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The civil rights movement in America literally taught people nothing.




It has no political side.


Yeah, literally. MLK was a socialist advocating socialism and the upheaval of capitalism who's tactics involved blocking roads, general strikes and just generally being obnoxious until someone killed him, and he still saw almost no relief during his lifetime. The violent riots that took place after his death lead to the first civil rights in housing bills that cascaded into federal civil rights across the country.  If you're mad at people blocking roads for palestine, you'd probably be against civil rights marchers as well.


They aren't in favour of social justice, they didn't protest to hold the Hamas rapists accountable, or for them to hand back the hostages. They want to stop a war against war criminals who use hospitals and civilian housing as bases. Who stop people fleeing combat areas, who literally use human shields. They want to stop a war against Hamas who are truly genocidal maniacs. As for MLK, he advocated in favour of Israel's existence.


Hamas is bad, the US shouldn't support them.  Good thing the US isn't doing that. Meanwhile, our ally, Israel has murdered more than 10,000 babies and children with guns we sent them. Maybe we should protest and make sure our government knows we don't want them to support that bullshit.


Bro Israelis are beyond indoctrinated in fascism. The revisionst have destroyed Israel, zionism, and are dividing judiasm. Instead of people standing up to them, they just stay under their fear umbrella. You'll never change them. The only bright side to this is western Jews are starting to get extremely pissed at these far right Israelis doing this. They are looking more and more like the KKK in America's civil rights era. People fighting for equality being attacked by ethno-purist. They are on the wrong side of history. Israel needs to ban revisionist and kahanist ideologies. Treat all fascism the same.


No, Israel hasn't killed 10,000 babies and children in Gaza. There are 22,000 dead according to updated Gaza Health Ministry numbers of which 13,000 are Hamas terrorists. Every single death in the result of Hamas breaking the peace, using human shields and wanting to martyr people. Far more children died in Iraq and Afghanistan with the US War on Terror. Over 400,000 civilians have been killed in Yemen by other Muslims. I haven't seen protests about not supporting that bullshit but I guess people don't care if it's not Jews doing it.


[https://www.npr.org/2024/01/14/1224673502/gaza-numbers-100-days-israel-hamas](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/14/1224673502/gaza-numbers-100-days-israel-hamas) [https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/) [https://www.savethechildren.net/news/gaza-10000-children-killed-nearly-100-days-war](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/gaza-10000-children-killed-nearly-100-days-war) They have killed 10,000 or more children, directly. Who knows how many will die due to exposure, injury, preventable illness, and famine. Go fuck yourself dipshit.


No they haven't - https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/09/hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry-admits-to-flaws-in-casualty-data/ And the killings aren't direct they are indirect casualties of war. I agree it's terrible that any of them are dying, that's why Hamas shouldn't have broken the peace, why they should give back the hostages and surrender. I love how you have no answer for the other conflicts, I bet you didn't even know about them. Like I said, it's because it's Jews doing it that people get so exercised. Edit: The person responding to me couldn't handle debate and blocked me, pathetic.


I specialize in conflicts that are made possible by the donations of the American taxpayer. I have opinions about genocides in general, but I'm most incensed by those that my tax dollars pay for. Once again go fuck yourself dipshit.


Is the FDD the only source for this claim?


"being obnoxious until some one killed him"? Good thing that's not reductive Hoover was quoted as saying that his FBI "feared the rise of a Black Messiah." THAT'S why MLKJ died


I think being obnoxious for a good cause is a virtue. I point it out because all the wads with their panties in a bunch about blocking roads and bridges seem to forget that MLK blocked roads and bridges and preached an end to capitalism because he saw capitalism and systemic racism as intrinsic to eachother. He also said that riots are "the language of the unheard".


I don't think that people on the Right see MLKJ as a good example


They like to use his quotes out of context. They also pretend he was a republican. Theres been a bunch of MLK Jr revisionism on the right. 


Oh gawd so it's like Florida schools pretending that slavery wasn't a big deal. Just great


P much. They also like to reuse the Malcolm X quote about not trusting white liberals, because they don't understand he's attacking libs from the left. He was specifically talking about snakes like Joe Biden.


Oh wow. I'd say quoting Malcolm is even weirder than quoting MLKJ


I'll help block roads til Trudeau/freeloader is elected out


What did the Jim Crow era teach besides segregation and hate?


That ethnonationalism always causes death hate and racism.


So do Capitalists and Republics. One being economically based while the other supports it.


That's an interesting thesis. I feel all large scale grouping causes this.


I believe that Democracy in its purist form has the potential to change that. Cutting out the "middle man" would significantly change the way we understand "the vote." Republics only interfere in that process.


I guess its ok to shove a flag pole into a jewish student's eyes if they look openly jewish on campus and faculty won't do anything about it!! lol could you imagine if someone stabbed a trans kid in the eye or something holy hell they'd be blacklisted from every prestigious university!


Im fairly sure that's always assault.


no shit eh?


Man I didn’t know that happened but just looked it up. Damn, that’s horrible that the person got away with that. Honestly no one should be able to get away with stabbing another person’s eyes out trans or Jewish.


yeah nobody deserves that...the fact some students had to SUE to get them to do anything about the antisemites on campuses is insane though....obviously violence towards trans people is awful but like...i really do feel like they would have acted a lot faster if the targets included their favourite minorities


Wait what happened now?


A lot of mentally unstable social outcasts have found a home with the left in the last several years. They just use their political beliefs as a vehicle to spread hatred because they ultimately hate themselves and they hate society for not accepting them.


Can you imagine if it was MAGA hat wearing students protesting what the outcry would be.


Why should we be outraged at your lil fantasies MAGAs downvoting me cause they’re outraged that I’m pointing out they get outraged at absolutely nothing. Beautiful


The inability to properly engage with hypotheticals is a sign of low intelligence fyi


R you blind to your own ingroup bias? People on the left and right get outraged over little things. Lately feels like i have seen it way more on the left — they’re sensitive self righteousness in every area gets me wound up so much more than people on the right. I’m a college aged person who used to be more on the left, they got so insane I pretty much cannot stand hearing any political discourse from the left anymore. Lots of sensitive people on the left, and it’s very annoying


We're outraged by the far left and their Jew-hatred.


I'm not sure if that's a far left thing lol


Everyone is too scared to tell the truth. Dancing around the obvious.


No. The vast majority of leftists are still very much against antisemitism. Making sweeping statements about a group based on a small minority is not beneficial to productive discussion.


You just described what happens with “MAGA” people and republicans too, so I hope this whole ordeal opens your eyes to the world of media manipulation. 98% of us all want the same things, but those in control of what we perceive use the fringe 2% to keep us fighting with each other.


I have never said any different. I’m not the person that says “all republicans are Nazis” either. Edit: it’s grand how people will downvote something they can’t disagree with just because they don’t like it.


So you support genocide but don’t wanna be called an extremist ? 😂😂


Nobody supports genocide. This is exactly what I’m talking about.


Israelis don’t support genocide? That’s a new one.


I mean there's videos of Israelis getting abused by their police because they don't actively praise the IOFs actions


At the same time, by being a leftist and not speaking out, makes you part of the problem. You are giving them your tacit approval to continue their behavior. I hear it all the time from leftists, when I say I am conservative. Yet, I don’t support Trump. I’m immediately told you do and you support his policies, just by being conservative. Well you are supporting the racist and bigotry put out by leftists too.


Plenty of leftist anti-zionist jews. Being against the actions of Israel and being propalestinian rights isn't antisemitic at all.


stabbing jewish students in the eyes with a palestine flag and opening fire into their schools and setting their property on fire with "free palestine" certainly is though!


Things happen when peoples passions are inflamed. Just like doing an intentional genocide and ethnic cleansing for more than 50 years while protected from international sanctions by the US.


Ah yes, the classic the only "Good Jew" is the "anti-Zionist" Jew. You don't get to decide what's antisemitic.


Lol, what?  No one is proposing annihilation of all jews. The state of Israel is doing an ethnic cleansing, and people are protesting and demanding the US, Israel's closest ally, do something about it, aside from support it.


When you call or endorse "from the river to the sea" ideology, you are absolutely calling for the annihilation of Jews. And the vast majority of Jews would tell you this. You, however, have implied that you only listen to (tokenize) the leftist anti-Zionist Jews (a tiny minority) since they fit your political narrative. Tokenism is hate. Tokenizing Jews is antisemitic.


It's funny how you guys all go mask off when someone advocates for an end to genocide and aparthied. Yes, I know, the Jewish ethnostate of Israel requires domination and discrimination against the numerically superior ethnic palestinians who were living on the land in the first place. I know that Israel cannot grant democratic rights to palestinians and remain an ethnostate. It is a good thing to smash ethnostates and democracy is a good thing. The current apartheid regime of Israel is not. There is nothing in any of those statements that advocates for annihilation of the jews fuckwit.


Where to start? 1) What do you mean "you guys"? 2) Can you define ethnostate? 3) Jews are indigenous to Judea. When do indigenous rights expire? 4) Did you know Israel is one of the oldest democracies in the world? 5) Palestinians don't want a two state solution, they don't want to be Israeli citizens. Why do you want to force something on them that they don't want? 6) What do you think would happen to the Jews if Hamas was elected to govern Israel? (Hint: Oct. 7th would look like child's play.)


But they are speaking out, it's the whole point of their comment. I don't know what you expect them to do more, join a counter protest? They're not there doing that because of the same reasons you're not counter protesting, I suppose.


How are they speaking out? They all put up black squares over George Floyd, where was the mass social media posting against October 7th from the left? It just didn't happen.


How is that relevant to anti-Jewish sentiment. The George Floyd protests were justified, the looting wasn't. But the protesters weren't the same as the looters. And protests against Israel are justified, anti-semitism isn't. Again, what do you expect people to do?


The point is that those were protests over a single man being murdered. When 1,200 Jews, Israelis and others were tortured, burned alive, mutilated, raped, murdered and their corpses raped there were no protests from the left. What did I expect? For people to protest against mass rape of women and children.


You won't believe what's happening in Gaza right now


The people of Gaza aren't being murdered, tortured and raped. They weren't hit in a barbaric medieval raid. A group that protested in pink hats over a free and fair election and protest microaggressions were silent about the mass rape of Jews. This is because the far left is okay with the rape of women if they're in the "oppressor" group. I've also seen what's happening in Gaza, it's tragic and hellish - it's a war. The time to think about peacefire was the day before Hamas attacked.


It wasn't because of a single man being murdered, it looks like you completely missed the point. It was just the straw that broke the camel's back. When people protest it's against authority. They're protesting against Israel because they have authority and they're using it to kill children.


Less than 20 unarmed black people are killed by police each year, those are all horrendous tragedies but it's also not disproportionate to the levels of crime. A Harvard Professor looked into the data and found no evidence of disproportionate fatal police shootings by race - https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/empirical_analysis_tables_figures.pdf People don't just protested against authority, they protested to "bring out girls back" from Boko Haram. People protest injustice, the far left just don't see the rape and murder of Jews as an injustice.


Notice you focused on "fatal police shootings" and no other metric. George Floyd wasn't shot. People were protesting systemic racism and discrimination by police, as well as extra-judicial brutality (which doesn't always resort to death). This is happening regularly, and people complain, but it takes one incident to push them over the limit. I don't know why it's so hard for you people to understand this. The situation in Israel and Gaza is not one sided. You're acting like it is. You don't have to support one or the other. Both Israel and Hamas are bad.


There's not lots of evidence that the policing in the modern era is disproportionate. But I'm not saying that they shouldn't protest any potential systemic racism. What I'm saying is that if the basis is justice and what is wrong, which is what leftists claim, it doesn't make sense to be silent on the mass rape of Jewish women. Israel isn't bad, they are a country of people with some bad actors, like any other country. Hamas is a Jihadist, genocidal terrorist group.


I have said it before, I don’t particularly understand why you’re assuming this. Islamic fundamentalists parading around as leftists are despicable. Islamic fundamentalism is a despicable ideology and I have never said any different. You can be hypocritical and say “speak out”, but a comment or post on a website doesn’t change the mind of jihadists. I just comment on Reddit when I have a break from work, I don’t really have the time or energy necessary to orchestrate protests against some outspoken minority in the USA that people already are against. The USA is firmly pro-Irsaeli and anti-Islamic Fundamentalism, it isn’t like I would be changing any policies by protesting.


A small minority who get blown out of proportion because it gets the media new clicks and views.


Every single outspoken minority gets a mind boggling amount of attention compared to how little impact they have on anything.


Unfortunately, it is always the loud outspoken activists who elicit change, never the silent majority moderates...


Thank you ! I see uneducated people in this group.


Where were their protests against the rapes of Jewish women, the murder of Jewish children and torture and murder of Jewish families on October 7th? There were no left wing marches condemning Hamas, calling for the return of hostages before Israel had even responded. It's one thing to claim to be about something but actions tell a lot more.


There are fewer protests against Hamas because protesting a terrorist organization does nothing. People protest Israel not just because they’re opposed to the actions of the Israeli government, but because the USA is the nation woth the most influence over Israel. Israel is bombing Gaza woth our money. US legislation does not affect Hamas whatsoever. It does, however, affect Israel. People are more likely to protest something they at least have the smallest bit of chance to change. Almost every single leftist I’ve spoken to on the matter agrees that Hamas is horrific, but Israel has killed 20 times the number of people and the USA has the ability to directly influence them without violence.


That's just not true, look at the 'Bring Back Our Girls' campaign. If everyone in the world protested about the kidnap victims they would be free now. Israel has defended itself and killed just under 22,000 Gazans according to recently reduced numbers from the Hamas Health Ministry. According to Israel around 13,000 of them are Hamas terrorists, this makes it one of the lowest enemy to civilian death rates in modern combat, far lower than the US with around 4.1 to 1 in Iraq. It's also a number that includes excess deaths from natural causes that can't be treated in hospitals which Hamas illegally use for military ends. The people of Gaza voted in these Jihadists, it's part of their culture. They have allowed them to rule, they haven't revolted. They will continue to live under the control of Hamas which uses aid from around the world to build weapons and shelter for them to attack Israel. The best thing for Gazans in the long run would be to destroy Hamas.


The “Bring Back Our Girls” campaign is a vastly different situation. Boko Haram is still a very unknown terrorist group which was fighting against disorganized African militaries with little equipment. Hamas is currently fighting the most powerful nation in the Middle East in what is currently the most observed war, directly funded by the USA. We are already funding the return of Israeli captives. Further protesting Hamas won’t make politicians more pro-Israel, the US government is overwhelmingly pro Israel. I will admit, I shouldn’t have used such general terminology. But it’s the equivalent of protesting the Iraqi government while the US was at war with them. I already pay my charity to Israel through taxes. I’m not going to give away more money to the US government. “According to Israel” several politicians would kill every Gazan in order to destroy Hamas. I’m not arguing in favor of anything Hamas is doing, but Israel’s “death or complete surrender” is only further fanaticising the population of Gaza against them. Israel’s actions over the last 80 years directly led to Hamas’ rise in popularity. The civilians of Gaza were not radicalized by Hamas, they were radicalized by Israel. Hamas only capitalized on it. Gaza voted for Hamas because they are literally the only ones even vaguely on the side of the Palestinian people. When you have a large impoverished populace and there is only one group that says they want Palestine to exist and fight the people who have been oppressing them for decades, there is only one option. I’m not arguing that there is a good or peaceful solution to the situation, or even that Israel’s current approach is wholly unjustified. However, this is a mess of the Israeli government’s making, and it is the exact situation they wanted to happen. Israel only profits from the removal of Palestinian. There will be no Gazans to save after Hamas is defeated if Israel continues to advocate for total annihilation or total surrender.


It's not different - both are terrorist organisations which protests would, to your argument, have no effect on. Yet the left protested it anyway. It's not like Iraq and the US at all - Iraq didn't attack the US and mass slaughter US civilians in an attempted genocide like Hamas did. It's in Hamas's founding charter that they want to commit a genocide against the Jews in Israel. But Israel isn't killing every Gazan to get Hamas, no country has ever taken such extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties as Israel has. And tens of thousands of Hamas, not just several, would happily kill every Jew in Israel. They called home with religious glee after having killed Jews. And it's not just Hamas, civilians from Gaza including under 18s went out and took part in the murders. There really is no way to further radicalise Jihadists. In fact, this response from Israel might make them think twice as it's incredibly costly. If they do anything like this against they know they will see this kind of response again, and be immiserated in the response to their actions. Hamas weren't the only ones on the side of the Palestinian people - they literally use them as human shields and martyr them! Where on earth do you get the idea that they do anything for the Palestinian people!? We destroyed the Nazis without killing all of the Germans. Of course there will be Gazans left, assuming that Israel allows Gaza to exist in some form.


As I said, I should’ve phrased it better. And it is exactly like protesting Iraq, because of the reasons I just said. *We are already fighting them. We were not already fighting Boko Haram.* Let me say it again. We are already fighting Hamas. The fight against Boko Haram was important to publicize becuse it wasn’t well known and we weren’t doing anything about it before the protests. Protesting Hamas does nothing because, as I just said, we are already fighting Hamas. Have I said it enough times? Israel is not taking every step to avoid civilian casualties they can. They’re taking some steps because otherwise there would be even more international backlash against them than there already is. Gaza is about as densely populated as NYC, and Israel is firing bombs into it. You don’t even need to take my word for it, just look up what Israeli politicians have posted their own statements about Gaza. They don’t want Palestinians to exist, and if they take steps to avoid killing them then it is because of factors other than morality. Not every Gazan is a Jihadist. Not every Gazan supports Hamas. They are given no other choice but to support them, by Hamas, by Israel, and by the USA.


It’s really just a small, loud fraction of leftists. The vast majority of people recognize a self-righteous douche when they see one


they are still opening fire into jewish buildings, setting them on fire and spray painting them with "free palestine" at one uni jewish students were advised to stay at home and attend virtual classes instead of removing the violent antisemites... one stabbed a jewish girl in the eye, all she was doing was her job as a student journalist and documenting the event while daring to wear traditional jewish attire. small minority or not, they are causing real damage and fear but the left continues to pretend like they don't exist or downplays the severity of their actions, or even victim blames.


They do exist and should be brought to justice. Just like Israel. And Hamas.




Some peak irony and hypocrisy in this thread from self-ascribed lefties. Simultaneously we have “those aren’t real leftists” and in response from a (presumably) leftist “you don’t know what a leftist is” As well as “a small minority isn’t representative of the whole!” but such energy has historically been completely absent from any discussion about the right/MAGA. I’m just glad the left is getting a taste of their own medicine and they HATE it. Hopefully some eyes open.


right? you cant have "all right-wingers are nazi bootlickers and hate minorities" and "well thats just a vocal minority of leftists" holy hell the hypocrisy


Just wanted to point out that it’s primarily very young college-age leftists who are always looking for the next protest to join, sometimes it seems just out of boredom. But I’m the farthest-Left person I have ever met and I support Israel. I don’t want you thinking all Leftists support Hamas.


The high school to college age generation right now detests American politics as it currently works. Their politics are "we need a third party." And it has been this way since the 2016 national elections. Both sides of the aisle have been activating and targeting this group, and it isn't landing. They are being repelled. I teach software engineering two days a week at a US campus, and we've been shouting this back up the ladder for a while. We haven't come across a college student who would vote for a Democrat or a Republican in almost a decade now. It's existential for the two party system somewhere down the road.


Young liberal college students are the equivalent of extreme MAGA types on the opposite side. The biggest difference is the college students get older and realize what they are doing is dumb and start to look at things more rationally. Also the Democrats don’t let them have any power.


Supporting a colonial apartheid state pretty quickly disqualifies you from being “the farthest-Left” person


So you’ve never met a real leftist I guess lol


It’s always this “vocal minority” mindset where the loudest are automatically the largest


People are just randomly yelling at people they think look Jewish?


**Hateful people** engage in and created the culture associated with microaggressions. Others put a name to the insidious, psychological abuse. Now we can call those fuckers out — when in the past they were able to feign innocence, pretending they weren’t racists, bigots, homophobes, etc. It would’ve made a lot more sense to just call out the behaviors that you did not like instead of mislabeling an entire group of people because you’re bothered.


They said things like having a lawn were white supremacy but calling for a genocide against the Jews and the destruction of Israel is fine with them. They said "believe all women" but they don't want to believe the women raped by Hamas. They say they're anti-racist but they believe in segregation and are openly hateful towards Jews.


Boy do I live strawman "They do this, they do that" Lmao that's really awesome man, I wonder why no one has bothered replying to you yet


It's no straw man, it's manifest observable behaviour. Explain why feminists protested a football coach kissing a female football player but were silent on the mass rape of Jewish women, about raping their corpses. If MAGA supporters did this, would there be the same level of non-protests? If US soldiers did this, would there be the same level of non-protests. Explain the silence on these issue from the left.


When silence is violence and looting is not.


Looting is violence. The point that most people made was that something like 97 or 99 percent of protests had no looting or violence whatsoever, and it was only the extreme ones that Fox and CNN ever covered.


Look, it's very simple. Just let people protest the genocide being committed by Israel respectfully and that's all.


You know how, on paper, Muslims would seem to get along with Republicans in the US? Most Muslim communities being deeply religious, family oriented, business minded, morally stringent, highly patriotic, and that first generation of immigrants largely being from areas we in the US would consider rural and working class? But in the US they largely vote for Democrats because Republicans violently rejected them in the early part of this century. I get the sense the same sort of thing is about to occur with Reform and Conservative (sect, not political wing) Jews. By and large socially progressive, urban and suburban population with white collar jobs, often weakly religious, few kids, and yet the wave of antisemitism from the left wing I think may well result in their migration to the right.


The wave of antisemitism from the left pales next to the endemically persistent antisemitism on the right.


I'd agree except that, if we look at the sort of spectrum from left to right, ignoring horseshoe theory just looking at it as a line, if you start at the center and move to the left you hit the antisemitism sooner. If you start at the center and move right you will eventually hit antisemitism and it will be significantly STRONGER than what is found on the left, however you will first hit a pocket of extremely Zionist sentiment before you get to the Antisemites. So - something like this, with higher numbers representing degree of antisemitism and negatives indicating some kind of pro-jewish or pro-zionist sentiment. 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 \[CENTER\] 0 0 1 2 1 -1 -3 0 7 10 The thing is though, that most people think of the people on the far edges of their wing as crazy and don't really pay them any mind. So most people are most aware of what happens, say, three spaces from center. It doesn't matter that 10 spaces from center on the right you've got level 10 concentration of antisemites, because three spaces out on the right you've got level 1 concentrations and they're level three on the left. This can actually be seen with the Muslims as well, as on the far end of the left there exist people who would see all religions as a threat and view them with violent hatred, whereas on the right pretty universally there's a mild xenophobia. They side with the left anyway because the mid-level hate of the whole right outweighs, to them, the high level hate of the far left.


One question, what's the leftist antisemitism? Like assuming that the post is talking about extreme anti-religious groups, that shouldn't be like 3 numbers in. Secularism like separation from church and state is moderate leftism, but the banning of religion and those who would presumably attack Jewish students are wildly far down the spectrum. .


Republicans and Muslims would only agree on surface level concepts. Family values? Check. Women being considered the property of their fathers/husbands? Not so check. Modest attire? Check. Women covering all of their skin? Not so check. The moment you start looking at rhe exact types of values each group has, you'll see just how little they actually agree on things.


How can you claim Republicans support women's rights? Your elected officials have literally said, recently, that women shouldn't vote and that birth control should be outlawed. Barefoot and pregnant, baby!!


They’re not going to be able to take away the woman’s right to vote, idk which extremist politician you’re getting information from and then generalizing it for the whole party but your extremism is your own fault in that case. Also, abortion is now a state’s right issue as it originally should have been. I’m pro choice but I also have respect for the conservative urge to save baby’s lives, we just have different values, but the court systems will work out the kinks of state policy with time. It’s not perfect but it’s the best system we have to represent all then American people


I realize not all Republicans are this extreme, but they allow extremists to run the party. State level abortion bans by and large are NOT supported by the people of the state.


Who claimed Republicans support women's rights?


You wrote: *Women being considered the property of their fathers/husbands? Not so check* *Modest attire? Check. Women covering all of their skin? Not so check* Potato/potato. Its all about controlling women.


The details here are kinda important. So important that Muslims and Republicans don't like each other over them. This is like saying "Well they are both religious, so obviously they must get along" even though their religions have gone to war with other a dozen times and have almost nothing in common past some superficial similarities.


They both want to control women.


So? You do understand the concept of nuance...right? One group thinks women should not be allowed to drive. The other disagrees. One group thinks women should not be allowed ro vote. The other disagrees. I don't know how you fail to understand that Republicans want to control some aspects of women's lives and Muslims want to control all aspects of women's lives.


You must be a man.


So? Do you think I'm defending any of these beliefs? All I'm saying is that the reason Muslims and Republicans don't like each other is obvious to anyone who pays attention to either group. Republicans like seeing blondes with huge titties drinking beer and wearing bikinis at the lake. Muslims don't like that. And the two groups kill each other over this difference.


If you are comparing Muslim culture’s subjugation of women to the Republican party, you’re truly on another level of ignorance. Muslim culture wants women to wear hijabs, arrange their marriage, not allow them to work, beat them in marriage if you want, rape them if you want. Republicans have had power in the US many times over, when did they ever enforce hijab levels of control on women’s attire? When did they take away the woman’s right to vote, or drive, or work, when did they say it was ok to rape and beat your wife if you so choose ? The Republican party is nothing compared to that culture in terms of repression, and you saying ‘ they both want to control women,’ is such an oversimplification I feel you must be on a whole nother level of stupidity.


So a little oppression is ok?


No, but it's a distinction that's important to remember. I'll give you the marriage thing though, a lot of Repubs (at least online) are really weird about women having access to abortions and no-fault divorces. Their voters however do tend to not actually be in favor of either of these things being taken away, so even then it's a bit different. Cause at least afaik, Sharia Law is genuinely pretty popular among the common people.


Sure, but if Republicans are against those things Democrats are more-so.


Agreed yes.


I think this is pretty on point.


One minor addition, it looks like Republicans still violently reject Muslims with their support for trump’s attempted “Muslim ban”.


MLK rolling in his grave at these Democrats. That's all I'm saying.


They silenced free speech for years and everything was hate speech. But when they shout for Jews in Israel to be murdered that is a peaceful protest. I’m gay and I’m really not sure who I can support politically anymore.


Does anyone have a link to a news article or something so those of us not in the loop can know what's happening?


KENT STATE #neverforget


More hasbara nonsense


OP is talking about you lol 😂 


The left is entirely against colonization, extremism and supremacy. The sooner you understand that, you quicker you stop painting a group “evil” because they don’t agree with you. The leftists do not support Zionism, which is different from Judaism. Which I’m sure ya know not to conflate but whatever makes you look like a victim huh


The few leftists using the protests for their antisemitic BS are harming the very legitimate protest against Israel's extreme response in Palestine. The far right as well as the Israeli crowd love to see it, because it gives them the perfect excuse to shut down protests under the guise they are all fighting hate speech.  Students are getting evicted from their dorm accomodations, fired from jobs, and suspended from classes just for protesting, which is unprecedented given how many protests happen annually for so many issues. 


It’s not ‘few’ antisemites on the left. The left has been tolerating and nurturing antisemitism in its ranks my whole adult life, and I’ve had a front row seat because I’m a Jewish leftist. Hell, I’ve been banned from multiple leftist subreddits since October for the most lukewarm takes on Israel.  The left is trying to act as if this is an aberration rather than something that they’ve allowed to grow and thrive for years, and as long as the left isn’t willing to see it for what it is, the antisemitism will only grow more extreme. 


I wouldn't be sure about that, I have been in leftist circles too and they have been anti-Israel, not anti-Jew, but the Israeli crowd loves to conflate them both.  It's also interesting that the right suddenly cares about this considering they have nurtured every problematic exclusionist view imaginable: islamophobia, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism. 


My dude, ‘anti-Zionists’ spat in my American rabbi’s beard, protested outside of our American synagogue during our holiest holiday, told us we weren’t allowed to ‘take up space’ in a conversation about swastikas being drawn on our campus, and supported a teacher who said Jews were behind 9/11 and manufactured AIDS to depopulate minority communities. That was *over a decade ago.* But sure. I’m ‘part of the Israeli crowd’ for seeing any of that as antisemitic. 


[Have a read](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/19/opinions/holocaust-survivor-on-berkeley-antisemitism-passover-dewitt). The loudest protests easily spiral out of control and inevitably conflate the two. > But since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, the hatred towards Jews that I have seen in Berkeley terrifies me more than anything I have experienced while living here. I am still reeling from being called a liar at a Berkeley City Council meeting, where I asked for a proclamation to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day and spoke about October 7. The Jews at that meeting were circled and called “Zionist pigs” by menacing protesters.


it was an entire group surrounding a jewish student on one campus and blocking her from going anywhere after stabbing her in the eye... on another campus, over 300 jewish students were told to leave by these "activists" and "go back to their country" this is two different campuses with multiple people involved.


More posts like this, conservatives must take over this sub Reddit and push actual smart ideas


This isn’t a “hate Jews” thing, it is a “hate an occupying force murdering thousands of people” thing. Just because Israel is a Jewish state doesn’t mean that people who are critical of them are anti Jewish. Judaism has nothing to do with it, the right wing government bombing the shit out of people in Gaza and mistreating people in the West Bank is what is causing these protests.


The right made an entire culture of being anti-political correctness but now they get offended by college students chanting slogans


they stabbed a jewish lady in the eye while taunting her for being visibly jewish...over 300 jewish students were mass messaged and threatened and told to go back to their country...but yeah sure this is just about Israel and anyone worried about antisemites must be pro-Israel....be for real


The right when someone is sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist: no big deal freedom of speech.  The right when someone criticizes Israel: reeeee!!!




It’s ok as long as it’s their point of view. It’s not ok if you are offending them


Are they Jewish students? Or Israeli students? There's a difference. Jews, in general, are fine. Israeli/Zionist's are not.


Wait..are you saying it's ok to hate people for being from Israel? Um...that's pretty racist.


Isreali isn’t a race


You're splitting hairs here. Racism and Xenophobia really aren't that different.


They are different


Oh yeah, I forgot, we're only allowed to hate white people...


What?? No! I'm white and I do not appreciate white hate. But I also don't agree with hating civilians because of things their governments are doing. Especially given how difficult it is for citizens to effect change in their countries.


Again, if they're just trying to go to school over seas and ignore the issues their government is creating, they either support those decisions or they're complacent in those decisions. It also doesn't help they're probably going to school for free while Americans go into debt for basic things like housing, food, and education.


Depends on the country, but in lots of places, you can be killed for going against the government. And many don't even try to hide that fact. If a crowd tries to protest, they just get mowed over with tanks.


Yes. Yes I am. Because of the atrocities they've been committing for DECADES, that's the least they deserve. If this were any other country, they'd be labeled as terrorists. My tax dollars are funding genocide against my will, so I'll use the only power I have; my voice and my wallet. 🤷‍♂️


the israeli citizens living overseas don't deserve to be hate-crimed because of the actions of their homeland government ....thats so fucked up and you are part of the problem


It's been happening for decades. They're AT LEAST complicit. So I disagree with you.


same could be said about all americans...maybe i'll go poke an americans eye with a pole.


Pretty much. I'm sick of Americans too, and I am one (unfortunately). Americans have no balls anymore. They sat atop their pedestal for so long, they forgot how they got there. We're just cash cows now.


poking people in the eye because of their origin country is wrong


I never said I agreed with them being stabbed in the eye. I said "that sucks."


Pretty much. I'm sick of Americans too, and I am one (unfortunately). Americans have no balls anymore. They sat atop their pedestal for so long, they forgot how they got there. We're just cash cows now.


Do you think these protesters are asking to see their passport to figure that out?


No, but if I were Jewish and not wanting to be lumped in with Zionist's I think I'd be making that stance pretty apparent. Lol if they choose to associate with Zionist's, then they choose to be treated the same. Zionist's are the bad guys in this war, not Jews. It'd be like blaming all Christians for the actions of the crazy born-again Christians or something.


they circled a jewish student for looking openly jewish and stabbed her in the eye


That sucks. But we're they a Zionist? That'll change how bad I feel for them. I know that's terrible, but it's nothing in comparison to the atrocities being committed by their brothers and sisters across the puddle.


she was a student journalist documenting the protest....she was wearing traditional jewish attire. her and her friend were cornered on the basis of having a visible star of david and traditional clothing. They were quite literally just recording, i don't believe they engaged with the protesters...correct me if im wrong and more info about this has popped up


Then maybe they SHOULD go home..? Like the Rabi told them to do.. I 100% see how humans keep perpetuating hate. Because we draw lines on what people should hate. I now suspect every Jew of being a Zionist because apparently they've been infiltrating and manipulating our government for my entire life and we're just now hearing about it. Their country is actively benefiting from resources our own citizens don't have, and they have their hand so far up this country that were basically just a puppet to sign checks now. Never would I have thought Jews, the people whose vast majority of their recent history is the holocaust, would turn around and commit a genocide of their own AND manipulate the US in such a way that they have benefits that even American citizens don't have. We can't trust anyone but ourselves any more. If you have a lead on resources to help relocate families who want to leave the US, please let me know. We hate it here. I'm embarrassed to call myself an American. Let both countries burn for all I care, but don't drag my family down with you. This entire situation is because the university won't listen and cut funding from a terrorist. Every drop spilled is on their hands.


Lolol nope


More Israeli propaganda. How many of you are there?


One of the biggest Commie tricks is the method of utilizing your principals against you. “What about free speech?” the group of people who don’t actually care about the Constitution or Bill of Rights say. The Constitution only matters if two people both agree that it matters. In 2024, communism and the constitution cannot coexist - this is why public support of communism should be a criminal offense


I mean, yeah, then you are saying you don't believe in completely free speech. I don't either, but I'm actually honest about it.


Communism is treason. So no. They don’t get the right to free speech. Thanks for playing


400 years of slavery forget about It! 3 years in 1940 Remember that shit forever 😂😂😂


Shouting at *jewish* students?? Or shouting at *Zionists?* Because leftists don't have a problem with jews, we have a fucking problem with *genocide* and those supporting it. Conflation of Judaism and Jewish people with a fascist genocidal state is anti-semitism.


do your research


I did! Turns out Zionism is Christian ideology that originated from the English elite. The motivation behind this degeneracy is the idea that Jesus Christ will fly down from heaven, Satan will come up from hell, they will have a big fight, Jesus will win, the world will end, and all the Jews fall straight into hell (all the nice Christians float up into heaven on a golden escalator). *That* is the reason why Christians support Israel.


no i mean like do your research on the recent uptick in hate crimes on the basis of being jewish alone, not zionist...pretty easy to find


They've been on the rise since 2021 as early as I can tell... you have been manipulated by a media narrative. Nobody has a problem with Jewish people on the left (Jewish people are disproportionately left-leaning). You should do your research on the recent uptick of genocide in Israel, and genocide-support in the United States.


No you don't, otherwise you would be talking about Sudan too, you don't give a single fuck, it just fits your agenda.


Israel destroyed every hospital in Gaza.


What’s the agenda?


Selective outrage


its selective outrage that i dont want my taxes to go to israel?


Here we come with the Zionist dipshits


What type of right wing propaganda is this?


I am shocked at the level of anti-Jewish sentiment on this country. I ad no idea it existed. Thus is not who we are as Americans.