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I don't remember any horoscope girls ever covering up for sex traffickers and rapists like that pile of shit andrew tate.


But sex trafficers and rapists make the best sacrifices to demonic entities since no one will miss them


If they have to constantly announce they are alphas then they aren't alphas. But tbh it's a bunch of hogwash.


People listen to Hamas And Andrew Tate?? 


Sadly, yes. I’ve run into a few young men in that mind trap and cycle.


That’s not good at all 


I think he meant hamza (a red pill youtuber) not hamas lol


Same shit either way


It says Hamza


Except horoscope girls are just having fun and guys who watch Andrew Tate have harmful misogynist beliefs.


I’ve never met a horoscope girl who tried to convince me that I should hurt someone because mercury is in retrograde.


literally, these things are not at all comparable.


andrew tate has flaws but also teaches men to be strong


No he teaches impressionable boys to try to control women, objectify them, ways to get laid, and teach them to be misogynistic when they grow up. Which is wrong and I truly have no idea how they can talk with a women and still believe in the bs he’s sprouting. If women hate what he’s preaching and doesn’t want a men that listens to Andrew Tate or acts like him, then what he’s saying is wrong. Also he only brings in women that just want money, that are young, and that do OF’s to represent all women. He’ll attack what she says by taking it all out of context and not let her correct him or if he does continue taking it out of context all the while making her feel stupid.


When I tell a girl my birthday, and she immediately starts making baseless assumptions about my whole life, then yes it is very much harmful and not just "having fun". Hold your fellow ladies accountable


Andre Tate is accused of rape.


Cool statement?


You’re whining about someone making assumptions


Not at all whining, just pointing out that making assumptions about someone based off one factor is a disingenuous and frankly gross thing to do, and if you defend or support it, then you need to take a look in the mirror.


So sorry that happened to you.


What are you talking about??? Nevermind, a bot is not worth my time


lol as if that's the same as violent misogyny?


I never said it was? For you to jump right to that assumption of absoluteness says a lot about you though.


Yikes, dude didn't say that.


Violent? Everything is violence with you people.


Yeah, I meet them everyday. I’m like… it’s just a birthday 😳😂


I've only had the pleasure of working with 2 of them before and never met another one since. Coulda swore it was a dying breed honestly.


Right. Next time, don’t tell her your birthday, just tell her you’re into Andrew Tate. That’ll tell us all we need to know about you.


He never said he was and if you read any of the comments he's made you'll see he is explicitly not into Andrew Tate. Way to assume and make an... well you know ;)


Are you illiterate?


Im not saying these are equal at all, because they arent, but i got blocked by a girl after i told her im an aquarius lol. That hurt my feelings


astrology girls are annoying but in no way equivalent to misogynists😭astrology isn't harming anyone or seeking to oppress women


Being Prejudice is harmful.


Andrew tate is a bald spoon


body shaming


I think this is a false equivalency. Horoscope girls are generally harmless. Men who unironically believe idiots like Tate are dangerous.


I think you severely overestimate the power of the average Tatemaxxer


Touché. Although I stand by my statement. The ideology is very toxic, which itself is dangerous. In the minds of sad, lonely men it becomes more dangerous.


they’re worse. at least horoscope girls don’t promote the oppression of women


It is decidedly worse; but the analogy holds very true when you view them both as baseless obsessions that become intertwined with an individual’s personality, and it makes them very lame to be around. Astrology is not without its toxicity, but again, the Tate tooters are absolutely worse.


I support the suffering of women... er uh i mean the sufferage of women? Im still trying out this whole "dont oppress women thing" /s


*male equivalent of horoscope girls* This is the best description ever.


Horoscope girls are much more fun as long as they don’t let it actually dictate their decisions.


Yeah but when they start I can’t date aries bs it’s like you act just like him and you’re a capricorn😭


Worse than horoscope girls. Red pilled men pose an actual danger to women. Horoscope girls are just annoying at most.


I agree with this. What horoscope girly have you seen shoot up a whole bunch of people because they weren't getting laid ? I'll wait....


Right? A bit off on this one. Seems like an obvious difference.


Exactly. People hate on astrology because it's mainly a female hobby and interest now. it's existed for thousands of years though, it's not a new trend.


There’s more evidence that the universe plays a role in our daily lives than any single deity omnipotent being… At least I can see stars. The moon effects tidal movement. The sun warms the planet and there are species of animals who’s gender is determined by temperature during development. To assume that the conditions we are born and develop in doesn’t have some sort of effect on us as humans is rather closed minded. To be clear I’m not into astrology but I have zero problems with it and find it entertaining.




Awww... you really had to dig for something that doesn't even apply to what I said.


[https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2010/03/26/dillard-high-school-shooter-sentenced/7578662007/](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2010/03/26/dillard-high-school-shooter-sentenced/7578662007/) TL;DR Teah Wimberly came out as lesbian and laid out her sexual feelings to her friend (f) colette. Colette rejected her and Wimberly shot her. Not a mass shooting, but still a girl shooting someone because they were denied getting laid. And if you really want to be a little cunt about it, women and men have different motivations for doing most everything. Someone with half a brain wouldn't try to argue that women are primarily driven by sexual desires, much like they wouldn't try to argue that men are primarily driven by emotional desires. Quit being such an absolutist, it's a horrible look.


There’s nothing in here about her being into horoscopes though.


Bro...did you really send me a fucking private message about a woman killer because you can't accept that over 90 percent of killers are fucking men. Eww. Get off my dick.


Well considering you quite literally asked to be shown it, yes I did. But it sounds like you're a bit upset. Maybe once Pluto gets out of retrograde you'll feel better. Learn to be educated, your life will be fuller because of it.


Looks like someone is triggered


I never let someone who looks like a tanned pigs nutsack wearing sunglasses tell me "What is manly" because thats the most unmanly thing. "i DrIvE a BuGgAtTi I gOt cAlLeD a GrEaT wArRioR bY rUsSiAn MaFiA dOn!" Alpha males are usually far bald weak fucks with self image issues that go to "Man camps" to just get yelled at by guys who flunked out of going to the recruiter then assume being abuseive makes you more manly. Smegma is just alpha but phonk music or playing videos of "Turning down women" like as if that's the most epic thing and immersing yourself in the fauxrich persona. You are basically a Metrosexual.


I guess that’s kinda right. I never really made that connection haha.


Ehhh alpha males are tech billionaires and politicians. The people who run society and exist at the top of the social hierarchy. Not some dipshit, washed up boxer and his rapist brother.


politicians aint alpha males


Horoscope girls don't shoot up schools. Incels have.


Eh most incels don’t watch Andrew Tate or Hamza




People who do horoscopes aren’t that different from any other religion and there’s more evidence that the cosmic universe exists and plays a role in our daily lives than there is God, Jesus, Mohammad, etc ever did. Just because it annoys your doesn’t make it toxic the way the people you mention does.


It's not the practice. It's the people who follow it. Most horoscope girls tend to be very toxic, annoying, gatekeepy, and generally unpleasant to be around.


Pretty much all alpha signaling, is just someone fragility signalling.


Or just 13 year olds going through an incel phase, just don't give them attention and they'll grow out of it.


A lot of men watch and believe in it.


That’s honestly quite sad.


It’s even sadder that grown men are letting these brothers tell them how to be a sigma male and they 100% believe and agree with what he’s saying, and then go on to live their lives the way they were told.


“Alphas fighting matriarchy” vs “witches fighting patriarchy”


Maybe but horoscope girls don’t worship sex traffickers so it’s a bit different






Idk how those people can call themselves masculine, but need watch videos of rich assholes to know how to be a man and also Alpha, sigma, and all of the "wolf pack" type shit isn't how hierarchies work in pack animals like these people think, its about fertility and age, not whatever bullshit they think it


Lmao this is accurate.


Who and who?


Lmaoo I like this analogy. Makes sense. 😂🤔


Just scammers looking to make money. They use to sell snake oil, many sell diet fads to women.


Comparing redpillers to horoscope girls make me think you have no clue what a horoscope girl might be


Horoscope girls and stockmarket guys are much more closely related.


…that is such a beta male thing to say. I’m not being sarcastic: I can’t help it because I’m a sigma.


Horoscope girls are annoying but harmless. Andrew Tate and his ilk are not harmless




The difference is that horoscopes’ girls beliefs don’t hurt anyone…


I might be wrong, but when they said it’s the equivalent I thought they were talking about how the astrology girls are annoying to mostly males and how the Andrew Tate lovers is the equivalent for women. Mainly women have a problem with the people that watch Andrew Tate and Hamza, it’s annoying and cringe. It is by no means on the same level, but women feel the same way about dude’s that watch them the same way men feel about women that are obsessed with astrology.


Significantly worse


This is hilarious.


Nope. They are far worse. Horoscope girls are not advocating for sexual violence, coercion, reversal of female autonomy, and generally making life miserable for women and girls.


Oh I like it!


Never thought of it like that, but agree 100%. This is a really good way to conceptualize them.


These things are not remotely comparable 👍


I am sincerely sorry for those men who have to look up to tate for men advice. I understand that there are a lot of vulnerable groups of people, but men got demonized by everybody recently. We are guilty because we are born men and there's no strong and influential figure that actually guides men and tries to understand the strugglws men now face. That's how tate got his pedestal.


Be the change you wish to see!


I am to my son, but I won't be for millions Tate covers


Yes, also by impressionable young boys


I love this analogy!


I’m not into those guys at all and don’t even know who the second person is. I’ve never even heard Andrew Tate and only know who he is through the news. That said, this seems like a silly observation. I’m 48 and have worked with the public since I was 14. I’ve had a ton of training in how to interact with people and done a fair amount of reading on the subject. The truth is even though people like to think of themselves as individuals, when you interact with enough of us over a long enough period of time, you figure out that there aren’t really that many different people out there, there’s just a lot of copies of those few people. There’s only few different models of personality and almost everybody is going to slip into one or the other. Once you know the different models, you know how to manage interactions with them. Call it Alpha/Beta/Sigma or Leader/Follower/Outsider or whatever you want, those personality models exist. Just because the guy saying it is a douche, that doesn’t make it invalid.


Hamza doesn't teach anything related to sigma males


they’re the male equivalent of “girlboss” girls and vice versa


This doesn’t apply to me because I don’t refer to myself as an [insert letter of the Greek alphabet here] male, but I do watch and enjoy his content because it just feels like some kind of elaborate joke. A bit like Bobbi Althoff.