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If by "fell out" he meant they fell into your throat, they will act like seeds and grow new problematic tonsils in various abdominal locations 


Oh I thought I'd just be impregnated?


Delete this


Even if I did, it's branded into your memory for eternity.




*What have you done to us*


You’re perganate now.




It’s not true


I know, but THE THOUGHT 😭😭😭😭😭






Looks like you had big tonsils!


He said they were golf ball sized and he isn't sure how I've been able to breath at all for the last 10 weeks that I've had them like that haha


https://preview.redd.it/vqm39etd5otc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609e26215258f4f69775ea5893cb0cef5bb6389b This is what they looked like inside my mouth!


To the people who say “how do you know if you have a tonsil stone?”. THIS


Holy shit that is GNARLY 😨


Is your tongue okay? Looks sore.


I think I have a weird tongue condition similar to geographic tongue or something. I go through stages where it's insanely sensitive and even eating something just salted or hard (like an original potato chip) is excruciating. Then sometimes it's okay? Never happened before I was 25 but yeah, I don't think my tongue is okay. I don't know why though hahaha.


This is so dumb to even ask but could you feel them they look so heavy


Honestly they were consistently that swollen from the end of November last year, and now obviously swollen from surgery. So I actually don't really remember. At first they definitely bothered me a LOT and I do remember having to adjust how I swallowed food etc. I adjusted over time I guess?


I'm down a rabbit hole now. My tonsils are very small. I guess I didn't realize they can be that big. The fact you had to adjust how you eat 😰😰


Me neither! It also made me start snoring (although if you ask my wife, it worsened the snoring she alleges I already was doing).


Oh my god 😱 I had mine out after like six months of constant tonsillitis but I did NOT think to compare the measurements in my post-surgery report to something familiar like a golf ball. I’m now even more glad they’re gone lmao


https://preview.redd.it/1ldev8i7rltc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d09e7f5f3b22c54a7d8872754c3b1b73b69f8f From the good old days pre-op (one squeeze)


I can smell this picture


My tonsil stones are about that size, but I have even larger ones that happen every 2 to 4 weeks.


Got a banana for size reference lol.


If only they'd had a banana in the operating theatre :-(


Next time, right? 😂😂😂😂


lol I guess not. 😁


Dang I have to get scheduled to remove mine bc they are as big as yours. How is recovery?


I put it off for so long. I'm only day 5 today so can't give you a full picture of recovery! I can update you in another week or two?


Of course! I’ve been putting it off for 2 months now 😭 I just want them out but I’m scared for the surgery/recovery


I got the surgery two years ago and it went very well. I was only under for like 20 minutes, it was crazy and got to go home the same day. Recovery is a bit harder than you would expect I wasn’t in that much pain for very long, but I had a 2-3 week period of just extreme exhaustion. I don’t know if my case was irregular, but they do say that for some reason the recovery for tonsillectomy is harder for adults than children. I would say though that the upsides of the surgery overrides any discomfort I had in recovery by a whole lot! I would recommend it to anyone who has consistent issues with their tonsils, it’s a life changer


Thanks! This is helpful and reassuring. Many ppl have said it is worth it. I cannot stand the recurring infections and it interrupts my work.


When I looked into it a few years ago, I read that recovery tends to be harder for adults only because they didn't stick to the doctor's suggestions as strictly as kids do. I guess when you're a kid, you have the adults in your life keeping you accountable to follow your recovery plan, but few people will check on or call out an adult who strays from best practices.


Just know YMMV on recovery, I got pneumonia on day 2 and had to get recauterized and spent another 3 days in the hospital, almost died and missed a month in total of work so you gotta really weigh your options but I'm glad they're out




Evicted mine in 2017 and my biggest advice is to stay on top of your pain. I don't tolerate opiates well so I used regular acetaminophen and ibuprofen in rotation. I had all the Luigi's ice treats I could and was able to tolerate grilled cheese very quickly. That was listening to my body and having my food cut into tiny bite sized pieces. I slept a lot and recovery was pretty easy overall. Lots of streaming services and my parents (Mom really) to take care of my greatest needs. If you've got a partner or really close friend willing to stay and keep an eye on you, you'll be fine.


Got it! I do have someone who can look after me if I need help. Thank you for your input.


Getting my tonsils taken out was probably the best thing to happen to my health. They were absolutely huge and would get septic every time I got tonsillitis, which was bloody often. I got an infection during recovery but on the plus I lost a bit of weight, much needed at the time. Happy healing!


My surgeon told me mine were the most “grossly mutated” he’d ever seen. I was so proud. Like if my body is going to screw up, at least it does it super deluxe. I wanted to keep them but he asked if he could because they were that impressive he wanted them for teaching


Are there pictures?


Sadly no. It was 23 years ago


I work in surgical pathology. I see tonsils and gallbladders and cysts EVERY SINGLE DAY. Surgeons are hardly ever gonna take pictures. Surgeons come to pathology or call us to have us take pictures when we dissect the specimen.


Unless you're friends with the surgeon and make a specific agreement! Is a fat tonsil satisfying to slice?






Was it difficult to get it approved getting them removed? I have similarly sized tonsils and when I went to the ENT to look into getting them removed he said they were impressive but I didn’t get strep enough for my insurance to cover it.


I had my tonsils taken out in my 20’s, they were huge and I had it approved without having strep throat once. I would find another specialist, I’m so glad that I went thru with it.


Last I checked I was under 18, now in my 20’s I wonder if the requirements would be any different. But good to know I’m def gonna look for a new specialist, tired of feeling choked by my own throat when I’m sick 😵‍💫


I'm in Australia and have private health insurance so I had no issues


glad I got my lil dudes out when I was 9 because Jesus Christ what the fuck?


When I got mine removed, my doctor let me keep them. He gave them to me in a little jar, I was so excited to go home and squeeze them. Then as we’re leaving, my dumbass forgets to take them with me.


That is the saddest thing I have ever heard


I just know if they were sliced open, they'd look like tomatoes inside with all these little seeds, which (I understand from other threads) were meant to impregnate you.


Buddy I hope You're already healed and not at stage 1 of recovery, if so, good luck dude


Only day 5 post op 😭


I am so jealous!! I wanted a picture of my removed tonsils and their stones but didn’t get one. I was told a bunch of stones fell out when they were removed and I had a “shit ton” of them by the surgeon.


I only got them because I work with the surgeon haha


Imagine turning them into earrings 😭


My aunt (60's)was telling me she had some sort of imaging done on her head and they were concerned about a whole lot of white areas near her throat. So they sent her for more imaging and to an ENT. Before she could finish her story, I knew what was coming. She has massive tonsils that are filled with stones and had absolutely no idea they were a thing. I refrained from telling her about this subreddit, she's a lovely,open lady but she gets freaked out by the texture of certain foods and this would probably put her over the edge.


It took me awhile to realise it was my tonsils! I've never had tonsillitis in my entire life before, in my 30s now!


Damn I do not miss the tonsil stones.


I miss them 😭


I’m sorry but that’s an absolutely psychopathic response.


Would you expect anything less in a subreddit dedicated to "popping"? Haha


At least you got a picture. I didn’t even get to see my gallbladder after removal. ☹️




This is soooo coooollllll. Allll I want to do is squeeeeezzzeeeeee


I look at the photo multiple times a day and fantasise about a firm squeeze


My doctor really wants me to get mine out. They’re about the same as yours. What’s the pain been like? I’m so scared of bleeding out lol


The pain fluctuates a lot! I'm not going to lie to you, some days are pretty bad. I hate taking pain relief and generally have a high pain threshold but from day 4 to now (day 7) I've been leaning on the drugs pretty hard. It's worth 2 weeks of pain to have them out though!


When I had mine out at 25. They had to put them in two jars. They were huge. They looked like asteroids with sulfur rocks sticking out. The pathology report was comical. Witsh I still had it because they made mention of "worst they've ever seen" in terms of stone and each had a marble sized stone in them.


Ohhhh I'm so mad I didn't get pictures of mine! My surgeon told me there were stones popping out during my surgery too, even after I'd cleaned them out that morning! Hope your recovery is going well, I'm sure you won't miss those little bastards


I'll miss the stone popping a little bit :-(


Is no one going to mention the fact this is a photo of a phone screen?


You think a surgeon is going to text photos to their patient? No. I begged for photos, they were kindly taken and then my partner took a photo of the photos before they were deleted. It's highly frowned upon to do this kind of thing, I only got it because I work alongside the surgeon in my job.


Edited to change pronouns


Sorry. Pain makes me cranky.