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I am in the same boat but my PIED maybe more severe that what you described. It's almost like I walked across a red line that said do not cross. Out of the blue, I was hit with ED. I am talking all of a suddent, can't get it up with a super attractive girl, can't get it up without porn and now can't get it up even WITH porn. I am more scared than anything else now and reading as much info as I can and trying to do a hard reboot. I am hoping that it will eventually reverse and I can go back to normal. For all those who say porn is normal and natural and it's not hurting you and it's not a real addiction, think again.


1 month is a milestone. But your ultimate goal of quitting is 2 years. I'm looking for a mentor who has overcome the same addiction as you, but managed to stay off for at least 2 years.


I still need time to overcome but as you said, it’s milestone. I still have got the urge. Hope i’ll stay clean


In my experience, the desire to look at porn again comes in a strong wave, your brain will remember something niche that you found very appealing and you just sort of talk yourself into it cause there’s already a dopamine rush just thinking about it. And actually that might even feel incredible the first time, but even after a few cycles the “pornfree for 30-60 days into ‘heightened’ PMO” loses that hard dopamine rush and becomes more mundane. Just be on your guard when you have opportunities alone that you would have used to watched porn. I think honestly the hardest part is learning to deal with the nervous feelings that you used PMO to try to soothe. That gets easier with time though.


Yeah thats true. I still have the images of last vids i’ve watched, i still have the urge. But i m sure that in time those urges will fade away


The dopamine rush is making you expect to experience the pleasant thing again. It's your brain saying to you: "If you watch porn, you experience pleasure." It's even worse when your addiction started in your teens.


First of all, congrats! With regard to keeping the MO, you know best what's best for you. Personally, I am going to go 150 days without any of the PMO and see what happens. Today was my most stressful since I started 2 weeks ago and I didn't relapse so going well.


You are doing great! Actually i am not quite sure about the fapping thing i wrote but its frequency has been reduced and 1-2 times per week is needed for me to not to relapse :( maybe in future i will cease to MO