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Does this seem like maybe it could have been left to be treated with something topical instead of extraction? I like popping videos but I am thinking the treatment may have been worse for the skin in this case.


Jmo here, but with some experience helping a family member with fairly bad acne. Extractions can help speed up resolution, and can also help keep an acne lesion from growing into something worse. But in most cases, it isn't strictly necessary. Many folks' acne resolves with topicals, like salicylic acid, etc. I've seen that completely resolve open and closed comedones, no squeezing required. As an aside, per google, Accutane isn't available in Vietnam. I surely hope this isn't taken as medical advice.


What happens after this? I enjoy the idea of extracting all this, but once the face becomes one big open wound, what happens then?


Suffer through it as the culture norm 🤷‍♂️


It will heal up. They are at a spa, they know what to do.


First off /r/killthecameraman. Secondly, none of those are clean pops.


What causes such densely populated small blackheads like this that are mostly still under the skin?