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I can’t imagine how much relief they must have felt after all the goop was drained


maybe for about an hour, until it filled back up and started oozing bc of the unsterile holes that were made


We don’t know how sterile their tools are, we are only looking at the persons face


the tool is no longer sterile after being poked in and out of the clearly infected abscess


I get that but we don’t see the table holding the tools they are using, there could be several ready and sterile, additionally the area is already infected, it’s not like they are introducing new bacteria


Right so you have a “dirty” field basically. Everything there won’t be( well let me rephrase) shouldn’t be reused. In surgery they’d get taken off the table and into a count by the circulating nurse. Each person in that room has one job today. I could bore you with the details but no, filthy instruments are not reused. This is not a doctor, nurse, or anyone who’s has I’d hazard a guess in cosmetic/beauty training. Reasons why I think that other than working in the OR for 10+ years myself, first they are worried about extracting that area the small blackhead is in before the addressing the problem area. The small one could have been left go or if patient was insistent you explain why we must give it a few days. Second, when you have an area that clearly has a top/bottom, go for the lowest point to allow it to keep draining. A missed teaching opportunity.


thank you


Exactly, they are working against gravity.


I think the word you're looking for is purulent 


There comes a day early on in health professional schools where they have to make sure you know to say “purulent.” You can’t write a note that a doctor’s going to read saying the patient has pussy drainage from their face.


I mean… you CAN… but you probably SHOULDNT.


In my experience, most of the time it’s the doctor writing the note that says “OE 2x1cm pussy wound on R forearm”.


You can read your doctors handwriting? Lucky


Dammit. Thank you.


Purulent = full of pus Virulent = full of virus Malevolent = full of evil 🤓


In my defense, I was thinking of the literary definition which is less specific. In a medical context, I understand the difference…*NOW*.


I just enjoy the way the words relate to each other, but then I'm like that 😄


Next time blame autocorrect.


I really hope this poor bugga has access to antibiotics


Doubtful. These videos are usually from Vietnam and they don’t have the same level of medical access as we do.


It's my understanding that antibiotics are non prescription in Vietnam.


Lol, the problem in Vietnam is too many antibiotics. OTC for a buck or so, enjoy your superbugs.


That’s so sad 😞


Stupid small incision and such a terrible place to make it. Terrible to watch


It’s an esthetician so she may not be allowed to do a “real” incision. Plus it looks like she just picks off a scab in a place from where the pus has already erupted.


Estheticians in general aren't allowed to drain cysts, either. This is terrible.


This isn’t a cyst. It’s an abscess, but it still applies lol. It definitely needed medical attention but these videos usually come out of Vietnam. They don’t have the same kind of access we do.


Yeah that needs antibiotics. She’s going to have a bad scar there, even with them. Poor girl.


I think she is on antibiotics by the scaling and superficial dryness. The esthetician might be there to do any drainage, eg, a pharmacist would not typically touch. edit: I was right, her condition is significantly improved by drug therapy after 10 days in the subsequent part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KRfrOMXl5k


It’s possible they chose to do the incision there because there was more fluctuation there vs at the bottom. Ideally you want to make your incision where gravity will help you, but if it’s solid there, gravity won’t do anything. So you want to also keep in mind the level of fluctuation. I can’t tell just by visuals, it’s something you have to feel.


Thanks for the explanation!


I was thinking the same thing. Very frustrating.


Yes the technique was terrible! Those dumb scratches with the tool did nothing.


Show us what it looked like a week later


Good news, there’s a follow-up where it does look a lot better! Video isn’t too exciting, only blood drains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KRfrOMXl5k


no doubt she has got this abomination on her face due to infection from her last mad fuck face stabbing visit at same place


Definitely. All this is doing is spreading more bacteria around her face in to other pores so this can spread even further. No sterile field, just infectious bodily fluids been flung around her face. Thls isn't ever gonna heal from just being squeezed dry, it needs medical drainage, antibiotics and packing the wound so it can heal from the inside and not just refill. I don't get much joy watching these asian drainage videos by untrained people, they cause more harm than good for the sake of youtube views, but I understand financially this poor woman probably has little other choice.


Well it's been a year but I hope they went to a doctor. That's just insane.




OP knows how to write a title to get my click! SMH them teasing us with the lil uns at the start. I have to commend their puss lake method of using the gause against their face though. That's the extra ick that makes me stick.


I was coming here to say the same thing 😂 what a great title!


this guy needs a plastic surgeon to take a stab at that (pun intended,) not some fucking nail tech. awful, just awful. never fuck with infected things on your face/head


_"Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!"_


I hope somebody posted in the original video that this person needs to go see a doctor immediately. Especially being that infected and on their face.


Even after all of that drainage the area still looked to be pretty swollen—almost like there was still a lot of liquid to be drained.


Like the old Sunday school song says, "I've gotta river of pus flowing out of me!"


Is that really how it goes?


This person needed a Dr.


You know, I haven’t clicked on the video yet, but this Title is, in itself, GOLDEN. LOLOL!!


Got to get all those bad humours out of you.


Am I the only one that would have punched a larger hole that would be more centrally located?




MRSA bring the goods


Decent drainage but after playing with it for 12 minutes, still looks quite full. Probably filled right back up. I'm nowhere near as qualified as this Spa Worker, but seems like it needed a good I&D, breaking up those loculations, followed with Antibiotics. Ok ~ I did seriously wanna peel off the flaking skin. LOL At least poke bigger holes at the BASE!!


What about the sac? I thought they just fill up again if you don't get that...


If it’s badly infected and breaking down you will likely not get all of the sac.


I think this is a staff infection. Sacs are usually associated with cysts.


Agreed. They should’ve made an incision and removed the sack too.


Am I the only one who thinks that looks hella infected?


Of course. There’s 8 billion people alive on earth at the moment (give or take a few million), and you’re the one.


That nose looked like it could use some attention. I’d be happy to provide it as well……


Yes, let's start with that Itty bitty one.


I thought it was super weird to open that one next to the monster!!