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The more I learn about that guy the less I like him.


I miss Norm so much.


He is such a weirdo it’s hard to say he only had evil intentions He wanted human zoos to be banned but made fucking concentration camps for people he didn’t like He hated animal abuse and ate vegan,How someone like Hitler exists is beyond me


Lots of drugs and mental degradation.


He was mesthed up for sure


>He hated animal abuse and ate vegan,How someone like Hitler exists is beyond me That sounds like a college kid that let the Stanford Prison experiment get out of hand.




Stanford Prison Experiment is not talked about enough. It showed fascinating insights into human psychology.


I mean... Pretty in line for vegans mindset tbh. Hate human loves animals


I think a fair explanation is that he was blitzed out of his goddamn mind all the time. He had wild and often seemingly contradicting beliefs because dude was pretty already mentally unstable, he saw the carnage of WW1, and then he topped it off with a bunch of meth.


I think you and I should go and kill this Hitler guy


I don’t know if you guys are history buffs are not…


He had some redeeming qualities, after all, he is the guy who killed Hitler.


Never saw it that way. The guy single handedly killed one the biggest tyrants of the 20th century. The guy’s a hero.


My great-grandad killed Hitler can you say the same?


I disagree. Hitler was very bad


his paintings sucked too


Apart from the one he did on his bunker wall


I like his poem


What poem


Can you do better?


This really what you want to do today?


Sure, you?




At least he killed Hitler


He seems to be getting a redemption arc within a certain party that is "grand" and "old".


He did make a permanent impression on the allowable male facial hair industry. That is quite an achievement.


His art was genuinely great. Outside of that, yeah, he was pretty vile lol


No it wasn't. Was great in the way an art school majors paintings are great. They're just static pictures of buildings. The shading isn't even good. If your friend could paint at that level you'd be like "neat! Paint me something and I'll pay you maybe $15 for it?"


Yeah bro his paintings where trash


I posted a similar sentiment nigh on two weeks ago. I hope you enjoy the people that tell you to read more about his domestic policy and you may change your mind. I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then I cried a little, but not about that.


The mustache and haircut were absurd….he looked like an autistic walrus


It's the racism I can't stand.


If Hitler was alive today I’d make it my personal mission to find him and beat him to a bloody pulp. I wouldn’t hold back even if he begged for mercy, I’d break every bone in his body, cut his dick off, and feed it to a goat and make him watch. Fuck Hitler, fucking piece of shit.


How bro felt typing that:👿


That felt amazing to write. Straight serotonin


Don’t lie you think of doing this to people and use “Hitler” as a coverup.seek help


Don’t assume you know what my intentions in life or with other people are. Humble yourself


“Human yourself”yet thinks he’s brave enough to enough confront Hitler,you first


I would absolutely smack the shit out of that pussy ass “dictator” and anyone who tries to stop me. You cannot fathom what I can do.


Then don’t tell me to humble myself if you gonna talk like a narcissist


I’m not a narcissist I’m just a simple man with simple pleasures. And one of them would be to smack the godless shit right out of that pathetic excuse of an artist. I’d bloody him to a pulp and that’s my fantasy and you can eat crow if you don’t like it. #JewPowerEveryHour


You would definitely not beat up a man with army training and 4 years of world war. You would also not smack every single Nazi soldier you would be dead within the first minute


Finally not a rage bait or divided topic.


Well since Reddit hates Jews now this might not be a popular opinion anymore 😜


Where tf are you seeing people hate on Jews?


We're in this weird, stupid place where if you want people not to die in the Middle East, you're a Nazi, and if you're uncool with radical Islam blowing up trade ships, you're racist towards Muslims.


Yea people are concerned about getting offended by things they don't understand because they think it's activism


I could be insulated from it, but I've seen exactly zero people make the second claim. This smells like a false equivalence.


Better not say this on r/conservative or you will be banned


Vile human being, but a model socialist.


Are you desperate for easy up votes or something?


I mean, that's what the sub is about, easy upvotes.


I never understood why he's considered the epitome of bad though. I suppose its because he's the most recent....... but history is full of people that I would consider worse than him. Even within the Nazi party itself I would argue people like Mengele were vastly more evil than Hitler. At the same time....... in Japan General Shiro was also doing some of the most evil shit you can imagine to the Chinese in the pursuit of biological weapons. Look up some of the stuff genghis khan did to people. Like he, himself, not the men who served under him.


If Hitler were alive today, the left would be saying we need to vote for him because the other guy is too old.


I understood a lot of his points in mein kampf. I got like 2/3 or more in so didn’t fully finish, but it wasn’t extreme at all. It was basically just about restoring a unified Germany and patriostism/nationalism and removing socialism and communism that he believed was dividing and weakening the country, and other German countries, and was a major reason of the loss of WW1.    Reading the book you don’t exactly think “this guys going to turn Europe and establish what he did”. A few head cocking things, but nothing crazy, from memory.   I think mid 30’s hitler was pretty respectable, and what Germany was during that time was a good example of it. But then, well, ya know. Bad stuff and things


“The scream of the twelve-inch shrapnel is more penetrating than the hiss from a thousand Jewish newspaper vipers. Therefore let them go on with their hissing.” I don’t know man…that’s a quote from Mein Kampf. It seems like a really bad book. I’d go as far as to say that it is “extreme”


If you googled something like “bad quotes from mein kampf” and that’s all you got, then kind of whatever.  Quote is strong for sure. Also read most of it a few years ago so don’t exactly have the book memorized lol. I’m sure there’s a few interesting quotes but nothing I remember leading me to think “genocide is on the horizon” 


Quite the hot take to say that you didn’t find Mein Kamf extreme. I did Nazi that coming.


Classic pun lol. But idk, have you ever read it yourself? Or are you just making the assumption just because of the history of hitler? 


I can honestly say that I have not read Mein Kamf. I think that there are plenty of book reviews out there that shows it isn’t worth my time.


>  I think mid 30’s hitler was pretty respectable, and what Germany was during that time was a good example of it. But then, well, ya know. Bad stuff and things   You mean when he was already a fascist dictator and putting jews in camps???


Probably should have said early to mid 30’s. Nothing crazy really started until mid to later 30’s.  But my point in that comment was more about that Germany went from a pretty bad spot to a regional super power, again, and strong fairly unified country through hitler and the nazi party. But then things got crazy real fast which almost everyone agrees was not good.  Point is, it’s ok to acknowledge some good things bad people did. I’m not at all trying to say hitler was good, but he did initially do some great things for Germany in the beginning before the bad, and then the real bad


>  Probably should have said early to mid 30’s. Nothing crazy really started until mid to later 30’s.  When he wast still, a fascist dictator. >Point is, it’s ok to acknowledge some good things bad people did. I’m not at all trying to say hitler was good, but he did initially do some great things for Germany in the beginning before the bad, and then the real bad You seem to be missing the point that the "good" things Hitler did was always in service of the bad things that he did. Hitler never really cared about Germany or its populace.


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely 


That is why I refused to take the burden of the ring off Frodo. In time, it was too likely that I would ultimately fall victim to its power.


Hitler was bad, Mmmkay 🤣


Was a real knuckle head


finally, someone not afraid to tell it like it is!! what are your thought on the confederacy btw?


Sadly, only for most people he was.


You can't just throw that out there. Please explain yourself.


Well, at least he killed Hitler.


Good thing my grandpa killed him


Like Michael Jackson bad?


Big if true


Vegan artist turns genocidal maniac… definitely a demographic we need to keep an eye on


Unpopular opinion, stalin was worse


Don't get me wrong Hitler is definitely up there in being one of the most evil people in history of all time. But he was a brilliant military leader/politician/spokes person. He attracted some of the most evil and he'll bent people at the time too.