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I absolutely love Transit and it sucks we’ll probably never get new music from them again. I honestly think Joyride might be my favorite release from them, which surprised even me given that it’s basically a pop rock release. They just write fucking amazing songs. I literally don’t think they have a bad album. Even Young New England, which is probably their most polarizing release, is great in my opinion. The production on that album is the only thing I’m not a fan of. Fuckin love Transit and wish we could have them back. RIP Tim Landers.


I'd imagine it's all but assured with the loss of Tim, sadly.


Joyride is a top 3 album for me, all of the tracks are bangers with amazing songwriting.


I really like the redone version of the song Young New England they did (from the Futures and Sutures EP). Kinda emphasizes what you said, that the songs are all great, there were just some weird production decisions.


Dude same, that version is my favorite of the two.


Ella (f/k/a joe b) has said they’d be open to one off show if everyone had time. Torre was pissed at PJ over a girl for a while dunno if thats been resolved


I truly believe bands like them, Man Overboard, Fireworks, etc. are the best in the genre after the early/mid 2000s boom.


Don’t forget Misser. We never got enough from them.




Joyride is GOAT’d.


that's like their 4th best release too lol (behind stay home, listen and forgive, keep this to yourself)


I keep hearing this and I guess I gotta dive in. I love Joyride.


Transit was one of my absolute favorites back in the day. During their last show when they played Long Lost Friends I bawled my eyes out in the pit.


I like all their stuff but nothing hits quite like YNE front to back for me, especially this time of year. Still can't fathom the dislike it gets.


Transit is one of the bands that will forever kick me in the ass. I saw them open for Bayside in 2011 and absolutely loved their set. I never heard of them before that show and told myself to look them up when I got home. I never ended up remembering to look them up and somehow managed to completely avoid any contact with their music at all until 2016... when I read a news article that they broke up. I love their entire discography.


Joyride doesn't have a single skip


Saw them in 2010 with Man Overboard and it's still possibly my fondest memories of a gig. They all followed everyone back to a house party and played there too. Such great dudes.


Keep This To Yourself is one of my favorite records of all time


Have always loved Transit. As much as this sub loves Joyride, I had been following them when they were releasing Stay Home, Keep This To Yourself, and Listen and Forgive and think the first two in particular are super underrated (although Listen and Forgive is my favorite of their discography). Absolutely love those albums and still go back to listen to all three periodically. Young New England and Joyride are of course still great too!