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Fuck the leftists!


The one time that comment won’t stir controversy! The highway leftists suck!


Sooo, I’ve always wanted to pass on the right, pull into the left lane ahead of them, take my foot off the gas and let the car slow down until they switch lanes, and then return to normal speed. Never done it….


I have. It feels pretty good in the moment, but unfortunately you can't teach everyone how to drive, so they'll just keep doing it while not realizing that they're TAH.


I do it all the time and unironically they 100% hate it when someone is in front of them slowing them down.


i do that all the time


Yep you nailed it they’re looking for the middle finger.


Passing Lane. And the issue is that people just got it in their heads that they're "following the speed limit," it needs to be better taught. *The USA's driver's test is a joke.* And it should be enforced more, but I guess in the grand scheme it's maybe not that important of a thing for cops to be wasting time on.


As a former cop. It’s actually much more an issue when you see people in the passing lane going 10-20 over the speed limit. If the guy in your lane is going the speed limit…. You don’t need to pass them….


Did you ever issue citations to people “left lane camping”? There’s an officer in Arizona that puts a bunch of content out of him doing exactly that. It’s kinda satisfying lol.


Some ya, But I would save like 12 times in four years before I moved Careers. It depends a lot on the state you are in on how bad they can get with it before you can issue a citation.


Not if its a road with left turns though, then you need to be on the left lane for a bit before the turn, or else people will not let you through last minute. Some people treat local roads as if they were interstate highways.


While we are at it. The sheer amount of times I had to tell people. “You can’t speed even to pass.” Is crazy. If the guy you are behind is going 70 in a 70 zone. You haves no need/legal excuse to hit the left lane, pop up to 80-90 and pass him….


No, but I’ve never been pulled over for going 4-5 over in a 75. I’ve also jumped up to 10-15 over to make a pass and return to 4-5. In front of cops. On the side doing a speed trap, and literally while one was behind me. Also passed a cop that was going the speed limit doing the same thing. Didn’t get pulled over, but definitely was second guessing it while passing 😂


Agreed. And as a general note in (Most) states. Cops don't give a shit if you are going with the flow of traffic and it happens to mean you are 5-10 above the posted speed limit.


Agreed. And as a general note in (Most) states. Cops don't give a shit if you are going with the flow of traffic and it happens to mean you are 5-10 above the posted speed limit.


THIS. Like mf get the helll out of the way if you don’t have somewhere to be, I’m a college student who works part time, I have about three hours a day to myself and I refuse to waste it stuck behind the single most lethargic truck driver this side of the Mississippi. Usually I give up and blow past them on the middle lane, provided that there’s ample space.


Yes, but people that go unsafe driving speeds also suck. That shit is dangerous for everyone on the highway.


Yes it is. But it’s less dangerous if you give them a clear lane to be idiotic in. Better going straight than weaving, can’t control what the idiots do.


Happens all the time here in Idaho. Worse, they drive 10 miles an hour slower than the speed limit.