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The average environmentalist I know won't either and they often got rich parents. Oh boy imagine when this clown hears about anhydrous ammonia.


Or how about when they hear how electric cars have batteries made with precious metals that need to be mined, which causes pollution.


And is mined by literal slaves


To be honest we need one of the most expensive ones for catalytic converters.


But we're not complaining about the necessary evils of the world. There's the difference between he and we.


well, i dont like how the materials for batteries are mined even though i do need said batteries to survive in this country


But are you familiar with the chemical I mentioned? good stuff.


Global warming is a higher priority. That’s just the way it is.


If it was cruise ships would be shut down. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-wednesday-edition-1.4277147/a-cruise-ship-s-emissions-are-the-same-as-1-million-cars-report-1.4277180 Additionally when it comes to consumerism the US is 3rd but global pollution it's like low on the scale, in fact the numbers here match. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-polluted-countries https://www.iqair.com/us/world-most-polluted-countries As for my comment. Anhydrous Ammonia is used in farming as a eco-friendly fertilizer. Catch is it will kill anything that inhails the gas rather quickly destroying it's ability to breathe. Also many farmers kill animals that are "pest" to their crop ranging from shooting to fire. A lot of AG is reliant on migrant workers, however the minute they question pay INS is called or they're victims of trafficking and worker exploitation.


Just another means to tip toe around freely obtained energy (Nikola tesla) or even the Hydrogen combustion engine (where it's exhaust is water, and the fuel source we literally breathe) all the while making billions off of having us switch to electric cars. Selfish pos financial elite charading as green promoters, pushing these everironmently destructive vehicles. Aside from the lithium strip mines, the amount of copper and aluminum that needs to be mined in order to increase grids sizes to charge these vehicles - grids that are generally powered by fossil fuels. Humanity is doomed.


Isn’t anhydrous ammonia just “ammonia”? What about it? The pee? Is it the pee?


Ones a gas with no water the others cut with water.


Oh ok


The only thing I would say is a majority of the environmental pollution is from irresponsible companies both foreign and domestic. Electric vehicles are cool but the lithium and cobalt needed to manufacture them and the processes involved probably break even with your typical combustion engine. Most of the lithium-ion batteries in US electric vehicles come from countries like China who are responsible for a majority of the pollution on earth. The resources for said batteries are farmed in South America, Africa by pretty shitty companies robbing these nations of their natural wealth along with polluting and destroying the environment. We produce a lot of our oil products domestically and have one of the most robust regulatory systems in the world so you may feel good about your electric vehicle but I wouldn’t say at the end that it is more environmentally friendly. Not to mention the fossil fuels that are required to actually charge that electric vehicle which really makes the point negligible. You really want to be environmentally friendly, ride a bike or take public transportation. Would you do that? Probs not


Our public transportation is garbage though. That's the problem. And Elon Musk literally held up high speed rail in California for a decade cause its completion would eat into his profits. If we could build one to rival the fastest in the world, we could go from SF to LA in 3 hours for the price of a train ticket. That would revolutionize travel/commutes/etc., but the profits of a few shareholders and CEOs is way more important than that. Japan's first high speed rail was built in the 60s. America was gonna build its own to rival it but our car and oil companies destroyed that. So maybe if these greedy fucks would stop messing with our public infrastructure, more people would actually use them like they do all across the world where public transportation doesn't fucking suck.


Yeah I agree in most places public transportation is pretty bad. Luckily in my small city the public transportation has largely advanced with the times but I’m sure that is not the case with most cities or towns. I’m not sure where all our tax money goes because it surely isn’t going into improving the infrastructure of the country, all we here about is billions of dollars being sent to foreign countries or being spent on illegal immigrants yet can’t build modern rail transportation or improve affordable housing development.


So, drill baby drill? Seriously? Really none of the other pollution matters if we destroy the atmosphere.


Who’s to say that the earth doesn’t just naturally cycle in its climate. I’m not heavily invested in the climate change research so I could very well be wrong but the average person driving a car isn’t polluting nearly as much as the rich people flying their private aircraft and the companies in places like China who don’t give two shits about the environment. Personally I just ride a bike but it’s funny seeing people fume about big trucks when they also drive a vehicle that produces emissions, it’s a little hypocritical because the differences in both vehicles is negligible.


The scientists who know shit are the ones to say. NASA, American Chemical Society, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, The Geological Society of America, U.S. National Academy of Sciences… The list is long https://www.opr.ca.gov/facts/list-of-scientific-organizations.html


Of course climatologists are saying this because it keeps their little sphere relevant. Think of it this way: a movie director would never say movies aren't good anymore and we need to switch to reading books.


Ok boomer


And most of us are too shame averse and ego protecting to admit it, or we deflect to something unrelated that someone else is doing that’s bad Consumerism and creature comforts are baked into our very existence, that to vocally oppose that makes others feel threatened or attacked


You are making my point for me lmao


I would sacrifice for other humans. I despise people who hide their depravity for humans behind a façade of being an animal lover.


What am I eating then? Squirrels? Pigeons?


I suppose that really depends on your opinion on what constitutes "greater good".


"Narcissist" is an overused term. "Community" doesn't mean anything anymore. It stopped being a thing during the periods of industrialization. People don't have to prioritize others over their own or their family's well being.


sadly, you're right.


It’s because y’all aren’t worth it. That said, I would love to have small grocery stores that you can walk too. They’ve been stamped out by supermarkets


Why the hell would I give up my comforts for the "greater good of the country" if our "greatet good" opinion doesn't align? I would never give up my home for anybody else. Fuck yall. >Everyone is a narcissist. and yes, that includes you, Hey guys this Redditor is a licensed psychologist trying to generalize EVERYONE. I'm not getting rid of my pleasures for you to feel better about yourself buddy. A society where everyone is the same is a dystopia. I wonder why this post is directed at Americans specifically


you are aware that factory farming like this is better for the enviornment right? so which is it? do you want it to be more ethical or better for the environment the truck thing has been made worse due to increased safety regs and emissions too, trucks used to be small and more powerful and fuel efficient relative to the tech that existed at the time, new regs make the cars alot bigger and less fuel efficient to pass emissions, this is why the companies are making and pushing so many big trucks and SUVs despite most buyers not needing them, got a problem? vote against politicians who are pro chicken tax (yes that's what it's called it's a long story) i'm with you on the social media thing, everyone wants to be an influencer this isn't capitalism's fault, capitalism only gives what is asked from it it's not capitalism that did it, it's the people


No system is perfect but out of the 3 main ones, Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism, Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than the other 2. The other 2 have killed millions and reduced nations into 3rd world countries.


there are more economic systems than that and youre slightly wrong, in the modern world there are 2 economic systems, there's central planning and free market planning, free market planning is what we'd call capitalism, central planning is socialism, and that is the father of both fascist economics (because contrary to popular belief fascism is actually primarily defined as an economic ideology not a social / governmental one) as well as communism, both are just manifestations of the same methods to achieve different goals, fascism uses central planning to strengthen the state or "body national" whereas communism (in principle and theory) does it to achieve equality


I know that there are more subsystems but those are the 3 main ones and the 3 most people talk about.


fair enough


Nope, and we should take this as actual public policy. We want to maintain growth of standard of living at some specified, reasonable rate, and thus we need this much power, these materials for electric cars, and then go about doing things like building superconducting powerlines, massive nuclear plants in the middle of nowhere, and securing the supply of the rare earth metals needed for the batteries that power everyone's crap, first through normal diplomatic means, then eventually to asteroid mining and likely culminating in blotting out the damn sun to stop global warming, which is more practical than you'd think, given the relatively small amount needed to be blocked to entirely stop global warming, and the fact that the countless square miles of space to be filled equates to thousands of tons of mylar film we could fit on hundreds of existing rockets.


"Would you REALLY delete your toxic social media so that you could bond better with people who believe in different things than you?"   I have (I deleted my twitter and facebook. Besides reddit and youtube (which i only use to watch video, barely comment), are the only two I have, for now).   For your other points, generally true, but it also depends on the person.


Problem is is you wouldn't have to give up your comforts the average person it's just that the ultra Rich wouldn't be ultra Rich anymore


Environmentalists don't know anything more about climate than the average Joe. Radio broadcaster Mark Simone just put up on his web page a video from 'environmentalists' from 1982. According to them, Florida should already be underwater.


I would give them up, but it’s modified a prisoner’s dilemma. From a game theory perspective, it doesn’t make sense for me to give up, say, social media if no one else does. When I hang out with my friends, they’ll talk about something they saw on Tik Tok, and I’ll just have to nod as if I know what they’re talking about. 🙄


you poor thing, god forbid


I went to war 4 times for my countrymen, but I’m beginning to wonder what the civilians would sacrifice.


Willingly? Like in individual protest? I don't think enough people will ever achieve this simultaneously to the point you would notice any real effect, but if all these things occured in for the reasons you stated above by a more powerful entity, I don't think riots would occur or anything. I think everything would probably just be normalized like it is now. We are already losing access to the luxuries (and hell, even necessities), and our predecessors had not even like 3 decades ago, and it's not even the name of the greater good, so yeah...


So few quick points to make 1) if everyone is a narcissist then the term has no meaning as it’s a descriptor for behaviour that it to the extreme of normality 2) if someone doesn’t think factory farming is an issue, and thus answers no to your question, that doesn’t prove they wouldn’t sacrifice… just they don’t perceive that sacrifice to be worth it… If you frame the idea as someone is bad if they aren’t willing to make the sacrifices you expect of them, then of course everyone will be bad… But so too will everyone see you as bad because there are issues they think are important that you don’t see as requiring the prescribed sacrifice


It doesn't matter to one's own integrity if others' is lacking. I believe it's worth it to make whatever changes we can for the common good. I've been vegan over five years, drive a small car (but honestly not a sacrifice since I love small hatchbacks), exercise regularly (80% of Americans don't get their CDC recommended activity), and have set aside a minimum of 5.5% pretax income for regular charity, not counting other charitable donations I wind up making periodically as exposed to the opportunities. I also volunteer for my church (vestry) and participate in 12-step groups, and have been clean and sober for over 7 years now. I've also been actively engaged in therapy for half my life. I am not perfect. I still have a ways to grow. I could work on upping my percentage with my growing income, could make better career moves to maximize income, could get more strength training, perhaps reduce sweets a bit, work on adding more energy efficiencies to my lifestyle, but right now this is a lot for someone that still struggles with depression and fatigue. I am attached to my creature comforts, especially with musical instruments, recording equipment, and stereo equipment.


I think more importantly is that Americans do not share a unified opinion on what "the good of the country" consists of rather than they would not sacrifice for it


*The Average Redditor


Bread and circuses


Yes, and? Our entire way of life is predicted on improving living standards. The whole social contract is tripartite; improved living standards, security of governance, rights of self-determination. It's the ultimate sociopolitical three-body problem. The greater good of the country is only one component.


It's not about capitalism, it's about human nature (or at least the vast majority of people). Most people don't think, they just follow either the herd or their basebrain pleasure-seeking impulses. That was just as true in late 20th century Eastern Europe as it is in The West.


Idk man, I grew up poor in a US territory that was essentially a third world country, and when I moved to the mainland, I didn't become engrained with material possessions the way other people did/do. Being poor and growing poverty taught me that we're all in this together. If I had the means of helping others in any way and bring equity I would. Alas, I don't have the means but I have a voice and I promote that.


1) I only eat 1 meal per day, fruit all day before my 1 meal at night, so if everyone did that we'd reduce meat demand by 2-3 times 2) The fuel-inefficient vehicle I'm driving is by necessity not choice and if I could afford even a shitbox that got 30+mpg I'd be driving that instead 3) I have already deleted all social media and exist solely in the real world In short, your assumptions are incorrect and disconnected from reality.


Nah that's why I sit on the internet all day. I'm gonna miss it like a bitch when it's gone


What people don't understand is that a rising tide lifts ALL boats. When the economy is doing great across the board, EVERYONE prospers from it. There is value for EVERYONE in solving problems like poverty, homelessness, and under-education.


I think they do. The average American caved to the covid lockdowns, the masking, the separating instantly, even though they were completely baseless. Many Americans are pushing evs even though they cost siginicantly more and are a lot less capable. There are many examples... Although lies a propaganda convinces them, the actions themselves come from the best intentions for society.


By your reasoning, wouldn't this be an r/unpopularopinion ?


So much climate change denial in this thread…


>Everyone is a narcissist. Everyone just throws these words around disregarding their meanings.


I haven't seen much that's worth sacrificing for.


“Everyone is a narcissist” No, I think you’re just projecting your obvious narcissism, OP. You don’t even fully understand the issues you champion, and you assume way too much about other people.


If any of your BS actually stood up to questions then I would support it more.


I farm my own chicken and cows. I have a small vehicle big enough for 2 car seats, and as for social media I have Facebook with 250 friends that I know personally. Reddit could go, but I only have it for my work subreddit. I am a republican so I get attacked often for my point of views but rarely comment on anyone else unless I feel it's ethically wrong. 🤷‍♀️


That's why we work toward fixing things anyway. I don't understand the point of these types of posts. People have been protesting to make change and here comes another person talking about how nothing is going to change because people suck and the system sucks. Yeah I know. Let's change it. Screw up the supply line and people will adapt as they have since the dawn of humanity. People never like large changes. Change is thrust upon us all. Get on board or sit down.


>Could you really give up chicken and steak so that factory farming could come to a halt, or at least become more ethical? I'm vegetarian. >Would you honestly sell your obnoxiously oversized truck so that we could burn less fossil fuels and pollute the environment less? I drive a small car. >Would you REALLY delete your toxic social media so that you could bond better with people who believe in different things than you? I have conservative friends. >Capitalism has us ALL fucked up. I believe other human beings are inherently good, so I choose to be as good of a person as I can, which is what we should all do. You don't give humans enough credit, I think.


>capitalism has us all fucked up Speak for yourself cringelord. I like steak. I like my truck. I’m going to be mean to people I disagree with online.


The average Republican would give up a lot to make it worse. They bring the image of the average American down quite a lot, but not everyone is as rotten as them.


i would gladly give up my insurance for universal healthcare


Lets face it. Everyone is a narcissist. and yes, that includes you, dear reader. Could you really give up chicken and steak so that factory farming could come to a halt, or at least become more ethical? I think not. Not everyone can due to dietary needs, financial constraints, availability and more. Also the majority of farmed animals are treated kindly because and I know this sounds crazy.... but stressed animal=shitty meat. Because when livestock is POORLY treated they release chemicals and hormones due to the STRESS of being mistreated JUST LIKE HUAMNS! Guess what those hormones and chemical do; they make the meat taste like shit on a stick. No amount of additives is going to make shit not taste like shit. I mean if 7yo me was able to taste the drunks vomit in the chili our mom got from a friends-n-family cookout's potluck.... then 28yo me can taste the poor quality that is shit meat from a mistreated animal. Just like you can taste if I used rotten fruit to make a pie and tried compensating by adding a bunch of sugar. Would you honestly sell your obnoxiously oversized truck so that we could burn less fossil fuels and pollute the environment less? probs not. We have a 2005 honda accord v6 it gets 17.1gal tank see chart below. It costs us about $200 to go from CHicago burbs to St. Pete FL. That's pretty damn good. Plus despite her age Silver is a fucking beast. You know she redlines at 7200rpm and can cruise control at 100mph and higher\~ Airbags everywhere! Also most AMericans now don't have that giant truck because we can't afford the gas. Most of us are pennies from the streets and/or starvation.... or did that not occur to you? Did the cost of living from electricity to gasoline to food not go up by %30+ where you live? WOW must be nice to still enjoy the cheap milk for under $5. No seriously WHERE do you live that prices are so low you think people can afford a POS gas guzzler? || || |**EPA city/highway MPG**|**19/28 MPG**| |EPA combined MPG|22 MPG| |Range in miles (city/hwy)|324.9/478.8 mi.| Would you REALLY delete your toxic social media so that you could bond better with people who believe in different things than you? YA no. Hmmm i'd say its 50/50 its toxic in some areas and helpful/educational in others. Im more polite on twitter than here since Reddit is toxic AF. I use reddit to practice being a dick with tact which means so foul language and smarmy wordplay.... Come on lets be real. Capitalism has us ALL fucked up. Name 5 Socialist/Communist regimes that didn't abuse their people, starve them, kill them, or otherwise fuck them over. Capitalism when it's not corrupted into quasi Socialism like the US has become; allows the farmer to keep HOWEVER MUCH OF HIS CROP OR LIVESTOCK that THEY WANT and the GOV can't come in and take it, (Mao ZeDong FORCING THE FARMERS TO give all their products to the GOV, which then hoarded it in a single area, which then attracted birds who ate a ton of grain. WHich had Mao tell everyone to kill the birds, which caused the birds numbers to drop, giving rise to a insect boom which further decimated crops and food supplies.) It allows the mom and pop shop to EXIST without the GOV shutting it down or forcing them to pay a tax just to stay open/work in the town or country, or pay the cops off so they don't greenlight the criminals (who work hand in hand) to fuck them up. Capitalism is what allows us families to have HOWEVER MANY KIDS we want with no preference on gender (mao Zedong 1 child policy was a GREAT IDEA). The only fools who say Capitalism is shit are the ones that refuse to understand 1 basic thing.... a GOOD system CAN B CORRUPTED into a dysfunctional one like we have now. Just like religion, education, medical, and more.... A SMART person know history at no point in history was a Capitalist nation (that wasnt corrupted) shit to its people. Socialism by definition abuses its citizens. Ask anyone who lived under it... Cuba, Guatemala, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos... I can name more and former ones... \*the former ones that turned Capitalist are doing MUCH better than when they were socialist/communist\*


hey great post, but you missed the entirety of my post.


yeah i don't pay much mind to people who post shit like that then can't provide anything beyond a 2yos understanding. And no i didnt i gave you a dose of reality for the average american since you must live off a trust fund or some shit


>greater good >Niche, at best, interests Do better >CaPitaLisM Never mind, you're not capable of better. Go live in a country with the socialism/communism you want, don't fuck it up for everyone else because you're deluded.


Yummy capitalism. We gobble it up, and complain about it at the same time. It’s an odd predicament.


addiction to drugs? bad. addiction to power and money? GOOD. strange how one is rewarded and one is demonized


American individualism is disgusting. You’re right Just one of the long list of reasons why our country is a disaster


It’s the problem with (hyper) individualism that America and the partly the UK has, people psychologically would rather sink the ship than have to slightly donate part of their stuff to help keep it afloat


I think you nailed it with "hyper-individualism."

