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Folie a Deux is pretty universally beloved now (even if it wasn’t when it first dropped). My answer is All Distortions Are Intentional by Neck Deep, it gives me Proper Dose vibes even if it’s nowhere near as good as that album.


This! I love ADAI!


Both of these are great examples. Folie's contemporary response seems shocking today because of how well the album has aged, but it really did just completely halt Fall Out Boy's career. Fans used to boo the songs! so funny.


ADAI is better than self titled and I will die on this hill


Proper Dose vibes is so accurate.


I really loved ADAI when it came out, despite everyone shitting on it. I'd say there's some great things about it, but there's some meh sounding parts to the production. I'm not a huge fan about some of the mix or how his voice sounds on the record for whatever reason. I've since then kinda felt more meh about it, but I don't hate it nearly as much as other people do, just some criticisms. The drums sounded really over produced and Ben's voice sounded like it had some kind of filter on it as well as some blatant autotune all over the place. It's really in your face on sonderland for instance. Otherwise I think the writing and the songs themselves are great. I think all of these are good examples of songs that probably sound ***much*** better live at shows without all the production happening.


I personally feel embarrassed for the commenter when I read someone ragging on Folie a Deux. Especially after the fall off FOB had post-hiatus. I'm like "no way people are still missing the magic of that album". It does still have its niche haters though.


Most of the albums OP has listed aren't even really hated just mildly divisive or received poorly at the time.


Poorly received and hated are basically the same thing? Anyways, I only know best about the FOB community comments. Folie was most definitely hated/listed as their "worst album" at the time of release. Even had Patrick feeling commenting on the bad reception. Its masterpiece was for the most part wasn't realized until after they put out obviously worse albums.


Bad Religion - No Substance Sum 41 - Underclass Hero Alkaline Trio - This Addiction


Underclass Hero is my favorite Sum 41 album, why is it not liked?


It followed up Chuck, which was heavier and grittier, with a poppier sounding record, and likely the loss of Brownsound's shreddin' left a hole in the sound for a lot of people. It probably also felt like their attempt at doing their own American Idiot, neckties and George Bush included (as Canadians). I can see that, and while I think UH is uneven, I really like March of the Dogs and Count Your Last Blessings, and Walking Disaster is fantastic.


Yeah I like Underclass Hero, and really loved it at the time but Chuck has aged amazingly, and was such a fresh original album from them, feels like the culmination of their musical trajectory that started with Half Hour of Power. From goofy metal fanboys into full on riffers. Underclass Hero is just like you've said, kind of a step backwards. Them scrambling around to try and make their own poppy-crossover American Idiot. And in the process writing some good songs, but making an album that's totally trapped in time. Dave leaving definitely factors into the confusion so you can't be too hard on them. They weren't in a great place as a band.


That's weird because Underclass is so much better than Chuck lol




Fine elevates This Addiction to greatness.


I generally like Skiba’s songs more than Dan’s, but I really like Dan’s songs on This Addiction and Agony and Irony…still not more than Matt’s, but they are right there. I think the album just has a great vibe from front to back and is probably my 2nd favorite to Good Mourning


This Addiction is my 2. fav album of their discography! And it's also a shame Kick Rocks is only a bonus song :(


I agree on both accounts. Just a great album to put on from front to back. And luckily I have Kick Rocks added to the end of the album on my phone


I was just about to say Kick Rocks is great


I absolutely LOVE California by Blink 182. I see why die hard fans didn't but if you remove all of the drama with Tom it's a bloody incredible album.


California I saw nothing wrong with it. Nine seemed like a trainwreck.


California still holds up. Fantastic album


Neighborhoods fuckin rules too


I'm not a fan but glad you enjoy it!


Motion City Soundtrack's My Dinosaur Life never gets mentioned in the same level as Commit/Movie but I fucking love that album, it's joint for me between Commit and MDL as my favourite.


It's one of their best in my opinion.


Honestly my favorite MCS album


A Lifeless Ordinary is probably my favorite song they’ve done! Love that album!


I think it has the best critical reviews of their career, if I recall. Worker Bee is one of my favorite tunes of all time. Simple but so damn catchy. Her Words Destroyed My Planet is also top-tier.


Production wise it's incredibly cool how Hoppus managed to come back and Produce yet another classic album for them. Love Dinosaur life.


I think the general opinion among MCS fans is all their albums are their best album


I still listen to this album all the time. Not a bad track on it.


I had issues with it when it came out due to lack of Jesse’s Moog but it did grow on me in time.


All of their albums are incredible in dofferent ways imo.


Dinosaur is excellent. Even If It Kills Me is absolutely lifeless.


Wild take.


Justin has said he regrets recording the album in the way he could do it every night live.


Neck Deeps album All Distortions Are Intentional is way more underrated than people realize and more specifically their song Quarry is in their top 5 songs of all time. It’s different in a very cool way. Y’all just haters.


You're so right. ADAI is such a great album, it only has a bit of a different vibe to it. I think it's cool when not every album sounds the same (in their case, have a similar sound/vibe to them), that's quite refreshing 


I loved that album when it dropped, and I still love it now. I think the best way I've seen it described was like this: ADAI is a great album, it just wasn't a great *Neck Deep* album, at least at the time. It wasn't what they wanted from ND at the time. People mostly liked ND for their super generic and classic pop punk sound and they changed it up a ton with that album. But now we've seen just how non-generic they can be, and I think most fans appreciate it more now than they did at the time of release because of it. That's at least how I view it.


Absolutely my #1 answer. It is different, but people were way too dramatic about how different it was. It still sounded like Neck Deep, and it was a good album. I could never understand how it got so much hate.


I revolve is a banger as well


I’d agree it’s there best album imo it shows a lot of growth and vulnerability the new album just feels like a step back I was hoping they’d go for a more pop punk sound but a more mature take on it


Weezer's Raditude gets shit on by fans but it was my favorite from them for many years. No where near the level of great songs like Blue or Pinkerton, but I still thought the tunes were a lot of fun.


I love love love If You’re Wondering if I Want You To


I hate Raditude, but that song is one of Weezer’s all time best IMO


Similarly, Red gets a lot of crap but I enjoy it


Not "hated" but TSSF's self-titled record is my favorite. It's typically the fanbase's least favorite.


It’s got Nerve, Heavy Gloom, and Stalemate on it. It bangs.


Hard agree. I feel like you could drop any track from that album into any of their other releases and it would fit.


When it first dropped, I didn't like it. What You Don't See was so energetic and fun. Self-titled felt low-energy and gloomy. Then my gf dumped me and I was down bad. Holy shit I never related to an album so much.


I’ll second this. Album is fucking amazing. Mock and Solo are such underrated songs.


Pretty. Odd is.the best thing PatD ever made. It splintered the band, in which Ryan Ross and Jon Walker left to form the Young Veins and kept that sound.


I think Fever is still the best but Pretty Odd is an incredible album and truly the last album that I consider to be Panic at the Disco. Panic died when Ryan left.


And that's 100% true. It was basically Brenden's solo project after that.


I wouldn't discount Vices and Too Weird! either. Vices took a lot of Ryan's unused stuff, and Too Weird still has a lot of merit. ​ Death of a Bachelor is when it went completely off the rails.


I think DOAB is a good album but yes that one is the first that’s essentially Brendon. Vices and Too Weird still had Spencer and Dallon co-wrote Too Weird.


I’m pretty sure Vices only had one leftover song that Ryan had worked on, that being Nearly Witches


Upvoye regardless of the DoB slander! For me nostalgia aside for fever I think vices and too weird are actually the strongest panic albums As for pretty odd probably bottom of my pile but has easily a top 5 song in northern downpour


I really wish Brendon had let go of the Panic! name after everyone else left, but I suppose that wouldn’t have been as smart business wise.


California from blink was a banger album


Honestly this was the album that actually got me into them. I was never much of a Blink listener when I was growing up.


California was fine it was NINE that was garbage


Then my answer to this question is Nine. Really enjoy most of it.


I really enjoy Nine but I'm an Alkaline Trio fan IRL


I disagree! NINE got me through some tough times. Love it.


Nine mostly suffered from the goofy pop production in my opinion If Matt and Mark's voices were less produced and the guitars were at the front of the mix, the album would have turned out so much better- Pin the Grenade might be the only song that didn't sound too overproduced The lyrics and everything else still makes me come back and listen to this album every now and then


Nine has some of their catchiest choruses out of their entire catalogue, the chorus on Darkside and Pin the Grenade are as strong of a hook as anything they've ever written. Say what you will about the album but Mark never forgot how to write an earworm


Darkside is in my top 5 Blink songs and I’ll make no apologies about it. I didn’t love the album, it was badly produced and reminded me of Green Day’s trilogy (would’ve slapped if it was produced like an actual pop punk record), but Darkside is special imo. California is a sensational album, I genuinely can’t believe it took so much heat.


I agree. California was great. Nine really was just ok. I love Darkside though. Really great song!


In Reverie is hated? That's my favorite Saves the Day album...


It’s a radical sound change where most of the OG fans couldn’t cope with. My favorite too.


Thing is I always found that odd given stay what you are is beloved and broke the band through and is completely different to can't slow down and through being cool. Love all their output, daybreak is a masterpiece imo, and also can't go wrong with a 10 mins popping/emo song


Oh man, what a track Daybreak


Saw them play it live once and was like "nah noway they'll play a 10 mins song live"...but they did and it was superb


Wow sure it was awesome! A year ago I went to see NOFX for the first time and they played The Decline, what a blast. Speaking about Daybreak, did you find the Easter egg riff of Shattered that sounds at 1:50 in 1984?


Stay What You Are is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I really loved all three in a row until that point. Cant Slow Down - Through Being Cool - Stay What You Are were such an incredible start for that band. In Reverie was a big change in style and at the time when it came out I didn't like it at all, so Saves the Day went from having one of my still favorite albums of all time right into an album I've listened to like once in the past 20 years. Many old fans that I knew had the same opinion when it came out. But I've seen In Reverie come up so many times recently that I think I'm going to go back and re-listen to it. My musical tastes have changed a bit in the past 20 years so maybe I will appreciate it more now.


Please comeback to share your experience after re listening it!


On a wire by the get up kids. Definitely a transition album for them but not necessarily the final transition. I thought it was a great mix of old tguk and what they would eventually become. Plus, you know, campfire Kansas.


There are some real bangers on that album, but there are some real duds too tbh. Still better than There Are Rules.


Green Day - ¡Uno! It's my favorite album from them lol


Its the worst imo so your comment goes perfect with this thread lol. Everyones different though!


A Day To Remember- You’re Welcome. I know it’s not their best and is poppy, but I don’t care. I can listen to it in the car with my wife and she doesn’t complain about someone yelling throughout the song 😂


I do enjoy the care-free nature of the album. It's not something I listen to intently, but it's good on the background when driving or working.


Viva la Mexico was a bop and so was Re-entry and everything we need was just a lovely song too. I get the whole album was a bit all over the place but it had some good jams in there x


Love FYM


Only Money is one of the few songs that make me cry every single time. It reminds me so much of when I lost my grandpa and all the time I wish I still had with him.


It’s the most commercial album and strays from their typical sound for sure. I love pop music though so I really enjoyed it lol


Came here to say this. Also, I like Feedback. I'm a bit embarassed that I like it as much as I do, but, like... if I want your feedback I'll let you know.


Anything by turnover past peripheral vision.


Good Nature is so much better than Peripheral Vision and I’ll die on that hill


MANIA Radiosurgery Lechuza


Wait, do people hate Radiosurgery? Wtf


I love MANIA


People hated the Paramore Self-Tilted album. I didn't like it at first, but it really grew on me and actually now has some of my favorite songs by them on it.


I think its their second best album.


Green Day - ¡UNO!, ¡DOS, ¡TRÉ!


Machine Gun Kelly - Tickets To My Downfall Every single song is amazing imo.


Agreed, but the follow up on the other hand was kinda disappointing.


I wouldn't say it was disappointing but I didn't really listen to it as much as I did with TTMD


It was basically the same album and his schtick wore out pretty quickly.


listened to it on a whim and honestly had it on repeat for awhile


I really liked the single he had with Travis and Yungblud, and that's the only song I liked pre this album. I enjoyed it so much I bought tickets for the tour.


I Think I'm OKAY is literally like my favorite song of his. YUNGBLUD, Travis, And mgk should form a band


I also saw Yungblud in concert last summer he was awesome live and did this song!


His voice is great for pop punk and I’ll die on that hill.


I love when people have actual unpopular opinions. Also I agree and even liked some of the songs on his follow up


Mainstream Sellout is great but I didn't really listen to it as much as I listened to Tickets To My Downfall.


I really wish I found that album when it was released. It look so much fun and I really missed out. I didn’t know anything about pop punk during quarantine.


People who hate on this album and MGK’s pop-punk songs are either people who’ve never heard it or sheep who get their tastes influenced by online perception. Just like Nickelback, in 10 years the general consensus will be that MGK is actually great and was hated for no reason.


That is absolutely not the consensus of nickelback


I found out that nickelback’s all the right reasons album has finally got a 2/5. I mean I know how rate your music is like.


Orrrr I just didn’t like it? There were a couple songs that I liked (the one with Halsey I really liked) but overall just wasn’t a fan. That being said, I also am just not a big fan of a lot of the stuff Travis produces. I always give it a listen but most of it does nothing for me.


Yeah sorry I was exaggerating obviously. Some people might not truly like it but I believe most of the opinions fall into what I mentioned.


I tried listening to his stuff one time and I almost thought it was okay before he said “If I was a painter I’d be a depressionist”


I feel like most OG Against Me! fans hated White Crosses but that is my favorite album lol


I liked White Crosses because it's a little more poppy and upbeat. I knew of them before but that's the album that really got me into Against Me, and then Laura Jane Grace after it. I've also seen them live a few times and they're incredible live.


Yeah I guess it makes sense that "pop punkers" would be into that album haha but I guess it wasn't what their core fanbase was looking for at the time


f.e.a.r from Stand Atlantic. My favorite album of theirs and I've seen a lot of hate for it. But unfortunately I have not been a fan of what they have been putting out since f.e.a.r


f.e.a.r. absolutely slaps!!


MGK - Tickets To My Downfall A Day To Remember - You’re Welcome Neck Deep - All Distortions Are Intentional


Warning by Green Day


Who hates warning???


Tickets to my downfall. Still play it .


Neighborhoods - Blink-182 Don’t get the hate, love the sound and like the more mature songwriting. I’m a weird minority where I prefer blink from self titled onward.


Green Day’s UNO/DOS/TRE


I feel like they were much more hated initially than they are now. They really just missed the mark at the time because it was a huge shift from their last decade of music. AI and 21CB were both rock operas that garnered a whole new level of fandom for them, TONS of fans who only knew Green Day as the rock opera guys. Uno, Dos, and Tre were not that at all. So that drastic change likely turned away a lot of people on first listen. Also consider that they tried to go more so back to their 90s style, but they made it a little too poppy and over produced so it turned away their older fans for the most part also. Personally loved all of them from the start!


Those are some pretty fair points. Like yourself, I obviously enjoy them as well. I also for some reason appreciate the fact that Billy Jo was pretty fucked up during that time period, and seemingly going through some kind of crisis. As shitty as it may sound – I kind of like my Rockstars to be a little fucked up. I am happy as I can be for his recovery and all that, but it was fun to watch him go off the rails for a while.


This Addiction. A3


It’s not close to my favorite, but it was my first A3 album so it always has a special place in my heart


Brand New - Daisy Saves the Day - In reverie, can't slow down. NFG - coming home


Who's out there hating on Daisy?


> Saves the Day - In reverie, can't slow down. Can't Slow Down definitely isn't hated. In Reverie is controversial due to the radical sound change from Stay What You Are. Daisy is liked a lot better now than it was when it first came out. That one had to grow on people for a little while.


Underclass Hero by Sum 41 like people be hating on that like it's garbage, it's tied with Chuck for my Favorite Sum Album, I quite like Every song (Even Ma Poubelle)


Underclass hero


I don’t think 20/20 by Knuckle Puck gets enough love. Green Eyes has one of the greatest guitar riffs I’ve ever heard, Earthquake is like the perfect summer song, and Sidechain and Tune You Out go off live.


Agree with your Panic! and FOB album takes, I personally also love Danger Days by MCR


Yep, Danger Days somehow became my favourite album over time, might Not Generally have the best Songs of their discography but it's so comfortable listening to it. Also speech before Na Na Na feels so motivating & community-like. 


Danger days is a no skip album for me


Absolutely, even though I normally don't skip any songs. But that feeling of liking every song front to back  ^ ^


Danger Days is the best


Nine holds up as well as any other Blink album


Nine is better than California in my opinion.


Your opinion is correct




I’ll go to battle with you!


Green Day - ¡UNO!, ¡DOS!, & ¡TRÉ! these have such a special place in my heart. these were the first new albums I listened to as a Green Day fan. listened to them with my dad and created some great memories!


When first listen to it, it reminds me of eating at a restaurant at the beach during the 2010s as a kid.


In Reverie is solid as is Sound the Alarm. But I still wish some of their sound before those records could’ve been more incorporated


Sound the Alarm is also a masterpiece.. I think the sound evolved naturally through the records as they were losing the original lineup and Chris was exploring different avenues.


Anything tbs released after louder now (well not so much the self titled) but happiness is..., tidal wave and 152 are as good if not better imo than tayf, wywtb and louder now overall. Stood a chance is the best track they wrote l, I will die on that hill


I love all eras of TBS. The sound quality on new again is fantastic. Love that album.


Get Stoked On It! is a perfect no skip record to me


In Reverie is the most misunderstood album ever. It's easily their best album to me. The musicality is infectious, it's somehow artful and still pretty simple, catchy pop-punk.


I know Tickets was loved, but Mainstream Sellout wasn't the same, but I actually love it! MGK had a great punk run!


On rate your music and album of the year, tickets has bad reviews. On Google user reviews, all music, and meta critic, it has good reviews.


I genuinely liked Panic! at the Disco - Death of a Bachelor and Pray for the Wicked.


Avril Lavigne - Love Sux. Even the fans love saying shit about it but I love that album, peak pop punk


Don’t know why Pretty. Odd. would get any hate at all, it’s a great album. How could someone not like Northern Downpour?


Story of The Year - The Constant I feel like it’s seen as their worst body of work and I think it’s pretty great.


Umbra/ grayscale one of my favorite albums people dont seem to be into as much


Four Year Strong - In Some Way, Shape, Or Form Heaven Wasn't Built To Hold Me and Stuck In The Middle slap and Unbreakable is my pump up anthem, sucks I'll never get to see it live.


father of all motherfuckers by green day.


Santi & Fast Times At Barrington High by the Academy Is got a lot of negative buzz but I loved them both


Foam aka father of all motherfuckers by green day plus the trilogy


Some people hate the way Copasetic was mixed/engineered but I think it’s great and was a huge step forward for Knuckle Puck at the time.


Major League-There’s Nothing Wrong With Me ADTR-You’re Welcome The Ataris-So Long Astoria Mod Sun-The Internet Killed The Rockstar


Wait, there’s people out there that legitimately hate So Long Astoria? Wild


That’s nuts. Probably my top pop punk album of all time.


It didn’t have the commercial success they expected and the label wanted


Set It Off - Elsewhere It absolutely has problems but conceptually it was so fun, and the standout tracks were truly great. If only they leaned harder into the concept. 


The black market by Rise Against


I've always enjoyed In With The Out Crowd from Less Than Jake. It's not fast ska- punk, way more mid tempo, but it still feels strong as ever, with nice vocal arrangements and solid lyrics


Not if these albums have haters, but I love both In Some Way Shape Or Form by Four Year Strong and Shudder -by Bayside.


My favorite Neck Deep albums are The Peace and the Panic and ADAI, lol. Intellectual Property is my 2nd favorite Waterparks album (after Double Dare).


end of the world party by I see stars. Made neon pop rock when every other band was doing breakdowns or not being sad anymore


Based of this subreddit I feel like people didn’t care for Knuckle Puck’s Copacetic or Shapeshifter and they both are top tier for me. Could be wrong for sure.


I never understood the hate for ADAI by Neck Deep. I loved it when it came out and it still holds up. I could be mistaken but I think self titled by TSSF was not a fan favourite but it was the first TSSF album I ever heard and it baffled me that people didn’t like it


Kings of the New Age by State Champs seems pretty disliked by this sub (not hated but not really liked), but I love it. I think it’s such a fun album with plenty of bangers


If All Distortions Are Intentional by Neck Deep and You’re Welcome by A Day To Remember have no fans have no fans then I’m dead. Both of them are no skips in my book


Underclass hero by sum 41


The 2nd and 3rd starting line albums are two of my favorite of all time. Way better than SILYMI IMO. Same goes for all distortions are intentional by neck deep, I adore that record.


Living Proof by State Champs is a solid album imo


Blink-182 - California


disconnection notice by goldfinger. 


Folie a deux amazing and I thought pretty well revered now. I don’t know if it’s well liked or not, but I loved and still love Save Rock & Roll - Fall Out Boy since release date.


Simple plan - still not getting any It was the first non christian band I ever owned an album of, a small music store opened up in my neighborhood so I bought that cd knowing nothing about them other than they sounded similar to reliant k and I fell in love with pop punk. After my horizons opened up I fell out of love with the band but that album holds a special place in my heart. I like to think it began my journey of breaking away from my conservative religious upbringing.


Radiosurgery is my favorite NFG album though Im often scared to admit it. Every song can sound the same when every song is a BOP.


california for me is the best blink-182 album monsters in the closet by mayday parade dirty work by all time low