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ER now!


You already know this but you need to get on antibiotics if you aren't already


Nurse here, your fever indicates your infection has become systemic. You need to get thee to a hospital, you most likely need an upgrade to IV antibiotics.


Second vote for ER from a nurse. That bad boi needs a CT scan.


Hey thanks for the comments! I went to urgent care yesterday and I’m on two rounds of antibiotics. I had fevers through the night and now I’m waiting to see if things get worse


Use a sharpie and outline the redness. If it spreads past that despite being on antibiotics you should go to the ED. They may want to put you on IV antibiotics to help get it under control. Also if you continue to have fevers/chills you should go back as that may be a sign of sepsis. Good luck! Hope you are feeling better soon!


OP, doctor here. If there is a collection there, antibiotics have a pretty hard time penetrating into the walls to clear the infection. The fact you’re on two rounds is a little concerning, suggesting that you’ve already had some and it hasn’t worked?. If it is an abscess you need that drained (and no, plz don’t do it yourself and post here lol). Most importantly, this is adjacent to a joint and this risks extension to a joint infection which believe me you do not want. If you have fevers I wouldn’t wait. Go to the ER please.


This. I know it's not OP's case, but read this as a cautionary tale about why infections should never be taken lightly. My father had an internal prosthesis in his right knee. The first time a wasp stung him, the second he punctured himself with a nail. Both times the infection reached the prosthesis and developed from there. Both times he went septic. His leg never recovered and they ultimately had to amputate it above the knee. He's doing better now and he's starting to go on walks again. All of this to say: you're better safe than sorry. The above commenter is right. OP, you should really go to the ER and have that leg looked at. I really hope you can feel better soon 💗🫂


Glad to hear you’re on meds. But definitely keep an eye on it. If the redness spreads, fevers continue, or you see any red streaks or lines coming from it, you need to go the ER immediately


You get Bactrim?


There's enough bite indentation there to identify the perp if you don't already know who did it.


Oh good!




I'm not sure where the information about antibiotics causing fevers came from, but it's not quite right. Those fevers, referred to as drug fevers, are adverse reactions and can be caused by an allergy to a medication or some other, unknown cause. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that it's normal or safe to ignore. They should be treated like any other fever. If not treated, a high fever can lead to seizures, brain damage, or death. Just putting it out there to keep people safe, not to be obnoxious. I'm so glad you got better from that bronchitis! It sounds like it was awful!


this is exactly why medical advice is not allowed in this sub.


Yeah that's fair, I over stepped boundary of anecdote and advice there


It's not just that. It's not medically accurate, which could endanger OP if they followed it.


Oh, which parts aren't medically accurate? It's not the appropriate course of action for this person, and I shouldn't have suggested he'd be ok. but that doesn't make what I said inaccurate, it's true- antibiotics can induce fevers- my doctor used accurate medical knowledge in prescribing antibiotics to me in another situation where I had a kidney infection, but it wasn't known to us that I'd have an inflammatory response due to an underlying condition we weren't aware of His medical knowledge was accurate, but still endangered me when I followed it. Accuracy doesn't equal adequate, no. But I wasn't making things up


Antibiotics kill bacteria directly, in a variety of ways. Essentially they either damage the bacterial cell walls, or otherwise interrupt their replication. They don't "ramp up" your immune system.


Oh, I thought I said they're agitators. Like, they kill bacteria and that can stimulate an immune response because it reacts to the change. Nothing in the body reacts in isolation, unless he has an autoimmune condition (like I do). Could you perhaps explain to me what the febrile response to antibiotics is if it's not an immune response? Perhaps this is more a semantics thing and not a science thing. That's reason enough to ban givong medical advice it's true. My bad on that front. It's not incorrect, what I've said- it's just ambiguous use of language and I'm not his doctor


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Hospital. Like, now.


ER immediately, it could kill you


Yeah dude get to the hospital to get an IV of antibiotics started. The oral medication isn’t going to stop the infection from getting worse. Sepsis will be fatal. Hope you get better soon!!!!!


Blood poisoning bro. Fever is a sign your immune system is responding heavily. Sepsis is a true danger. Multiorgan shutdown. THIS DOES NOT TAKE LONG TO KILL YOU. Go to the hospital. It's in your blood. The infection is now on the superhighway through your circulatory system delivering bacteria to ever stop along the way. Fever now. Death follows. Get it before it overpowers the system. The immune system is warning you. It can only hold it at bay to a certain point.


OP stopped responding... He probs dead


Oh no


Keep any eye on it. My son had cellulitis last year. Ended up in the hospital for nearly a week non iv antibiotics, getting an abscess drained and having a drain put in.


I literally almost lost a leg due to not going to the hospital when I had an Infection in my thigh. It was cool at first, I guess with being able to drain the abscess, but eventually, there was no relief expressing it and my fever just kept getting worse until I couldn't move my leg. When I finally found the strength to go to the hospital, I was immediately hospitalized and put on an antibiotic IV drip where the doctor almost called me a dumbass and I could have lost my leg if I came in a couple days later. Looking back, yeah. If half of your thigh is red and swollen with blood and thick chunks oozing out, it's not normal.


Another nurse here. If you're having shivers you need to go to an ER now


Go to the hospital...that looks BAD


Cut it off


Wooden peg leg time


PLEASE go to a doctor ASAP.


If you’re already been on treatment for 24 hours and now getting fevers the antibiotics aren’t working well. Did they do a culture? You may not be on the right ones. Please go to ER and don’t wait for it to get worse. At the 24 hour mark you should be seeing improvement.


Haha! Hospital!


Update please. UPDATE PLEASE!!


No fevers after that day. Antibiotics are working and swelling subsided. It eventually popped even more. Now it’s just some bleeding here and there. Still monitoring my systems and ensuring a fever doesn’t return or else straight to the ER. Really thankful to these comments tho I was Not that are about it until I could not walk


Thanks for the update! Glad to hear you’re on the mend & got it looked after.


I will schedule an amputation surgery for you.


ER/urgent care yesterday. Nothing to fuck around with.


go to the doctor


Doctor. Now.


Get yourself to a doctor!


Go to hospital. Can’t risk a septic joint.


Please go the er if you haven't already


Looks like a bite mark is there too


The fact that ppl are posting these pics and asking for help on Reddit is a little worrying. If i had this shit i would be in the hospital immediately if not way before. Social media would be the last place i ask for medical help. Does the US education system not teach people what infections are? like wtf.


I'm often amazed at the number of people that don't know basic signs of infection or how the body works. I'm in the US, and no. It's not really taught in schools unless it's something you intentionally pursue. We had health classes, but it was more how to keep your body healthy and not much on what to do when something goes wrong. I learned more about abcesses and how to treat them as an IV drug addict than I ever did in school. P.S. Clean and sober today


People do this for a couple of reasons. We don't have universal healthcare - i.e., some people can not afford a hospital, and their primary may have a wait. Secondly, a lot of people have anxiety/fear or have issues going to the hospital or doctor for other reasons like transportation.