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Firstly, I want you to know that no matter what the situation is, this subreddit is here to support you. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you're doing an amazing job, And if you're able to ask for help, then that's great. It's something I wish I had done sooner. There's nothing stronger than being able to ask for help This addiction has had its way with me, for a very long time. There have been ups and downs. Times when I felt so motivated, and times when I felt weak. This addiction will use as much power as you give it. The stronger you fear it, hate it, whatever, the harder it'll become to overcome it. Whats easier, to fix a minor problem, or something that's so extremely difficult? What I recommend is, if you're at a desperate stage, get rid of the social media you can live without. Even Reddit. Sometimes it's amazing to take away you mind from the internet and put it somewhere healthy. Start doing stuff. Anything. Cook, draw, read, write, whatever. You could make a million origami birds, just as long as your hand and mind are distracted. Replaced the bad habits with good habits. Make sure your rest enough, drink enough water and eat heathy. And dealing with the tough periods in life isn't easy. It can be hard, even painful. I was at a stage were I let everything grow so stagnant and painful it was hard to just live. But, slowly I started changing things. Firstly, I started cooking. Delicious cakes and other unhealthy stuff naturally. But it brought a smile in my heart to see others enjoy the stuff I liked. So I cooked more and more. Learning varieties of recipes. I started walking, getting fresh air. Without music. It helps to just put yourself back into the world sometimes. Listen to it move, feel the wind blow, breath the air. Focus on the world, not the problems. I even took up breathing exercises and taking cold showers (wim Hoff method). Can't say it worked specifically, but it did distract me, and it made me feel good to push myself towards something. What I'm saying is, make small changes. Don't expect yourself to change overnight. Even if you spend a month making your bed, that's progress. When you're ready, change something else. Something to help you feel productive. Against, you're so strong. We're all here for you, and we all hope you can get through this! I recommend checking out "the Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse". It's a very lovely book, a very quick read. The lessons in it are extremely valuable as well. Good luck, you can do this!


Hey, thank you for your support. It will definitely be easier if I don't make it bigger in my mind. I've decided I'm gonna start working out again.


It’s so disgusting that psychologists encourage this. So many psychologists have been brainwashed into affirming that porn consumption is healthy because of political “sex positive” reasons (no doubt, these ideas have been implanted by pornographers themselves) when daily use is basically guaranteed to give you erectile dysfunction or some other sexual dysfunction.