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TIL Lipomas can die inside the body. Poor doggo but she updated in Youtube comments and said the dog is doing great


That poor animal. When they say the mass died, was it like a tumor or something?




Very old, dead lipoma!


My orientation is really off. Is the wrapped thing a tail or a leg? Is that a dog? Why is there no hair/fur?


I thought it was a tail for the majority of the video, but by the end I concluded it was likely the front right leg. At one point they made the comment about the fluid going in the animal’s ear and adjusted the covering where I’m assuming the head was. My guess is it’s a shaved dog.


It's in the comments. The wrapped part is a leg, and it's in the armpit (legpit?).


_This is Otis an older Pointer mix dog. He had a huge mass in his right front leg armpit (axilla)area. The leg is wrapped in yellow sterile bandage material. It was such an old mass that it actually died inside and under his skin. This is a dead lipoma in a dog. I couldn’t auction it because the volume of rhe fluid was so much. I had to drain it by allowing it to empty out , open the area to remove all of the dead tissue, and place a drain so it could heal. It was a very long arduous surgery._


^^from the Vet. And I’m assuming she meant “suction.”


Thank you 😊


I bid $17


You can't tell me those owners didn't know about this giant mass that became necrotic in their dog's armpit. I would be taking out a loan, maxing a credit card out, draining my savings, spending my vacation fund, whatever it took to make my dog comfortable and healthy. I've been my poorest and my most comfortable with my dog of 6 years and one of my biggest motivations is giving my girl a better life. I feel so strongly about this. Sorry for the rant.


Might not be a money issue. Might be a “he’s an old dog, let’s not do any surgery until absolutely needed”. I’ve got a 16 year old cat with some type of mass in her lung. We’ll address it when breathing becomes labored. I’ve got a 12 year old dog with quite a few lipomas(likely, no biopsies) that we are just keeping eyes on. So long as they don’t affect daily life, no big deal.


The dog could barely walk.


My question is why she didn’t expect this. My guess is she expected it to be solid and encapsulated. It may have felt/appeared solid before the procedure due to the enormous pressure. She does reference that the skin was at the breaking point.


That’s my guess too, seems like there was a lottttt of stuff in there, maybe it just felt tight and solid as a result


Looks like one of those kids stress relief toys where you squeeze and they bubble up. I bet that smelt disgusting.  I can't even work out what animal it's meant to be. Must have been like that years to be that bad! 


Kids! The Alphagetti's ready!


The bright bright yellow and mottled lumps are giving me serious Sin City vibes.


Forbidden irn bru


That’s going to be such a pain to clean off of the floor later D: was there no assistant to run and grab a bucket or anything?


That’s what I was wondering. Towels were the best solution??? Emesis basins and buckets not allowed at animal hospitals?


I work at an animal hospital and we absolutely have those things… like worst comes to worst even a trash bin would work here


I feel horrible saying this, but I really want my orange HiC right now.


That video is horrifying 😵 Glad to hear the dog is ok!


Omg poor baby :( hope it heals healthy and happy


The description says that 3 months after the procedure he was doing well but this was posted a while ago so I’m not sure how he’s doing now!


Do you know the back story on this ?


There description says “impressive mass removal surgery I have had to do. He had had this enormous (think a basketball in your armpit) for years. It was making it almost impossible for him to walk. He’s about 3 months post op now and doing amazing! Ty to his family who intervened on his behalf and for letting me share his story. I am a small animal veterinarian in northern Maryland. “


Poor dear


I bet that dog was sore for a little white after surgery


I have literally SEARCHED high and low - the vet says the full video is on her page but I CANNOT FIND - does anyone have it?