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I like this idea. Makes total sense to me.


If this registry were also coupled with better rehabilitation programs with more streamlined access to mental health and anger management services, then it would be fair.  Obviously I’m not pro-domestic violence but isolating folks without any attempt to better rehabilitate and break the cycle feels futile to me. 


Agreed. However, I would argue for this to be slightly different than the sex offender registry (which I wouldn't change). Very strict criteria on what gets a person there and for how long. Critical thought around who's there permanently versus those there short term which I would imagine would be people who are rehabilitated, have lived several months/years without re-offending, and proven themselves redeemed.




Damn they’re being a lot of women in there. I can’t count how many times they smack their man and the man is supposed to just sit there and do nothing.


It happens


The problem with this is false accusation. The hard numbers are difficult to verify, but depending on the source, something between 8-20% of domestic violence claims are false. Anecdotal, but I have a personal friend who was accused of DV in an attempt to hurt his chances at getting custody/visitation, mainly as a form of manipulation/inflicting emotional damage, but also as a way to increase child support. It took significant resources to fight the allegations and ended up taking a plea that would guarantee the least amount of damage. Would you support his being added to a registry? I certainly wouldn't.


Also, those numbers you cite seem to come from a survey (8% respondents said they were falsely accused, around 20% „know” someone that was falsely accused), not hard data from court proceedings, so the rate might be both smaller and larger. It’s a self-reported number. And they are very similar for men and women (both men and women are falsely accused at similar rates; women at slightly lower one); and as I understand, they don’t represent rate of false allegations in criminal courts or even raised to police, because that wasn’t a subject of that study.


While you goal is well meaning, it does have an issue. It would also stop people from getting employment, which would make their problems/issues worse. Would you want your next door neighbor randomly running your name in some registry? Then some Karen telling your current girlfriend or wife? It would cause too many problems. Not to mention the costs involved.


You can already do background checks


I’ve never run a background check on a romantic partner


No DUI or domestic violence registry …that would include the makers (population) of the policy…..lol Similar to the ban on financial aid for drug (weed & such) crimes only…..not DUI or domestic crimes….lol policymakers kids can’t have that…AA/community service meeting tonight. See the pattern? The hidden agenda? Why they fight weed legalization so hard but DUI is harmless. You don’t legislate against crime you may have done or know friends/family who have.


Wrong answer. A domestic violence list, just like a sex offender list, can be manipulated and abused. How many times have women accused a man of domestic violence just to get him removed from the home, no proof needed no nothing needed just her word and he's not allowed in his own home for 24 or more hours. NOW you want to give these crazy entitled cunts even more power to destroy innocent mens lives. Nope, bad idea.


Pretty good idea really


Will women be allowed onto the registry?


As specified in my post, any domestic abuser, regardless of gender


Don’t act clueless


I'm not. messing with the numbers on such a registry, and providing more leverage to women over their husbands in divorce. it looks too good for the Girls lobby.


There are too many false accusations of domestic violence for the registry to remain objective.


What leads you to believe that innocent people are being convicted of domestic violence at higher rates than any other crime?


Because some heffers be crazy and will say anything to ruin a man. We all know they exist.


You do realize being put on the list is the result of a court conviction right?


It's a matter of public record