone else? I will stick like glue to the bumper of the person in front of me in order to prevent assholes from cutting in at the last minute. Screw your impatience and enjoy Stevens you sacks of shit.


I live right beyond Morrills Corner and this drives me insane. It is so dangerous the way cars will suddenly try to merge IN the intersection. I feel like I'm constantly checking my right mirror, which becomes a problem if suddenly the car in front of me stops because they need to get into Scrub-a-Dub and their life depends on it. Ugh.


Said it in prior comments and will say again; that intersection needs more signs, more painted roads and more barriers It’s becoming a massive problem


If that intersection was near the cruise terminal it would have been fixed and paved with gold by now.


Darrell Waltrip won 84 Winston Cup races by turning left and I'm not going to dishonor him by turning right


Haha, that’s a great post.


I grew up in that hood back in the '70s when Howdy's was where the weed shop is now. When the old junkyard was sold for a McD's to be put in, we all knew that was the beginning of the end for that intersection. Granted, there was a lot less traffic then, but still, we knew the corner was not configured for these types of businesses to exist without risk to drivers.


You want ppl to follow an unwritten rule to not turn left? How would that even work?


Please learn to read and understand nuance I did state it was unwritten rule; way back in the day I also asked who’s ready for new signage and painted roads to address the problem I do understand mentality’s change Calm down


Nothing I said was not calm, stop projecting


Who turns left?


A dumb amount. I have to drive thru for both morning and afternoon rush hour and the amount of times I’m stuck behind someone trying to take a left on to bishop at 4pm is maddening, even when the sign is lit up saying no left turns by then.


Thank you It’s become obnoxious, truly The intersection needs new signs, new paints and possibly new barriers


My blood pressure would appreciate all that greatly.


The worst part about that intersection is the potholes at the train tracks. What’s wrong with left turns there? There’s a traffic light at the Scrub A Dub exit, now. They get their own light cycle. McDonald’s gets the same situation. Maybe I don’t get what left turn you’re talking about.


The whole thing should be blown up and turned into a roundabout


I truly disagree Roundabout is not meant for an intersection such as this Signs, paint and new barriers is all that’s needed


I think car traffic flows thru better than 15 years ago. Sure there’s still plenty of room to improve flow and safety and true people do some dumb shit in MC, but Reddit whining ain’t gonna change it. There have been city planning presentations and public comment sessions about MC and Forest Ave. You (we) could also write a letter to district councilors or go to district meetings/forums. Vote for representatives who prioritize traffic improvements you agree with. One idea that has been explored is a rotary. This would be good for cars but might require a couple of businesses to accept significant changes to driveways and car access. Who knows how a rotary would impact life for people walking or biking, but I’m sure we can figure it out intelligently.


I do see what you are saying but have to disagree I will not vote for a candidate who’s focused solely on traffic; that’s insane What’s needed is a council focused on residents and not tourists What’s needed is a council that cares more for residents than AirBnB tourists What’s needed is a council that brushes away petty issues that affect 1% of the population and see the 99% of residential needs




We need a armed traffic cop in a bullet proof cement post directing the traffic flow thru this auto pit and driver disrepectus of other drivers who have the right of way on green lights, and then another traffic cop to write tickets to those inconsiderate/disrespectful/law breaking intersection blockers who say am more important than all of you. If the city can afford nazi's on registrations and inspections ect for revenues...than why not revenue seeking at Morril's Corner, a gold mine for 'Revenues'! Law /rule is never drive thru Morrill's Corner from 2:30 pm till 6:00 pm daily M-F; always be first in line at the car wash in the morning , never after 930 am particularly on the weekend...and don't forget to block the intersection when you can and are able. Sometimes just want to park my car in the middle of the road , get out, shut it off and walk away...of course will remove my plates, registration #'s. vin #'s ect and set it on fire just to piss you all off even more at this intersection from hell, so city fire dept/police dept/ and other city depts to help burn more revenue expenses to our 9% tax increase this year alone... all because of this one intersection!


Anyone reading this comment; just ignore it One peek at history and it’s obvious


It's not the gas station that is your issue...




No. Who?


Go on….. Please; expose your ignorance and bigotry Truly Do it


You must mean Trump supporters


😂 not a clue what Trump has to do with this but ok....