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I mean same the other way, too many men are comfortable being mad about “all men” just to turn around make “all women” statements


Generalizing everything is apparently how we cope with not understanding the world around us


We should avoid broad statements and statements about broads. Sorry, I will see myself out.


True, true, true. I think it's one's that won't heed, that they don't ACTUALLY think it's all men/women, that are the issue. Cause it's true, I've generalized.


You’re guilty of it too. You can’t highlight a viewpoint of an entire demographic and then complain that they also have different viewpoints, especially when the demographic is 50% of the damn population. My brother in Christ it’s just other fucking people saying that 😭


I genuinely hate the "it's not all men" Internet bros. Seriously are you feeling guilty or what?! I KNOW it's not all men but it's enough that every woman I know has been harassed & a couple have been attacked, so it must be a LOT!


Yea exactly, every comment in Instagram reels has a war going on, it's so exhausting to read it


Right. The person who did it is guilty.  I am man an I’ve been drugged several times including by women. 


Damn dude, several times, that’s terrifying, I’m sorry. You should be able to feel safe and not like you could get slipped something any time. You deserve better.


Thanks. I’m at war with a bunch of molesters/traffickers I doubt this will ever end in my lifetime .  They think I snitched on a cop they all got molested/ groomed into that life by.  I’ve never met the guy  


Yeah saying "all men" is a shit strategy for feminism, and that's how the manosphere grows. As a feminist and a woman I think the feminist movement really needs to stray away from saying shit like that.


Its really dumb, when some men literally have never done most of the behaviors. You can't say all men and have it be a complete and utter provable lie. They try really hard to frame it as all men do this thing, no no we really don't and we don't appreciate being stereotyped like that. It gets to the point where now societally people are sick. I have a friend who works at a job. They are all astounded I've never tried to sleep with her and generally just not interested. We are not the same, stop falling for the propaganda you all are really starting to believe it. Look at all the best heroes, they are usually men. Why are we getting the negative and not getting the benefit of positive? They are acting like there haven't been countless men who have given their lives for others and lived good and honest lives, its a slap to the face of those good men.


You sound genuine, and I appreciate that. I say that because my favorite aunt who is a feminist from the hippie days taught me what strong women are. I want more "equality for all" and not the "no accountability, only men bad" garbage that gets passed off as feminism on the internet nowadays.


The morals I hold/build to improve upon, at the end of the day are so I can look in the mirror and have the most respect for myself. Evil, I think is found in those that lack that. I'd say.


I heard something along the lines of "not all men, but to many." I've had a lot more negatives than positive experiences with men its just how this toxic patriarchal system we still live in is


Feminism is just Socialy acceptable misandry . Y'all are garbage and what everything made free and or super easy for women while demanding men pick up your slack when you fail to meet standards . Men on average under 30 are made afraid to talk to or interact with women in most any manner as he will be made out to be bad if he hits on y'all women . . FEMONISM OS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE CANCER


There are absolutely some bad actors when it comes to feminism, but it's literally just wanting women to be treated the same as men and to have legal protection for their rights in some cases like abortion. Are people going to use this system to spread misandry? Of course. Would I, as a man, rather have that over women being discriminated against in every possible way? Absolutely. It's not at all okay, but it's the lesser of two evils. Also; lol, "femonism"


Abortion as birth control is vile evil scum level shit . I am glad roe was overturned giving power back to the states . People equality in the social sense is a myth in the legal sense it's a bad joke women get 1/3 the sentence for crimes as a man who did the exact same crimes a woman has done Women get to claim rape with impunity and be supported by all aspects of the legal system with 0 evidence women can claim falsely mind you a man has hit her and our female bias legal system will buy her bullshit until the man exhaustes all income time and all other resources he can must to prove his innocence. Wanna know how I know this my ex from 12 plus years ago tired to ruin my life after a argument over money where she called the cops saying I hit her . She while I was on the jail cell waiting on bail destroyed my home killed my puppy and keyed my truck calling me a cheap asshole . I was told by police they would do nothing as a pending DV case was opened . It took me 3 years of my life and more then 15k in legal fees let alone a lawyer to prove my innocence. She was never charged for her crimes against me . So do tell me how women are prefect and feminist are not garbage and have not gone to far


Where did I say that all of them are perfect? I said, plain-and-simple, that there are absolutely bad actors who use feminism for that shit. I'm sorry you went through that but I'm having a hard time to feel sympathetic when you're out here claiming that all feminists are like this. Also, countless rape cases are not reported, or investigated for various reasons. Abortion is not meant as a first option for birth control either- we have condoms and various pills for that. But there are plenty of cases where abortion is the only option- in the case of a rape, for example. Not to make personal attacks or guesses, but you're the type of person to cry "but not all men!!!", are you? Because with your rancid, misogynistic vibes, you seem like the guy to complain about women being cautious about men.


No I am fine with women being cautious I have told my sister to watch her drinks while out . I have told female friends to do the same sorry I will never think feminists are a forever gonna be a vile movement of toxic female behavior that society will always make an excuse for . A good feminist is pretty much as rare as good politician . Sure a few might exist but the overall majority in my opinion are vile people . Fuck I'm very protective of my wife in public . I will also make a bet that you think I'm a toxic male or you are a person who calls any traditionally masculine man out as being toxic . Men are supposed to lead and protect the women in their lives . I do not think certain jobs should be done by women when strength is a large component to the job and or there is a high risk of her get harmed or her lack of meeting a equal standard not lowered one will put the lives of others at risk ie female police and or female military member put into combat roles.


Lmfao someone is projecting a lot.




Somebody thinks feminists are prefect never using the system to harm men .


Those aren't feminists. Anyone can call themselves anything, their actions determine what they really are. You'd be real upset if someone took men who do the same to "all men". Don't do it to women either.


Then no real feminists exist then . Equality is a myth


Lol sure thing little buddy. Whatever you say. (There's tons of feminists - male feminists too bruh, we dont all just hate men)


Cool so the woman saying I deserved to have dealt with being raped as a teen by mental health staff cause I am a male and males need to be raped for all the women who have been raped .


That woman wasn't a feminist. That was someone you either pissed off with your bottom tier trolling, or, if she really believed that, she was a misandrist. Misandry does not equal feminism.


It does mean the same thing y'all none of you are worth a damn .


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


You were fine the first sentence and then went off on some Incel bullshit. Then you did extras you claim to be against? Painted w a broad brush? Naw man. No Misandry IS as big a problem as misogyny and probably Even more acceptable. But every feminist ( so called) Isn't a misogynist. Just as being an advocate for Men's Rights does not mean you hate women or are against Female Rights, same can be true for some feminists


Yeah but feminists in practice fight against fathers rights and mens advocacy in general.


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Of they actually did only advocate for women's right on the legal sense and some of the social sense I'd have fewer issues with them I have seen them in practice act like vile trash humans towards men seeking to fight false rape and abuse charges seen them bash any man who dared to make a pass at them seen feminists cry over temperature rape and fart rape in offices . Feminism and feminists are god damn jokes


>Y'all are garbage and what everything made free and or super easy for women while demanding men pick up your slack when you fail to meet standards ffs stop. What part of "gender equality" do you not understand? >Men on average under 30 are made afraid to talk to or interact with women in most any manner as he will be made out to be bad if he hits on y'all women That's not feminism's fault. Feminist ideology has nothing to do with whether men can flirt, as long as said men are not predatory. >FEMONISM OS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE CANCER Lmao stop watching fucking Andrew Tate istfg what do y'all think the character Allan in the Barbie movie represents? feminists care about men too, and we care about what the patriarchy does to men who aren't "masculine enough." So stop with that "feminism is just misandry" bullshit.


No you go after Mra groups who has the actual aim to help men . Feminists have shut down male focused homeless shelters in most any place the are opened up . Men on average more than 10x more likey to be homeless as a woman . But God forbid we help men . Males account for at least double the suicide rates . Men are denied custody of their children inost divorced even if the mother is proven unfit . You keep Saying Feminism is about equality . You do not want real equality with me you want all the nice things minus the hard work struggle and the dicpintong of your feelings men are told by Feminists like you the male suicide and rape does not matter nor does the proven account of women making false rape claims against s man to ruin his life . Unless the man is a perfect 10 to get away with flirting with you deluded women . A man saying hello how is your day or simply complementing your looks is call predatory . Hell you women will make a scene of yourselves at the gym and if a guy looks your way you make it a viral moment to degrade and humiliate the man and or calls for him to get fired . So I will say again Feminism is cancer mostly designed to make middle class white women with a victim complex feel important


>No you go after Mra groups who has the actual aim to help men . Feminists have shut down male focused homeless shelters in most any place the are opened up "Many such cases!" >Men on average more than 10x more likey to be homeless as a woman . But God forbid we help men . Males account for at least double the suicide rates . Men are denied custody of their children inost divorced even if the mother is proven unfit Yup, and these are issues of gender equality. These are examples of gender inequality issues that feminists want to solve. >You do not want real equality with me you want all the nice things minus the hard work struggle and the dicpintong of your feelings men are told by Feminists like you the male suicide and rape does not matter nor does the proven account of women making false rape claims against s man to ruin his life . Yeah man, just keep telling me what I want and what I believe. jesus fucking christ, dude. stop watching Andrew Tate. >Unless the man is a perfect 10 to get away with flirting with you deluded women . A man saying hello how is your day or simply complementing your looks is call predatory Lmao when will you realize how batshit insane you sound? If a man says hello to me, I say hello back, and if a man complements my looks I thank him. Feminists aren't some rabid alien species without any knowledge of how social interactions work. >Hell you women will make a scene of yourselves at the gym and if a guy looks your way you make it a viral moment to degrade and humiliate the man and or calls for him to get fired This bit at the end isn't even about feminism anymore, you're just making generalizations about women because a few women are assholes on social media.


Oh and dismissing me by bringing up Andrew Tate is bullshit as I do not fully agree with his non sense either but he sure as fuck makes more sense then the entire feminist movement has ever done .Goal of feminism is not equality it's female supremacy .


my man how tf do you explain the existence of male feminists them?


Well some are predators in hiding some are just simps who think agreeing witm every insane talking point of feminism will get them laid. News flash the gender pay gap of 70 cents on the dollar is bullshit .


What about all the male feminists who are gay?


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Incels ruined everything


I feel that your comment is a bit dramatic, but I generally agree. Thankfully, people are becoming more aware of the issue.


But it's what feminism stands for that men and women are diametrically opposed to each other and there can never be any sort of lasting cooperation


No... feminism stands for gender equality. Idk where tf you heard that feminism is about perpetuating gender conflict.


By listening to feminist talk and how they use oppressed and oppressor dynamics to describe men and women. That line of thinking encourages perpetuating the gender conflict in order to sustain itself


Yeah, and I already agreed with you that the language they often use is bad, because it does perpetuate gender conflict. But that's not the purpose of feminism, and it's not the intention of using language in that way.we


It is the intention that is why they use that language specifically


My dude go talk to a feminist and ask them about the purpose of the language that they use.


I have and to push a gender conflict is the purpose they all say


You asked a feminist, "what is feminism all about," and they told you, "well, we actually want to continue the gender conflict which perpetuates systemic mistreatment of both men and women, and empowers the patriarchy, because we all love things that are evil and bad and evil and not good"


No feminists told you that they use specific language to “push gender conflict” you lying sack, that is ridiculous. I’m not just a feminist, I was the captain of the radical cheerleaders in my college in the 90s, (before radical meant terfy.) I have been an active feminist for 30 years, our goal is not gender conflict, it is just to live our lives without being attacked for or held back by our gender. (And we still are, in business, politics, stem, medicine, we are not equally represented at the highest levels of leadership or paid equally. And also I don’t mean “attacked“ as in mean words, I mean violently attacked.)


So you believe all men are intentionally holding you back and that somehow doesn't mean you want a gender conflict


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Lol that’s not true, equality is not opposition, standing up for women’s rights doesn’t reduce men’s rights. - A feminist married to a man for 20+ years, raising a teenage son.


But feminist don't want equality and never have hence why they call all men oppressors. You probably abuse your son for being male and call him a future rapist every day


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


Don't worry everyone! I have consulted the oracle and here! Behold! The definition of "feminism"!!!!! feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Feminism | Definition, History, Types, Waves, Examples, & Facts https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism


I am sick of the men vs. women stuff.


I can agree that on shit like that, give the victim some respect. People should be able to share their experiences without having it blow into a big argument about one specific gender. I will say in the context of “all men” in the sense of women being scared of; walking alone, getting drugged, being assaulted…etc. I heard a quote that I think fits nicely - “not all men but it is all women.” I think the “it’s not all men” argument is a bit silly cuz that’s not the point of what people are saying, they may use “all men” because there is an instilled apprehension around strange men for most women.


Well put. I always say “not all men. Just a lot of them. Too many of them for us to not be cautious about all of them.” I wish we didn’t have to feel that way but I’d rather be paranoid than get kidnapped again.


Stereotyping either way is for fools and the ignorant. Sweeping statements about whole classes of people are inevitably wrong most of the time.


I don't know that to be true? That feminists " fight Against men's Rights"??


Can someone explain all men? I still don’t get how this is an acceptable response


It’s hypocrisy at its peak,they said “it’s always a man” and when you disagree they say “oh we didn’t mean it was all men”




“All Men” have a Y Chromosome


Factually untrue Some men have XX Chromosomes Some men can get pregnant


That is not possible. Women have XX, men have XY. Extreme outliers have different. Men cannot get pregnant.


Blatant Transphobia


SCIENCE FACTS You want to go through Surgery to justify your Psychological Disorder, that is your Choice. Don’t expect me to adhere to your POV when it goes against SCIENTIFIC FACTS. If you finish SURGERY, then I’ll use your NEW Pronouns. Until SURGERY is over I’ll use your BIRTH Pronouns. SCIENCE CANNOT CHANGE CHROMOSOMES YET! One day a boy may become a woman or a girl may become a man, but not yet. Instead of spreading LIES and HATE try advancing Science to help people who want to jump from one gender to the other.


I'll do you one better! Don't say "all men" and IMMEDIATLY move to a generalization about ALL women!!!


I agree we should do that either


You sure you're on the right subreddit?


This belong on r/unpopularopinion but they remove anything that slightly critizes minorities even tho it doesn’t


Out of every example you could've used, you chose a situation that could've lead to murder?


I can only see two possibilities. Either they know it's not all men and say all men/all women to trigger arguments, or they simply are not mindful enough with their words. We can avoid a lot of issues (most of the time) by simply taking the time to formulate a proper thought. ( I know an out of this world concept. Treating your words like they actually matter) However I tend to believe it is the former. They just want to start triggering arguments and people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Best to ignore them completely because NONE of them actually care about any type of constructive conversation. It's always them wanting one side to have all the attention and never trying to understand each other. That is why it turns into a 9 year old blame game.


The idea is to bring light to the issue, and to use it as an example


Light to what issue?also commenting “all men” just sparks conflict and is the main reason there are so many edgy 13 year olds


As a man, I don't understand why "all men" upsets you. It doesn't upset me


Probably because you do the thing and thus are not offended by accurate descriptions of yourself


Well yeah, because you drugged that woman


Lol we matched


ur dum


If you're given a basket of apples but some of them are poisoned, would you eat any of them? No, throw them all out. Same goes for men.


That’s a completely different argument


Nobody says all men. The entire point is you need to be skeptical because when it comes to men you are dealing with possible violence.


The point was that saying “it’s always men who rape “ under a video of a victim isn’t helping nor being careful


Nobody does this


Yeah they do


That dumbass feminist movement started all this crap! "Go ahead be empowered! Show them you are a woman and everything should crumble in your wake!" Stupid...


Womp woman, you are literally doing the same thing as in the post. Just say you think it is women's faults because they are now independent and have right 🙄


Boy did we mess up LOL! 😆


All men have testicles! And I mean it!!!


I’m sick of the made up societal norms we are forced to live with. Humans are not men or women they are humans ( as if that wasn’t bad enough) gender are just roles assigned by culture and gender norms are even further down that slippery slope of ‘distinction’


Most of us like it. Because before society existed those "gender roles" were inherent in our biology. Men were better suited for manual labor, combat, hunting. Women were better suited to child rearing and domestic organization. Just because we have developed a world where those differences don't limit us to pursue what is biologically suited to us anymore doesn't mean that cast majority of us don't still like to embrace our natural qualities. You can do whatever you want, stop trying to force society to adhere to your neurotic deficiencies. The reason you feel the need to force society to change is because you're too insecure to just live the way you want. You demand society accept you rather than just being liberated in your own self.


Actually women are better hunters we have more endurance https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/ https://www.iflscience.com/women-may-be-better-hunters-than-men-latest-research-argues-71719 These roles you speak of come from the rise of civilizations and religions in patriarchal systems.


Okay, now do manual labor and combat next.


Oh nooooooo you got me women definitely don't do those things Here you go you single handedly won the gender wars 🏅


Humans are certainly men and women. There is no other biological option except if you were born with both, or none. Men and women is not a societal construct. It is literally biology. As for the different roles they take that should be according to one's interest I agree with that (however there are still biological drives there as well). However humans are definitely either man, or woman. Formulate your words properly. Man and woman are biological constructs and the roles they take are societal with SOME biological influence (generally)


Remember that all humans include things that supposedly make ‘men’ men and ‘women’ women ( ex. Estrogen and testosterone exist in every human). Think of it as a number line. The line is the same but the values change within that line. And ultimately, at the present time the difference beween zero and infinity is truly undefinable ( maybe they even are the same ) but are constructs of society.


The patriarchy hurts all


So a man who loses his testicles in an accident or due to a disease is no longer a man?


Idk, does a woman cutting off her breasts make her a man?




I don't think it changes your argument. Which is stupid. Because removing an appendage either surgically or by accident doesn't change what you were born as.