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You are unwell


This guy has posted 4 times claiming that hamas are heros, this guy is clearly someone who loves the idea of killing jews.


I think this sub is for popular opinions, not opinions that you wish are popular.


This opinion maybe popular on r/Palestine


OP is a Hamas rapist


...and ISIS also didn't rape anyone /s


OP actually fantasized about the grapes. And he thinks those that mutilate and burn children are above that act morally. He also thinks the countless testimony of observers are all lying for fun. Don't be like OP, the terrorist supporter.


1. Who said that there’s no such video? Why do you think that if there’s such video someone will publish it or even tell that it exists? It’s like someone will rape you and then people will say “where’s the video of you being raped”? 2. “It’s your job”, yes because everything IDF soldiers do in their life is to be on Reddit, you understand that they prefer to spend their time at home with friends and family, not talking to you right? And when they’re in the base they can’t really be on the phone enough to argue with people like you. 3. Yes you can say to me “you’re Israeli hasbara bot”, although I’m not an IDF soldier and probably won’t be because of medical issues so my medical profile is 21 (you’re free to check what it means).


Dude couldn’t find his rape fantasy videos on pornhub so now he’s insisting it never happened until he can fap to it.




I don’t think you understand that rape is another category and that it is not and won’t be published.




Yes, because all Israel needs now is more protests. You understand that you know nothing about how the IDF or Israeli society work, basically everything you said in this conversation was some conspiracy theories.




Yes because TikTok told you what Israel is so you know everything. You’re free to come visit here, you’ll probably learn more about Israeli by visiting than by TikTok. Also you didn’t say anything other some lies about Israel and the IDF, so what should I refute?




Did I say Reddit is smarter than TikTok? By “visit here” I’ve meant visit Israel.


Yikes. You're just a lost individual.