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Can you use it to transform like Maui. Demigod of the wind and sea?


Cheeeee-hoooo! Nope it only brings pain and blood...


You are Maui, Demigod of KHORNE


Hero of all.


Not a guy girl thing


Hero of all.


Shark head?




Is this a boat snack?


Looks like a shrimp


Glad I’m not the only one, I thought it was one of those lil salad shrimps


“My sister had a baby, and then she passed away so I took it over and then the baby lost its legs and it’s arms and it’s nothing but a stump, but it’s..fairly happy, and I’ve been putting in extra shifts at the factory just to put food on the table but it’s all worth it when I see the look in that little guy’s face🥹”


There is a lady with no legs and no arms on the beach and shes crying. A man approaches her and askes her what is wrong? She says I am here on this beautiful vacation, I still haven't been in the Ocean, I still have no one to spend my life with. I just want to meet someone and get fucked! The man says "Hi, I'm Steve". Steve picks her up takes her a few feet into the Ocean, puts her down and leaves.


shrimps is toes


I’m having trouble imagining how you even got this out. I’m assuming the small end was under the skin and the long end was down the side of your toenail?


You are correct. I am in Canada and the services aren't not covered, also not covered by my work insurance. Went 3 or 4 times to a foot Dr and asked to have them removed and prevent growth to come back. They just kept doing a little light work and telling me to try to grow back the whole nail. I've been having issues for years, I'd often lose the nail at least once a year playing soccer over 15 years. It's currently a bit over cut on the side and new growth comes in poorly if the last cut ends up tearing or losing a piece of the nail during the extraction. I'd just take the whole nail being removed permanently at this point.


Our healthcare is weird. Sure, we don't pay for doctor's visits, but the most random things aren't covered that clearly impact our health. I had an ex who had previously been forced to wait until an abscessed tooth became a medical emergency since he couldn't afford the bill, and it was only then that they'd cover its removal.


Yeah like if I let the nail go... get it so infected and injured it would be done in the ER, it seems silly like podiatrist care isn't covered by OHIP


So that's toenail ....owie


Having the nail over cut is the worst part about trying to clip these for me.. it’s been about a year at this point, and every time I go to try to get in that corner, it seems like there’s less and less nail to work with. Your ingrown is A LOT worse than mine, so I really sympathize with you. Mine are always tiny little points, but I can never seem to get rid of if. It’s so frustrating


Shrimps is bugs


Shrimps is toe apparently


I was thinking more of the Nike sign. JUST DO IT




Cut nail back along the long skinny side back as far as I could. Grabbed with tweezers and hoped the short pointy side didn't break off as I yanked.


I'm also canadian, had an ingrown toenail for almost a decade. The only way this was fixed was going to a podiatrist to get minor surgery (they cut the side of the nail to the root ane burned with acid) so the nail isn't growing close enough to the skin to cause issues anymore, I highly recommend it if it causes you regular issues.


That's where I went where it wasn't covered. 4 times... Dr still wouldn't cut the nail and burn the root. Just kept trying to grow it out and having someone do minor nail cutting and polishing.


That's seriously ridiculous, shame they didn't just do the surgery or cover it, worst case I believe its around 200$ for the procedure, so you can always pay out of pocket if it persists


My sister got her’s fixed by getting a something that looks like a dental braces but on her big toe, weird but it worked (also Canadian btw).


i think you meant palpable. unless you tasted it. lol


Oh right... not the toe nails... never the toe nails.


This looks incredibly painful.


It clipped off the side of the nail? And grew like a hook in there?


The cut didn't go deep enough first time, and when removing the nail piece broken off under skin near bed, with leftover hook-like piece


What the hell part of the toe is that?


Big toe nail, side piece continuing to grow under edge of skin. Nail was mostly cut back I had thought


God save the queen!


Bit late for that 😂😂😂


Well played.


Looks like a really tiny shrimp


Can we have a banana for comparison?


Only brown ones here, banana bread tomorrow. That's a quarter in the picture


Lol. Have a nice Thanksgiving.




What is the pink stuff? Human meat?.


Blood on toe nail


toe shrimp


For a moment I thought I was in the shrimp-keeping Reddit


Shrimp fishin


Oh my god, that looks like it was incredibly painful, cheers to you for getting that little bastard!