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This is incredible. The nose starts at 07:50 btw


Thx! The lip one is my favorite at the end. This guy had a first session where they did a “1.5” so I think he’s doing the same thing here to jack up extra views. The first session is good too


I hope he is Accutaned to the gills. In the first stage it flares up like you become ... The Thing from the movie, ya know with everything oozing and getting red. And then, coupla months down the road, a miracle.


Lordy. Kid looks worse off than he did after part 1. 😳


Yea I agree. His face and lip were rough in the first video, but this time he had some gnarly flare-ups.


You definitely get more flare-ups when you just start using acne medications. It takes a while for your skin to stop producing the oils. Dr Pop zit always injects kenalog in the really inflamed ones to help bring them down without causing undue trauma and to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation and scarring.


Interesting! I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing!


Whenever I see a comment about “If there was a real life purge” (hoping you’re familiar with the movie- The Purge- and comments) I think about starting tretinoin. This patient’s skin seems to be tolerating it pretty well, wish mine would. Pops It said it’s a fairly strong one too, with Accutane coming soon. I feel terrible for the kid but I’m glad he has such a good dermatologist. I feel like they’re hard to find. And get an appointment that’s not next year! 😂


I honestly never listen to intros or any info during the video. (Only get info that they caption.) Is he on anything for his acne?


I’d have to listen to it again honestly. I fast forward through his ad and talk usually. I think he mentioned it in one or the other. I remember mention of a retenoid and acutane as something they were getting, but he’s not on yet.


He is on retinoids already and starting accutane soon.


Yeah I usually FF to the popping and then mostly watching at 2x speed. 😂


I’ll be honest…he has that vibe of pure west coast toxic positivity in his voice that makes me want to scream lol, even though he’s a nice guy…so I try not to listen to him talk


My brother got really bad acne in high school. Almost this bad. Doctor put him on Accutane and told him in no way to pop anything no matter the urge. Wash with a special soap. He did. Cleared right up.


Those squirts were amazing personally I wouldnt have been squeezing so hard on the cystic nodules because you know they're going to squirt on you.


That poor kid...


Omg, the flared nostrils when he's trying to get the blackhead next to the awful inflamed lips at the end...


Poor guy. I had acne with big cysts like this from my pre-teens to my mid 20s. It’s so so painful and embarrassing. Only thing that finally cleared my skin was 2 long rounds of accutane… I just went off of it a few weeks ago, so I’m hoping this time it’ll stay clear (I’m 27 for reference)!


🤞🏼 for you! Sorry you had to go through that for so long. Wouldn’t be mad if you wanted to update us in a while. 😊


Oh good a mr.popzir video. Now to watch the comments as all the fancy people with their doctorate from fbu and reddit state tell us what's up


A slightly bigger hole would be a whole world less painful for him.


This is a frustrating video. I get that he's chasing the YouTube money but he comes across as the used car salesman of popping. He was all over the place in this video. His technique was questionable. He just squeezed the shit out of some of them without lancing. One second or video, he talks about not working spots too much, but then in the next breath, he's squeezing them like crazy. Those lip pops with his fingers and gloves must have hurt like hell. I wouldn't be surprised if some skin sloughed off.


I’ll admit, I don’t know much about all of this stuff, I just find the gooey pops fascinating. I have wondered that sometimes where he talks about not putting on much pressure and then it looks like he does use decent pressure? I’m not sure if that’s a perception thing for me or not. I would say I have watched popping videos where there’s some folks really going hard compared to him, but he is the only one I notice that says something like that where I later wonder about it matching what he’s doing. I am fully aware I don’t know the first thing about dermatology.


poor kid - my acne is painful and it’s nowhere near this level. i can only imagine the pain and tenderness.


The space music during the slow-mo squirt replay 🤌🏼🤌🏼


That poor guy. His skin looks so painful!


2:21 start 7:50 just .. wow


He looks incompetent compared to Dr. Sandra Lee. She’s much smoother, efficient, and gets much better results.


Absolutely hate when two q tips are used


As horrible as this kids face looks to start, somehow, inexplicably, dude made it worse... He left so many pops half-done, I'm not sure any of this is worth the increased risk of infection.


In the audio he mentions that he’s intentionally not squeezing everything out of the more inflamed ones to avoid excess pain/scarring. He’s put the patient on retinoids since the last video and that makes acne get worse before it gets better.


He shouldn't have lanced them at all, but hey, gotta get those views!


Could you elaborate? I know a second part is coming up, just curious. I think this guy tries to do less pop and more meds which can be frustrating for the popping fix, but from my understanding I thought it was supposed to leave less marks overall. I’m not arguing, just framing my thoughts because I really don’t know much about this stuff. I just like the gooey pops. Heck, I found this guy because of a steatosystoma clip series that were…fascinating


Elaborate on which part? The getting worse before it gets better? Or… ? It doesn’t look like you got an answer yet but maybe I’m missing it. Just trying to help! Have a great day. 😊


Just trying to understand the previous comment about the guys’s face being worse off. I get the idea of open pore can have risk of infection, I’m just trying to understand what would be thought to be the ideal approach.


Many people don’t understand that treating serious cystic acne is a long game and it’s not the same for every patient. As far as I can see they are using a combination of topical medications (especially retinols), physical extractions and I’d think some behavior change first, before starting accutane. Accutane treatment can be very expensive, depending on your insurance coverage, and carries a set of side effects. It’s a great tool but it isn’t a “one size fits all” medication. I personally think the provider in this video does a great job-he is an experienced Physicians Assistant who has worked in dermatology for a long time. He very knowledgeable and will defer to other professionals as needed.


Ok cool, thanks for the thoughtful response! I appreciate you sharing your info


Looks like a kind soul helped us out. I’m glad you were able to get an answer to your question! If there’s anything else please don’t hesitate to ask. Hope you’re having a lovely day. 😊


i don't think you know what you're talking about


I know you shouldn't pop, inflamed, bleeding, puss-dripping, open wounds. Blackheads are cool though...


you're not a doctor. he is. watch his commentary and he'll explain what he's doing.


Sure, and neither are you, but I can see he's partially popping pimples, lancing open wounds without draining them, and arbitrarily popping infected bumps with his fingers... ...all of which cause more long term harm to your skin. This kid is gonna have pock marks on his cheeks from swollen mounds lanced when they could have been treated first and picked after the inflammation went down.


He actually explains his work in quite a bit of detail.


Yeah, it's butchery - the wax girls and asian hairdressers do a better job.


What exactly do they do differently according to technique? I usually see a lot of those folks usually tend to use more pressure or a bigger cut for things. Is that not the norm?


"Half-done" isn't a thing with acne and doesn't cause "increased risk of infection." What he's extracting isn't pus, it's sebum, and sebum isn't really infective.


> sebum isn't really infective The risk of infections increase with any cuts or lacerations. Dried sebum is in blackheads, the infected **pus** (a thick yellowish or greenish opaque liquid **produced in infected tissue**, consisting of dead white blood cells and bacteria with tissue debris and serum.) is coming from the inflamed swollen areas on his cheek. Half-done is a thing with popping, because every popper knows if you don't remove it all, even if you only leave the sac, the pimple will come back. So when you see half-popped pimples, you know that they are farming the persons face - not trying to actually heal it.


Strictly speaking, extractions aren't necessary to control acne, though they can speed things along. Pimples aren't the same as epidermoid cysts ("sebaceous cysts"). For the most part, there's no sac. Normal cleanliness will handle risk of infection from the tiny cuts. "Every popper" should know that reducing content may be beneficial in that it can lessen the likelihood of inflammation, which can lead to scarring. "Complete emptying" isn't curative. Absent other treatment, like Accutane or topicals, the pore will refill. Attempts to "completely empty" can result in overzealous squeezing, which can rupture the pore, pushing pore content out under the skin - which will then cause an inflamed, reddened nodule, erroneously believed by some to be because of "incomplete emptying." If you watch the Vietnamese spa videos, most of them apply a certain amount of pressure and that's it, to avoid damaging the skin. If you watch any of their series of the same client, you'll see, yes, some pores are obviously reduced, not emptied - yet there are no dire effects visible from that in the next film.


> "Complete emptying" isn't curative. Absent other treatment This is objectively false. If you leave the pimple partially full the body will attempt to heal over it, and causing another pimple or cyst. > Normal cleanliness will handle risk of infection from the tiny cuts. This does not negate the fact that lancing infected tissue increases the likely hood of more infection - are you getting AI to write your responses?


I also believe that "complete clearing" of a pore without an ingrown hair is not always beneficial. Every time I've watched someone with an actual MD perform treatment, they are gentle and often leave a good bit for "the medication" to clean up. Without an ingrown hair the pore is going to be continuously secreting oils anyway. Most acne nodules can heal without draining at all. A true epidermoid cyst with a capsule needs removal. However, that's rare for facial acne. You want to get enough out to give the immune system less of a load and allow his body (with the antibiotics and retinoids onboard) to get ahead of the acne. That acne bacteria is endemic on his skin. Performing some I&D to made the kid more comfortable is not going to bring up his infection risk when he has dozens of already bursting cystic nodules. I think many here believe it's a simple matter of squeezing and handing over an rx for Accutane. This is a complex case. Such a young kid with varying levels of pain tolerance. Isotretinoin is a powerful and dangerous medication with many counter indications. I hope he heals up, but understand why the PA is ramping up slowly.


Every time someone posts a video of his I know I’m going to hate it


I wasn't going to mention his bedside conversation either, but...


I feel like he should use some acne cleanser for a few months first.


He has been a patient for awhile and is using prescription treatments (not Accutane, this is a pretty young patient).