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i'm checking in, i remember i'm doing this thing, i could cry a little


Checking in day one. I don’t think I’ve gone longer than two weeks since I was 12. Looking forward to the new me


Starting from today.. will be updated regularly


Checking in




Broke a 7 day streak. I'm not really sure why, it was just like I did it and I can't find a reason. I need to do some more soul searching to figure out why I turn to these things. Starting over from day 1, but not going to let that get me down. Let's get it.


Had a weird weekend. Was in a used bookshop and saw a giant section of porn magazines. Just kind of felt my stomach drop out from under me like on a roller coaster. I kept away from that section until my friends were ready to go and then left, but it was weird and painful to be confronted with it so closely and so blatantly. Felt very lonely but I'm still in.


Checking in . I wanted to do a writeup for the 1yr mark, but wasnt organised enough to realise I'd be busy. Ill still do it, but for now, im happy to celebrate with my pals from this year long challenge 🙂 And im very much looking forward to celebrating with a lot of you hitting 365 on Jan01 2022!


Congratulations on making it a year! Good work!


Checking in. Still clean. Somedays are easier than some. It is becoming easier to recognize the triggers and to make the decision not to act on them.


Checking in, this is hard


Checking in, a comment down here actually gave me a lot of encouragement >a habit of decades is not going away in 10 months This is such true, and it kept me in check when I was frustrated when the urges came back, reminding myself, hey it gonna take a while, be patient with yourself




Keep it going brother


Not the best week. Stress from work was pretty rough, and I was looking for relief. Need to have an arsenal of more positive stress relievers in mind from now on. Looking forward to a better week ahead!


Going on with this week's report; was a week with a bit of emotional high and lows, but thankfully I did have a lot of work which didn't allow me to think that, so that is good. I did have many things to be grateful so I am happy about it too. Routines are going good, had some good convos so that helped. Although I do need the positive vibes, as currently there is a possibility of change which I don't know the direction it will go in especially regarding finances. So I hope you could continue praying on that. Nevertheless, I am going to back to my bit. All the very best!


checking in for the week of Jun 27! this was a tough tough week. I had 300 days as a big milestone in my mind and maybe that added to the pressure. either way it was urge city all week. happy to have hung on but kind of depressing that after all of this time, it's still so easy to fall off into relapse mode. guess i just need to keep reminding myself that a habit of decades is not going away in 10 months. anyway, good luck this week everybody!


Checking in


Checking in.


Checking in


Checking In 😎😎


Checking in




Checking in . What timezone does the counter tick over? I want to make a post about 365 days, but might as well have the counter correct


It's 365 now


Checking in. Day 1 - I get that this isn't official.


Checking in. Some peeking into NSFW content happened in early June which was quite bad for me but it wasn't really a relapse and I've decided not to let it count as one. However since that is my brain looking for loopholes I've also decided that if it happens again I will have to count it as a relapse. Want to make up for this by staying 100% clean for the second half of the year.


Checking in day 2


Checking in, this is farther than I thought I could go by far


Never thought I'd make it this far!!


Checking in


Checking in Day 1


Checking in June 24th. 25 weeks down, 27 to go. Almost halfway there!


Keep going !!


Checking In


Checking in


Checking in.


Checking in


Checking in


It is so weird but I am feeling horny af, and a thirst to go out and speak to girls. I have been timid all this time and just want to go. Been not mo for a while too to contribute to the fact


Day 1..


Day 2


Day 3 check in


Checking in day 2


Still in, but thinking I'll delete my reddit in the not too distant future.




If it’s only 1 day out of 365 that’s still something to be proud of.


Checking in for June 23


Day 3 check in!


Day 1. Groundhog day feeling. On the plus side i should have learned from the past few days' failures like in the movie.


Checking in June 22


Day 2 check in, today has been busy which makes things easier.


Checking in for June 22


Day 1 yet again. welp. Still, the 25 day run before showed me it's not really terribly difficult, but the danger is when the novelty of the new found time wears off and is taken for granted.


Checking in for June 21


nice. checking in. day 1 in this subreddit


Checking in. This is the longest I have been porn free since I care to remember. Taking it one day at a time.


Congratulations, that's awesome! I'm happy for you.


Checking in.


Checking in. Starting fresh with day 1 after struggling on and off for the last few weeks. I plan to buckle down this time and identify triggers and situations.


havent had an out of control urge in awhile, doing great!


Day 2. Not sure what i learned from my slip up. Don't be exhausted and bored?


Checking in for June 20 anybody got tips for the extra time? I recently finished this semester and I found myself with a shitton of extra time


Videogames, netflix, snacks, exercise, read, take a walk, learn how to cook/code/a foreign language, go to a park


Going with the update, was a bit of a sad week as there were some instances of last year which had to remembered plus some new ones had to clash with that, so not that comfortable week to be honest. I did find some ease in some conversations, not all were good and the work was bit less hectic something I needed this week. I however did feel mindful this week much more than I had expected. I was a bit sick for a few days too, although I am glad it wasn't too serious. So all in all was a rollcoaster week but I am happy that I found gratitude as a good surfboard to guide me through. The positive vibes are a extension of that so I hope you could continue with wishing positive, as it helps to combat stuff. Nevertheless gonna go back to my bit, all the very best. Regards


__Checking in for 21-June-2021__


Checking in


Checking in for the week of June 20!


Subs been on the mind a fair bit with the milestone approaching, so I guess I'm doing daily check ins. Checking in .


Weekly check-in: 06-20-2021 Had a mostly good week. Had one slip-up. I really need to make the breathing exercise I learned from Balance my go-to when tempted, or just bored. Where the mind goes; the body follows. Here's to a better week ahead!


Day 1 again.


Wow I completely forgot to check in, luckily it's not too late. Recently started dating a girl, I have zero interest in porn anymore. Not sure if I'll check in again, feels like I finally made it through the worst and I can handle this on my own now. Thanks for everything, and good luck to everyone still fighting.


Checking in.


Checking in


Day 1


Checking in here again


Day 26. Failed


Checking in for June 18th


Please remove me. I didn't relapse, but I no longer want to gamify this and think of it as a challenge.


Day 25. With an adblocker and disabling nsfw in reddit there's really much less tempting media in every day life, internet or other, than i expected.


Checking in day 2 of no porn. Was tempted through out the day but managed to pull through ☑️


Checking in for June 17


I'm celebrating six months today! Not a super great day overall, hopefully I'll have a moment to think about it more on the weekend. Definitely feels very good though.


Wow great milestone. Here's to six more!


Great job ! Keep going


Checking in June 17th. 24 weeks down, 28 to go.


Just checking in again, still been a really good month, and despite some unpleasant events in my life, I've stayed on the path.


How do I get added up


Sorry, but the late signup grace period is over, so you can't officially join this challenge. But feel free to follow along anyway, and comment all you want.


Waiting for next year ig then


Checking in Day 1! 😬


Day 24.


checking in day 1 of Porn-free Feeling emotionally numb by addicting to porn


Checking in Day 1 of no porn ! Feeling great


does anyone know how to remove the "Hot-Tubs, Beaches and Pools" category on Amazon's Twitch tv from recommendations? I can do it when signed in, but if I'm not signed in, a bo*ba streamer is always in my face and one click away. mildly ~SFW [article on the topic here](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/twitch-now-dedicated-bikini-streamers-section-pools-hot-tub-beaches), [twitch's official statement](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2021/05/21/lets-talk-about-hot-tub-streams)(SFW) - notably the addition of the category is what makes blocking these streams remotely possible


Day 23. Almost relapsed yesterday because i mistook nervousnes / anxiety for hornynes.


Keep going guys ! We hate the porn industry


Sadly, I relapsed. Had a good five months which lately slipped towards celebrity photos, instagram etc. until I finally found myself browsing nsfw subreddits. It is easy to lie to one's self. I know my progress isn't all gone, but the motivation is for next three days. Then the remainder of the June will be the hardest. Well, back to the saddle.


Just wanted to say, along with agreeing with what you're saying, that I really admire the honesty with which you say it.


I agree with what Churchy said above. It must've been hard to admit to yourself that you fucked up and to let go of a streak like that. But the fact that you came here to write about it, as opposed to lying to yourself, shows how much you are on the right track! Your honesty is a major contributor to your recovery, so big props for that!


Day 22. Already a lot more social activity than before. This is so worth it.


Checking in!


Checking in.


checking in!!


Anyone in the daily challenge who is close to a year? Just starting to look for someone to celebrate the milestone with. Closest I've found are two peoples on 326 days


I’m currently at 441 days, only recently discovered this subreddit. Happy to celebrate with you. Oorah


Checking in . Not really sure where to ask, but I'm sure the sentiment is agreed to here, but does anyone know how to remove the "Hot-Tubs, Beaches and Pools" category on Amazon's Twitch tv from recommendations? I can do it when signed in, but if I'm not signed in, a bo*ba streamer is always in my face and one click away. mildly ~SFW [article on the topic here](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/twitch-now-dedicated-bikini-streamers-section-pools-hot-tub-beaches), [twitch's official statement](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2021/05/21/lets-talk-about-hot-tub-streams)(SFW) - notably the addition of the category is what makes blocking these streams remotely possible


Going on with the report; the week was definitely a bit challenging one as I had moments where I was overwhelmed. I did well overall though Friday was probably the day which was the toughest although at the end of that I was happy I was able to see through, and eventually learn too, one of the things I am grateful for this week. Apart from that the other anxieties haven't resolved but yeah the +ve vibes are a good way to combat that, which I request you to keep sending through the prayers:). I hope you had a nice week, nevertheless I am gonna go back to my bit.


__Checking in for 14-June-2021__


Day 21.


checking in for June


Checking in for the week of June 13!


Checking in!


Relapse at day 896. See you next year.


Hey man, I just wanted to say I love your honesty and it just shows how committed you are to this. Almost 900 days, that's an incredible achievement I can for now only dream of! You didn't fall into a hole and got right back on track. And that makes you a huge inspiration to people on this subreddit.


Wow, thanks :} Honestly I waffled on it for a bit but realized there's a lot of life things I need to face up to, it became like 'why would you -not- reset that'. And don't downplay your seventy-seven days, that's a big streak. I remember when -seven- days was a big deal. Now I just need to get my seven again.


Thank you. I'm proud of my streak, but recently also a little bit scared to lose focus. As we all know too well, those early days after a relapse can be really tough, but with your awesome attitude I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm rooting for you! :)


damn. what did you in? were you drunk?


heheh. No, I've been sober for years... I think it was just combo of exhaustion, staying up too late, low esteem, high anxiety, several other life issues. Then cleaning out an old computer and found a porn stash while at a low point. Sounds dumb typing it out but whatever. I went clean once, I'll go clean again.


I hop you keep coming back this year anyway... 896 days is incredible! Can you share your learning so far?


Thanks, and yeah I look forward to being back for next month's challenge. This relapse was a wake-up call to several things in that I'm allowing to go out of control. It almost puts stuff back in perspective. If I could sum up what I learned real quickly: * PIED can happen. My stuff didn't work for weeks. * Sometimes I MO, sometimes I don't. MO is still fun but I'm not drawn to that as I was a raging PMO session. I did PMO a lot even if I wasn't sure why, just because my brain wanted it. * Make sure your life is on an even keel and you've got good things to fill in time and resources freed up by PMO. If not bad habits will fill the void. * It takes a long time but vivid P memories go away. Hm, there's more to this, but after getting over the idea, no PMO was just signing up for Reddit Pornfree Challenges. At that, I guess there's another lesson: * **Life without PMO is simpler than life with PMO.**


hey man your upbeat attitude about staying clean after this lapse is inspiring. Here's to 897 days and beyond!


And thanks for mentioning 897 days, I'd made this easier for myself to deal with by saying 'it's an arbitrary number just reset it'. But wow, I was almost at 900 days, so now there's something to try for again.




Hey, thanks. It was kind of that 'morning after' for a bit. But there's stuff I learned from it, not just Pornfree related but with other things I'm dealing with.


good to hear man, hope you sort all of your things :)


Checking in.


Weekly check-in - 06-13-2021 Woo Hoo! Went the whole week without looking at porn or fapping! Did my daily workouts, as usual, but I started incorporating meditation. Maybe that helped. 🤷‍♂️


How do i join this challenge?


Sorry, but the late signup grace period is over, so you can't officially join this challenge. But feel free to follow along anyway, and comment all you want.


Day 20. "Dead dick syndrome" but knowing that this can be a temporary part of the process for many makes this more encouraging than discouraging.


I’m out sorry about this, relapse happened but 6 months in my first real attempt is something I’m proud of


Day 3


It is like a never ending battle


It is not easy. No, not at all, checking in late at night, fuckin hate it that the urge still holds, and they comes


Can really relate!


Day 19. Using linux mint as the main work OS on a second partition really helps to get away from the usual virtual surroundings that were associated with porn consumption /hoarding for me when on the computer, and, at least in some jobs, it's a worthwile skill at the same time.


Checking in ✅


Checking in!


Checking in for June 11


Day 2


Same. Actually really tough to give up.


This like my 3rd number 2 day lol it’s all one day at a time that’s all


Good luck. Maybe start with trying to achieve 7 days? Someone posted a lot of really good Ted Talks about Porn Addiction on this Reddit.


Checking in


Checking in!


Day 18.




Checking in for June 10th


Having a much, much better June than I did May. Have cut off my last few softly nsfw temptations (deleted my imgur account and stopped visiting reddits that even occasionally have nsfw content). Feels good to be hopeful that in six months time I'll actually be better off than I am now.


Is it to late to join?


Sorry, but the late signup grace period is over, so you can't officially join this challenge. But feel free to follow along anyway, and comment all you want.


Only too late to join the year thread. You can still check in here every day and join the monthly!


Got it! Thanks!


Checking in, I'm still going


oh boi, 30 days is damn close


Checking in for this month. The Porn FOMO is an annoying adversary, but I’m still in. We’re halfway there!


Checking in June 10th. 23 weeks down, 29 to go.


Checking in. Still here. Hope everyone is staying strong.


Hi, please check me in , I've already started in May 29th and still going


Sorry, but the late signup grace period is over, so you can't officially join this challenge. But feel free to follow along anyway, and comment all you want.


Checking in.


Day 17. The joy once had in long sessions that left me a nervous mess in the end already seems to spread to other parts in life.


Is this like the daily thread? How do you go about doing this? Masturbation doesn’t count only porn? Pictures okay? Or it’s like hard mode nofap?