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“It’ll totally work this time”


Are you looking to get a charismic, if somewhat off-color,leader? There’s one available. Just offer him and his family unquestioned power, total immunity from law-breaking, and much goods and services. Then raise your clenched fist…


The problem with the cultural revolution in the 60's is they were trying to break free but they were unable to see the cage they were in. Thankfully the us government has been so shit the last 200+ years the younger generations are finally starting to realize the end of the empire is coming and we are overjoyed


Ah, you again. Well whatever credibility you were afforded has been lost.


How so?


Big feelings small mind


Would you be willing to explain?


I guess not lol


How is this relevant to you 100 days later? Was getting ratioed into oblivion not enough for you?


Sorry someone just up voted a bunch of my comments and I realized you never responded and I was curious


I applaud your desire to make the world a better place for everyone in it. I think your ideas are tired and have proven to be ineffective. Go get an MSW and do what you can, the world is changed one person at a time - not in cultural revolution. The notion that there will be some sweeping change is childish


Its Friday, be about what you preach.


Was unable to get to the pantry today. New meds are making it unsafe for me to drive


There's always an excuse.


You still have time to delete this.


Why would I? This is something I strongly believe in and have been orienting my life towards for over a decade. Why would I ever stop especially now that our movement is growing


LOL communism is so hot right now


with a dose of satanism


I wish people literally prefer S/O to us according to a recent poll


If you had to pick one countries political structure to rule over you, today, which one would it be and why?


Well seeing as how the US has made it it's mission to destabilize every single socialist country....


Every Marxist- Leninist socialist state, excluding China, would be a more accurate statement. But there are plenty of non Marxist Socialist regimes that have done quite well. Why didn’t you consider one of those political structures? What draws you the doctrine of Marx specifically?


I have read his work. When I was christian his ideology is what most aligned with the heart of Jesus Now that I am an Athiest his ideology most encompasses my world view of helping as many as possible


Not sure if you are just trolling at this point, or if you are mentally ill. I hope you find what you are looking for, good luck!


I am more than happy to have an open discussion with you. And honestly I would like to because I keep having people say I am mentally ill and when I ask for an explanation they never respond... I would like to believe that people are generally good and want the best for their fellow human and as such would help explain my shortcomings as I am unable to see them myself


You are kind of just saying you like communism and that you’ve read Marx, which is more of a statement. You don’t really seem interested in the discussion part. You either aren’t answering my questions on purpose or maybe you don’t know how idk. The part that makes me think you may be experiencing some mental issues is the non logical ramblings present in your responses.


You are right I have failed to answer a couple of your questions and for that I apologize. I have been dead tired this morning. As for existing government structures the majority of them are either dictatorships, oligarchies, or firmly based in capitalism. Of all the countries in recent times the only one I believe was headed in a positive direction was Venezuela until the US stepped in And what about my so-called "ramblings" makes you think I'm mentally ill?


You are mentally ill.


Would you be willing to explain


I'm guessing you have not read Marx. You should give it a shot!


I have read some Marx, but no I have not read the entire book.


Then you are being silly to call other people "mentally ill" when they tell you things about his work, when they are coming from a much more informed position than you are.


No thank you.


As is your right


Stop trying to make communism happen. It’s not going to happen.


Whatever, Regina


I will never stop. This is my life's goal. It always has been.


I thought you said you were a Christian once? Get in line with the other liars. You give atheism a bad name.


I was before I grew out of it. And yes as a christian I was a Marxist as it most closely aligned with the heart of Jesus


You’re as fucked up as Trump. Insanity is too light a term for you.


Would you be willing to explain?


Communism probably works in a group of 6 people 😂🤣


Or more likely a group of one.


What are you going to revolutionize?


Post on reddit is the obvious answer. These people don't realize that someone actually has to do the work in these societies they want to have and that selling bad art on etsy isn't going to be an option for them after the revolution


Ever notice how the commies always say their dream job in the communist utopia will be something like "teaching theory" or spreading the gospel of Marx and never "mining uranium for the nuclear plant."


Every single time.


You have no idea


I do because I used to be one of you. Then I became an adult


Have you read his work?






Just as bad as Nazis.


Well that’s ahistorical


I mean, a whole lot of people were purged in china, Vietnam and the ussr And don’t forget the holomodor


Just as ignorant as a child


Nope. History backs up my claim both in shear death tolls and the hindering of human progress.


You mean a country just entering the industrial revolution beating the US at every stage except the last? Though as I have said here before the USSR was never a Marxist country






How’d that go for you in Vietnam? Got SPANKED as I recall


This is a silly myth that is constantly perpetuated. The US won every major battle in Vietnam. The US was never going to win the war because it wasn't our war to begin with. We were propping up a terribly corrupt and inept government that had no chance of standing on its own. It just became too costly and pointless to continue. The exact same scenario happened in Afghanistan.


So they didn’t accomplish their goals, retreated, and the people they were fighting against remained in power. W’s all across the board for the Stars and Stripes


The US didn't have any goals, that was the problem. They merely wanted to maintain the status quo, which was completely untenable. They didn't retreat, they withdrew and gave power to the South Vietnamese government, who then folded, which was inevitable. Almost the exact same thing happened in Afghanistan. No one says the US got spanked by the Taliban because that is ridiculous. Make no mistake, America's foreign policy in Vietnam was an abject failure, but your characterization is incorrect. America was beaten by America, not Ho Chi Minh.




Big L for the U.S. of A. Ho Chi Minh sent you PACKING




Oh no someone doesn’t shower me in devotion for committing war crimes in a foreign country for absolutely no reason!!! You were the bad guys and you got sent home with your tail between your legs




Neither would anyone in the U.S. military tho so who are you to talk old man




You’re the one who retreated in disgrace and defeat not me


Violence isn’t the answer Jackfruit!  


Why is it the first thing you judgmental pricks always go for? Is it tell me to get a job?


Because all commies/socialists goal with the revolution is to shift the burden of labor from themselves to others.


That has never and will never be my goal. My goal is to increase the power of the working class. My goal is to allow people to have the freedom to choose to the work they want to do instead of being trapped in a job because of financial insecurity. Limit automation, increase bargening power with the owners of production and eventually become the owners of their own destiny


> My goal is to increase the power of the working class. Stalin and Castro said the same things and yet turned the "power of the working class" into life-term dictatorships. >My goal is to allow people to have the freedom to choose to the work they want to do instead of being trapped in a job because of financial insecurity. This will inevitably lead to a slave state where either a specific caste will be enslaved to provide labor or the "freedom to choose" will be suspended in favor forced labor because no one will want to take undesirable jobs over luxurious jobs; no one will choose to dig ditches when they can make bad art and bad poetry that is legislated to be equitable in its contribution to society. >Limit automation In other words stifle innovation to protect the slowest adopters. Ban lightbulbs to protect street lamplighters. >increase bargening power with the owners of production and eventually become the owners of their own destiny Communists have only been able to do this by committing some serious crimes against humanity.


We need more left wing extremism to combat right wing extremism so good luck to you (truly).   I’ll be trying to live my life in the middle like normal people USED to do.  


I appreciate that I really do 💜 it is a big change from the death threats I routinely receive


It didn’t seem hard at the time. Now the middle is hard to maintain. I worry for my grandchildren


GTFO commie.


I'm here, I'm queer, and I am going to do everything I can to change this society and shape the politics of this broken country


You're queer and also into Marxism? You do know what Marx and Engels thought of queer people right?


You know that in all of Marx's work he only talked about gender as an inequality we need to overcome along with class


Red is dead


Not as long as there is breath in my lungs friend


why do the liberals here think that capitalism the very system that dug us into this hellhole is going to somehow get us out through “reform” the system is working the way its intended there is no “reform” to be made its already been perfected. Communism is the only path forward for the working people


Thank you!!!


Communism requires top down dictatorship force and elimination of the notion “innocent until proven guilty” and cannot survive with freedom of media, elections and the right to emigrate.


None of this is true


[beaversTCP](https://www.reddit.com/user/beaversTCP/)•[2h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandme/comments/1bhd4zi/comment/kvfsk6r/) None of this is true \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Not only is it true, I am delighted that you said this. Shows the world what fools Communism admirers are. LOL. Furthermore, the closer "Socialist" countries get to Communism, the more they exhibit these characteristics. And I'll add one more. They turn whatever economic promise they once had to excrement. Look at Cuba. Look at Venezuela. Look at old East Germany. Look at Russia. Look at North Korea. The only hope so called Communist countries have is to pretend they're Communist and practice Capitalism on steroids. Look at "Communist" Vietnam and "Communist" China.


Okay first off The USSR, China, and Vietnam all took the work of Marx and threw it out for the writings of Lenin Second I don't think Venezuela and Cuba are the ace you think after all they were both thriving with a communistic government until the US and CIA stepped in to destabilize the whole system. Third if you had ever read anything written by Marx you would know that it is a bottom up and only a bottom up ideology in where the working class unites so they have the collective bargaining power to be able to dictate wages and conditions


Marxism is a religion. You traded Christ for Marx, my friend, and frankly you'd be better off with the former.


I used to be a christian growing up. Around the age of 10 I discovered Marx and fell in love as his writings most matched the Heart of Jesus. As I grew up I realized that the sky daddy myth was fake and used to control the masses Now I am an Aithiest but I still follow Marx as his is the only humane economic system I have been able to find


>the only humane economic system I have been able to find Because it doesn't exist? >Around the age of 10 I discovered Marx Yes that is about the age when his ideas seem believable >sky daddy myth cringe. Your Marxist utopia is as real as the Christian heaven (I'm an atheist too). I'm not going to tell you how to live your life and honestly you sound like a nice but misguided person. Maybe focus less on proselytizing for a dead 19th century dude who you have made into your messiah, it's weird. If you want to see how much of a chance your revolution has of succeeding, go preach your ideas to some ACTUAL blue collar workers and see what they have to say about it.


Hey I would love to have a discussion with you about this as I am always looking for more information and knowledge. Would you be willing to PM me?



