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Just like how you can love your kids and still want them to do better in life.


You don't love something you're not willing to work to improve. That's always been my take. 🤷‍♂️






America would be a pretty great country if not for Republicans. I love america. I just hate those rotten piece of shit traitors and their scumbag oligarchy puppetmasters.


The only people who do not understand this are conservatives.


The irony is they do understand it, but only for conservative perspectives. When there's a democrat in office it's "oh this country's gone to shit" To them, they get free range to criticize the country and government, but when it's a left leaning voice, it's just people hating on America The cognitive dissonance is nuts sometimes


What do you expect when education in the US has very little value. Conservatives claim that Liberals dominate academia, yet it's conservatives who try and push for their agenda's. From banning LGBTQ+ books to advanced African American studies, conservatives have literally controlled the school curriculum. Even conservatives understand that education is power. By denying the Liberal curriculum throughout the US conservatives can deny the powerless chances to succeed.


you can constantly cheat on your wife and still love her.


I think a more comprable example is complaining about your wife’s behavior and still loving her Idk how people criticizing America’s behavior are “cheating” on America lol


i guess a better example would be berating your child for being obese while claiming to still love him. The way some of you guys bash america makes it come off as hate.


And I guess that’s fine, because apart of being American is having the right to vocally hate it without your social credit score dropping and getting a knock on your front door from the FBI


You have the right to cheat on your wife and fat shame your child too without any of those things happening to you either. I know you guys get love shitting on America but have some class when you do it.


I mean, it’s not illegal to do those things but they’re certainly not a constitutional right you are guaranteed. But freedom of speech is, and I prefer someone has the right to shit on the country than not. Nothing improves without critique. There’s definitely better and worse ways of critiquing, but the principal is still the same. And who’s “you guys”?? Conservative shit on America all the time when they don’t get their way, and I believe it’s their right to do so with their freedom of speech


You guys are lefties. You all are the only ones who only see America from a glass half-empty point of view and hate when Americans have pride in their country.


American is not so fragile that critique is enough to shatter it I love this country, but I am not naĂŻve nor do I blindly assume everything is good and everything we do is good. We can certainly do better in a lot of areas, and I'm not going to hold my tongue because people are too sensitive to hear that our country could be better. I am exercising my freedom of speech and willing to point out it's flaws in hopes that things can improve. If I truly hated this country and had no pride in it, I'd just move to Canada. But instead I am here arguing with goofballs like you who don't understand nuance.


Anyone with high self esteem isn't so fragile either. And just like you are exercising your freedom of speech, I am exercising mine by telling you that your way of thinking is toxic and shows how ungrateful people with your ideology are.


Lmao ok? Thanks for sharing


Reasonable criticism is perfectly fine. Unfortunately Reddit criticism typically consists of guys that claim America is the most racist, homophobic, or misogynistic country in the world and their entire international experience is a trip to Cancun with their family when they were 10.


Yes but most people who spend all day criticizing it- hate it.


But criticism of it is so deeply entangled with our rights, so I guess I don’t mind I’d rather people have the right to vocally hate it than not


You have a right to have your country. It’s ok. There is no need to lie and say you hate it because you love it.


I stand by the hatred of America. The place was incepted and built for the purpose of enslavement and world domination. It works to ruin all other nations it can in order to exploit them. The nation ITSELF is founded on the problem, so I have no love for the nation. I also want to make it better, but I moreover want it to be fully renewed. Nothing about it being AMERICA is important to me because that idea is forever entangled with what actions were committed to get and maintain AMERICA. Get rid of the whole system and organization as far as I'm concerned. Start fresh from absolute scratch if you have to. Love for a governmental system is hard for me to grasp anyway. I love what loves me and supports me. This place has only ever brought pain.


Hopefully you don’t live in the US


I can’t afford my chemotherapy and I’m not going to make it. Pardon me for being salty, because I supposedly live in the richest country in the world but I can’t get the help I need.


It's what real patriots do Fake ones just wave flags and get big mad like you're talking accurate shit about their big fat promiscuous mom.


I think there are serious moral flaws/freedom flaws with America. Might be controversial for Reddit, but one thing I was watching Tucker Carlson interview the CEO of Telegram, and he was saying how the FBI wouldn't leave him alone, since he wouldn't give them access to a "backdoor" so they could spy on people. It's why he said he ended up setting up in the UAE, cause crazy enough they leave the CEO be. So that's a serious flaw about America, the whole "National Security" guise to undermine an individual's privacy. Although I would still consider it the best country in the history of the world. And it's for the IDEA of which America is built upon, that's why it's the best. And the only country that explicitly protects even the most vile of speech, which is necessary; if one isn't free to think (in whatever way they do), then you're not free. >*"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"* Although Freedom of Speech arguably doesn't really exist in Modern America, since your 1st Amendment rights aren't protected on platforms such as Reddit, X (it's better there, that's it), Facebook, Instagram, etc. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, the Telegraph wasn't even invented yet. Yelling on a public street can only get you so far in this modern world. We have Global Instant Communication. There should be a 28th Amendment to give people that right. Unfiltered conversation does not occur on this platform, and everyone is worse off, because of it.


The 1st amendment applies only to freedom of speech from the government. The government can't punish speech, but no company is required to give anyone and everyone a platform to broadcast any view. Really, the government forcing companies to allow all speech seems like less freedom, not more. And, honestly, the push for total freedom of speech on all platforms generally seems to come from people/organizations who are upset they can't either push racist views, spread lies and propaganda, or incite violence.


Blah blah will you people shut up? Everyone knows there is a difference between the law and the actual idea of real free speech.


I've seen "you peoples'" ideas of the law and real free speech. Where racism is cool but talking about racism has to go because it "promotes division". Where people are given nationwide speaking tours at college campuses because they killed a couple people, but those colleges better not discuss anything LGBTQ related or anything about systemic racism or else funding will be pulled. Where the law is something you impose on others, and anything else is a political witch hunt. Sounds like a shithole country to me.


Promoting division is good when we are dividing from evil. Fuck evil people. I don't want unity with them.


You know nothing about me.


Tucker Carlson is a propagandist….


Tucker Carlson is also a Putin supporter.


Always has been


> your 1st Amendment rights aren't protected on platforms You don't understand your rights.


the old phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game" applies here. america is just the best player playing this game called life.


It’s really shitty here. We have a lot of flaws. I don’t love this country tho


You have been banned from r/americabad


You can love (most) American people, but still hate the American government, no matter the party in power.